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Posted by Pink on 09.11.2007, 06:39 AM:

  Any FMA Fans here?

This is definetly my faviourite anime series, any fans on here? And if so, what do you like about it?

Original Designers


Posted by arren18 on 09.11.2007, 12:35 PM:


I've only seen the first episode of the anime, but I have volumes 1-4 of the manga and it really is excellent. I intend to continue with it, as it's my favourite manga just now.


Posted by Blienky27 on 09.11.2007, 05:26 PM:


Yep! I'm up to book 7 in the manga series. I've never watched the anime, though.

Posted by Pink on 09.11.2007, 08:17 PM:


Ive never read the manga, but i know the anime is awesome.

Original Designers


Posted by frigidchill on 09.12.2007, 06:28 AM:


Can you post a synopsis?

Posted by Pink on 09.12.2007, 06:32 AM:


After losing their mother, Alphonse and Edward Elric attempt to bring her back using the forbidden science of human alchemy. However, alchemy operates on the theory of equivalent trade, and breaking the human alchemy taboo carries a heavy price. Ed loses his leg, and Al loses his body. Ed is able to seal Al's soul inside of a huge suit of armor, at the cost of his arm. Years later, Ed (now with two mechanical limbs) and Al (still trapped in the armor) leave their childhood home, each brother concerned with the other's happiness. Ed, who has a natural talent and skill for alchemy, becomes nationally certified and is soon known everywhere as the "Fullmetal Alchemist." Their true objective is to search for any information on the fabled Philosopher's Stone, hoping it will allow them to regain their old bodies. All of their hopes rest with this mythical stone, which may not even exist at all. However, the brothers soon learn that they are not the only ones after the powerful stone.

Original Designers


Posted by tariss-of-mar on 09.27.2007, 11:17 PM:


I love FMA, but I've only seen like, the last few episodes...
But I still love it and that's the whole point.

-Nanashi Fangirl-
¨Sorry about the meal, how I made it uncool... Floorwise...¨ Neil, The Young Ones.
I´m a supporter and user of Ubuntu (Linux)
Open source rules!

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 09.30.2007, 01:01 AM:


ah,the brilliance of looking for conqueror of shamballa but so far my spies have turned up with nothing of relavance.if you seen the movie,does ed get back?if yes,i hope he gets with winry.if no im going to crawl into my room for a few days and fanfic write that he does until my eyes explode!
btw,tariss?what the hell is with your signature?at least mine prevents you from getting tackled by the cast of "boarder security"...climb ya own stairs yaself!
i dont mean to be rude but im stressed cos i heard ed never returns..


Posted by Pink on 09.30.2007, 01:04 AM:


Al joins Ed on the other side of the gate.

Original Designers


Posted by tariss-of-mar on 10.26.2007, 06:14 PM:


Spoiler Alert...Much?

-Nanashi Fangirl-
¨Sorry about the meal, how I made it uncool... Floorwise...¨ Neil, The Young Ones.
I´m a supporter and user of Ubuntu (Linux)
Open source rules!

Posted by Ray15 on 11.19.2007, 12:32 AM:


FMA is a good anime I havent finished it cuz it was all ways re-runs so...yeah ^^ But I have to say its in my top 100

Thanks for the Sig #1 Sanfan

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 11.19.2007, 10:24 PM:


absolute legend,this show.even some non otakus have heard of it...and when my anime hating sister walked in when i was watching the movie,she sat and watched it too,all the while asking about the characters and plotline!she thought winry and hawkeye were the same girl....but shes learning!


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 12.25.2007, 07:27 PM:


um,does maes hughs die?cos i missed a heap and im not seeing him...
and at the opening of the movie it shows a death-type scene.
is he dead?


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 12.25.2007, 07:36 PM:


stupid wikipedia.


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