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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 10.23.2006, 04:22 PM:

  Tsubasa Chronicle

Have any of you heard of this?
It's a great for cardcaptor sakura fans.
My sis is driving me insane watching it,
she's watched 6 episodes and insists to
watch the movie, in one day!!
Could anyone tell me where to buy stuff
for it, or what it is rated(my sis is 9)?
Toys'n'joys hasn't got much on it.

Posted by Roarkiller on 10.27.2006, 02:15 AM:


For the anime, 9 is pretty fine. For the manga, in the later series, it gets a little bloody.

The movie's quite good.

For stuff, sorry, no idea. I don't really do anime collectibles.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by kk-on-keys on 10.27.2006, 04:45 AM:


I love Tsubasa...

*does a little dance*

I have no idea where to get merchandise from though... although I would kill for a Fai plushie!

Posted by nanafan on 11.08.2006, 11:20 PM:


i have seen all of tsubasa. mmm might have some stuff or just search on ebay..


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.02.2007, 06:56 PM:


Oh, kk, I've found Fai plushies..LOTS of them!!
gets bloody? Cool..I've already seen some of the later
chapter and knew how it happened due to some
guys told me. I think they are older. And one had
a user name I really liked.
EEH!! Poor Fai.
KK, I'll give you a couple of links to a few sites so
you can get your Fai plushie, okies?
Hey, can any of you tell me what my avatar says?
It's going too fast.

Posted by nanafan on 01.02.2007, 10:23 PM:


haven't had a chance to read your av lol. i was at the book store and was debating whether to get tsubasa 10 or not. i really wanted to get nana 4 but they didn't have it.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.03.2007, 11:29 AM:


I've only got 3 vol. of Tsubasa. I bought my
sis the first volume in November I think,
then got my friend hooked to it.
Then my parents bought me the 2nd and 3rd
for Christmas anlong with Fruits Basket.
My mom felt bad she couldn't find Shutterbox.
But I'll keep searching for Shutterbox. I
believe there are 4 volumes out in stores now.
The fourth I think was finished before Christmas
or after. Not sure.
I was going to buy the fourth vol. and 3rd or
Fruits Basket, but they had no third or fourth
there for Fruits Basket. So never got that.
Then I searched for the first vol. of Negima?! but
they only had vol. 6 and higher.
In the end I bought 2 vol. of Magical x Miracle,
there were only one copy of each, and forgot
about Tsubasa. But I spent 55$ on books.
I got a Diana Wynne Jones book and a baby book
for my new cuz and a wizard book along with
a Shigure book mark. Would have been cool if
there were Tsubasa book marks. Maybe if they
dub it there will be.

Posted by nanafan on 01.04.2007, 03:27 PM:


i have vol 1,3, 4, of fruitsbasket i think i stopped reading it don't know why.. i guess i lost interest?


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.05.2007, 04:09 PM:


Really? Too bad. I like the manga
better than the anime though.

Posted by Tsuko on 05.07.2007, 01:50 PM:


I think Tsubasa is great, at least i liked it alot. I have bought 2 mangas, looking forward to buying a few more. I like them both equally-manga and anime.

''Peace,'' said Midori
''Peace,'' I said


Posted by Ray15 on 06.03.2007, 01:23 PM:


I'm really into it now. I'm surprised i haven't heard of it until a few months ago. I've only read and watched a little bit but it's a great series so far. I'm hopping to watch more and read more. I have the whole manga series but i never have any time to read it. I hope i finish the series before too many other good ones come out

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