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Posted by Michael on 04.19.2005, 03:46 PM:

Ghibli's Movie Poster

Hi. I'm a newcomer to this site, but I liked Ghibli for long time.

Actually I've been writing a paper about Ghibli's Japanese Movie Poster. And I need to collect comments of those posters but I think let's not limit this topic to just Japanese version. I think this also exciting since the poster itself seldom to be talked. If anyone knows about Ghibli's official comments of those poster, just add it, I need it also to complete my paper.

So lets begin with me...
I like Mononoke Japanese Poster, which is have a great impact... (Never knew that Ghibli could make such a PG-rate poster... bloods.. knives) since the movie itself is also different. But anyway I love the way San is posing. Looks cool..

PS:I'm from Indonesia, but not in Aceh....

Posted by Jiji on 04.21.2005, 02:58 AM:


Hi Michael welcome to the forums.

If you need to find some of the Ghibli posters you can have a look at these two pages. It is a really splendid collection listing the posters of all Miyazaki films from Nausicaa to Chihiro. I have no idea on what the official comments are, though, except for one of the Nausicaa posters.

I personally prefer the posters of Nausicaa and Mononoke. The Laputa ones with the drafts are also very interesting, and fits the "steampunk" theme of the movie well.

I think the way that the Japanese use the posters is a bit different from the West. They are not solely for promotion, or drawing as many audience as possible. It is also a tool for expressing the underlying theme to the audience so that they can pick the most appropriate movie to see in the theatres.

Take the famous Kiki poster of the bakery as an example. It may seem to be quite a surprise that the designer (which was Miyazaki) instead of emphasizing the best scenes, or other exciting parts, focus on the most dull scene, with Kiki looking straight into you. However it fits very well with the theme sentence, "Although there are times that I was a bit down, I am okay," And those who see the poster would understand what the movie is about self-discovery and confidence, instead of expecting a fantasy dedicated to magic and broom-flying. Even in the Kiki trailers, the flight scenes are very rare, and for most of the time they are focused on the dull parts.

The overseas promotional material, on the contray, have much focus on the action scenes. The trailers even have the final rescue scene included. As a result, many French viewers complained that they were cheated, and some of the US viewers find the movie going much slower than they expected.

Another example is Chihiro. Instead of making a show-off of the dizzling visuals, only a sulky girl is included in the poster. Though this may let the viewers underestimate the visual powers of the film, it well illustrates that the theme of the movie is about personal growth of the young girl.

Probably there are some cultural differences at work. I think they will be good fruits for thoughts for your paper.

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by Azhur on 04.21.2005, 05:29 AM:


Here's the new english version of Howl's poster:

It's somewhat promotional, but still very nice.


Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 04.21.2005, 12:03 PM:

About Ghibli poster

Hello, I'm Michael, renamed into Neko Danshaku.

Thank you for all of you to write replies about Ghibli's Poster. Let me talk about myself. I'm a graphic designer and I love Ghibli's movies especially Neko no ongaeshi. To be honest, I'm very curious about those Ghibli's movies poster. Before I write it as a paper, I just doing it for my object of curiousity. And as long as I read available datas that I can found, I have a conclusion that Ghibli's movie poster doesn't tell us anything about the Anime, but to make us curious enough to see the movie itself. I guess that's not unusual since Hollywood's one are also doing the same.

As an advertisement, I don't think the poster did well. I have a report that said, people who knew Ghibli's movie from its poster is only about 3-5 person from 330 person. So the poster doesn't started communication effectively, but I think they are good as a reminder, since the poster was put up in many places. The poster itself doesn't have a specific illustration or copy.. since the illustration are all the same in pamflet, leaflet, and any other print materials. The copy itself, is more universal, it was said to be appeared on the TV, Poster, and every kind of advertisement. I think it's because of the budget, which Ghibli reduced their budget for the other thing than their production. However, they can use Japanese style of Media Mix marketing effectively to promote their movies.

It's sure hard to find articles about Ghibli poster, cause I think people saw Ghibli as a studio which making movies and not making posters. Me myself start to felt curious when I saw Sen to chihiro poster that shows Chihiro holding flower bouquet on the back seat of the car (posted by Jiji above). "How can it be? When people see this, don't they think this is a drama movie?" is the word that flows in my mind at the time. But Ghibli don't only promote with poster, that's the fact. I think all of its advertisements are teasers. (Thanks to Jiji for his(her?) comments for Sen to Chihiro poster, your comments could support my paper)

Since I love Neko no ongaeshi, I got infos about the poster. The copy literary meaning "being a cat is not too bad, right?". It was made by Shigesato Itoi, and Suzuki only said to him that this movie is about a girl that thinking for a second to live in a fantasy world of cat as a cat and required a copy for that. Several days later. Itoi suddenly finished and gave Ghibli the copy.... how mysterious.... Ghibli never reveals in detail for what they have done (as long as I know), so I think that is the way Ghibli is working. Spontaneous but full responsibility yet conceptual (psychologically) is my word to describe the working style of Ghibli.
But anyway, Suzuki said that there was some people who thought "Neko no ongaeshi" is a scary movie from its poster... strange.....

