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Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 05.14.2006, 07:55 AM:

  Good Poem

allrighty then: heres my latest poem, i've got more if anyone asks for them

I Used To Shiver

I used to get cold
But not anymore
I used get chilled
But now I am warm
I used to see darkness
But now I see day
I used to see death
But alive I will stay
I once had sorrows
Lots of regrets
I had bad memories
Which now I forget
I used to shiver
But not anymore
I now am strong
I shiver no more

Posted by Phyrra on 05.14.2006, 08:11 AM:


That poem is fantastic!

I write lots of short stories, but find poems harder to pull off.

I have a question... Is rap a form of poetry? I think poetry is amazing in general, but I also think that rap is the lowest, uncreative, appalling kind of music in the history of the world...

Ok, so that was a little harsh. But the poem you wrote really was skillful. If a rap artist performed your poem, then perhaps I would look on the dispicable art in a better light.

Keep up the good work. And by the way, I think Coldplay makes real music. If you have any other poems, I'd love to hear them. You obviously have talent

I hope you don't hate me too much for what I said about rap.....


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by micg huz on 05.14.2006, 02:12 PM:


yeh man thats really nice!!!!!!
i like all the postitive contrasts to the bad and down ways we can all so easily fall into.
made me happy

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Posted by shiawase on 05.15.2006, 07:27 PM:


I have numerous poems, I'll post them somtime. I really like yours though!!!


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 05.16.2006, 07:39 AM:


thanks for your appreciation. & Phyrra, i also write rap songs, & rap isn't really a form of poetry, but it takes a lot of talent to create good lyrics. the likes of 50cent & snoop dogg stuff it up, they're just about saying how "gangster" & tough they are. writing rap lyrics takes a lot of creativity, & a lot more inspiration than rock or metal. but i'm curiouse, why do u lay these allegations on rap? & yes, u where a bit harsh, i have nothing against you though. jst tone it down a bit
& check out poems by 2pac, he could write pretty good poems as well.

Posted by mpw3d on 05.16.2006, 11:29 AM:


clap.... clap.... clap.... whooooooooo nice one mate proper gd
i can't write poems for beans lol but ur real good XDDDDD.

keep up the good work mate............


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 05.16.2006, 11:42 AM:


thanks man, & poetry is easy 2 write, just write the words that sound the same way as you feal, even it it feals stupid.


Posted by Phyrra on 05.16.2006, 02:47 PM:


Originally posted by I-B4-E THUG
& Phyrra... u where a bit harsh, i have nothing against you though. jst tone it down a bit

Thank you... I was getting quite worried that a group of armed 'thugs' would bombard my house and hold me hostage until i changed my mind about rap... It's such a relief to hear you hold nothing against me... phew...

I was very unfair actually. Not all rap is bad. What I don't like is rap that's aggressive and spreads ridiculous messages about the use of guns and drugs in modern society. i hope I said that in the nicest possible way... or "toned down a bit".

I sometimes wonder how much guncrime, drug abuse and various other 'malicious deeds' are caused by this kind of rap.

I'm not saying everyone who listens to this kind of rap will turn into gun weilding maniacs... but perhaps a very, very small proportion do...

There... my first ever argument which isn't OTT.


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 05.17.2006, 07:43 AM:


people get into drugs & guns before they listen to rap, thats why gangster rap is so appealing to them. & of all the rap i listen to, i'd never draw a gun on somebody else, & drugs was done becuase life was shitty, not cuz of rap.

Posted by Phyrra on 05.17.2006, 03:01 PM:


Originally posted by I-B4-E THUG
of all the rap i listen to, i'd never draw a gun on somebody else

I didn't mean to say that you would!

Gangster rap, eh? So that's what it's called... I'll be sure to remember that. thx.

Ermm... could I ask you a question I-B4-E-THUG? It might be too personal, and if so, don't feel like you have to reply!

