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Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:21 AM:

  #2 Isakaya High School - Tech Discussion only

Isakaya High School RPG Technical Discussion
Thread #1

This thread is for all discussion related to the Isakaya School of Shadows Role-Playing Game.


This first post is for people who are interested in joining the game.
Here is what you need to do:

1) Decide you really want to play! The game will take a small amount of commitment, you are expected to post once a day as a minimum, unless school work/job/real life/vacations mean you cannot do this, but when you are not occupied with real life you are expected to post on a daily basis. We hope you’ll want to post that frequently, if not more! You need to create a believable but interesting character who is a normal Japanese teenage high-schooler.

2) Spend a while reading a few of the game interactions – I’ll assume you’ve done this already if you have an interest to join. But still do so please to get an idea of the style of play and post content.

3) Make a character profile. It should look like this:


Name: (Japanese format: family name first then given name)
Age: 15 (or 16 – see note) (Note: we are all 15 year-old students, just started in our first year of high school – 10th grade. You should turn 16 during the year although you can be 16 when you start if your birthday is between 1st April and the game date your character joins the game – currently 15th April.)
Gender: M or F
Appearance: (hair colour/length/style, eye colour, skin colour, anything else you’d like to mention such as height, weight, general build, special features/marks and so on)
Character: (your basic personality goes here – feel free to keep things hidden and reveal them later)
Anything else you want to mention: (hobbies, sports, skills, any relevant family history etc. Try not to reveal too much here, part of the game’s fun is that the other players learn about your character as we go.)
Choose an after school club: (any sport or hobby or ‘none’ is a valid choice: aka the “go home club”).
Finally choose a desk: ( see here for a class plan and click on ‘Class Layout’. Don’t take the empty one behind Takako Aoi or the one to the left of Hissori Hibiki).


For names we are all Japanese although a couple of players are playing half-Japanese / half-American people or they have spent time previously in Europe (as a device to let them use their knowledge of Western music etc). Too many foreigners would be odd so please be Japanese if you can. If you can't find a name to use (maybe a favourite name from a movie or anime series) then PM me and I'll help you think of one. If you have an interest or a hobby or a band you like or something along those lines I can convert that to Japanese for you. Try not to use a ‘famous’ anime character name.

Character/Personality - whatever you feel comfortable playing as, it could pretty much be yourself, or you could choose to be a lot different. The main thing is to choose a character/personality type you can play consistently, it’s not very respectful of the other players if you start as shy, retiring and paranoid then become gregarious and outgoing within a day or two. Also you can be ‘interesting’ and have some odd traits but try not to be too wacky. A subtle personality ‘quirk’ is more convincing than an all–out nutcase. Or just be normal. Normal is nice. Try not to be the “shy silent type” – you will have a more enjoyable game if you are more outgoing since it will be easier for other players to interact with you.

Note this is the real world, not a world like Bleach, Akira, Evangelion or Naruto so no aliens or special powers, however there is already a supernatural plot developing slowly (nothing crazy - no Vampires or anything) so a mild interest in the paranormal might be handy.

In your posts you can THINK something, DO something or SAY something to another player. Use italics for your characters thoughts which are usually written in the present tense, normal font for actions or descriptive material and bold font for speech, again present tense – this format makes it easier for other players to follow. Actions are written in the past tense. Resist forcing players into a corner or putting words or actions into their mouth. Avoid restricting other players freedom of choice - so no posts like "I hit him and he fell down unconscious." Just leave it at "I hit him." Or even better "I swung a punch at him", the other player can then respond. Fights are tricky, no-one wants to lose so if you start a fight be creative and maybe break it off quickly, two people thinking up more and more inventive ways to hit their opponent while avoiding the others’ blows would get boring fast (if not downright silly).

This is an ordinary good-quality, smart Japanese High School (15 to 18 year olds) of over-achievers in a south Tokyo suburb of Kanagawa Prefecture near Kawasaki City in April 2007, so act accordingly. Please try and find a character picture from an anime series and make up a 100x100 pixels portrait for use as your avatar or as a small pic you attach to each post. Write your character name on it if you wish. Please check the game thread for examples of what others have done. I can find a pic for you if you are having difficulty.

4) Last of all post up your character profile in this tech thread and please PM it to Roarkiller and he will add it to the official game website. Then discuss with me a suitable entry point for your character to join the game.

The school map, class layout, story and characters are all here:

Roarkiller's awesome RPG page

I have also re-posted them all lower down on this thread.

When you join, it will be assumed that you have been in the class all the time but just studying quietly and you only just now decided to make friends and be noticed.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:22 AM:


Plans and maps of the school and parts thereof:

Class layout, class 1-A:

Isakaya High School:

Gym/Pool block (see main school plan for where this is located):

Locker area (under clock tower at main entrance):

Class 1-A’s timetable:

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:22 AM:


This is a dummy post. Please don’t delete.

I will use this space to add any more plans of parts of the school we might need. Anything within school grounds.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:24 AM:


Isakaya District (Google Earth):

Tokyo-Kanagawa rail map:

Tokyo districts map:

Isakaya game suburb schematic:

Character house locations to be added as and when.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:25 AM:


This is a dummy post. Please don’t delete.

I will use this space to add any more plans or maps of the district or Tokyo area that are needed. Anything outside school grounds.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:26 AM:


Sadoru’s house:

Sadoru’s street:

Sadoru’s garden:

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:27 AM:


This is a dummy post. Please don’t delete.

I will use this space to add any more plans or maps of other characters houses or the interiors of buildings and places outside school grounds.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:27 AM:


School of Shadows: a text-based, anime-style high school role-playing game.

Days 1, 2 and 5(am)

Day 5(pm) and Day 6

Day 7 and Day 10

Day 11

Day 11 Evening (Yuichi and Mai)

Day 12

Day 15

Filler Episode

Isakaya High School, south Tokyo (Kanagawa Prefecture, near Kawasaki) April 2007.

The Story So Far.

Day One - Thursday 5 April – Akuri Sensei Takes Charge.

