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Posted by Farren on 02.07.2011, 06:04 PM:


yeah fff has been absent for a while... hope shes ok

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by husky51 on 02.07.2011, 11:42 PM:


I think that ALL of us feel that way, Farren....

FFF,, come out, come out, where ever you are!!!


Posted by husky51 on 04.30.2011, 10:06 AM:


hahaha, saw pineapples on sale yesterday so I got a wild idea and bought a small one. Now I am going to try and cut it up like it shows in the movie "Only Yesterday"...

I'll let you know later how it turns out...


OK, I'm back..

It turned out very well... I carved up the pineapple just as it showed in the movie, except that I had a wide blade knife and couldn't follow the curve of the sides so I had to make more than one cut per quarter section of the fruit. Other than that is was good. The fruit was nice and sweet, nat as sweet as from the tin, but very good indeed. I think that maybe my pineapple ws riper than the one in the film or maybe just a different variety. When I made my selection, I chose the one that smelled the most fruity like you would a melon...


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 04.30.2011, 02:51 PM:


Random thought! 8D

I'll be taking Taiko drumming lessons soon. For free! I am so so so so excited you don't even know.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.30.2011, 04:34 PM:


I'm upset because I need someone to work as a personal editor, yet no one finds mistakes as easily as I do. >.<;

And.. and I need help on my grammar especially. D': Spelling and parts I dislike I can pinpoint often right away, but I have more trouble with grammar..

Posted by husky51 on 04.30.2011, 04:35 PM:


Originally posted by Yay! Kiki
Random thought! 8D

I'll be taking Taiko drumming lessons soon. For free! I am so so so so excited you don't even know.

start lifting some hand weights, Kiki... I think you'll need the strength...

I listen to Taiko a lot!!! would love to be able to play the Taiko drums, but I don't think that I have the stamina for it...

wish I could help you with your grammar, but mine ain't so gooder, neither...
(see 'school finals...' thread)

How is she, BTW???


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 04.30.2011, 05:25 PM:


True. I should do that. XD

This probably isn't what you are looking for, BUT if you just need stuff proofread I would totally do that. I am so picky about spelling and grammar--and it's been worse for the past year because for my school's mandatory volunteer work (I know, it doesn't make sense) I've working with a children's magazine and a lot of what I do is proofread.

I'm probably just making myself sound like an idiot here... But yeah. XP

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.30.2011, 07:23 PM:


Kiki, I would LOVE for you to do that. D8 My friend told me he would, but unfortunately, he hates reading anything long. Is it alright if I send you every five pages of my story after I've proof read them twice myself and tried fixing mistakes? I've swept over the first chapter three times this week. It's long, but sending in five page intervals shouldn't be bothersome. I'd really appreciate this. X3

I can't send it by email for some reason without pasting the entire document, so my friend can't get it. >.>; I guess it's been happening not only to me but my friend I mentioned..

Posted by arren18 on 04.30.2011, 07:57 PM:


I'd like to help you out FFF, but I think it'd just bother me more that I'm not getting anywhere with my own writing.


Posted by Takuto on 04.30.2011, 08:09 PM:


Freddie Mercury looked real good in the early 70's.



Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.30.2011, 08:41 PM:


I understand, Arren. ^^ Thank you for thinking you'd want to do it though.

I really did want to send it to my friend in England. :/ But I'll find a way. She'll likely get a printed manuscript from me when it's all done and finished. I just.. I really do need to get with it. And I know my writing isn't the greatest. But it's good, and that's what matters, as it can only get better.

I spend too much time planning but didn't so much on this one. D8 I'm thinking of investing in some good hardcover books from the bookstore to write down ideas. Because the float here and there all day during classes. And I just never write them down despite remembering them all.

Also, yes, Freddie Mercury... <3

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 04.30.2011, 09:19 PM:


Awesome, sounds good!

