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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 02.27.2017, 09:35 AM:


Originally posted by husky51
That's all right, FFF, WE know you ar... uh, we know you...

Jus' funnin' wit' ya


HL: I got a job today too.

Posted by husky51 on 03.05.2017, 07:22 AM:


I attended a Historical symposium in a neighboring city yesterday at an old city theater that still puts on shows and shows. I am now on their mailing list for future programs and they also had a list of choices for the kinds of shows. I checked 'ANIME' and was told that Ghibli's had been shown in the past... so cool!


Posted by husky51 on 03.07.2017, 05:53 AM:


Failed at keeping a schedule where I was supposed to call a Monday night Bingo game at the local Elks Lodge... Not a member, just a volunteer to help out Pat...

Forgot all about it and dozed off in the armchair watching TV, Dangit... Mad at myself!!

Gotta call Pat later today and apologize...
Yay! Called Pat and everything was copacetic! Another caller was on-hand to call... So I'm scheduled for next Monday evening


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.10.2017, 05:28 PM:


HL: I'm so dead tired from my job but it's so nice to be working again. <3 There's possibly a layoff soon but it might only be a couple weeks (hopefully).

Posted by husky51 on 03.11.2017, 05:31 AM:


Well, that sucks... Just get hired and facing a layoff... Wishing for the best for ya!!!


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.11.2017, 11:08 AM:


Originally posted by husky51
Well, that sucks... Just get hired and facing a layoff... Wishing for the best for ya!!!

Thanks. It does suck but it won't be long so I'm okay with that. haha
But I'd like to get more hours in so I can qualify for benefits (I'd like to get a tooth fixed before moving but don't have dental insurance).

Posted by husky51 on 03.16.2017, 10:50 PM:


HHHL and LL:


Accidently clicked on page one of this thread and got a huge flashback of memories!!!!

It is the ninth anniversary of my becoming a member of the Tavern, March 17, 2008 and the page I clicked on was from April 30-May 1 of 2008...

I saw Harmony-of-Mar; Yay! Kiki (who joined one month after I did); fenkashi; Mush; Farren; Nausicaa Cat; Mirryu; arren and Saddles...

It almost brought tears to my eyes, seeing all the names of people that I seldom, if ever, hear from anymore... Kiki was around not to long ago, Fen, Saddles and arren of course, but I never hear from any of the others. Makes ya wonder what they are all up to... Damn, nearly a decade (well, 1 yr short)
but anyway... WOW!!!

A lot of love was being thrown around on that page, even for me, a newbie back then...

I miss them and all of the old names... Even Dballred was around not long ago...

I just read 4 or 5 pages of posts from back then... I can't hardly believe that we chatted it up so much back then... It was so fun... sigh....


Posted by saviour2012 on 03.17.2017, 09:36 AM:


i dont remember when i last posted, hmm..


I think some people can move on. Some can not. I am not like that i know that for sure, specially relationships with people, i can hardly ever forget them. I even remember the names of my childhood friends when i was 5. (if any of you remember i frequently changed school in my early years due to my father's job, so i was with them for maybe a year or two).

I dont know if you are the same but i fell a little bit sad when i find that i would not be able to be in contact with a person.

I find my behavior strange cause i hardly ever talk or chat with these people in my leisure time. But still i can not forget them.

Tavern has been a tremendous experience for me i will most probably remember many members for years. Many members i respect and am fond of, but dont really have any way to communicate with them.

Normally this does not make any difference but some days when i visit tavern i feel i really miss some members. why? i dont really know. But i just do.

I think the reason probably is that tavern had some really interesting people. You dont get to see these kind of people everyday.

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by husky51 on 03.19.2017, 08:48 PM:


hahaha, just remembered that this was the first anniversary of my membership, where I joined on St Patrick's Day, that I had found out that I was part Irish!!! lol

According to my Ancestry DNA return I am:
48% Great Britain
21% Irish
9% Scandinavian (Mom always said I was part Norwegian but didn't elaborate)
The rest was divided between Italy/Greece; West Europe; Iberian Peninsula (Spain, etc) and even a smidgen of Western Asia


Posted by arren18 on 03.20.2017, 04:39 AM:


Wow, that's a lot of British! Recently I was talking to a colleague (or rather, overhearing him talking to somebody else...) about DNA analysis. From his description of how it works, I got the impression that coming up with high percentages of anything is unusual unless your family has stayed in the same place for generations.


Posted by Saddletank on 03.20.2017, 06:29 AM:


Although of course "British" is made up of French, Vikings, Danes, Saxons, Celts, Picts, Italians (i.e. Romans) and heaven knows what else

All I know is my family name has Viking origins - hardly surprising as I am from Yorkshire.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by husky51 on 03.20.2017, 08:14 AM:


Their name is so common, William, etc, all I can make out on my paternal ancestry is that my grandfather was born in England, and there are so many, many William Husky's (lol) in England, that I cannot figure out just which one is mine...sigh. At least on my maternal side, she has grandparents who owned a coffee shop in Sevenoaks, London area... Like you, Saddles, I probably got my 9% Scandinavian from the good old raiding Vikings, lol

hahaha, just read a story in this months National Geographic magazine about Vikings. Man, they were spread out. Probably made at least 4 or more trips to Newfoundland and south long before Columbus... Heck, even Amerigo Vespucci beat
Why Columbus gets the credit, I don't know...Better PR men, maybe... lol


Posted by saviour2012 on 03.20.2017, 11:57 AM:


