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Posted by Cherry on 08.13.2006, 08:00 PM:

  i like princess mononoke too

i like princess mononoke too, but spirited away is better !! CHIHIRO RULES !!!!!!!!!


Sig made by Miyrru! <33

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.13.2006, 09:49 PM:


lol settle down on the thread makin man


Posted by Phyrra on 08.14.2006, 04:24 AM:


Whoah! An overload of new threads!

I watched Mononoke again for the third time last night, and it gets better every time I see it... the first time I didn't enjoy it that much, the second time it was much better, and this time I thought it was amazing.

Maybe it's because I watched it on a TV screen this last time, as opposed to my tiny computer screen the first two times?

I really likes the fact that Lady Eboshi wasn't an ordinary 'baddie'. My younger brother asked, 'who's the badie in this?' but it's not easy to give an answer. Lady Eboshi helped all the lepers, and rescued all the girls from the brothels, so in a way she was a 'goodie' too...

Princess Mononoke is one of my favourite films


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by Sunchaser on 08.14.2006, 01:42 PM:


Yay for Phyrra for the detailed explanation! I love Mononoke too!

And as for the new threads....I really hadn't noticed...I've been gone for like 2 weeks in China, and I come back...and an explosion of new threads! I'm really behind....and going nutters....cheers!


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by Phyrra on 08.14.2006, 01:57 PM:


There has been an explosion of new threads... lots of them courtesy of chihiro1096

I keep on wondering whether Ashitaka ever returns back to his home, to see his sister?

Oh, and does anyone know (or make a guess) at how old Askitaka and San are?

I'm not really sure whether Mononoke or Spirited Away is better...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by SpiritedSen on 08.15.2006, 09:51 PM:


I deffo think that Spirited Away is better!!

I reckon that Ashitaka is about 16, and San is about 15. It's just a guess though!!


Posted by Miyrru on 08.16.2006, 01:41 PM:


Nothing against Spirted away..but it doesn't hold a candle to mononoke. I saw spirted first and walked away with a sorta "wow nothing can get better" then i watched mononoke and walked away with " where the hell is the sequl". I dunno. i just think spirited just doesn't have anyhing to it, that its just a story, no big deal. Mononoke is engrossing and makes you want to keep watching, it has a detachment factor to it, in spirted i really don't care about what hapens to Chihiro afterward. This is just my rant, I really want a mononoke sequl.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by arren18 on 08.16.2006, 02:16 PM:


I agree with #1sanfan except for the sequel thing. I also saw Spirited Away first and thought it was amazing. The Mononoke was my second Ghibli, and it just blew me away completely. But no sequels!


Posted by Miyrru on 08.16.2006, 02:52 PM:


I get what you mean for the no sequals but after watching mononoke the 2 hours and 15 minutes fly by and I can't help but want more. It might just be me, but he could get another good hour out of mononoke


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

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