The poster of Mononoke Hime I was said before, I think its surely gave a big impact on the concept of Japanese Women. But I think it's not happened in Japan, but in the west. But since I can describe its impact better than "neko no ongaeshi" poster, I put my personal comment for "Mononoke Hime" poster.

These are some URL which become my references (in Japanese, but since my Japanese is not too good, I'm afraid I mistranslated/misunderstanding the sentences.)

This is only my private opinion, but I think you can take some useful things I said here.
And because it's only a private opinion, it will be very hard to put it on my paper. So I just need some declaration or supports from you for what I said here is right or wrong, since I don't live in Japan and I didn't experienced the Ghibli advertisement campaign too. So I don't have any idea that my assumption is right or wrong...

PS: To Jiji, I have opened your suggested URLs and I confused which is the official movie poster... there are so many movie poster for just one movie... is it because the campaign or teasers...

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by nanashi on 04.21.2005, 02:56 PM:


kon-nichi-wa, Neko Danshaku.

in Japan, the most effective advertisement method is TV.
and, the most expensive advertisement method is TV.
they uses the mass media as long as the budget permits.
such as TV, magazines, and the newspapers.

i think that we gets the information in a new movie from TV or the magazine rather than the poster.
the poster put up in the store and the movie theater where an ticket is sold.
when we see it, we recall TV-commercial.
The magazine advertisement is often the same design as the poster.
therefore, i think that this is a kind of the poster.

Posted by Jiji on 04.22.2005, 07:47 AM:


Hehe I also like _Neko no Ongaeshi_, my favourite non-Miyazaki Ghibli production.

I agree that posters are losing their significance as a medium of movie promotion. This is not only limited to Japan, but is also true for almost all developed countries. In my opinion, to determine the effectiveness of the Ghibli posters, it is also necessary to know the "effectiveness" ratio of the anime posters, and other movie posters. If it turns out that the results are similar to the Ghibli one, it would not be the fault of the designers of the Ghibli posters, but the natural defects of the posters.

Nanashi's points on the real use of posters are quite true. Nowadays they serve more like reminders or notices, put up on the walls of the theatres and the convenience stores that have the tickets for sale, or have related promotion campaigns going on. Probably their "targets" are those who already have some idea of the movie from TV commercials and newspaper articles. They help to guide these people to the right places (for buying tickets, participating in the campaigns, etc), instead of giving them information on the story or characters.

What I wonder is that, back in the 80s, technology is not as advance as nowadays. Could it be possible that at that time posters had a more significant role in promotion? If that was the case, the posters may be designed with a different intention, like the provision of the information of the movie. Maybe we can observe such differences from the design of the Ghibli posters. But so far I am unable to find any prominent differences.

As for Ghibli being not in favour of revealing the details of their works, actually for most of the time before the official release, even the staff members themselves do not know what the "details" are . This is what Miyazaki said about the production process:

Is it true that your films are all made without a script?

That's true. I don't have the story finished and ready when we start work on a film. I usually don't have the time. So the story develops when I start drawing storyboards. The production starts very soon thereafter, while the storyboards are still developing. We never know where the story will go but we just keeping working on the film as it develops. It's a dangerous way to make an animation film and I would like it to be different, but unfortunately, that's the way I work and everyone else is kind of forced to subject themselves to it.

For the posters in the link, I think not all of them are exactly official (but that is up to the definition of "official". However I am 100% sure that every Ghibli film has more than one poster design. Among all those listed in the two pages, those which have Japanese words and an A4 proportion are more likely to be the official Japanese ones. Also notice that the official ones usually have the names of the major staff members (director, producer), the name of the distributor (Toei), and the various companies involved (Tokuma, Nibariki, etc)

I am a "he," by the way .

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 04.22.2005, 01:04 PM:


Thanks for your information, Mr. Jiji....

What I mean "official" is the one which Ghibli used for theatrical poster. Like "sen to chihiro" poster... the poster which chihiro standing with pig form of her father as a background is also using credits title, copy, and logos as the one you posted above, right? This is why I confused. "Yamada-kun" poster also had two version.. but the one Ghibli used for the theater is the comical one which Yamada was pictured as a bird on it. Also "mimisuma" poster... it was also had two version, right?

