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Posted by harmony-of-mar on 01.02.2008, 02:42 AM:

  fave anime character of all time

ok,whos your fave?
any one,any anime.
please describe both character and show.


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 01.02.2008, 06:49 AM:


8 people veiwed this and none liked it.
aw well...

alviss,from MAR.

kay,basically when a kid called ginta falls into the world of mar, alviss was the one who summoned him using the clown gate.
then they and the rest of the characters go to save the world from the chess.
not that anyone would care cos no one likes mar!!


Posted by Kazegami on 01.02.2008, 06:52 AM:


I'll post here later k? I just don't have time to write out all the stuff about Fruits Baskey right now. And also, I can't decide which FB character I like best.

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 01.02.2008, 07:00 AM:


who can?
theyre all so cute/hot.
yeah, ill post a more detailed description of alviss when im not half asleep.


Posted by fenkashi on 01.02.2008, 07:06 AM:


Oh I can! Kyo ^_^ Oh and also Haru! And Hatori...yeah, I can't decide. Ah well. It was worth the effort. Ah I almost forgot Akito and Kureno.


Posted by Kazegami on 01.02.2008, 07:19 AM:


Originally posted by fenkashi
Oh I can! Kyo ^_^ Oh and also Haru! And Hatori...yeah, I can't decide. Ah well. It was worth the effort. Ah I almost forgot Akito and Kureno.

Oh no you can't! I think harmony was right, it's impossible to decide. My favourites keep changing, first it was Kyo, then Hatori, then Akito. Now I think it's Yuki. But one thing is certain. It will never, ever be Ritsu. He's a royal pain in the ass.

Posted by Chihiros-Dream-Boy on 01.02.2008, 04:29 PM:


Not another similar thread?

Ok then, Its Chihiro for me, I'd be in trouble if I said anything different!


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.02.2008, 05:11 PM:


( Concering Fruit Basket the best ones are obviously the magic three! Hatori, Shigure and Ayame

My favourite anime charachter would have to be (Im excluding Ghibli from this in my mind) anyway it'd be The Twins from OHSHC i dont care if theres two of them they count as one in my head =] But Tamaki's very sweet as well. Probably not the deepest charachters but whatever they're just too cute.

Posted by Miyrru on 01.02.2008, 05:16 PM:


despite having this thread repeated often i really cant pick who is my favourite of all time. it is usually just my favourite character from the series i am currently watching.

So it is a dead heat between Haruhi and Saber right now, but it will change.


Click for Gallery^^
The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Kazegami on 01.02.2008, 05:33 PM:


Yeah I agree with you NausicaaCat, Hikaru & Kaoru are great.

But I don't agree that the Mabudachi Trio are the best from FB. Mainly because Shigure and Aaya are creepy. Shigure's the creepiest. You should read the manga if you haven't already. Shigure's a very interesting character in the manga, really hard to fathom. And sometimes creepy.

Anyway, I have, for the moment, decided that my favourite anime character of all time is Yuki Sohma. I chose him for his character, not his looks. In FB, it's impossible to choose a favourite character based on looks IMO. Yuki's sometimes a bit of an anti-hero. 'Specially in the manga. He has many weaknesses and faults, and becomes increasingly susceptible to his own emotions as the series goes on. Perhaps it's his relateability (that's not even a word is it?) that holds the appeal.

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 01.02.2008, 06:16 PM:


i chose alviss because at first he is cold and hard but as he becomes friends with team mar,especially nanashi,
he lightens up and is happier.
the reason hes emotionally detached is becuase of the zombie tatto.
once it spreads through his entire body he will become an imortal zombie and he will kill his friends and become evil.under all this hes a nice,caring person.
after a while he learns being lonley is pointless and becomes comfortable around them,especially after its removed and phantom dies.

hes also funny sometimes,particulary when nanashi tries to hook him up with a girl.
he doesnt wanna gf cos of the tattoo,though.


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.02.2008, 07:21 PM:


Kaze once again i have to disagree with you! I have read the manga (Well not all of it, though i am trying to) and i do not find shigure creepy! He is PEVERTED! As is Ayame. But thats not a bad thing! That just makes them funny. They are the comic relief in the middle of all that sadness and anger - I ADORE them Plus i think the moment i fell in love with Hatori was in a picture of him in the manga, one of the earlier on books its the one when they go to the forest. Y'know by the lake? and they're teasing kyo about the bear? anyway he's lying there and he's asleep and he just looks so CUTE Bless Him.

Yuki's lovely and everything but he's far too soppy, half the time he's just like: Oh i should probably tell her this but wait i wont because im too girly and frail.
Of course he has his fantastic moments but still >;[
Lol i never agree with you kaze

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 01.02.2008, 07:28 PM:


leave yuki alone,hes bin tortured for god sake!


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.02.2008, 07:31 PM:


Lol yes i KNOW! That bit about him almost made me cry and i DO love yuki since he is a sweet little thing but i think i was just retaliating against the remarks made towards Shigure.

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 01.02.2008, 07:43 PM:


shigure rocks,dont mess with him.


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.02.2008, 07:52 PM:


Thats Basically What I SAID! ;]] I Love Shigure.

Posted by Kazegami on 01.02.2008, 08:24 PM:


OK I realise my arguing against you is pointless because we're both stubborn as oxen, but I'm in the mood so let's carry on huh?

Originally posted by Nausicaa_Cat
i do not find shigure creepy! He is PEVERTED! As is Ayame. But thats not a bad thing! That just makes them funny. They are the comic relief in the middle of all that sadness and anger - I ADORE them
Shigure IS creepy, in a non-perverted way. He's cold, unfaithful, insincere, you never know what he's thinking and he always seems to be scheming something, something bad.

Plus i think the moment i fell in love with Hatori was in a picture of him in the manga, one of the earlier on books its the one when they go to the forest. Anyway he's lying there and he's asleep and he just looks so CUTE Bless Him.
ZOMG! We totally agree!

Yuki's lovely and everything but he's far too soppy, half the time he's just like: Oh i should probably tell her this but wait i wont because im too girly and frail.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... OK he's a weak person! Live with it! It's part of his appeal dammit! *takes calming breaths*

OK. I can think rationally now. See what happens when you dis Yuki? Seriously, I'm worse than the Prince Yuki Fanclub Girls. OK... reasons I think he's a great character... he's polite, pretty charming, incredibly kawaii sometimes. He's very gentle, easy to feel sorry for, perhaps even empathize with. These are the things you call soppy? Think again NC.

Hey I'm just gonna say this to see what kinda reaction I get: I. HATE. SHIGURE.

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 01.02.2008, 08:28 PM:


...*burst into tears*
Ok,ive only seen the show...
shigure seems so nice,how could be cold and incencere?
hes one of my fave zodiac animals!


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.02.2008, 08:30 PM:


OMG! [[ Internally Explodes ]]

SHIGURE IS NOT MEAN OR CRUEL! He only ever does little things that yeah have a nasty side to them but he doesnt mean them evilly he just likes to tease people! Like his editor, he's forever driving his editor crazy but he doesnt mean it in a cruel way just as a joke! And he does actually do nice stuff he's always doing nice stuff but you dont realise it because of the way he goes about it! Like he guilt-trips kyo and yuki into doing nice things and stuff! And he constantly does lovely things for hatori! Like bringing him all those rude books! He Is LOVELY >:[[

Lol I love arguing too.

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 01.02.2008, 08:34 PM:


god,i was really worried for a second...


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