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Posted by shiawase on 04.08.2006, 10:35 PM:

Hauru no Ugoku Shiro

Does anybody have a theory as to why Sophie's age and elderliness fluctuates during the film?
How about where Howl goes when he enters the black portal?
If the people of the neighbouring cities believe that "nothing but witches and wizards" dwell in the mountains than how come we only see two?


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by shiawase on 04.11.2006, 02:45 AM:


Anyone know, helloooo?


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Totoro35 on 04.11.2006, 05:42 PM:


Originally posted by shiawase
Does anybody have a theory as to why Sophie's age and elderliness fluctuates during the film?
How about where Howl goes when he enters the black portal?
If the people of the neighbouring cities believe that "nothing but witches and wizards" dwell in the mountains than how come we only see two?

Well the answer to your first question is her love for Howl takes away the side effect's of the the curse, I believe. Where Howl goes when he enters the portal I am confused with as well. In the book, it went to Wales but there is no Wales in the movie. When Sophie went through it, it went to the memory of Howl's childhood. However, when Howl went through it at one time it went to a place where the war was being fought, so your guess is as good as mine. As for your third question, maybe we just didn't meet them by coincedences or maybe Howl and the Witch of the Waste are the only two wizards out there and the town's-people are confused? Sorry, i'm trying to be as helpful as I can.


Posted by Roarkiller on 04.11.2006, 10:00 PM:


Belief does not equal truth. The townsfolk believed that Howl eats the hearts of young girls, but that isn't true, is it?

I remember an explanation once about why her age keeps changing, altough whether it's official or not, I ain't too sure myself.

Supposedly, there are times when Sophie's feelings towards Howl are strong, so much so that it breaks through the magic and reveals her true self i.e. a personification of how her true feelings reveal her true self. But being in the form of an old lady for so long, her hair remains permanently white at the end of the movie.

Or that's what I heard. Dunno bout the official statement though.

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I am Roarkiller.
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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Ravus on 04.11.2006, 11:31 PM:


the book that its based on (which I bought after seeing the movie) says that Sophie has some magical powers herself, and the curse was *broken* ages ago but her belief that she was old kept her looking that way... till she didn’t want to look that way anymore to get busy with howl...

the book has her old upto the end but in the extra mats on the DVD it says that they didn’t really want to do that (because people might have trouble sympathizing with a character that’s 90 years old till the last scene) so they had it phasing in and out much earlier...

However it does sort of go with the book – the moments when you see her young are like: when she’s sleeping, or really happy in howl’s company (looking at the flowers) and she sort of ‘forgets’ she’s old, so isn’t anymore – but when she wakes up or comes down from her moment of happiness she remembers and gets old again.

Posted by shiawase on 04.12.2006, 03:40 AM:


I believe the reason behind Sophie's age fluctuations is definetly her level of happiness and contempt towards Howl. When she thinks about his safety towards the end of the film she becomes so young again. When she's in the field of flowers for the first time she is very young but Howl makes a comment of affection and suddenly Sophie turns as old as can be again.

Given the info we have collected, when Howl enters the black portal I'd say he goes wherever his heart desires. The war, Wales as you mentioned, his childhood, haunting memories...

Oh yeah, and the people of the cities are just arrogant. Seen one wizard ya seen them all, hey? By the looks of things though don't the mages live in town? I guess the tormented ones live in the wilderness.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Totoro35 on 04.12.2006, 05:40 PM:


Originally posted by Ravus
the book that its based on (which I bought after seeing the movie) says that Sophie has some magical powers herself, and the curse was *broken* ages ago but her belief that she was old kept her looking that way... till she didn’t want to look that way anymore to get busy with howl...

the book has her old upto the end but in the extra mats on the DVD it says that they didn’t really want to do that (because people might have trouble sympathizing with a character that’s 90 years old till the last scene) so they had it phasing in and out much earlier...

However it does sort of go with the book – the moments when you see her young are like: when she’s sleeping, or really happy in howl’s company (looking at the flowers) and she sort of ‘forgets’ she’s old, so isn’t anymore – but when she wakes up or comes down from her moment of happiness she remembers and gets old again.

I thought the curse wasn't able to be broken until the magical influence on her (The Witch of the Waste and Mrs. Angorian) were both defeated.


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