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Posted by LillyKimilly on 08.15.2005, 11:30 AM:

  Ghibli Fest woop

I think i mentioned i had a ghibli fest in another conversation....teehee twas so much fun!!! My friend Hannah, who is wonderful and amazing, was listening to me trying to convince another friend that studio ghibli is amazing (she is not keen on anime or cartoons etc) she then joined in and we convinced Becci (friend we were trying to convince) to have a night over at Hannah's where we would watch Ghibli films, as Hannah had most of them.....

We decided to watch them in order so we could appreciate the advance in animation and so on... however we agreed to watch Grave of the Fireflies last as it was sad and we would be crying and thinking about it through the other movies..teehee

Princess Mononoke is still my favourite after watching most of the ghibli films...its so cute as i am sure i have mentioned before..and covers many topics and themes which i am interested in...and the wolves are so fluffy and i want one..teehee

Grave of the Fireflies is a close second..the only reason I like Princess Mononoke more is that it doesnt make me cry every time i think about it...the first time i watched it (i got my own about a few weeks ago) i only cried towards the end for obvious reasons (dont want to ruin it) then when i next watched it i was crying all the way through and thinking about how the little girl must have been so scared and confused. I liked it also because it wasnt really biased against America as i thought it might have (most war films tend to portray thier enemy in very mean ways) but i felt it was more focusing on how inocent people will be hurt and killed in war.....all the way through i was praying for totoro or something to appear and whisk them away....i am now determined to get the book..tho i dont think i can get it in english which is kinda a downer..but yay its a film on my shelf!!!

Next is Spirited was my first Ghibli and so will be very special and its a cute story with cute characters, this is now Becci's favourite teehee

Whisper of the Heart comes as my 4th fave...tho the ending was cheasy and abit cringey i still really enjoyed watching it..and i loved that clock!!!! that fairy was so pretty!!...we ended up watching it again after Grave of the Fireflies for its amazing start of country road...teehee

next is Kiki...the story was so cute and Jiji awww i was tempted to rename my cat but she will get confused so i didnt..i did feel that the ending was abrupt tho...maybe thats just me

My neighbour cute and fluffy..i fell in love with Mei and her sweet childish ways......i was so happy at the end when it shows the mum at home aawws!!

Laputa....again i felt it ended abruptly but i still adored it damn i cant remember the names but the relationship between them was sweet..and those pirate people wre funny

Only Yesterday was charming and was nice to have a change from the magic and mad creatures..the ending was so cute with her 5 grade self making her go back to..wats his name..teehee

Nausicaa was abit too sci fi for me but the themes and morals of the film i agreed with and the music was so catchy it stayed in my head for days!!!

I can Hear the Ocean...i felt it was abit random really but like Only Yesterday it was nice to have a break from the mad creatures and so on...and is proof that boys are clueless to girls feelings and thier own!!!!

Porco Rosso..maybe because im not a plane fanatic i didnt enjoy it as much but it made me laugh alot...tho what happened at the end?? did he change back??? who did he get with as both girls adored him???

And finally..The Cat Returns...i feel that this is the weakest Ghibli didnt have the same 'feel' as the others and the story was predictable..but still good..tho when she told the Baron she found him hot i was a little freaked..teehee tho both my friends said that the girl reminded them of me!!

phew loads of typing...fingers hurt..well it is my own fault...haha i have seen ghibli films woop!! hannah says i can watch them at her house whenever as she loves them all to pieces...and we convinced Becci that the films are amazing......shes gonna come with us to see Howl in the cinema in september when it is released hurrah!!!

if u can bear it tell me what you think of the movies and tell me what pom poko and lupin are about...i am not as desperate to see them as i was of the others..which i guess is a blessing....

love and stuff

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Posted by nanashi on 08.15.2005, 02:36 PM:


LillyKimilly wrote
both my friends said that the girl reminded them of me!!
tehehe, sorry, i can sympathize to your friend, I am felt like so.

Lupin III Castle of Cagliostro, there is an essence of Mr. Miyazaki, actions, gags, and cute girl;...(Clarisse Syndrome prevalent in Japanese Otaku, in the past ). but if you don't know TV series of the "Lupin", you will not say that it is wonderful, though you say that it is fun.

Posted by Jiji on 08.17.2005, 06:20 AM:


Haha peer pressure is a good tool to bend people to our wills . **juz joking ** Anyway congrats that you have successfully pushed your friend to make her first step towards the big family of Ghibli fandom . It must be extremely hard to push someone who has no interest in animated stuff to spend a night on Ghibli movies. But well, Ghibli movies are very good at appealling to all kinds of audience and have them hooked.

And yea, as Nanashi has mentioned, you simply have to see Cagliostro! I personally have never watched the Lupin TV series and have no idea of the original storyline. Still, the movie is pretty self-contained (Unlike my expierence with Howl, I had zero difficulty in understanding and following the story). And of course, it is highly amusing, enjoyable, and should never be missed by any anime fan, let alone a Miyazaki fan! 8]

Oh I don't have much free time today for typing and net-surfing... Perhaps I will leave my comments on the Ghibli works to be posted some time later.

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by OYM Angel on 08.18.2005, 05:57 PM:


My friend has seen almost every Ghibli movie to be released here because of me.

I am a flight risk (literally).

Posted by LillyKimilly on 08.24.2005, 08:21 AM:


Woop spread the word!!!

Nausicaa is coming to england woop! I can get my own copy haha!!

GCSE results tomorrow...anyone else who is collecting them I wish you the best results and luck and love and so on

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

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