Hmm.. Saddle's a viking. Interesting very interesting

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by husky51 on 03.20.2017, 02:04 PM:


Originally posted by saviour2012
Hmm.. Saddle's a viking. Interesting very interesting

Fine, I'm only 9% so I'm not, eh... I see how it stands..... lol


Posted by saviour2012 on 03.20.2017, 07:30 PM:


Originally posted by husky51
Originally posted by saviour2012
Hmm.. Saddle's a viking. Interesting very interesting

Fine, I'm only 9% so I'm not, eh... I see how it stands..... lol

Hmm.. You also want to be a Viking!!!.... Hmm.... Thats even more interesting... I should analyse the personality traits of vikings. Saddle's match.. Hmm very Interesting........... Hmm
Adventerous ..... Match
Straight forward ..... Match
Brave ...... Match
Sea-travel .... Match
Someother trait.... Not match
Trademark Attitude.... Not match

Hmm.... Nope husky you dont certify........You maybe 5% viking. You must have the trademark attitude(see how to teach your dragon)

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by husky51 on 03.20.2017, 08:09 PM:


You've heard of the Berserkers, right? They tore their shirts off in fighting anger... Me, I cam close to killing someone in a blind, white rage...

Of course, I may merely be insane, lol

This happened while I was in the Navy, btw...

I'vew been angry, but have pretty much controlled it since then...


Posted by Saddletank on 03.21.2017, 02:23 AM:


I know Sevenoaks. Its not really "London area" other than that London is in the same SE part of England. Sevenoaks is Kent, about 30 miles SE of the capital. Quite a nice town. Mind you, almost all of Kent is pretty. Some of my favourite English pubs are down in Kent. Good beer down there.

The name 'William' came across in 1066 of course and became hugely popular among the nobility over the next 200+ years.

Is Husky your family name? I always thought it was just an internet handle you'd chosen. The origins of 'Husky' as an English name lie in Anglo-Saxon roots and comes from the name "Os", extended by the diminutive suffix "-kin" (Oskin = Husky).

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by husky51 on 03.21.2017, 10:11 AM:


No about the 'Husky' name, just using a little subterfuge to conceal my real name... lol see PM that I will send...

I choose 'Husky' way back in 1969 for my CB radio handle... been using it ever since...

When I first installed my radio in my Mustang, I was going by 'Little Green Pony" but felt that too long for easy use so I got to thinking about what my Geographically Challenged schoolmates started calling me in Virginia. Because I was Canadian they were calling me 'Yukon" which is a tad north of my birth place in British Columbia, lol.

I felt that it was to sharp for the easy flowing talk of CB so I was thinking, hmmm. Yukon, Yukon... Yukon King? Same sharpness only longer... wait a minute... Yukon King was a character from an old B/W TV show about Mounties... He was a dog... What breed??? Why, a HUSKY!!! And thus, the Husky was

Thanks for the 'Husky' name linkage, something I hadn't known...

And yes, 'William' became popular, not only among the nobility, but among the general population as well... I forget what the popular female name of the time was, but it was derived from the same source, so to speak, from a popular Queen...

Thanks for the info... see you in a bit... (PM)



Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.28.2017, 01:16 PM:


I got placed on the waiting list again. So maybe no Japan this year either...

HL: I'm pretty bummed but at the same time I might not reapply for next year (I do want to apply for 2019, I'd like to be there for the Olympics in 2020 haha). I'm debating if I want to apply for college, move to a city, and/or try backpacking. I'm also going to seriously apply to teach in South Korea, but it's daunting because I don't exactly believe in myself and what I can do.

I also feel a little worried because of my age now but at the same time I don't want to let that hold me back in the long run. I don't plan on being a very "professional" type person. I want success but on my own terms.

Posted by husky51 on 03.28.2017, 07:21 PM:


First of all, don't be so negative about yourself!!! You're on the waiting list, period! That is better than being dismissed entirely, right?

As far as success "on your own terms" maybe, just maybe, you have to earn that right by working under someone else's terms for a while until you can learn the skills you need to succeed on your own terms...

You are concerned about your age and don't want to let it hold you back... why would it?

I've told very few people about the time in my life when I turned 25... a quarter of a century old and, to my way of thinking, nothing to show for it. No wife, not even a girlfriend, no great job prospects.. I drove a schoolbus and worked part time security and at the time no great prospects for advancement in my life, nothing!!! The thought of suicide was on my mind so much that I unloaded the guns in my apartment so that I was unlikely to shoot myself during the night while in a fit of depression.

This all changed within four years, I had a wife, a child, a better job with better prospects that led me to my job with the Highway Patrol... I hadn't purposely pursued these things, but thru my meeting people, my work ethics, and yes my bus driving, I met my future wife and my subsequent bus mechanic job led to a recommendation by the CHP inspectors to apply for a job as a Highway Patrol commercial vehicle inspector, a job with advancements within the department.

I now consider my life a reasonable success, based on the efforts that I put into it. To be sure, my marriage ended in a divorce, but everything else was good. Three wonderful children, and a good retirement and living fairly well at the age of 70.

Why did you only make the 'waiting list', was it something that you could have studied or worked at that might have changed the outcome? I am not trying to put you down, far from it. I love all of my Ghibli family and my words to you are my way of trying to give you the incentive to get out of the doldrums you seem to be experencing and find your way. You are about 22 by my figuring and you still have time to make it. Not everybody succeeds at the same rate or time...

wishing you the best, Husky

(edited for grammar and spelling)


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