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Posted by Phyrra on 07.17.2006, 03:59 PM:

Oh I wish...

Ok, there are already two fantastic games on these forums, so I thought I might add one more... The wishing game

I'm sure some of you know the rules, but I'll explain anyway...

I'll start by wishing for something, the person who replies has to answer the wish, but add a somewhat torturous downside. They then wish for something, and so on...

Here's an example:

1~ I wish for lot's of money
2~ Okay, you'll have a million pounds, but in penny coins which fall on your house. Thus, your house is crushed... I wish for a new car...
3~ Granted, you get a gorgeous new sports car, but the next day the world runs out of oil and you never get to drive it...

Get the idea? The worse the downside, the better

I wish I had a plate of chocolate brownies...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.17.2006, 05:33 PM:


Wish granted...but the brownies are laced with marijuana and before you know it, you've stripped off and exposed yourself to your Great Aunt Gertrude, who subsequently has a heart attack due to the shock, and dies!!

I wish I could go on holiday...


Posted by Sunchaser on 07.17.2006, 05:35 PM:


...but then your plane would crash in the middle of the arctic ocean, then you would get hypothermia, drift ashore and get eaten by a polar bear!!! heehee

I wish I could remodel my room...(sry, this is somewhat stupid)


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by Toolfan1912 on 07.17.2006, 05:41 PM:


But you might remodel your room without a door and window and then you will be trapped inside a box.

I wish i had a PS3 with a 70" HDTV to huck it up to.


Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.17.2006, 05:42 PM:


...but then your plug sockets would be overloaded, and the resulting electricity surge would blow up your house!

I wish I owned an island...


Posted by Toolfan1912 on 07.17.2006, 05:45 PM:


But little does sen know that the island is inhabited by canibals and thus is eaten alive.

i wish i was able to play the guitar properly.


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 07.17.2006, 05:45 PM:


you discover its infested with man eating ants, who kill you.

i wish i had superpowers.

Posted by Toolfan1912 on 07.17.2006, 05:46 PM:


Your wish of superpowers are granted but you are too strong and end up destroying the world.

I wish i had a pet dog.


Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.17.2006, 05:47 PM:


...but the dog is Kujo!!

I wish I was rich...


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 07.17.2006, 05:49 PM:


you discover the money is all fools gold.

I wish i was famous.

Posted by Toolfan1912 on 07.17.2006, 05:50 PM:


Then thiefs rob your money and your poor then.

I wish i owned a succesful company and was retired at the age of 30.


Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.17.2006, 05:51 PM:


...but you are subjected to a hostile takeover and end up penniless, living in a cardboard and eating your own shoes!

I wish I had a Jaguar (car!)...


Posted by Toolfan1912 on 07.17.2006, 05:53 PM:


Then one day a real jaguar attacks your car and it blows up

I wish i had my own record company.


Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.17.2006, 05:55 PM:


...but the only band you have signed to your label is Girls Aloud!!

I wish I lived in Japan...


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 07.17.2006, 05:56 PM:


but it is soon invaded by godzilla and gamera creating mass destruction.

I wish i was a vampire.

Posted by Toolfan1912 on 07.17.2006, 06:00 PM:


Then one day you went outside during the day and turned to dust as you forgot it was daytime

I wish that i could be a film censor.


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 07.17.2006, 06:13 PM:


but you censor the wrong thing and get kicked out.

i wish i was a drummer.

Posted by LittleWing on 07.17.2006, 09:02 PM:


... but you could never be a drummer, because you´ve lost an arm

I wish i could go to Mars


"When you're old, all you want to do is stare at the scenery.
It's so strange. I've never felt so peaceful before."

Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.17.2006, 09:25 PM:


...but when you arrive, your breathing aparatus malfunctions, and your head implodes!

I wish I was an actress...


Posted by Roarkiller on 07.17.2006, 10:11 PM:


... wish granted, but you only star in shows on kiddie birthdays. (I don't think anyone needs to hear the 18+ version).

I wish I was normal. Ha!

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

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