Anyway... I'm very curious with Yamada-kun poster.. which I think is the most different in artwork (and so the movie)... The layout of the poster is so familiar but I can't recall it... do someone know about the kind of layout used in "Yamada-kun" poster? I've been told that it is related to Japanese card game Hanafuda (especially the one with a big picture of a bird on it)... but how about the other one which Yamada is singing as a bird..?

The other thing that strange is, after "Pompoko" poster, starting from "Mimi o sumaseba" poster, Ghibli's Totoro logo is suddenly moved from top-right to top-left... is it connected to the way Japanese are reading (vertically from right to left)?

For Nanashi... I think Ghibli saves many moneys for their ads... maybe you knew this.. Ghibli has an affiliation with Nippon TV and they have made anime "Nandarou?" for them.. I think Ghibli don't pay anything for the TV ads in NTV since NTV also share the same risk and the same benefit with Studio Ghibli.

Eventhough I majoring on the Japanese one, but I also curious about the U.S. Miramax version of Mononoke poster (the one which San is a figure on a coin) is very strange in illustration... I almost thought that this is an egyptian movie due to the colors it used.... I usually recognize Ghibli's abroad poster since it was using the original illustration (Like Howl poster posted by Azhur above)... but this one is different...

Recently I've been searching about those Advertising Producer, but since my paper majoring "mimisuma", "mononoke", "yamada-kun", "sen to chihiro", and "neko no ongaeshi", I only searched the names of the adverising producers of those five only.

村居俊彦 Murai Toshihiko(?) (from 松竹 Matsutake) - Advertising Producer for Yamada-kun .
矢部勝 (Yabe ?????) (東宝 Toho ) - Ad producer for Mimisuma, and Mononoke
鈴木敏夫 Suzuki Toshio - Ad producer for Mimisuma, Mononoke, Sen to Chihiro, and Neko no ongaeshi.

I found a page contents many interviews with Mr. Toshio Suzuki, but since it's in Japanese, I'm afraid I don't understand the interview completely, please take a look.

PS: I've heard that "Yamada-kun" didn't success in Japan. Do anyone knows the cause of it?

Thank you.

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by nanashi on 04.23.2005, 01:13 AM:


im always feeling admiration for the consideration of Jiji. ..

80s anime poster did not provide information of the movie so much.
example, this Nausicaa's poster.

there is a poster that has provide information of the movie.
example, Laputa's poster in this design.

anime poster has another side that is they put up it to the wall of their room. when the movie was seen, the poster was able to be bought in the theater. it has not only the material to provide information of the movie but also the side of merchandise for the collection. anime poster strongly has the collection color. i think that its a flow after "Ucyuusenkan YAMATO" (1977) in the movie in 70s Japan.

60s anime poster has information of the movie.
ex. "The Adventure of Hols, Prince of the Sun","Puss 'n Boots"...
the transition of the design of the anime posters might have related to the ages of the customer of the anime movies.

Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= I think Ghibli don't pay anything for the TV ads in NTV since NTV also share the same risk and the same benefit with Studio Ghibli.
i think so too. and NTV uses the methods other than TV-CM. the new work of Ghibli is picked up in a usual information-program show and news show, and about the movie informed the people.

Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= I've heard that "Yamada-kun" didn't success in Japan.
its not a success, as box-office.
when production begins, they announced that budgets are more than Mononoke's.

Only Yesterday(1991 Takahata) 3 billion yen/ 2.1million audience
Porco Rosso(1992 miyazaki) 4 billion yen/ 2.1million audience
Pompoco(1994 Takahata) 4 billion yen/ 3.1million audience
Mimi wo Sumaseba(1995 Kondou) 3 billion yen/ 2.0million audience
Mononoke(1997 Miyazaki) 19 billion yen/ 13.5million audience
Yamada-Kun(1999 Takahata) 1 billion yen/(unlisted)
Sen to Chihiro(2001 Miyazaki) 30 billion yen/23.5million audience
Neko(2002 Morita) 6 billion yen/(unlisted)
Howl(2004 Miyazaki) (Now Showing)/14.2 million audience and more

Posted by nanashi on 04.23.2005, 02:05 PM:


i searched it, because i had been interested Advertising producer a little.
there are some movies that could not confirm his position.(he seems to be participating.)
there is a person who was not able to confirm the pronunciation.
the English position name was referred to "". there are some movies that cannot be confirmed though the position name "Publicity Producer" or "Advertising producer". (in the credits of Japanese, even if its "Publicity Producer" and "Advertising producer" either, it is 宣伝(sen-den) producer.
宣伝(sen-den) means Advertisement.)