A new school year starts. In class 1-A (10th graders, 15 years old) one girl, as soon as she entered the homeroom, was seen to have acquired an extra shadow. She is Takako Aoi a bright but scatterbrained and otherwise unremarkable student. During the morning she realises she has forgotten her bag and left it at the main gate. A classmate, Icchan, a Singaporean, volunteers to get it but finds he is accompanied by the shadow. He is shocked to see the shadow slide up over the wall, pick up Takako’s bag and return it to him. Icchan, Takako and two other classmates Okayu Sadoru who sits next to Takako and Hissori Hibiki who sits at back of class discuss this incident but all of them are merely confused and shocked and mostly take up positions of denial.

During Thursday it becomes apparent that 1-A’s homeroom sensei, Akuri Kousei, the school’s PE teacher is something of a martinet who by his sarcasm and unreasonable random punishments quickly makes himself disliked by the 1-A students.

Students active today:

Okayu Sadoru (M), Murakami Hiro (M), Icchan (M), Hissori Hibiki (M), Karinushi Fubi (F), Hasumi Yuichi (M), Seisaku Rakuin (M), Takako Aoi (F), Danji Suteki (M), Takasumi Tokaji (M)(total 8M, 2F)

Day Two - Friday 6 April - The Shadow That Walked Alone.

In the morning the Shadow is waiting for Takako by the main gate and follows her to class. It occupies the desk behind her. All the other students avoid that desk.

At lunchtime, Hasumi Yuichi thinking the school library might have some information on the Shadow goes there and finds an interesting looking manuscript locked away in the ‘restricted’ section. He signs a request to withdraw the book but it won’t be available until the following Monday.

Karinushi is upset due to her personal (mental) problems and runs out of class, Takako goes to the washroom to comfort her, eventually coming back to class with her.

Kurosawa Megumi (F) arrives in class, Tanaka Mai becomes active (F).

There is a lot of discussion and speculation about what the shadow might be. During a study period Okayu starts up a conversation with Takako which quickly develops into a friendship. Tanaka also forms a friendship with the boy next to her, Hasumi and he asks her if she’d like to check the strange book on Monday. She agrees.

Sho (M) arrives in class.

During art lesson in the afternoon, Takako suffers a mild lapse and inadvertently paints a picture of a round grey-black blob instead of the assignment given to her: a pictured inspired in style by Monet’s “The Sunset”. She wakes realizing the resulting work is useless to her assignment and puts the picture on the desk behind her to dry. She then paints a second, more useful picture.
During art a number of students see a picture in the art textbook that appears strange. It is by Munakata Shiko one of the most significant Japanese artists of the twentieth century. The picture in question is “Keeper, 1944” (depicting a war-casualty child patient at the All Soul’s Hospital (Munatama Byouin), Isakaya, South Tokyo). The painting depicts a sick child and his nurse. The child clearly has two shadows.
Also during art, Okayu gets up to get more art supplies and finds a small toy plastic tree in a box on the bookshelf. Not understanding why, he is drawn to give it to the upset quiet girl, Karinushi.

After school the students go to the main notice board in the locker area where the various after school club details are posted. It is very crowded and in the crush of students Karinushi suffers a panic attack and runs outside. Okayu goes out with her and sits beside her as she recovers. She eventually feels well enough to go home and Okayu accompanies her, concerned for her well being. They ride the bus about three miles to Hino where Karinushi lives in her danchi. Okayu sees her to her door then returns home. Even though Karinushi said she lived with her mother, Okayu can’t help but sense that she isn’t being truthful. He goes home still concerned about her.

Remaining in school a group of students, led by Icchan, decide to investigate the art club. Icchan hopes to find out more about the strange painting in the art textbook. He is accompanied by Seisaku Rakuin, Takasumi Tokaji, Sho, Tanaka and Takako. In the art department they meet Kazami Mizuho-sensei the curvaceous and bubbly art teacher and she shows them a large mural high up on the art room wall. Apparently painted about three years ago before Kazami-sensei joined the school. The mural depicts a scene apparently painted through time from medieval to the modern period ending with the school. The implication is that the mural depicts the same piece of land with the different uses it has undergone over hundreds of years. Kazami-sensei knows of the Munakata painting and gives Icchan a business card with details of Ikari-sensei, the archive director in the Munakata Shiko museum in Aomori. She says Ikari-sensei, an old colleague of hers should have fuller details on the painting.

Takako leaves the art club somewhat upset after she overhears Icchan being flippant about her shadow. Tanaka runs out after her, and walks with her. They strike up a close friendship. Takako confides in Tanaka that she is ill but asks her to keep this a secret.

Students that became active today:

Kurosawa Megumi, Tanaka Mai, Sho (total 9M, 4F).

Day Three/Four – Saturday/Sunday 7/8 April.

Not played.

Day Five – Monday 9 April - Discoveries and Discussions.

At the beginning of school Okayu waits inside the main gate where he sees the shadow and takes photographs of it with his mobile camera-phone. He then meets Takako and they go up to class together. Takako says she has something to tell him. He responds later in the morning that he too has something he wants to tell her. During a study period he shows her some of his song lyrics. It becomes clear to each of them that they are beginning to share a fondness for the other.

Karinushi Fubi is not in school today.

Today is Tanaka’s 16th birthday, she brings in a box of lemon cakes she has baked herself and hands them out in class during the morning homeroom study period. On the way up to class she meets Hasumi and it becomes clear that they are also both developing a mutual fondness.

Kurosawa strikes up a friendship with Hissori. It appears to be mostly one-sided but the green-haired girl perseveres.

Kazuo (M), Shiokawa Kagami (F) and Fushida Maho (F) become active.

Nadeshiko Benibara-sensei takes the Japanese Literature class. She is a stunning looking woman in her mid-twenties and a number of the boys are very interested in her appearance and quickly decide that Otogizōshi (fourteenth century short prose narratives) might easily become their favourite subject.

