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Posted by completeandutter~OTAKU on 10.11.2005, 12:56 AM:


You may think that's it's dumb, but everyone has their own opinion. I love it. I love the first and fourth seasons. I love Kouji.

If you do like it, well then you're welcome to post. If you don't you're welcome to post anyways. I don't care.

If you think about it, the whole idea of it is so complex. In ALL of the seasons as a whole.....I would write more on the subject, but I gotta go. My mom's gonna kill me if i don't. Night'! (please visit my site, if it's on my profile or email me please. I like having friends...OH and if you're on GAIA, look me up, I'm koujiFREAK101)

Posted by Crystal218 on 10.11.2005, 04:07 PM:

I absolutely love kouji (yeah and a bit of Tai)

the 4th season is the best: Digimon frontier (but the tamer series was prettay ok too)

its not dumb. I lov it (along wiv all my fav animes)! yay

Posted by Goddess Nayru on 10.13.2005, 02:12 PM:


Digimon is ok..I don't like how they kept going...they keep making new characters! It's so confusing!! XD


Evil Enough For You?

Posted by Crystal218 on 12.05.2005, 07:06 PM:


i think the dub is worse than the eng version (blah blah blah digivolve to....!) yer that got on my nerves.

keep making new characters? its only 4 sets to remeber and only bout 5-10 each. not too hard 2 remember. lol

Posted by anumalik on 06.05.2006, 10:21 PM:

  not a bad show..

Digimon was my ultimate favorite show during middle school, I loved watching it, and unlike pokemon it had a totally different atmosphere. Pokemon was my favorite in elementary school. I also loved singing along to the theme song starting in the beginning in the mornings when I used to watch the show. I hardly rememer what the show is about, but rememeber being totally obsessed with it in middle school. It was too bad when they stopped showing it during saturday mornings, because I never got to see it again.


...when I look at him
I can see a boy hidden in the depth of his piercing blue eyes,
a boy who is longing his freedom......

Posted by shiawase on 06.06.2006, 01:07 PM:


You are so right anumalik. Pokemon was elementary, Digimon was middle school, so was Medabots.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.08.2006, 07:42 AM:


pokemon i liked in primary school, never liked digimon. pokemon was on tv first, so digimon was always seen as a rip off to us, for the simple fact their names sounded similar


Posted by Kouchou on 06.08.2006, 11:15 AM:


i only watched the first two series ^_^ but i think my fav one was gatomon(sp?) the white cat thing it was cute and also lady devimon she rawked

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