Howl's Advertising Producer : Ise Shinpei Interview(Japanese)

Nausicca(1984), Laputa(1986) Distributing: 東映 Toei
Producer: 高畑勲 Takahata Isao
Publicity Producer: 徳山雅也 Tokuyama Masaya(?) (from メイジャー Major)

Totoro(198, Hotaru(198 Distributing: 東宝 Toho
Producer: 原徹 Hara Tooru
Copywriter: 糸井重里 Itoi Shigesato

Kiki(1989) Distributing: 東映 Toei
Producer: 宮崎駿 Miyazaki Hayao
Publicity Producer: 徳山雅也 Tokuyama Masaya(?), Copywriter: 糸井重里 Itoi Shigesato

Only Yesterday(1991), Porco Rosso(1992), Pompoco(1994), Distributing: 東宝 Toho
Producer: 鈴木敏夫 Suzuki Toshio
(Publicity Producer: ?) 徳山雅也 Tokuyama Masaya(?), Copywriter: 糸井重里 Itoi Shigesato

Mimi wo sumaseba(1995), Mononoke(1997) Distributing: 東宝 Toho
Producer: 鈴木敏夫 Suzuki Toshio
(Advertising producer ?): 矢部勝 Yabe Masaru(?)(from 東宝 Toho), Copywriter: 糸井重里 Itoi Shigesato

Yamada-kun(1999) Distributing: 松竹 Shochiku
Producer: 鈴木敏夫 Suzuki Toshio
Advertising Producer: 村居俊彦 Murai Toshihiko(?)(from 松竹 Shochiku), Copywriter: 糸井重里 Itoi Shigesato

Sen to Chihiro(2001) Distributing: 東宝 Toho
Producer: 鈴木敏夫 Suzuki Toshio
Advertising producer: 市川南 Ichikawa Minami(?)(from 東宝 Toho), Copywriter: 糸井重里 Itoi Shigesato

Neko(2002) Distributing: 東宝 Toho
Producer: 鈴木敏夫 Suzuki Toshio, 高橋望 Takahashi Nozomi
(Advertising producer: ?) 伊勢伸平 Ise Shinpei (from 東宝 Toho), Copywriter: 糸井重里 Itoi Shigesato

Howl(2004) Distributing: 東宝 Toho
Producer: 鈴木敏夫 Suzuki Toshio
(Advertising producer: ?) 伊勢伸平 Ise Shinpei, Copywriter: 糸井重里 Itoi Shigesato

-Mr.Itoi Shigesato who is Copywriter performed the voice of Satsuki's father, Mr. Kusakabe.

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 04.23.2005, 03:08 PM:

Thanks for your infos nanashi... very "kuwashii" (detailed).

>its not a success, as box-office. (nanashi)
So Yamada-kun did fail in finance, right?

I found a page contained many poster of Sen to chihiro "spirited away" from around the world. Nice collections. Maybe you already know though.

>(in the credits of Japanese, even if its "Publicity
>Producer" and "Advertising producer" either, it is 宣伝
>(sen-den) producer.
>宣伝(sen-den) means Advertisement.) (nanashi)

I wonder what is the difference of 宣伝(sen-den) and 広告(kou-koku)? Both are translated as "advertisement"...

I'm curious for "mimisuma" (whisper) poster which Shizuku is flying with "me" ^^ (neko danshaku). The scene was only about 5 minutes right? but why it became the appeal of the poster? If I see this before I know and see anything about its other advertisement.. I would think this is a fantasy theme just like Laputa.
Does it happened to be connected with the copy?
Maybe someone know the answer?

The bike version though are closer to the movie itself (its theme, colors, nuance,copy)

I found that Ghibli poster are included in a book titled "Anime Poster Art". Anybody read this book? Please share any infos about Ghibli's on it.
Me myself don't get the book, since I only look such kind of book in Kinokuniya Singapore (I don't trust Indonesian delivery service so I don't order from the net). And since I still completing my paper until June. I can't go to Singapore....

PS: To be honest, I don't know why Itoi's copy can appeal those reader... I generally hard to understand Japanese copy... and that's why I don't have any idea why Itoi's copy are so popular...

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by Jiji on 04.23.2005, 06:50 PM:


Nanashi, thanks for your information and nice comments.

As Michael said the info your provided is very detailed indeed .