After the Japanese lesson the class goes down to the gym for PE. En-route Tanaka and Takako get chatting and they eavesdrop on the group of boys walking in front of them (Icchan, Sho, Kazuo, Okayu among them) following another misunderstanding of a comment by Icchan that Tanaka overhears, an argument develops at the gym door. During this Takako, cross and upset at Icchan and Tanaka’s argument, collapses and Tanaka and Okayu try to get her up but Akuri-sensei arrives. Worried that Takako and Tanaka might get a punishment Okayu mock-punches Icchan as a distraction. In the resulting confusion Tanaka moves Takako away beyond Akuri-sensei’s radar while Okayu is punished with 50 press-ups along with 2 or 3 other (NPC) boys for not being changed on time. The rest of the class are given ten laps of the gym. Akuri-sensei learns from the NPC boys that Okayu punched a classmate and he receives an hours detention tonight. After further threats towards Okayu by Akuri-sensei that the class will suffer further punishment unless he is told who Okayu was fighting with, Icchan also agrees that he was involved in the ‘misunderstanding’ and is also given a detention. Icchan’s apologetic behaviour results in part of the gym class’ punishment being revoked.

During Takako’s collapse however the shadow manifests itself again forming a defensive barrier in front of the girl through which Okayu, Icchan and Tanaka cannot touch her. This phenomena is witnessed by most of the class but not Akuri-sensei. Takako remains unwell and is sent up to the nurses office by Akuri-sensei, Tanaka escorts her. The remainder of the PE lesson proceeds normally.

Takako spends two lessons in the care of the nurse but returns to 1-A’s homeroom for lunchtime when the other students return from the physics lab to find her there. The whole class is at first rather subdued and in shock from the events in the gym but gradually conversations resume and Okayu speaks with Takako. She tells him she has leukemia. He takes her by the hand and leads her outside where he tells her his girlfriend of his last semester in middle school, named Kaede, died of a rare form of blood cancer at the beginning of March after winning a place at Isakaya, which she had striven hard for at the prompting of her mother. After his confession Takako and he decide they can both gain strength and companionship by moving closer together. They share a hug and Okayu promises to give Takako all the help and support he can.

In 1-A, and just for laughs Kurosawa and Hissori start to throw left-over bits of Tanaka’s birthday cakes around upsetting Icchan, Hasumi, Sho, Fushida Maho and especially Tanaka who tells them off but leaves the room, only just hiding her tears from her classmates within the room but not the three boys who accompany her. Hasumi, Icchan and Kazuo go out with her and Hasumi leads the group to the library.

Nagashima Hikari (F) becomes active.

Hissori, upset by being told off by Tanaka goes outside. Kurosawa follows him and they share lunch. Kurosawa begins to show a caring attitude towards Hissori who seems painfully shy, closed in and worried about something.

Meanwhile Fushida strikes up a conversation with Sho. Tsugara Ren (NPC) and Nagashima Hikari become involved in this exchange out in the quad which seems to develop eventually into Fushida and Nagashima both being interested in Sho. Although with all the cattiness and innuendo it’s hard to be certain. Someone is leading somebody on but no-one knows who or where…

Moritomo Takeo enters class during lunchbreak (M).

He talks initially with Fushida but decides to leave the conversation when Sho and Nagashima also join this group and a bitch-fest between Nagashima and Fushida flares up.

At the library Hasumi takes out the restricted manuscript he asked for on Friday. A postcard left in it by Akuri-sensei the Duty Library Teacher (and 1-A’s homeroom teacher) contains a personal message of support to Hasumi and Takako. It seems the sensei is not the complete swine everyone thought he was. He’s still a swine but not a total swine. The manuscript turns out to be written by a Professor Ibuki and is a history of the school but mostly focusing on the phenomena of the shadow people or Mihariban or Sokoban of which there have been a number of cases at the school since the early 1960s. It transpires that the Mihariban appear to be some sort of watchmen or guardians of very ill people. The four students discuss their find.

Takako and Okayu return happily to 1-A after his confession of support for her only to find that the strange painting Takako made on Friday has been tampered with since she laid it on the desk behind her to dry. Upon it the kanji characters for shugo or protection have been daubed in brown paint in a style not compatible with either finger- or brush painting. The graffiti was done when the paint was wet, indicating it was done during the art class on Friday.

Urged on by Okayu, Takako begins to try and communicate with the Mihariban with her mind. Both she and Sadoru blank out for ten minutes. Tanaka wakes them up when she returns from the library. Both of them are scared by this but while she was unconscious Takako felt a comforting presence, something like a kind, wise old grandmother.

Seisaku Rakuin wakes up from a long lunchtime nap and opens a conversation with Morimoto.

After school Sadoru and Icchan have detention and there is friction between the two boys in a corridor en-route to the sensei’s lounge over a debt of honour that Sadoru feels is important but Icchan does not. They end up not speaking to one another.

Fushida, scheming to find out Sho’s real name, decides upon a plan and ropes in Nagashima as her stooge to cause a distraction tomorrow during morning homeroom so that she can get a look at the class register.

Tanaka takes Hasumi and Takako to the art club again and sees that the picture of “Minatama Byouin” on the mural isn’t just the same building but exactly the same picture. She tells Takako what transpired in the library. Takako, thinking that perhaps she got into Isakaya and somehow took the place Kaede was more worthy of, runs out consumed by feelings of guilt and low self-esteem.

In the locker area several students gather and discuss the club notice board: Fushida, Seisaku, Morimoto, Kazuo, Sho. Fushida leaves and is spoken to outside by Morimoto where she explosively tells him to leave her alone, she then runs off and it transpires that her period is starting which might explain why she has been Such A Total Cow all day.

After Takako leaves the art club, Hasumi and Tanaka return to the lockers where he gives her a birthday gift of a small origami crane that he has made during the day. Shyly, he then runs off. The day closes with a scene of Tanaka in her bedroom getting the crane out of it’s box and looking at it and enjoying some warm fluffy feelings.

Students that became active today:

Kazuo (M), Fushida Maho (F), Shiokawa Kagami (F), Nagashima Hikari (F), Morimoto Takeo (M).

Students INactive today:

Murakami Hiro, Karinushi Fubi, Danji Suteki, Takasumi Tokaji (for a total of 8M, 6F).

Day Six – Tuesday 10 April – The Other Half of the Pair.

