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Posted by Miyrru on 09.03.2007, 10:19 PM:

  Gundam Wing

I finished this series, it was a throwback as it was one of the earlier series i saw even though it was only scattered, but i really did enjoy it all the way through.

my problem was that for some reason, no one else liked it, i cant find good sig making pictures, and it seems to be made fun of and disliked compared to the other gundam series. like did i miss something? i thought it had a soild yet unspectacular story, there was a learning curve in that alot of groups changed names and objectives, but i didnt see much fault, it kept me entertained. the movie was a bit of a let down, only in that it seemed to move really fast.

but did i actually miss something here, that it really is bad and im just an idiot, anyone else out there watch and like it?


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Seiji on 09.03.2007, 11:16 PM:


I thought it was bad. But that's not really too much help, cause I dislike pretty much ALL gundam. I think the thing is that gundam wing and gundam fight and that chibi gundam whatever the hell it was called as well, are series that kind of disregarded the main plot of the gundam franchise up to that point. That and, gundam wing is kind of like the DBZ of gundam. The characters are superhuman, as are the gundams. They tear through hundreds of enemy mobile suits like it was nothing, and at least one of the main characters survives the self destruction explosion of his own gundam. All of this kind of combines to cheapen the sense of realistic warfare and drama that all of the older series had. I think that is why it is more disliked. As a series on its own, I don't particularly dislike it more than the others, but put them all together, and it just sticks out in a negative sense.

Posted by Mush on 09.04.2007, 12:27 AM:


I'm not a giant robots fan, but my family bought the series on DVD, so I watched it with them. I think I sort of agree with both of you. The fighting was really boring, but the characters were very interesting when they weren't fighting, which was more often than I expected.

I think that, for an anime, it did a fairly bad job of humanizing the bad guys, and at some points, it became clear that the writers just got lazy and tossed in battles for no reason. But there were some which were better - usually the ones where the main characters were not in gundams, or when they fight each other. I suppose that forced the writers to pay more attention to what was going on, so there was more tension, and the characters came out more strongly.

I really liked the dynamic between Relena and Dorothy, though. I think that was perhaps the strongest part of the show.

I agree about the OVA though - it was well-produced, but the bad guys were cardboard cutout Nazis with no realistic motivation, and it concluded much too quickly. I thought a more interesting premise might have been if the "peace enforcers" (good guys) unknowingly became a part of an Orwellian scheme to control the colonies. Sort of a déja-vu. I guess they put more thought into making the battles pretty.

Posted by Miyrru on 09.04.2007, 10:37 AM:


actually, Seiji it was good that you did dislike it, as i can see where you are coming from.

now i dont think it is the dbz of the series, mostly has i dont think the main character were superhuman at all. it can be seen that just because they were young and had this amazing battle skill that they are superhuman, but they did get hurt, and it took time to heal. now the sense of time in the whole show confused me as it seemed to move way to fast fro what was actually happening.

I would also say that the gundams werent superhuman either, they all took damage, and at one time or another, they were destroyed at the hands of the enemy. if they went throughout the entire series without a scratch, then i can see your point, but it was meant that for them to carry out there mission that they would need a much advanced suit for fighting, and viola! gundams were used.

and i guess since you arent a fan of mecha, and you dont like any of them is fine. it was good to hear your viewpoint. at times the series was frustrating, but all in all, i dont hate any particular genre so the series was good with me.

@Mushka, you were hitting more of the story line and i can see where you are coming from, the battles were too simple for the strength of the gundams, so it was realativly boring, some of the duels were more well done, and came through all right. the actual characters were interesting outside of battle, one of the things i liked was the absence of cute high school girls getting wrapped up in this somehow(i know thats where Heero met Relenia, but yeah) it tried to actually move forward with a plot, and would have to use its art to push through rough spots, albiet there were some rough spots.

The ova had great potential, it was high on prettyness but low on production value,

thanks you two for the imput


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by sho on 09.15.2007, 02:06 AM:


I am quite a Gundam fan, and I loved it. (Of course, I watched it in Japanese)
For me, this one is kind of my classic Gundam, rather than the real original series.

The fights that are kinda boring are what makes it classic - it is more old-fashioned. However, I agree that some are very well made.

The complicated story line was one that was more fleshed out than it appeared - and took a bit of time to understand. The character development was also very interesting.

Personally, I'm more into Gundam SEED and SEED Destiny. They were both very good.


The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears.
The galloping time shines its light, and this world without you is my "FANTASY".