Here are just some bits of supplementary stuff for reference:

(all monetary values are in terms of yen unless otherwise stated)
[list]The 80s figures:
[*]Nausicaa (budget: 1 mil US$ / boxoffice: 742 mil / audience: 915k)
[*]Laputa (budget: ? / boxoffice: 583 mil / audience: 774k)
[*]Totoro+Hotaru (budget: ~20mil francs / boxoffice: 588 mil / audience: 802k)
[*]Kiki (budget: 800 mil / boxoffice: 2.17 bil / audience: 2.64mil)[/list]
[list]The 90s and 21stC budget figures:
[*]Omohide: ?
[*]Porco: ~50 mil franc
[*]Poko: ?
[*]On Your Mark: ~100 mil
[*]Mimi: ~800 mil
[*]Mononoke: ~2.3 bil
[*]Yamada: 2.36 bil
[*]Sen: 1.9 bil
[*]Neko: ?
[*]Howl: ~20 mil euros[/list]

Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^=
The other thing that strange is, after "Pompoko" poster, starting from "Mimi o sumaseba" poster, Ghibli's Totoro logo is suddenly moved from top-right to top-left... is it connected to the way Japanese are reading (vertically from right to left)?

Interesting observation . I am really not sure of why... Maybe it is simply a decision from the senior staff members who are the only ones that knew the proper reason. For the Japanese reading habit, I do not think there was any abrupt changes between 1994 and 1995. But perhaps the Ghibli staff always wants to let the audience to see the content of the poster first before seeing the credits, but they did not realize the right-to-left habit in Japan until 1995?

Eventhough I majoring on the Japanese one, but I also curious about the U.S. Miramax version of Mononoke poster (the one which San is a figure on a coin) is very strange in illustration... I almost thought that this is an Egyptian movie due to the colors it used.... I usually recognize Ghibli's abroad poster since it was using the original illustration (Like Howl poster posted by Azhur above)... but this one is different...

Agree. This is the most non-conventional overseas poster of the Ghibli movies. But I frankly could not connect it to a Ghibli film (or not even an anime) in the first glimpse. The style is too Egyptian: not only the San coin, but also the Tatara-ba (which was drawn like a pyramid) and the fonts (regular in golden colour). I appreciate the artists effort of making something creative instead of just showing a still in the movie, but at least they should let the audience know it is an anime (Or perhaps this was a trick? At that time in the US, Miyazaki was basically underground and no one knew what Ghibli was. So Western/Egyptian style promotional material might work better than the original Japanese ones?)

I'm curious for "mimisuma" (whisper) poster which Shizuku is flying with "me" ^^ (neko danshaku). The scene was only about 5 minutes right? but why it became the appeal of the poster? If I see this before I know and see anything about its other advertisement.. I would think this is a fantasy theme just like Laputa.
Does it happened to be connected with the copy?

Hey you always catch the best girls and show-off yourself in the coolest style whenever you appears in a movie. Maybe you are in fact Howl in disguise?

(Poor Jiji, what he turned into by the end was a dumb cat... Both as cats, different fates nevertheless =_= )

And actually I got cheated by the poster of _Mimi_ <_<. I seriously think that it was a nasty trick for cheating the steampunk/magical fantasy fans, who expected something like Laputa, and would never enter the theatre should they know what the movie is really about.

However, the theme sentence on the poster is "好きな人が、てきました" Both Seiji and Baron can be considered as Sukina hito, so the different designs could make sense.

Another probable reason is that as the fantasy scenes were directed by Miyazaki, someone might think that showing a still from them on the poster can help to attract the Miyazaki fans. Or maybe even Miyazaki himself demanded to have his works shown.

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 04.24.2005, 09:22 AM:

konnichiwa, everyone

>its not a success, as box-office.
>when production begins, they announced that budgets
>are more than Mononoke's. (Nanashi)

I've thinking more about nanashi's words above lately... is "Yamada-kun" failed because Ghibli was too arrogant (生意気)?
Or there's something that made people in Japan hesitated to watch "Yamada-kun"?

To Nanashi, I've opened your suggested URL about Ise Shinpei. If I don't go wrong, one of his answer Ise said :
「しかし、ハルが草むらに寝転んでいるビジュアルを全 面に出したことで、OLから年輩の方まで観て頂くこと ができた。鈴木さんの手腕を見せつけられましたね。」 (if we use a picture of Haru sleeping in the grass, even OL (Office Ladies) can watch this movie. I've shown the skill of Mr. Suzuki.)
This make me wonder. Ise said that he could show the skill of Mr. Suzuki. Could it be Suzuki the one who made the concepts for the poster? And if he did, could it be all of Ghibli poster's visual had a particular target instead as an image to the movie itself?