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.30.2011, 09:55 PM:


Yay, I'll send the first five pages by tomorrow morning then. ^^

Right now I'm thinking how even adults get childish.

Posted by husky51 on 04.30.2011, 10:53 PM:


Adults get childish.... hmmmmm, who could she be talking about.....

Just because I had a watergun battle with a patient at the medical plaza where I work... lol

seriously, about four weeks ago (if I've already told this, sorry) a retired Marine who had been coming for his Dr's appt every Tuesday (he would sit and chat with me while waiting for the Dr. to see him, talking about places we had been, many of them the same, etc) showed up dressed in a camo shirt and USMC sweats. As he was sitting down he pulled out a small squirt gun and started shooting me with it. Now remember, I am on duty in a security uniform. As we sat and talked, every time someone else would come by he'd squirt me again. We all got a good laugh out of it and I didn't mind.

After he went in to see the Doc I thought about punching a small hole in the cap of my waterbottle, simplistic, but it should work. I went out to my truck to get the knife and it dawned on me that I HAD a squirtgun in my truck!!! (don't ask ) I filled it up, pressurized it by pumping it up and waited. When Joe came outside and was saying goodbye, I reminded him that I had been a gunnersmate in the Navy and told him that gunners are never far from their weapons and then squirted the hell out of him... He ws roaring with laughter.

The following Tuesday, he brought a Supersoaker and wee blasted away at each other while people around were all laughing...

Adults acting like kids? Now where did you get that idea???

btw, Joe has prostate cancer and uses a walker to get around, so I am glad that we had this fun time...


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 05.01.2011, 10:01 AM:


No, nothing like that, although that's funny. XD Just most of the ones I know act younger than the kids I know. Which I find terribly amusing yet annoying sometimes.

As for water guns.. XD

Posted by husky51 on 05.02.2011, 09:52 AM:


Well, it had finally happened, I think...

Osama bin Laden is dead! at least from the reports that I am hearing and reading...

I really wish he could have been caught alive, though...


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.02.2011, 01:20 PM:


Ahhhh FFF I'd love to help you too! Unfortunately my grammar is really poo, commas espescially have always been a thorn in my side but perhaps when you've done proofchecking you could send it to me for another opinion or something? From what you've mentioned of your story here and there it sounds really good aha.

I've just had a erm. Interesting night.

Posted by Animenewbie on 05.02.2011, 01:42 PM:


There's no way America would have kept him as prisoner. After 10 years of searching him, causing wars in 4 different countries, killing 3000 civilians, investing probably millions on the whole thing, the american troops definitely got commanded to shoot him on sight.

I guess that's what people wanted, revenge..

Now it's their move...
I really hope the nuclear weapon in Europe is a bluff.

But seriously, I can't see why people celebrate his death.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 05.02.2011, 04:12 PM:


Aw, alright NC. ^^ I could let you read it after.

As for the Bin Laden thing... I got an uneasy feeling although I don't know if that sort of thing affects Canada. Or what. I know at school the teachers refused to talk about it other than that they were disgusted that people were rejoicing over the death of a man. Even if he killed many people, it's still somewhat childish and wrong.

I guess for me, it's because Canada never had any terrorist attacks, at least that I know of. D: So it's like, to me, "How come they never attacked here?". My American friend told me it might have been a geographic thing.

Again, I don't know my country's place in those affairs. ^^; I just felt uneasy over the idea of anything wrong happening, but of course, that might be a natural feeling to have at this time.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 05.02.2011, 07:17 PM:


I totally agree about not rejoicing over Bin Laden's death. Even if he did horrible things, it just feels... wrong. Really really wrong. Someone died and that's not something to be happy about. Repaying death with death never feels right to me either.

Everyone at school today was really happy about it. Someone even brought in a cake and someone else made some kind of shirt celebrating the fact that America finally killed him.

Some people say it makes them feel safer, but really, it seems to me more like this will make terrorist groups connected with him angry and want to retaliate. I don't like it.

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