What was the drugs like, and do you think it helped? I'm not trying to be a teacher or something, I was just curious. Not cos I'm thinking of taking them. NO WAY, but I was kinda curious about what actually happens. At school we're taught "The consequences of drugs" out of a mouldy text book with dust covered pages. I wondered what it was realy like... don't reply if you'd perfer not to...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by mpw3d on 05.17.2006, 06:13 PM:


i like some rap like cypress hill and some eninem and all that... but i do hate people like 50 cent. I've found a japanese rap band called "drunken Tiger" you should check them out there pretty good. but this is only my sayin though...
sure wouldn't want a cap in my ass....... lol XD if thats what people do.


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 05.22.2006, 08:45 AM:


Originally posted by Phyrra
What was the drugs like, and do you think it helped? I'm not trying to be a teacher or something, I was just curious. Not cos I'm thinking of taking them. NO WAY, but I was kinda curious about what actually happens. At school we're taught "The consequences of drugs" out of a mouldy text book with dust covered pages. I wondered what it was realy like... don't reply if you'd perfer not to...

ahhhhhhhhhhhh man, speed fucked me up good, bad depression after the high & i was sort of addicted, but weed was worth every single moment of it, & it helped me quit speed. luaghing gas is a good one as well, probly the safest drug around. when you ask if it was worth it, for me it was, im still getting a's & b's at school, so i guess im allright. im not encouraging use though, it effects different ppl differently

& mpw3d i hate 50 as well, hes a fake, & ill check out Drunken Tiger

Posted by Phyrra on 05.22.2006, 04:20 PM:


Hmmm... I didn't mean for my post to be so hilariously funny.

Meh, glad it made you laugh... Thanks for answering though, but laughing gas? I thought laughing gas was meant to be extremely dangerous, you can die from laughing too much... Unless "laughing gas" is some kind of codeword for another drug...

Anyway, have a good day


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by shiawase on 05.23.2006, 03:42 AM:


Originally posted by Phyrra
Unless "laughing gas" is some kind of codeword for another drug...

Nope it's not, lol, laughing gas is laughing gas. Used in dental clinics, no worries.
Or at least i've never heard of it in my city....


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Phyrra on 05.23.2006, 12:08 PM:

  Nitrous Oxide, chemical formulae: NO

Lol, asked my Chemistry teacher about laughing gas today. Turns out that the TV show I saw where a guy almost died of laughing was made up. Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, is a very effective painkiller. It can make someone giggle when taken in large quantities, but gives a really euphoric high.

Some people in my class had been given laughing gas to stop pain after a sport injury.

Oh, and about being a 'safe drug'. An overdose kills you. Doesn't really seem all that safe to me.

Mind you, an overdoes of anything kills you. An overdose of food or water could potentially kill someone. Anyway, at least now I know that laughing gas is an anaesthetic, not a laughter inducer.


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by shiawase on 05.23.2006, 12:10 PM:


Good to know, I'm actually glad we cleared that up. lol, was a tid bit confused. All better!


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.23.2006, 12:54 PM:


Turns out that the TV show I saw where a guy almost died of laughing was made up.

Dunno about a TV show, but that also happens in the film 'Little Shop Of Horrors', to Steve Martin who plays the sadistic dentist! In that movie, he dies because he's wearing the gas tank on his back and has on a fitted mask, and he accidentally breaks the valve off the tank...the gas pours out, and he can't get the mask off, so he's breathing only gas and no oxygen, hence the death!
And speaking of overdosing on food...chocolate is actually poisonous, but 'cos we eat such small amounts, it doesn't affect us! To be lethal, you'd have to eat 22lbs of chocolate (and that's a loooooot of chocolate!!)


Posted by micg huz on 05.23.2006, 01:06 PM:


sen your taste in movies continues to astound me - little shop - what a movie. have you seen the not so camp original?
also if you consume over 15grammes of nutmeg its lethal - but less than that is actually quite an enjoyable halucinagen.
but watch the dosage.

laputa is a
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Posted by shiawase on 05.25.2006, 03:07 AM:


Originally posted by micg huz
also if you consume over 15grammes of nutmeg its lethal - but less than that is actually quite an enjoyable halucinagen.
but watch the dosage.

*scrambles for his roomates nutmeg stash* I'll let you know just how lethal...


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 05.25.2006, 07:35 AM:


lol, poetry to drugs, i love my threads

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