PS:Below is, my previous quote (04.22.2005). I post it again since it has not been responded. Instead of keeping it warm

Anyway... I'm very curious with Yamada-kun poster.. which I think is the most different in artwork (and so the movie)... The layout of the poster is so familiar but I can't recall it... do someone know about the kind of layout used in "Yamada-kun" poster? I've been told that it is related to Japanese card game Hanafuda (especially the one with a big picture of a bird on it)... but how about the other one which Yamada is singing as a bird..?

And to Jiji, you already had Kiki (as a master)... wanna change with me in Neko no Jimusho?... I bet Muta will love you enough to be his victim hehehe ^^
I'm not Howl, nor Takuya Kimura.. but my special blend do affect Haru

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by nanashi on 04.24.2005, 02:14 PM:


Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^=
"Yamada-kun" failed because Ghibli was too arrogant (生意気)? Or there's something that made people in Japan hesitated to watch "Yamada-kun"?
in my memory,
when i read Takahata's interview at that time.
i thought that He does not think that he succeed. if the environment of digital production that started from "Mononoke" was able to do in brush up, it seems to have been thought that it succeeded for the studio.(its only my impression)
hehe.. to tell the truth, I did not go to the theater either.
the original Manga of "Yamada-kun" was too famous as the gag-manga. i think so.
i had read that deficits are a little because of sales of the related product and DVD. all of 2.3billion yen of the initial budget might not have been used.

Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^=
Could it be Suzuki the one who made the concepts for the poster? And if he did, could it be all of Ghibli poster's visual had a particular target instead as an image to the movie itself?

I was going to write it. (In relation to Mr.Itoi. )
Mr.Itoi has already established a brand name "Itoi". same as "Miyazaki".
but, I had seeing and hearing the interview of Suzuki, I seem he is managing the entire. If Suzuki doesn't understand, they seems not to be able to go forth something into the world.
--I have told about Suzuki with JiJi, before,somewhere. (I think like that. )
Miyazaki and Oshii are said, Suzuki doesn't make direct his opinion. Suzuki seems to have the technique for finding unconscious idea of the person who
speaks with him. Therefore, if the person is not holding their own opinion like Mr.Miyazaki, they are defeated by Suzuki certainly.

Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^=
I've been told that it is related to Japanese card game Hanafuda (especially the one with a big picture of a bird on it)... but how about the other one which Yamada is singing as a bird..?

Is it differs from the thing that is here?

Originally posted by Jijibut they did not realize the right-to-left habit in Japan until 1995?

an advertising system's being reconsidered between 1994 and 1995 might be related.

Posted by Jiji on 04.25.2005, 04:34 AM:


Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= I've thinking more about nanashi's words above lately... is "Yamada-kun" failed because Ghibli was too arrogant (生意気)?
Or there's something that made people in Japan hesitated to watch "Yamada-kun"?

For the failure in boxoffice of _Yamada_ (despite of the high praise), there are quite a lot of possible reasons. One of them may not be able to push down the boxoffice. But togetherthey could have a great impact.

[list][*]The movie was not released on an optimal date. It was released on 17th July, halfway between 10th July, the beginning of the summer vacation of the elementary and secondary school. and 24th July, the start of the holiday for all the schools.
[*]Promotion work was unsatisfactory, and the movie gained little attention in the mass medium. Houchi News, which usually pays much attention to Ghibli, had only a very small report of the first day results of Yamada. Much of the space on that page was allocated to another article, "About the director of the next film by Studio Ghibli"
[*]The movie faced intensive competitions with Star Wars and Pokemon, both of which were great boxoffice successes.
[*]People expected the traditional Ghibli style of animation with high attention to details, and was surprised with the minimalistic new CG water-colour style.
[*]The movie is an episodic slice-of-life story, which does not hold the appeal for muliple viewings when compared with other Ghibli works. It is reported that only half of the audience who saw it for the first time were willing to spend money and see it again in the theatres. When it was shown that the film only mobilized a small number of audience, President Tokuma said "The film will attract many second-time viewers. so the admission fee income will reach 6 billion yen." It was obvious that Tokuma made a wrong prediction.

Anyway... I'm very curious with Yamada-kun poster.. which I think is the most different in artwork (and so the movie)... The layout of the poster is so familiar but I can't recall it... do someone know about the kind of layout used in "Yamada-kun" poster? I've been told that it is related to Japanese card game Hanafuda (especially the one with a big picture of a bird on it)... but how about the other one which Yamada is singing as a bird..?

