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Posted by Saddletank on 10.22.2007, 08:13 AM:


Yep, old thread, but it's a good 'un.

Given the art style of anime, the way hair is drawn, eyes and eyebrows are drawn, noses and mouths are (not) drawn, how chins are pointed and faces triangular, how many series are set in similar settings (high schools for example), and how few good VAs there are around, its not surprising that characters begin to look and feel similar.

Of course the 'realistic' end of anime (Jin Roh, Satoshi Kon) have characters that are truly unique but given the huge mass of manga-based churned out TV series it'd be surprising if characters were NOT similar I think.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 02.22.2008, 07:44 PM:


ok, heres some look alikes.

solty revant from solty re

looks like lenalee lee from d.gray-man

allen walker from d.gray-man

looks like haseo from hack//roots.


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 02.22.2008, 09:20 PM:


more look alikes!!

yuu kanda from d.gray-man

looks eerily like keele zeibel from tales from eternia


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 02.25.2008, 01:58 AM:


kaoru from flame of recca

looks like alviss from MAR


Posted by harmony-of-mar on 04.02.2008, 02:06 AM:


ok, everyone in karin seems to be a clone.
vampire karin maaka

looks like ichigo from tokyo mew mew

ren *melts*

looks like jenos from black cat...seriously, is he like a cosplayer or something?

and now i give you the second tamaki, winner!


Posted by Kazegami on 04.02.2008, 07:27 AM:


Harmony, I think that was like your 5th post in a row. o_0

I'll post here later I think. I had a pair in mind, kinda forgot who they were though...


My Anime List

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 04.02.2008, 12:33 PM:


I love Karin!! And yeah when I first saw it, and Winner came on I was like: Wth is Tamaki doing in this?! And what is he wearing?!

I love Winner, bless'im.

I was just thinking, Ichigo and Kyo (FB) look a little similar. They both have quite sharp features I think, though Kyo does soften his sometimes. And of course they have similar hair, though maybe Kyo's is flatter?

I dont know, I dont have two good enough pictures to compare them properly.

MAJOR EDIT: I just realised, we've been through that whole Winner-Tamaki thing a page ago? Lol lets just forget that then. And btw may I just make a formal apology for that whole saying 'lawl' instead of 'lol' thing, I find it irritating just reading it, and its me! so yeah sorry for that, jeez I looked like a right idiot.

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 04.02.2008, 07:12 PM:


well i dont remember us doing the winner-tamaki thing so here we are. heh, love winners hunting clothes, its like a preist crossed with crocodile dundee.
and its my 5th post in a row cos no one else posts here. just thought id clear that up


Posted by Little Tanuki on 04.23.2008, 04:59 AM:


I suppose some characters are bound to look quite alike when they're done in what is essentially a very similar style.

(Especially much -- I note -- in Ghibli films, mostly because the hair and eye colour of those characters rarely varies.)

Asobou ja nai ka?

Itsudemo dareka ga
Kitto soba ni iru
Omoi dashite wo kure
Suteki na sono na no

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 04.23.2008, 05:09 AM:


yeah, i noticed that too. if you told me kiki was sheetas twin sister before id seen the movies, i woulda beleived you


Posted by Saddletank on 04.23.2008, 08:23 AM:


With Kiki and Sheeta it's not just a similar style - they are drawn by the same person, so clearly similarities will occur.

I sometimes think Fio and Nausicaa bear a family resemblance.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

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