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Posted by shiawase on 05.25.2006, 03:12 AM:

SpongeBob Squarepants

*Hums theme song, imagines himself playing his nose like a flute* Any other followers of The Sponge in here? *Points to his yellow cloak*


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Phyrra on 05.25.2006, 12:05 PM:


You'd know if you've read one of my posts in the Big brother thread that I too am a faithful follower of Sponge Bob.

I think, that when so many films and other things on TV are violent, explicit or contain loads of swearing, that Sponge Bob provides a piece of entertainment that isn't all childish and is very enjoyable. In my opinion Sponge Bob is like a cartoon version of Monty Python's flying circus...

My favourite character is Squidward . Anyone else?


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by shiawase on 05.25.2006, 12:12 PM:


I absolutely love Patrick Star. "I love being purple!" as he points outs so brightly. "I can't see my forehead... " lol Patrick rocks my socks!! I own the movie... *blushes*


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Phyrra on 05.25.2006, 02:48 PM:


Nothing wrong with owning the movie, I own it too!

Patrick's cool, my brother likes him best. I even have a mug with some of the Sponge Bob characters on, hehe...

Are we the only two who like this cartoon? someone else must like good 'ol Sponge Bob?

Squidward is though, by far, the ultimate one. Is there an order to the episodes, or can they be watched randomly? *sigh* if only I were eating a Kraby Patty... a vegetarian one though... if they exist...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by ~eef~ on 05.25.2006, 05:56 PM:

i <333333333333333333333 spongebob!
he's sooo funny! ive seen the movie too, also own it XD lol patrick is my fav.
"did you see my underpants....did you want too?" lmao!
my fav. episode is the one with the invisible spray, laughed my ass off!
think im a bit obsessed >_<

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 05.25.2006, 08:33 PM:


spongebob is awesome - the movie was great too! i luved the "goofy goober" song


Posted by shiawase on 05.26.2006, 12:00 PM:


The Goofy Goober song *romantic sigh* "We're all goofy goobers, yeah, goofy goofy goober goober yeah!" lol I don't think the shows really have a special order to them. But obviously the first season explains the origin of things and how Sponge Bob meets everyone under the sea. Like Sandy Squirrel for instance. She cam from Texas and the first time Sponge Bob met her he thought she some kinda freak cuz of that suit she wears under water. So he goes into her tree dome and there's no water, just air, and yadda yadda yadda I could go on explaining every episode but I won't torture you like that.
"Yay, rectangles!!"
"No Patrick, these aren't just any rectangles. They're chocolate bars."


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Tresi on 05.28.2006, 03:48 PM:


I really enjoy the show*lol*
Why not?Cool characters and a great sense of homour.
The movie was...I loughed to death^^

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Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.28.2006, 04:00 PM:


SpongeBob is pretty sweet...I once watched a SpongeBob marathon on Cartoon Network...9am to 6pm!!! By the end, I thought I'd gone mental!! Plankton is my fave, I love the F.U.N episode with him!


Posted by Phyrra on 06.04.2006, 07:34 AM:


I just saw an episode, "krabby towers". It was the best ever episode I've seen. It couldn't stop laughing, it was the funniest thing I've seen on TV for a long, long time...

I've started to laugh again now just thinking about it


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by micg huz on 06.04.2006, 08:35 AM:


heh heh sponge bobs pretti funi. the series is a bit hecktic though, to much goofiniess and colour for my little brain. LOVED the movie though, hasslhof - cameo - taking the piss out of himself - then geting blown up - to good.
now this might sound a lil' weird but its not just me (honest) but did anyone pick up on a slightly gay/cross dressing theme in the movie??????????
hee hee perhaps not.
my fav bit is when they all go bald bald bald at the king - so random.
but also close to home - im worried that i might sart balding soon - will people chant at my slap head in the street?
gosh i hope not.

laputa is a
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Posted by Phyrra on 06.04.2006, 01:28 PM:


I thought the Hasselhoff bit was hilarious too .

But I didn't pick up on the gay/ cross dressing theme micg huz... perhaps my early teenage mind is too innocent ... If it was present, (not that I'd know) I'm sure it was there to provide parents watching with their kids something to laugh about .

I think I'll have to watch that movie again. My only negative is that I wanted Squidward to have a bigger part... oh Squidward, he's redefined humour in more ways that I can count...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by shiawase on 06.05.2006, 01:05 AM:


Squidward play a big role, ish Uhh, don't be afraid to cover that bald spot with a paper bag dude... I didn't notice gay/cross dressing in the movie and I've seen it more than 12 times I bet. Oh well. I still love every bit of it!


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by OYM Angel on 06.05.2006, 04:39 PM:


This is one of the only cartoons I watch whenever I have the time. Patrick is awesome.

I am a flight risk (literally).

Posted by micg huz on 06.05.2006, 07:41 PM:


not so much a bald spot as the fear of a receding hair line. im so paranoid, but really who gives a damn anyways.
but what if they all stop and chant at my cleaming slap head like in the movie
anyways a scene that crystalized it for me was near the end when patrick star is in suspenders - though that could just be glam rock, though it defently had its 'moments'. havnt seen it in ages - its sooooooo funny though, anyways clearly i should stop perverting your minds.

laputa is a
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Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.06.2006, 05:56 AM:


sponge bob square pants really aint my style, but it is funny. ive seen the movie, but i tried watching it a second time with my step brother & sister (they own it) & got sick of it pretty quick. anyways, spongebobs bad for my reputation


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.06.2006, 10:45 AM:


I haven't seen the movie, but I'd really love to, despite the awful Avril-'I act like an angst ridden 13 year old even though I'm in my twenties'-Lavigne cover of the theme tune (as u can tell, I'm not a fan of hers)!! David Hasselhoff is such a cult legend...he's so rubbish, that he's good!!
I do like the series, but I do sometimes get a little bored with it, it's kinda like once you've seen a few SpongeBob's, you've seen them all!!
My mate told me that in the States there's a Church of SpongeBob!! Is this true??


Posted by shiawase on 06.06.2006, 12:35 PM:


Never heard of Church of Spongebob but that's reminiscent(sp?) of the first post in this thread where I said "Any other followers of The Sponge in here? *Points to his yellow cloak*" Cloak meaning a cult. lol anyways... If there was a church I'd join!


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.09.2006, 07:06 PM:


Originally posted by shiawase
Never heard of Church of Spongebob but that's reminiscent(sp?) of the first post in this thread where I said "Any other followers of The Sponge in here? *Points to his yellow cloak*" Cloak meaning a cult. lol anyways... If there was a church I'd join!

Well ladies and's your chance!! Here for your delight, and possible conversion, is the official website for The First Reformed Church Of SpongeBob SquarePants!

Our SpongeBob,
Who art in Bikini Bottom,
Hallowed be thy SquarePants!!


Posted by Phyrra on 06.10.2006, 02:05 AM:


That website made me laugh, SpiritedSen

I know they said that they didn't want our money just our hapiness; but the easy way to become rich quickly is to start a religion and get donations. A man in USA did just that and became a millionaire from his religion being accepted. Of course ~ there are rules for what a religion has to be in order for it to be classified for a religion... I'm not sure if Sponge Bob's religion fufils all the cirteria...

Meh, it made me laugh


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

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