Sorry. I am not very familiar to the traditional culture of Japan, so do not have much idea about it. (^_^;; )

And to Jiji, you already had Kiki (as a master)... wanna change with me in Neko no Jimusho?... I bet Muta will love you enough to be his victim hehehe ^^
I'm not Howl, nor Takuya Kimura.. but my special blend do affect Haru

Hehe I suppose Muta is only one of your occasional guests (like Toto) instead of a permanent partner . After all he always like to wander around (and trick the dogs) and can never live to be a house cat. And you are his victim? Don't be joking . He was pushed to be the guardian angel of Haru, so practically he was the victim instead .

As for me, according to the witch tradition (in the original novel), a black cat has to go once his master found her true loved one. But for you? You have already captured many hearts. You are the kakkoii one, and I am at the most just kawaii.

Originally posted by nanashi
--I have told about Suzuki with JiJi, before,somewhere. (I think like that. )

Is that the poem you wrote some time ago?

=can kids enjoy it?=

=everyone enjoy it!=
Porco Rosso
Spirited Away

for the merit of Miyazaki's works,
the child can enjoy the movie,
the adult can think about a deep inside.

Totoro is so, and Nausicaa is so.

he seems not to enjoy Animation since the Mononoke.
he came to make a movie for the purpose of Something.

Movie to think about society today.
Movie for girl like a school child.

i want him to make it.
Movie for himself.
Movie only of his wanting to make it him.
but, its Impossible while Ghibli relies on his work.
its deplorable that there are few works that sell besides Miyazaki and
Takahata's works.

Suzuki. Make it so that he wants to make it.
nooo, its not sooo.
Miya-san, you must not listen what Suzuki says.

its not meant that Toshio is controlling Miya-san as a producer.
i seem Miya-san doesnt think Toshio stick his nose into everything to be bad either.
doing the small talk Miyazaki as Toshio, it influences the view to things of Miyazaki is not a little.

i have seen such an article.
when Oshii or Anno goes to Ghibli Miyazaki comes and he has a long long talk.
at Ghibli, nobody has knowledge and the experience as the conversation equal
with Miyazaki can be done.
i think like that.
Everyone in Ghibli must hold out more.

Originally posted by nanashi
an advertising system's being reconsidered between 1994 and 1995 might be related.

I am a bit interested. Do you have more info on it? Thanks a lot.

(and btw thanks for providing the comments from Itoi and Takahata. )

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 04.25.2005, 12:16 PM:



To Jiji,
quote posted by Jiji 04.22.2005
Is it true that your films are all made without a script?

That's true. I don't have the story finished and ready when we start work on a film. I usually don't have the time. So the story develops when I start drawing storyboards. The production starts very soon thereafter, while the storyboards are still developing. We never know where the story will go but we just keeping working on the film as it develops. It's a dangerous way to make an animation film and I would like it to be different, but unfortunately, that's the way I work and everyone else is kind of forced to subject themselves to it.

Where do you get this quote? is it from interview? can I see the whole interview?

And you are his victim? Don't be joking . He was pushed to be the guardian angel of Haru, so practically he was the victim instead (Jiji)
Yeah.. i felt sorry for him too. Recently Muta is bored with Toto, so he wants a victim. He seems to be hesitated enough to make me his victim. Would you be his victim?

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by nanashi on 04.25.2005, 12:30 PM:



Mr.Suzuki designed the poster of Yamada-kun.

left : Hanafuda Ume ni Uguisu(Japanese-apricot and Bush-warbler)
right : Mr.Suzuki sketch. the position of the Ghibli mark has already been specified.
large size is here

(from Eiga Douraku/Suzuki Toshio

Korico Map writen by Mr.Suzuki
新開地(shinkaichi) : 新しくひらけた町 newly-developed city area.

Posted by Jiji on 04.25.2005, 05:53 PM:


Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^=
Where do you get this quote? is it from interview? can I see the whole interview?

It is an interview with Miyazaki by Midnight Eye. You can find it here. As the interviewee was not Morita, it was possible that production of _Neko_ went a different way. Still, as a student of Miyazaki, and due to the special nature of the _Neko_ project (20 min short -> 45 min film -> feature film), it was highly likely for Morita to do everything at the same time.

Yeah.. i felt sorry for him too. Recently Muta is bored with Toto, so he wants a victim. He seems to be hesitated enough to make me his victim. Would you be his victim?

Hehe I have to say I prefer Lily much more. I am a worldly cat instead of a charity angel so there is no reason for me to sacrifice myself for a white fat cat. Unless I have (insert all worldly riches and treasures AND Lily here) as my rewards...