Tanaka Mai brings a box to school and conspiratorially places it in Hasumi Yuichi’s locker before going up to class. When he comes in and opens his locker, he discovers the box contains a home-baked chocolate cup cake with “Thank you” written on the top in sugar sprinkles. More warm and fluffy feelings.

Sadoru wakes up several times in the night from a nightmare in which he witnesses Takako dying in a hospital bed in the same way Kaede did, and he is unable to help. As a result of lack of sleep he is unfocused on the train and misses his stop. He gets off at the next station but forgets his school bag. The return train from the next station will make him ever later so he runs the two miles back to school, arriving exhausted and sweating.

Takako oversleeps, consumed by her worries that she is alive when Kaede is not and that she isn’t worthy to take the dead girl’s place. She gets to school late and meets Sadoru at the gate. He reveals that he spent last evening Googling the internet and finding out about leukaemia. She is quiet and concerned, he is exhausted and depressed. Together the unhappy couple enter school very late.

Icchan has been burning the midnight oil and comes into class with a written sheet of notes in which he itemizes the discoveries from yesterday’s library session and suggests a series of action points. He shows this to Mai and she shows it to Yuichi.

We are treated to the first gratuitous fanservice scene of Sho in his morning shower (hair styling and men’s fragrance product placement time). Along with Sadoru’s, Takako’s and Mai’s waking/dressing/breakfast scenes this is the fourth bedroom/shower room scene we’ve had this morning. Strange.

Before the second bell sounds Fushida, Nagashima and Sho recommence their squabble from yesterday and Maho goes over the edge due to her period pains and generally being Not A Very Nice Girl. Seisaku taps her on the shoulder and tells her to be quiet and she spins round and gives him a verbal lashing and then Nagashima does the same and she has a go at her as well. Sho, still in product placement mode sits there looking and smelling beautiful.

After registration, Akuri-sensei is called away unexpectedly to a meeting in headmaster Matoko’s office which stops Fushida Maho’s plan to discover Sho’s full name in its tracks. This also gives several students the opportunity to chat and Maho, Nagashima Hikari and Sho continue their three-way cat-fight which boils down to the two girls demanding that Sho choose one of them. He chooses Hikari but qualifies this as only applying to a lunch date, (argh!) the implication being that he’s offering a lunch date to the other girl tomorrow.

Seisaku Rakuin talks with Morimoto Takeo. Kazuo talks with Takeo. A remorse-filled Kurosawa Megumi gives Mai a late birthday card as an apology for yesterday and talks with Karinushi Fubi who is back in school today and seems a bit more chirpy and less schizoid and suicidal. Megumi continues to fret over Hissori Hibiki who talks to himself.

During first lesson which is Geography, an apparently depressed Sadoru shares a textbook of the boy to his right Otomo Yukio rather than Takako’s to his left. After this lesson Sadoru goes down to the secretary’s office to confirm that he and Takako had arrived at school late. The second lesson is Japanese Lit. with the ever popular and impossibly pneumatic Beni-Chan.

On the way to third period, Chemistry, Rakuin asks Maho to have lunch with him to which, after a few mind games, she agrees and they walk to the second block together.

Mai, Megumi, Hibiki and Fubi also walk together, Mai and Megumi messing about and laughing a lot. In Chemistry the party continues with some very odd smells coming from their joint experiments.

Sadoru and Takako walk together with a small cartoon rain cloud of depression over them. Takako tells him what Mai had told her yesterday evening in the art room and confesses her fears that in order for her to get into Isakaya, it might have been necessary for Kaede to die. Sadoru comforts her which ends up in yet another embrace (tish, typical). Her Shadow is in curiously close attendance during this cuddle.

After Chemistry, English is the last lesson for the morning during which the second Shadow appears, seeming to be spawned out of the first. It moves across the classroom to Hissori Hibiki, taking up residence at the desk beside him. Chaos breaks out in class and the English teacher, Watanabe-Sensei dismisses everyone to lunch early.

Takako faints during the commotion and Sadoru and Takeo, carry her out into the corridor but she recovers within a few minutes with the help of Mai and the Magical Ice Pack.

Rakuin takes Maho to lunch by the running tracks where she tries to draw sensible medium-weight conversation out of him but he seems intent on going deeper and seeking a relationship whereupon she dumps him and has a weepy emo attack in the girls washroom, ground floor of block 2.

Kazuo takes Takeo to lunch on the roof of block #1 where Takeo reveals a slightly shady family past.

Sho goes sniffing around school for Hikari and finds her on the roof of block #2. She’s upset at having no friends and he doesn’t help much since he seems to think anything she says implies she has the hots for him, comprehensively misinterpreting every word and gesture. Boys. Pah!

Sadoru and Mai take Takako and an upset Megumi and a moody Fubi outside to the benches whereupon they dump the walking wounded and go in search of Hibiki whom they find on the grass in front of the school being attended by Yuichi. Hibiki is brought back to the main group but conversation about what had just happened stalled due to Takako’s reluctance to talk in front of so many people. Instead she takes a cue from Sadoru and leaves with Mai back to 1-A to show her the Friday painting while Megumi tries to talk to Hibiki and Sadoru tries to talk to Fubi, both with distinct lack of success.

Takako tells Mai she has cancer. Mai tells Takako she loves her. They hug and cry. Awww…

Icchan, decides to give up on solving the Shadow issue by committee and do the job properly. And alone. He goes to Kazami-Sensei the art teacher and asks her to telephone her colleague in the Munakata museum archive department about the “Keeper 1944” painting. He gives her a series of questions to ask her friend.

After her crying fit, Maho leaves the washroom only to bump straight into Takeo and Kazuo who are about to go outside and sit on a bench. Maho has a moment of spiritual connection (or something) when she looks into Kazuo’s eyes before running off in embarrassment and panic to the library where she hides for the rest of lunch break.

On returning to 1-A Rakuin tries to chat Maho up again, this time a little more successfully and she offers to take him out that evening to a live music gig in Kawasaki City centre.

Hibiki tells Megumi he loves her and she runs off.

Takeo and Kazuo get talking like two old hens.

