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Posted by Handelskogge on 02.12.2013, 01:54 AM:

  Castle of Cagliostro Editing

Hello guys. I have a question about the editing in the Castle of Cagliostro, one of my favorite films.

In the opening- and highly regarded- chase scene, why does the action change direction when Lupin drives up the hill and into the bushes? Is it merely because the editors chose to cut from the perspective of the movement before rounding the curve?

If you didn't get that, what I mean is that the action in that entire scene takes place with a right to left motion. After Lupin drives up the hill and into the bushes, there's a quick scene of the car going through the bushes from left to right. It's quite disorienting and feels like one of the few blemishes on a superb film.


Edit: It's also worth noting that the direction of motion changes when we view the princess's car from Lupin's viewpoint.

Posted by leonbloy on 02.13.2013, 05:25 PM:


Is it merely because the editors chose to cut from the perspective of the movement before rounding the curve?

I'd say so. It's like the camera was following the car from behind when it turns right (to avoid the precipice), and then it seems natural to follow briefly the car from "our" side. It's just a few seconds, though, I did't find it much disorienting.

HernĂ¡n (Argentina)
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Posted by Wikidkid101 on 02.16.2013, 08:21 AM:


It might simply be a continuity editing issue whereby the 180 degree rule was broken!! However that is a really sloppy mistake to make considering the people behind it!

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