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Posted by saviour2012 on 10.03.2013, 02:39 AM:


Originally posted by Nausicaa_Cat
Saviour, I think you'd actually be really surprised by British attitudes towards our government if you experienced it first hand - I think I could count the amount of people I know who don't think our current government is a joke on one hand.

Recently, on a British chat show hosted by a comedian called Alan Carr, he had Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum (Americans) on the show. Foxx and Tatum were saying how the thought of terrorists attacking the White House would ignite a feeling of protective patriotism in most Americans. Alan Carr responded by telling them that if anybody tried to blow up 10 Downing Street, most of the population of Britain would be cheering them on.

This is hugely accurate.

Yes, I think we consider our general system of democracy to be a good one - our laws tend to be liberal and pro-equality, which I think is great. Our actual government though and the people who run it are massively criticised though. And I mean openly criticised, everyday, by pretty much every single publication and talk show in existence.

As far as diversity is concerned, a census in 2011 found that less than half the population of London were white. In our major cities there is quite a bit of diversity, and even outside I'd say there is more than I've experienced when visiting other European countries. At my secondary school I'd say the proportion of Asian students was at least 40%.

I'm not saying Britain is some ideal - it reaaaaaally isn't, it has a huge amount of problems, and a lot of the population have some pretty sketchy views towards foreign countries. I just think you might have a slightly inaccurate view of it.

Thanks for elaborating.

Now my question is if there is problem how young people like you and me are trying to solve it. I tried to join politics but eventually understood you must play on the dirty and bloody(literally) trick to survive here.And nothing good will come out of it if i try to start from a place which is already so polluted.So i am trying some other methods. I think that is not the case in uk i think it is much more easier to express something there. If its true that people knows the wrong why there is not any initiative. And i agree that there might be initiatives going on in us uk but not focused here. do you know any? it is that in my view young people most of them are not aware of the situation;dont you agree?

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Posted by Tea Master Tall on 10.09.2013, 11:15 PM:


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