Megumi after crying by the bike racks returns to class only to break down again and be comforted by Fubi in the girls washroom. Sure seems to be a lot of girl-girl hugging going on today. Not that anyone’s complaining I don’t think.

After lunch the headmaster comes to homeroom, tells all the students not to tell anyone about the shadows or else and gives them the afternoon off. Mai, Yuichi and Icchan promptly go down to his office to grill him on a few important Shadow-related issues.

Takako takes Sadoru up to the roof to tell him her fears about keeping quiet and they discuss her problems and the whole situation for a while but then he takes advantage of the moment to tell her he loves her. She responds. They kiss. Awwww…

Rakuin goes to the art room to practice his graffiti skills where Maho finds him, they argue about his hobby, he gets annoyed and slaps her (cheers all round!) she tries to slap him back, he stops her and then forcibly kisses her. Yay! She finally slaps him and defaces his artwork but strangely agrees to go drink tea with him in the café across the street.

Fubi takes a confused Megumi outside the main entrance where Hibiki and Kazuo find them. Fubi tries to tell Hibiki about the Shadows but he gets upset and runs away (as he will if you say anything to him other than “pass the salt” or “tuck your shirt in” apparently). Megumi seeing him go, gets fed up of him running away from everything and everyone and kisses him! Awww… A right day of kisses this is turning out to be.

Takeo finishes his violin practice and then he and Kazuo chill for a while until Takeo’s Kendo club training which Kazuo watches (aha!) before they both go into town for an evening of arcade gaming and boy friendship.

At the café Maho and Rakuin get talking about friendship. She tells him she doesn’t want a boyfriend (almost certainly a lie but we don’t know why yet – anyone who does know what the heck Maho wants please write in on a postcard…). Rakuin does some sketching of her before Hikari arrives having mysteriously lost Sho after lunch. Hikari and Maho argue then make up then argue some more before Hikari leaves to wallow in her loneliness and Maho is left behind to wallow in guilt.

Rakuin takes Maho to his house which has writing all over it and he shows her around before she takes him to her place and then on to the live music evening, rather knocking the wind out of his sails when three of her (NPC) friends turn up, one of whom seems to rather like him.

After talking with the headmaster and discovering little other than confirming what they already knew and that the headmaster 1) knows a lot more and 2) isn’t going to tell them, Mai, Yuichi and Icchan talk in a corridor during which Icchan reveals his Master Plan To Take Over The World (and some stuff he’d thought up about the Shadows). In Shock and Awe, Mai and Yuichi walk off.

They talk to each other about each other during which we find out that Mai as well as baking cakes has an irrational fear of trains and Yuichi is much travelled and mother-less (as is Mai). Awww, cute. But no kissing. Never mind, you can have too much of a good thing.

Finally Fubi goes off to do some guitar playing and give religious offerings under some trees while talking to the guy in her head some more while Hibiki finding out that kissing can be fun, takes Megumi to the café where he suffers some kind of inability to tell her something and runs out, leaving her once again tearful, confused and alone.


Students that became active (or returned to play) today:

Karinushi Fubi (F).

Students INactive today:

Murakami Hiro, Danji Suteki, Shiokawa Kagami (for a total of 8M, 6F).

Day Seven – Wednesday 11 April – Questions, Questions.

Maho gets to school early and sits alone in class brooding over … things.

Sadoru also arrives early this time after a good night’s sleep and he waits at the bus stop where Aoi’s bus will drop her off. Unfortunately for him Aoi is ill today and her mom keeps her off school so after the five minute bell sounds, Sadoru goes in, noting her Shadow at the main gate.

Takeo, Kazuo and Hikari all drift into class and take their seats, the day looks like it’ll start as another quiet one.

Megumi is the one to suffer nightmares this time, dreaming again and again of running after something she cannot catch. She comes into homeroom in a black mood, dumps her bags and immediately goes to the washroom and sits in a cubicle to have another cry.

New Character, Ameashi Natsuba, F, joins.

She comes into home room, all 4 feet 8 inches of her and sits at her desk behind Takeo where she begins to fantasize about the tall, muscular Kendo player in front of her.

Other students drift in; Icchan, Rakuin, Hibiki and Sadoru who has given up watching Takako-less buses turn up and drive away again. Icchan doesn’t seem very well and crashes out at his desk.

A rather spacey conversation takes place between Takeo and Natsuba in which she embarrasses herself completely by asking what life is like “up there”, Takeo being almost 6 feet tall but then Takeo takes it very well, she recovers smartly and the two make each other’s acquaintance.

Maho talks with a very nervous Hikari but the taller girl seems to be on a mission to mend the broken things and offers the other girl her homework notes. Hikari however takes the opportunity to tell her she’s not going to give up on Sho. Maho has a personal revelation about Hikari’s apparent inner strength.

Megumi returns to class speaking to a kind tissue-offering Rakuin on the way. Mai arrives, sees a glum Megumi at her desk and goes over to ask if everything is all right. But clearly it isn’t as Megumi gets up and collapses against her, crying. Mai takes her to the washroom again where she comforts her. Megumi doesn’t open up to her as to what the problem is other than the catch-all “boy trouble”.

Sadoru goes to Hibiki while Megumi and Mai are out and tells him that he and Aoi would like to talk to him about his Shadow and that it will be good news. They agree to meet at lunchtime.

Yuichi arrives and Kazuo gives him a slip of paper written on which is the comment that Fubi made yesterday afternoon about a Muromachi era monk called Kuro living in her head and sending her brother crazy. Which of course would be exactly what you’d expect to see written on a piece of paper one of your friends gave you at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Megumi and Mai return to class, Mai speaking briefly to Yuichi and Kazuo and seeing the scribbled note. She then gives it to Icchan who groggily wakes from a doze in time to see the note and clock Mai’s rear swishing away to her desk.

Akuri-Sensei enters class and in a foul mood (for a change) hands out a survey that asks questions about yesterdays second Shadow incident, for an undisclosed purpose. He picks on Kazuo, bullying him into handing out the papers. Various students refuse to answer it or answer it in an unhelpful way, Hibiki, Kazuo and Icchan among them. Sadoru however stands up and returns the blank papers to Akuri-Sensei’s desk saying he refuses to fill them in. Akuri-Sensei makes him stand in the corner of class and tells him to see him at lunch break.

