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Posted by Calforsale on 01.11.2013, 02:27 AM:

  Questions about The Yamadas

Hi guys,
I've got some questions.

First of all, near the start when they parents are searching through the river for their children, they chop into the bamboo and find their daughter. Is this a reference to the tale that Isao's new movie is based on?
Also does the peach where her brother comes from have any reference?

There is a scene a bit past halfway when there are some noisy bike riders, and after the dad leaves the gate of the house to the street, for a while the scene is drawn in more detail. The people especially are drawn in a much different way from the rest of the movie. - Whats up with that?

What do you like about this movie?
I like how relatable and funny the characters are. My favourite scene is when they leave the daughter at the mall.


Posted by husky51 on 01.12.2013, 07:05 AM:


IMO, I don't think it is purposely connected to the tale that Isao is working on... I believe that the bamboo and the peach thing are just the folk yarns of the region, like storks and from the cabbage patch is here in the States...

I'll have to re-watch the movie to maybe answer your other questions...


Posted by Saddletank on 01.12.2013, 06:51 PM:


I thought the scene where the faather confronts the bike gang was drawn in a completely different style to emphasize how serious and/or dangerous that encounter was, or could have been.

I think there's another scene where the family is watching TV and a baseball game is on and the action on-screen is depicted completely realistically - in a cartoon world.

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Posted by Calforsale on 01.13.2013, 02:37 AM:


Yeah the baseball game is also drawn much more realistically.


Posted by Roarkiller on 01.13.2013, 09:02 AM:


They're folktales. Momotaro is a famous story even outside of Japan, while Kaguya hime is less well-known to foreigners.

The "serious" scene is drawn as such probably to give a sense of fear and drama. Probably.

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Miyako on 05.04.2013, 06:27 PM:


this Ghibli movie is so funny!
Nothing seams real just fun....
All caracters are so crazy,mad...

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