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Posted by Omis on 06.03.2007, 05:52 AM:

Cowboy Bebop!

Cowboy Bebop!

I know its not a new series but I just love it. Its good fun and light weight in places without being trivial. Sometimes returning to old favourites is the way forward.

If anyone has any suggestions for me I'd be more than happy to give them a try.

Rainy days! ...Cloudy days, or sunny days...which do you like?

Posted by Ray15 on 06.03.2007, 01:18 PM:


I think they have a movie that's coming out or has already been released. I love Cowboy bebop, Great series. I actually gave my grandfather the name of Bebop

Thanks for the Sig #1 Sanfan

Posted by Omis on 06.07.2007, 06:52 AM:


I'm curious now. Why did you call your Grandad Bebop?

Anyway hi I'm kinda new here and havn't got the hang of things yet but thanks for the reply.

Rainy days! ...Cloudy days, or sunny days...which do you like?

Posted by Ray15 on 06.09.2007, 12:58 PM:


I dunno, My cousin named him that

Thanks for the Sig #1 Sanfan

Posted by Saddletank on 06.09.2007, 04:50 PM:


Cowboy Bebop is really in a class of its own. I can't think of anything that is similar. Samurai Champloo is supposed to be a streetwise modern take on the Samurai idea with modern music to go with it. I've not seen it but JRR on this forum says its good.

It depends what kind of anime you like:

Sci-Fi, fantasy, romance, eastern/mystical, shapechanging...?

Do like your plots to be character driven or do you prefer pretty artwork?

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"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Roarkiller on 06.09.2007, 10:22 PM:


Haven't seen it. Surprisingly. I just never had the energy to hunt it down, and I have doubts about buying my local release.

But it's good, I'll give it that.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Loscil on 06.10.2007, 03:48 AM:


WEll, Samurai Champloo is, as is Cowboy Bebop, dirrected by Shinichiro Watanabe.
This is also quite obvious when both series are seen. Both have the feeling of cool, are often full of situation comedy and have amazing action.
Samurai Champloo basically has more of all of these, except story.
Yes, the story in Samurai Champloo is pretty simple, the Bebop is not too deep either, but it fits perfectly (the end also gives it aserious touch).
Basically this girl wants to find some "sunflower samurai" so she takes these two outlaw samurai with her (there is a reason).
The soundtrack to that series is really good aswell. whereasw as Bebop uses jazz, this uses hip hop (though not with rap), dub etc. The soundtrack is worth getting, I have it.
So, if you liked the overall feeling of Bebop, you should get champloo, it is similar. It is a good anime to just sit down with a couple of friends with and enjoy.
I liked it very much.

Posted by Saddletank on 06.10.2007, 04:00 AM:


I thought Bebop had as much story as your average series, if not more. The first few eps are basically simple one-offs that introduce the characters and the world they're in. But pretty quickly an implied tension comes in that affects all the main characters (except Ed). While each episode is a closed story in itself the character threads run on into the following stories. You get to the point where Faye's past (or lack of it) starts to be explored and you realise this series is a cut above the average in its plot.

I found the whole set of episodes about Fay's backstory to be the high point of the series, far more touching than Spike's, and the series climax which I thought was rather predictable.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Lupin on 06.10.2007, 04:46 AM:


if u are looki for a anime TV series with story check out Full Metal Alchemist!!!! its the best - my fav anime TV story - its story is very deep, heavy, powerful etc. i cant even begin to say how good it is ive got up to volume 7 very gd and funny but also sad and tragic volume

so yh watch it!!!

as for bebop ive only seen i volume but i loved it all the same!!! very gd i hope to see the rest (but right now im concentratin on savein money to get the rest on Full Metal Alchemist!!!)

Posted by Omis on 06.10.2007, 09:45 AM:


I've only seen the first half of the bebop series. Trying to drop heavy hints to my friends to get me it for my birthday!

My fave series by far has to be Neon Genesis Evangelion. For Christmas I got the complete platinum collection. Tin box set with full illustrated booklet for the series. I was chuffed! Sometimes it feels great to be a geek No what I mean?

Rainy days! ...Cloudy days, or sunny days...which do you like?

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