After homeroom Takefumi-Sensei takes the math class. The last class of the morning is music and the students leave the music room on the second floor of the second block.

At lunch Sadoru goes to detention but asks Mai if she can keep an eye on Hibiki who seems very depressed. He mentions that Megumi seems to like him and could Mai help bring them together in any way? In detention Akuri-Sensei more or less threatens Sadoru to keep his nose out of it and do as he’s told. During the interview Akuri-Sensei works out that Sadoru likes Aoi and uses this lever to threaten the boy, the consequences for Aoi being dire if news of her Shadow were to reach “certain government agencies” he says. Sadoru leaves the interview very shaken up.

He then goes to the school admin office, sneakily gets Aoi’s home phone number by asking the secretary to call her family to find out how she is and then phones her. They speak only briefly but his main point is that he seeks her permission to tell Hibiki that she is ill because he needs to reassure Hibiki that his Shadow will heal him. Aoi agrees that’s wise. He also asks her not to tell her parents about the Shadow.

Maho heads off alone to find some privacy in the grass behind the pool block, she thinks a lot about boys, girls, friends, relationships and how being a Class One Bitch isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. She comes to a decision to make some important changes.

Mai, Yuichi, Icchan, Kazuo and Takeo then go via homeroom to collect their lunches and take them to the roof of block 1. Rakuin then joins them and they discuss the Shadow incidents and specifically what Kazuo reported what Fubi had said yesterday. This quickly blows up into an argument between Kazuo and Icchan over the veracity of Kazuo’s report and whether or not Fubi is believable anyway. Mai tries to patch things up.

Eventually the roof group breaks up from the disagreement and some awkward silences. Seisaku goes off on his own and wallows in his own brand of personal unhappiness.

Takeo gets up and goes to practice Kendo.

After this Icchan talks a little about himself. Mai asks Kazuo about where he’d lived before and he tells them he moved down from Iwaki north of Tokyo. Icchan then asks “why?” which is exactly what Kazuo doesn’t want to be asked and he goes off once again into a sulk. Annoyed and upset, he runs off.

Only Yuichi, Icchan and Mai are left on the roof. It’s just the Three Musketeers once again…

Natsuba gets talking with Hikari and they go to sit on the bleachers by the indoor pool. Natsuba it turns out is a fan of watching muscular boys and she appears to also have eaten several libraries of words and can’t find the off switch. Hikari becomes irritated talking with this dynamic hormonal dwarf but that isn’t all due to Natsuba’s personality but mostly Hikari’s inner demons. They talk about hobbies (Natsuba goes into orbit about pottery) boys and friendships and Hikari gets depressed.

Coming away from the fun-filled roof party, Takeo, on his way to do some Kendo practice finds all the equipment taken and comes into the pool area to check if there is any in the store there. He sees Natsuba and Hikari and goes over. Natsuba folds up with embarrassment and shyness at his approach and after he leaves she confesses to Hikari how she loves Kendo players and she goes off into foaming fangirlyness and even fanservice with some fruity dreams. Hikari gets more depressed.

Takeo goes to practice Kendo but finds he can’t focus. He gets a twinge of guilt about abandoning Kazuo, packs in the Kendo and goes towards homeroom in search of him.

Megumi makes one more try to get close to Hibiki and get him to open up. He mumbles another rejection however and back in homeroom she gets cross at him demanding what happened yesterday in the café. He is on the point of answering her when his Shadow does something weird. It moves away from Hibiki to Megumi’s desk where she’s left her bento and carries it to the desk where she’s now sitting, next to him. She at once leaps up, frightened and stands on the desk further away which is in the corner of the room. Hibiki jokes about it but she is frightened. He tries to calm her down and mentions that Fubi said something yesterday that implied the Shadow might be good to have around. Megumi remembers Fubi saying something about cancer and makes the connection. Hibiki is shocked and doesn’t want to talk about it in homeroom where others are present so they go to the café again where Megumi demands answers. Hibiki finally gives them. He has cancer of the throat.

She reacts quite well given the news and takes him out of the café and down to the riverside. There she thanks him for telling her and for trusting her, she knows that this means he must like her. She tries to lever him out of his depression by talking to him about the river: here near the sea its old and slow and grotty and nearly dead. Hibiki acts like that. But he’s a boy with his whole life ahead of him, he should be like a mountain stream. After a few tender moments he takes her back to school seemingly filled with a resolve to try and make friends and enjoy life more. He even makes a metaphor of the children in the school being like streams and they should join together to make a river of their experiences.

Back in school they return to 1-A where Sadoru is waiting, lunch break is more than half over so with a rush, he sits down with them and noticing how at ease Megumi is with Hibiki’s Shadow, he tells them everything he knows: what he and Aoi have discussed, the events of the first day and the bag-retrieval incident; the small amount of what Mai told Aoi and Aoi passed on to him on Tuesday morning; the information about Aoi’s changed painting; the fact that the Shadows have been in the school for decades. Everything he knows (which actually isn’t much compared to the total pool of knowledge the class now collectively holds). Finally he tells them that the Shadows only seem to join onto ill people, and heal them. He also urges Hibiki to speak with Aoi.

At end of lunch Maho goes back alone and Hikari and Natsuba together but not talking since Hikari is feeling pretty crummy now. Takeo and Kazuo head back from different directions, Kazuo downstairs from the roof, Takeo up from the quad – at a run. On 1-A’s staircase they collide but laugh it off and walk around the school chatting before the end of break bell sends them back to class.

Icchan leads Mai and Yuichi down towards the sensei’s lounge taking them to talk to Kazami-Sensei but the end of break bell interrupts them. On the way back to class he imparts some pretty strange and strong information about why he is like he is, and how he has suppressed his emotions all his life so that he comes across as insensitive and rude when he isn’t. This has resulted in him having few friends all his life. Mai responds and the three of them go back to class.