In a more practical sense, a little black cat is too small to be his victim and he would soon be bored again. He would rather like to taunt the humans (like Shizuku) or the big dogs that bark to him.

(I do not mind to victimize him, though. Jeff should be a nice partner for him. Let's see how long he can stand the boredom... )

Originally posted by nanashi

Mr.Suzuki designed the poster of Yamada-kun.

Korico Map writen by Mr.Suzuki

Wow Nanashi I am always impressed with your rich and informative findings. It is awesome to see the sketch of the Yamada poster.

For the Koriko map, I have the art book of Kiki, and it is said that it was drawn by 大字武里 (the pen-name of Hayao Miyazaki, can be read as Oaza Takesato or OO Ghibli ). The map in the book is exactly the same as this one. Maybe OO Ghibli was not just one person?

And for the Yamada poster, it is said that it was for "第二弾" (the second wave). So maybe the ones with the bird design (without the Yamada head) were for the first wave?

I envy you for having the new book by Producer Suzuki, by the way.

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by nanashi on 04.25.2005, 07:57 PM:


about order of the poster of Ghibli.
as for the first one, voice actor might not be printed. it has not decided yet.
example, "Mimi", "Chihiro".

therefore, "Uguisu" poster is 1st. "Yamada-bird" poster is 2nd.
sorry, its my inference. i dont remember the true order.
title in Japan is "ホーホケキョ となりの山田くん". ( "Hou ho ke kyo Tonari no Yamada kun" )
in "Yamada-bird" version, "Yamada-bird" sing on "トホホケキョ" ( "Tohoho ke kyo" ).
It can infer that this is a gag.
it uses "トホホケキョ" on the assumption that
"ホーホケキョ" was well-known.

it is not possible to assert it because there is a poster that doesn't print credit by the same design either.
its for the present for the ticket purchaser, or is for merchandise.

there is another method of deciding order.
you must look for information on the day of opening to the public.
the 1st one is printed like "春":Spring or "夏":Summer.
the 2nd one is printed like "3月":March or "7月":July.

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 04.26.2005, 03:15 AM:


WOW! Nanashi you're great... what a detail information about Yamada poster!

the position of the Ghibli mark has already been specified. (nanashi)
Is "Ghibli mark" same as "Takahata" or "Miyazaki" name? It seems that in the poster, the place where Ghibli mark is, replaced with "Takahata Isao Kantoku sakuhin"

there is another method of deciding order.
you must look for information on the day of opening to the public.
the 1st one is printed like "春":Spring or "夏":Summer.
the 2nd one is printed like "3月":March or "7月":July. (nanashi)
Does this also means that the latest poster design, is the one put on the theaters?

For its copy, why it is "家内安全は、世界の願い" (Family safe, world's wish)? I don't have any clue that a phrase like this could catch the readers.... is there any hidden message in this phrase?

And in the book Eiga Douraku... is there any information about "mimisuma", "mononoke", "chihiro", and "neko" poster instead of "yamada-kun"? Please add it.. it will be a great contribution to my paper.....

PS: I have a difficulty to include picture in this post. Can somebody tell me how?
oh, and I haven't seen "もののけ姫第一弾ポスター", do someone know a net address that shows it?

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by Jiji on 04.26.2005, 10:07 AM:


Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^=
Is "Ghibli mark" same as "Takahata" or "Miyazaki" name? It seems that in the poster, the place where Ghibli mark is, replaced with "Takahata Isao Kantoku sakuhin"

I suppose the Ghibli mark means what it literaly means. The sketch was only a very basic layout guide and further amendments were possible. The name of Takahata should be considered as the credit to the director, which falls under "マーク他 (other marks)" in the sketch.

I just wonder what the "松竹マーク (matsu take mark)" on the top left-hand corner of the sketch is about. It was replaced by the Ghibli logo in the final design of the poster.

For its copy, why it is "家内安全は、世界の願い" (Family safe, world's wish)? I don't have any clue that a phrase like this could catch the readers.... is there any hidden message in this phrase?

There might be a gag, but I failed to catch it.

I do not think it is the tradition of Ghibli to have catachy lines in the posters. The theme sentences are for giving the potential audience an idea of the context of the movie. For example, the line of the Kiki poster is "おちこんだりもしたけれど﹑私はげんきです (I was a bit down for some time, but I am now alright)" It is nowhere near being attracting or amusing, but it delivers the theme of the movie well. The same applies for Yamada: the line is nothing catchy, but it tells us that the movie is about normal family life.

PS: I have a difficulty to include picture in this post. Can somebody tell me how?

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