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Posted by on 09.15.2003, 10:10 AM:


btw nice english .man shut up your a stupid fag flamer .dont no body care what you think about there english ,and if you think disney dont have the right to cut your as stupid as you sound,

btw ,i didnt ask for your opinion ,FOOL

now go back to kazza and shut the hell up

Posted by Rin on 09.16.2003, 12:24 AM:


Originally posted by Guest
btw nice english .man shut up your a stupid fag flamer .dont no body care what you think about there english ,and if you think disney dont have the right to cut your as stupid as you sound,

btw ,i didnt ask for your opinion ,FOOL

now go back to kazza and shut the hell up

excuse me, but I don't recall RK flaming you. and RK doesn't "think" disney doesn't have the rights to cut, rk KNOWS it. it's a fact, not an opinion. please respect other users too.

Lookie! It's chibi-tortoro in my siggy!

Posted by Roarkiller on 09.16.2003, 05:22 AM:


Lol. I find that really amusing, actually. "Never asked for my opinion". Lol, isnt that the point of a forum? To post ur opinions? lol.

And its a fact. Ghibli forced Disney to show every movie they bought uncut; its in their contract. Tho id be glad if they did, then disney wont be able to produce anymore half-decent dubs and will have to pay ghibli millions, and ghibli can produce more films.

Hmm, nice prospect.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by on 09.25.2003, 09:55 PM:


i agree with you roarkiller disney makes shitty movies so then ghibli could jump in and take the lead with its repetation

Posted by Roarkiller on 09.25.2003, 10:52 PM:


Originally posted by Guest
i agree with you roarkiller disney makes shitty movies so then ghibli could jump in and take the lead with its repetation

Not really, their older movies were good. But somehow, the current board of directors seem to care more bout money than productions, and thats what makes the productions nowadays sucky.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Rin on 09.26.2003, 12:27 AM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller

Not really, their older movies were good. But somehow, the current board of directors seem to care more bout money than productions, and thats what makes the productions nowadays sucky.

Yup. Their older movies are fab, but now...what just happened? I noticed their movies have lost their dramatic, emotional effect (like in "Bambi" and "The Lion King, for example). It may have to do with how their new movies don't have any death scenes or that they wanted to "tone it down" to make it easier on the kids (Disney's "Hercules" had A LOT of deaths; some of which really grosses me out when I was little, heck much of the movie was focused on death).

Lookie! It's chibi-tortoro in my siggy!

Posted by Roarkiller on 09.26.2003, 11:16 PM:


I think what made the movies now worse than those before is that almost every movie used an already used element, or an element that was successful in another movie but doesnt fit in the current movie it was used. Thats what i noticed.

In short, disney lacks originality and diversity.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by on 01.20.2004, 07:09 AM:

I hate Disney now

Ive just been and bort "Castle in the sky". Disneys version, i hate it. I think theyve totally screwed up the sound effects... it just doesnt sound right. Actually the only reason i didnt reallise it was the one edited by disney was i didnt see the small hollo gram on he back. Thats all that showed it was edited by disneys and not the original. I think Ghibli English version was fine, their was no need to change anything really.

Also if you conpare the English sub titles over the Japanese voices, disney have added extra sentences everywhere, to explain the plot better. As if you need to

Posted by on 02.14.2004, 12:42 AM:


All I hope is that the Fox dub of My Neighbor Totoro is on the Disney disc. I think the acting was really well done (espcially Cheryl Chase as Mei!) and it'd be really weird to hear other English voices and script.

Posted by Siobhan on 02.14.2004, 03:37 PM:

Disneys weakness

Yea, I've noticed there's a "formula" to all the recent Disney movies. They basically have the same plot but with different charecters.

Oh, and about 'Brother Bear' is it just me or was that movie basically a 'Lion King' but with bears?
I mean come on, With the lion it was a stampede of wildebeast and with the bear movie it was a stampede of carribou.
And they all have the same sappy, happy endings.

That's why I love Miyazaki!^_^ The first time you see Spirited Away you have no idea where the plot is going to take you.
With Disney, you know how it's going to end before it begins. Nuff said------Sio^_^

I'm not a schizophrenic and neither am I!

Posted by john_lin78 on 04.13.2004, 01:49 AM:

Actually I am quite mad about the way Disney handles Ghibli's works...
I think they are afraid of the fact that once all Ghibli's works got published... no one will ever want to watch another Disney's work... The only Disney work I think could be compared with Ghibli is the Lion King, but that story was based from Japanese's Simba which was shown 20 years ago...
Disney is simply like the animation world version of microsoft... they are buying out competition.... SAD...

Posted by starhawk on 04.20.2004, 08:36 PM:


My first post...

I'm extremely dissapointed with Disney's recent 2D films. They haven't made a good 2D movie since Tarzan (and haven't made a good original 2D movie since...forever).

But...I must be thankful to disney for distributing Miyazaki's films in the U.S. I never would have seen Spirited Away- which has become one of my favorite films- if it weren't for Disney's effort to bring it stateside (even if they didn't promote it as much as they should have).

As for Disney itself...I think they are in a heap of trouble, what with their recent mediocre-at-best films, and Pixar's recent announced split with them (who, IMO, was really keeping Disney afloat, both financially and in reputation).
It's too bad that Michael Eisner thinks "2D is dead". The critical and financial success of Spirited Away proves him dead wrong.

I only heard this from a friend of mine on another message board, so I cannot give any solid proof, but apparently Pixar is showing interest in 2D animation ever since Disney announced it wouldn't be making any 3D movies anymore. Apparently, right after Pixar announced their breakup with disney, they bought much of Disney's 2D animation equipment...I think it's possible that, because Lassater of Pixar obviously loves and respects Miyazaki, the company might take Disney's place as the leading 2D animators of America. I have no complaint if they do- if they can make 2D movies as good as their 3D ones, I'll be more than happy.

Posted by Roarkiller on 04.26.2004, 09:01 AM:


Lion King was rumoured to be based on Kimba (not Simba) the White Lion. It used to be shown in the US too (dubbed). In fact, the title Kimba the white Lion is made by the US company too.

Brother Bear is a perfect example of what i mean by Disney not having originality and Diversity. Jus look at its plot and storyline. Then look at the plot and storyline of the recent Disney movies.

See the similarities? The MAJOR similarities?

I rest my case.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by PHILIPNORTON42 on 10.13.2004, 08:03 AM:


Disney have had the same formula for years. I first noticed it when watching Toy Story - which isn't made by disney, but has all the hallmarks of being heavily scripted by disney.

Basically the plot for any disney film will go like this:




So it all starts of fine, then something will happen that will change the status-quo, making everyone sad, then it will go back to almost if not the same as before, making everyone happy again. You can almost time the changes in some of the films!

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