Right at the end of break we find Rakuin on the roof pretty far down in a dark hole of self-pity. He sits right on the edge railing and looks down… a gust of wind catches him and he falls. Fortunately right into a Sakura tree that saves his life but nevertheless dislocates his shoulder and gives him a good few cuts and bruises. A few minutes later Tsugara Ren is passing and sees him, calmly watching him as he pops his shoulder painfully back into it’s socket and drops out of the tree. Ren introduces himself and the two boys head off to the nurses’ station. Rakuin tells Ren he fell from the roof but wisely decides to hide that fact and he and Ren cook up a story that he just fell down some stairs.

Akuri-Sensei goes into class and seeing two more absentees (Rakuin and Ren) he snaps, hurling abuse at the class as he strides up and down the rows of desks randomly screaming about the need for discipline, obedience and the individual’s needs being less important than the community. He sets a 500 word essay as punishment and when he sees the two boys later in P.E. he gives them a detention that afternoon, making them clear the windows of all the admin rooms on the ground floor (which is clearly a spite against Rakuin who has his arm in a sling after going to the nurse).

After homeroom there is an English lesson and then last lesson of the day is P.E. in which the girls have swimming and the boys baseball both in conjunction with another class. During baseball Akuri-Sensei bullies Kazuo mercilessly.

After the final bell and Akuri-Sensei’s love- peace- and forgiveness-filled departing words, the class disperse to go home or to clubs.

Maho at once gets up and seems to put into motion a well thought out plan; she sternly tells Hikari to stay put and then goes to Rakuin to invite him to another live music gig on Friday night, being rather touchy-feely with him and overly friendly. Not surprisingly, he accepts. She steps around Icchan who is on the floor at her ankles gathering some girl’s dropped books, neatly accusing him of peeking up her skirt and then pauses at Takeo’s desk apologizing to him for her PMS-induced outburst on Monday night (she doesn’t say it was PMS though, obviously). Next in her best prison warder voice she tells Hikari to follow her and she takes the other girl to the mall coffee bar where she lets it all come out – she tells Hikari she is giving up on Sho and she can have him.

Hikari is stunned and blurts out that she doesn’t want him either. It seems both girls were chasing him thinking something about him attracted them and both have come to the conclusion that he’s not the boy they are seeking.

Hikari then alludes to how she’s had some kind of painful past with people she trusted but who hurt her and Maho confesses that she’s sorry she hurt Hikari and says she’s thinking of moving classes so Hikari won’t have to put up with her anymore and it all ends up on the river bank with Hikari in floods of tears and confessing Maho is her secret role model. Maho can’t handle this – how can a selfish, arrogant class-1 bitch like her be someone’s role model?

Hikari finishes her crying jag against Maho’s chest, sorts herself out and goes home. The two girls wave goodbye and before she walks home, Maho sits on the river bank throwing stones in the water and worrying away at things, particularly, it seems, the concept that real friendship might even exist, and the taste of tears.

At the bell Natsuba sits worrying at her desk waiting for a chance to speak to Rakuin except that Maho comes barging in and then Icchan does too, so surprising her that she knocks her chair over and drops her bag, all her books falling at Maho’s feet. Icchan picks them up and gets accused of being a pervert for his trouble.

But the two of them chat for a bit about trivial things and Icchan thinks her wanting to talk with Rakuin is the source of her nerves.

After Icchan goes Natsuba is still waiting for Rakuin to notice her but instead Hibiki does and these two exchange stumbling greetings and while they are doing so Rakuin gets up and leaves for his detention, throwing Natsuba into a tizzy when she sees him going. This tizzy gets misinterpreted by Hibiki as further weirdness especially when Natsuba, in mid-sentence… no, in mid-word breaks off the conversation, looks around strangely, says good-bye and runs out.

Megumi then comes over to Hibiki and the two of them leave school together, saying goodbye at the river bridge, with a quick hug and a kiss.

Yuichi asks Mai if she’d like to go with him and she says she has art club but can spare a few minutes, mentioning that she would still like to hear Yuichi play some music. He takes her to the music room and there, in the empty room before the music club students arrive, he sits at the grand piano and after a few moments of fearful worry about what to play decides upon Adagio Cantabile. As he plays the gentle tune Mai sits quietly near him watching him and totally caught up in his face and the sound of the piano and her heart fills up with things she doesn’t understand. Then the music ends, the room door opens and some music club students come in and the moment is over. She gets up and says thank you and goodbye and goes to her art club.

Icchan goes to the art room to speak with Kazami-Sensei again (is this mural investigation just a pretext to talk to her we all wonder?) and he takes his usual photos.

Sadoru gets up and leaves alone but a few minutes later Kazuo catches up with him going down the hill to the station. The two boys chat about where they live, finding they’re not that far apart in different areas of Tama New Town and they might even catch the same train most days. Kazuo then brings up the subject of bullying which the resilient Sadoru treats rather lightly which isn’t that helpful to the other boy. When they get on the train Sadoru points out the groups of pretty senior girls from a nearby school and the lack of interest from Kazuo goes right over his head. The poor innocent schmuck.

Students that became active (or returned to play) today:

Ameashi Natsuba (F).

Students INactive today:

Murakami Hiro, Danji Suteki, Shiokawa Kagami, Sho, Karinushi Fubi (for a total of 7M, 6F).

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:29 AM:


This is a dummy post. Please don’t delete.

I will use this space to add more story summary parts.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:30 AM:


This is a dummy post. Please don’t delete.

I will use this space to add more story summary parts.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:31 AM:


Character Friendships:

Friendship dynamics. I used 1 arrow to indicate there has been at least some contact (you might nod to them if you passed in the street), 2 arrows for a moderate friendship (if you met in the street you'd stop and talk) and 3 arrows for a strong friendship (if you met in the street you'd most likely break off what you were doing and spend time with them, if not the rest of the day). To give you some perspective, for me most friendships the world over are “2 arrow” ones, “3 arrows” indicates a special close friendship and in that regard we may have too many marked as such. I am happy to modify anything if a player asks.

If two people with 4 arrows met in the street...