Posted by Miyrru on 09.15.2007, 11:33 AM:


i just downloaded the first half of gundam seed, i like it so far, i tried to watch the original 1979 series, and i cant do it, the animation is just to old.

seed has been very interesting after 4 eps, i like how in each series there is a guy with a bird mask. thats an interesting trend to continue.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Supergaijin on 09.21.2007, 02:05 AM:


I'm a fan of Gundam Wing. It's one of the series's that got me into the whole anime sub culture. I grew up watching it.

I guess the reason a lot of people don't like it is because of all the war philosophy and politics talk. I liked it though. I especially enjoyed the choice of jazz music during some action scenes.

As messed up Treize might seem during his speeches, the series eventually really does get into some serious themes.

"Right now you and I are fighting like this, don't you feel fulfilled as I do whenever you're engaged in a fight? Don't you see? We can on acknowledge our existence in the battlefield!"
- Wufei

"The time we enjoy wasting, is not wasted time."

"The man studied economics, but he never studied happiness."

"Shizuki... will you marry me!?"

Posted by Roarkiller on 09.21.2007, 02:27 AM:


A lot of die-hard fans say GS and GSD had piss-poor storyline. That the only story told was how wussy Kira was.

Anyway, I never watched any Gundam series other than GS amd GSD, so can't comment. I heard, though, that Endless Waltz was somewhat a masterpiece.

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I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by sho on 09.21.2007, 02:37 AM:


Yeah, GSD wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be, but it is kind of the other half of the series.

GS: 4.3/5
GSD: 3.5/5

GW: 4.3/5
Endless Waltz: 4.7/5

Endless Waltz is an amazing movie.


The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears.
The galloping time shines its light, and this world without you is my "FANTASY".

Posted by Miyrru on 09.21.2007, 10:57 AM:


yeah the seed storyline is kinda laacking, it relies too much on coincidence and random fate. The animation is tight. and i am more of a visual watcher, if the series looks amazing i can let some plot holes slip by.

i have heard that destiny is garbage, but i really dont have anything else to watch so im going for it when i finsh seed.

i would rate seed and wing on the same level. i cant pick one over the other. i do like that in seed there is more relationship s going on. in wing it was just the male characters, with a bit of Heero-Relina. in seed, i like that there are the 4 girls, it leaves things more open ended due to more possibities.

fllay is such a major bitch though, i really dont like her lol.

i personally have problems with endless waltz. mostly because to me is seemed that it took a 50ep storyline and condensed it to 90 minutes. it wasnt bad, but i like length. waltz gains points for the re-designed wing zero and heero blowing the thing up, that was such a sweet scence.

i would go
GS 4.5/5
GW 4.5/5

waltz 4/5


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by sho on 09.21.2007, 03:47 PM:


SEED did have some really slick animating.
Although one thing I don't really like is that in DESTINY, Kira-san = unbeatable.


The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears.
The galloping time shines its light, and this world without you is my "FANTASY".

Posted by Miyrru on 09.21.2007, 03:58 PM:


way to spoil it, ugh...

nah just kidding .


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by sho on 09.21.2007, 04:04 PM:


It wasn't much of a spoiler, because you don't quite watch him fight and go:


It's almost a given in MOST series. I mean, they usually all have certain flaws, but their always either unbeatable or very very strong.


The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears.
The galloping time shines its light, and this world without you is my "FANTASY".

Posted by Miyrru on 09.21.2007, 04:06 PM:


im not sure, in wing heero went through like 4 gundams. he was right strong, but he still trashed his machine.

but true enough, point taken.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by sho on 09.21.2007, 04:08 PM:


I love how the pilots are the only people who don't think that piloting these HUGE robots is really cool.
8] 8]


The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears.
The galloping time shines its light, and this world without you is my "FANTASY".

Posted by Miyrru on 09.21.2007, 04:09 PM:


yeah, its more of a afterthought. i would join the military in a heartbeat if i could fly one of those things.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by sho on 09.21.2007, 04:40 PM:


Dying in a giant robot would kinda stink. I don't know if I would even join the military to do that.


The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears.
The galloping time shines its light, and this world without you is my "FANTASY".

Posted by Miyrru on 09.21.2007, 04:46 PM:


you wouldnt necessarily die. probability would go up, but still. i would be will to take that chance. it might be safer than being a civilian in a war fought like that.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by sho on 09.21.2007, 04:55 PM:


I just hope I don't get sent to war. It's not a glorifiying experience.


The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears.
The galloping time shines its light, and this world without you is my "FANTASY".

Posted by Miyrru on 09.21.2007, 05:02 PM:


well, as far as i know, i live in canada, we dont have a draft, and if i was drafted i would dodge it, unless i coudl pilot a giant robot, i wont be joining.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

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