> acquaintance
>> friend
>>> strong friendship
>>>> romantic bond

Red indicates added at the party. For meeting people I think it’s been a resounding success.

Ameashi Natsuba = >> Hikari > Takeo >> Hibiki >> Icchan > Maho >> Sadoru >> Aoi >>> Mai > Yuichi > Sho >> Kazuo >>> Rakuin

Fushida Maho = >> Sho >> (Ren) >> Kagami >> Takeo >>>> Hikari >>> Rakuin > Natsuba >> Sadoru > Kazuo > Aoi > Chi > Mai > Icchan

Hasumi Yuichi = >>> Mai >> Icchan >> Kazuo > Fubi > Aoi > Hibiki > Sadoru > Megumi > Takeo > Rakuin > Natsuba

Hissori Hibiki = >>> Megumi > Yuichi >> Sadoru > Mai > Fubi >> Aoi > Kazuo >> Natsuba >> Chi

Icchan = >> Sadoru >> Mai >> Aoi >> Yuichi >> Kazuo >> Sho > Takeo > Hibiki > Rakuin >> Natsuba > Maho > (Hiro) > Chitose >> (Jun)

Karinushi Fubi = >> Sadoru >> Aoi > (Hiro) > Yuichi >> Megumi >> Mai > Hibiki > Kazuo

Kashikoi Chi = >> Hibiki >> Rakuin > Maho >> Megumi >> Sadoru > Mai > Hikari

Kurosawa Megumi = >>>> Hibiki >> Fubi >> Mai > Aoi >> Sadoru > Yuichi >> Kazuo > Sho >> Chi > Chitose

Morimoto Takeo = > Sadoru > Aoi >> Maho > Hikari > Sho >> Rakuin >>> Kazuo > Natsuba

Nagashima Hikari = >> Sho >>>> Maho > Takeo > Rakuin >> Natsuba > Sadoru >> Kagami >> Chitose > Mai > Chi

Okayu Sadoru = > (Hiro) >>>> Aoi >> Fubi >> Sho >>> Mai >> Icchan > Takeo >> Rakuin >> Hibiki > Yuichi >> Megumi >> Kazuo >> Maho >> Natsuba > Hikari > Kagami > (Ren) >> Chi

Okahara Chitose = > Icchan > Megumi >> Hikari

Satomi Kazuo = >>> Mai >> Yuichi >> Sho >> Icchan >>> Takeo > Hibiki > Fubi >> Megumi > Rakuin >> Sadoru > Maho >> Natsuba

Seisaku Rakuin = > Icchan >> Sadoru, > Aoi >> Takeo > Sho >>> Maho > Hikari >> (Ren) > Kazuo >> Chi

Takako Aoi = >>>> Sadoru > Fubi >>> Mai >> Icchan > Takeo > Sho > Rakuin > Yuichi >> Hibiki > Megumi >> Natsuba > Hikari

Tanaka Mai = >>> Sadoru >>> Yuichi >>> Aoi >> Icchan >>> Kazuo >> (Ren) > Sho >> Megumi >> Fubi > Hibiki > Takeo > Rakuin > Hikari >>> Natsuba > Chi

(Danji Suteki) =

(Honda Kano) = >>> (Ren)

(Kawahara Sho) = >> Sadoru >> Hikari > Mai >> Maho >> Icchan >> Kazuo > Aoi > (Hiro) > Takeo > Rakuin > Natsuba > Megumi > Kagami

(Murakami Hiro) = > Sadoru > Fubi > Sho > Icchan

(Shiokawa Kagami) = >> Maho >> Hikari > Sho > Sadoru

(Tsugara Ren) = >> Mai >> Maho >> Rakuin > Sadoru >>> (Kano)

Let me know if you think your character's 'rating' needs correcting.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 05:31 AM:


This is a dummy post. Please don’t delete.

I will use this space to collect useful Japanese words and phrases.

Posted by arren18 on 05.02.2008, 01:42 PM:


In the friendships post, you have Hibiki >> Aoi, but Aoi > Hibiki. It's not a big deal, but it might help later if you fix it.


Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 02:54 PM:


Done. You didn't comment on the fact that Hibiki >>> Megumi but Megumi >>>> Hibiki. Which is my current take on things. Should I change it or do you prefer to keep the real facts close to your chest?

A couple of ratings are generous. I seem to have given Aoi >> Icchan which I think might be too high now? Sadoru >> Natsuba I don't know why I did that either. Maybe his attitude towards her because of who he thinks she is rather than actual friendship? Not sure.

Sadoru >> Rakuin and vice-versa might be a bit low now. Depending on what happens over the next day or two that could easily become >>>

Note that Mai is still - but not surprisingly - the friendliest person in class with no less than 5 three arrow ratings.

Posted by Mush on 05.02.2008, 06:35 PM:


I think you missed Hikari?


Posted by Saddletank on 05.02.2008, 10:18 PM:


In what way? Her house is marked. Did I miss off a friendship link?

EDIT ages later : Oh, yes, you have a > to her but she hasn't got you on her list. I wonder why I put her on yours? Hm, have Hikari and Aoi even spoken?

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by arren18 on 05.02.2008, 11:46 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Done. You didn't comment on the fact that Hibiki >>> Megumi but Megumi >>>> Hibiki. Which is my current take on things. Should I change it or do you prefer to keep the real facts close to your chest?

Oh, I hadn't noticed that. But yeah, I think that probably is more realistic at the moment.


Posted by fenkashi on 05.03.2008, 02:12 PM:


Icchan's sleeping outside? Yikes, I feel bad for him.


Posted by Roarkiller on 05.03.2008, 07:34 PM:


It's the outdoors! How can you resist the great outdoors?!

Anyway, it was something I already mentioned in the old thread, and something I had decided upon weeks ago, so meh. Besides, everytime I stay out for a barbeque or camping trip, I usually sleep outside anyway.

Btw, no new posts in the RPG thread...

Posted by fenkashi on 05.03.2008, 07:40 PM:


Yeah, I sad

Lol, yeah...I guess I missed that but's going to be wet in the morning ... wet and cold xP Have fun!


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