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Posted by FlareNetworkC on 06.10.2015, 09:42 AM:

  20 Questions

Originally posted by Saddletank
Now 20 questions would be a good game. I guess we ask 20 questions of one Tavern member each week.

I noticed this when browsing through old threads. It seems like a really fun idea!


The person has to answer the questions, unless the question deals with a personal matter they are uncomfortable talking about. Stuff like What's your favorite color? Or What month is your birthday? Is okay, I think. Keep it to stuff like fun facts.

One person gets questioned each week. A new week starts every Sunday, I think should be the rule.

Since there is seven days, the game should be more like 21 questions, with the person answering an average of 3 questions per day. Something like that.

What do you guys think? Opinions?

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by husky51 on 06.10.2015, 11:28 AM:


I'm willing to give it a try. Any question felt to be too uncomfortable could be answered by simply saying "pass" with no further questions asked on that subject.

waiting for the enxt person up in 'true/false'...


Posted by Saddletank on 06.10.2015, 12:05 PM:


Some of the more personal questions might be fun to answer though

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by arren18 on 06.10.2015, 04:18 PM:


Passing sounds like a good solution for questions like that.

If we have a whole week to ask all the questions, I don't think there's a need to have a set number per day (like raising it to 21). What would be good though is to have the one post per person per day rule. That way each answerer will have at least three different people asking them questions.


Posted by FlareNetworkC on 06.10.2015, 08:47 PM:


I agree with Arren, actually. That sounds fun and is a good way to keep questions limited but not too limited.

Now, how do we decide who goes? By post count? Poll? Username? I don't really know.

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by husky51 on 06.10.2015, 09:08 PM:


I'll go first if you like... Ask me questions starting which ever day you wish... I promise that I will be truthful and if I feel that it is too personal IMO, then I will pass.

Is that ok with everyone?

btw, I once attended a class in college where minorities were brought in and the whole idea was to learn about them and to try and get rid of any misconceptions we may have had about them. We had racial, sexual orientation, religious, etc, representatives and the idea was that they would answer ANY question we happened to think of with no holdbacks, period. The class went quite well and everyone learned and took something from the class.

Now I don't expect that this range of questions will be quite that in depth (after all, this is a family forum), but after asking what everyone's fav color, music, car, etc is covered, it would get kind of mundane, so yes I will agree to answer, as well as possible, any reasonable question put to me...

Not everyone would be required to do this, only if they are comfortable with it and again, the 'Pass' rule would be in effect.

So anytime anyone wants to ask me something, pick a day to start...


Posted by Saddletank on 06.11.2015, 04:02 AM:


Question 1) Husky - what's your earliest memory and why do you think you remember that?

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by FlareNetworkC on 06.11.2015, 08:30 AM:


Question 2) What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie and why?

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by husky51 on 06.11.2015, 11:05 AM:


Question 1:

My earliest memories, three of them actually, are from when I was in a TB Hospital around the age of three. I don't know what order they were in so all I can do is relate them.
A) In my crib and being frustrated by the fact that a metal spinning top that had been a present wouldn't work while on the bed covers. It whistled while it spun.
B) Again, involving a toy. Some of us, I only remember one clearly, had gotten out of out cribs (which I'm told I was adept at doing) and were over at the toy shelves along the left wall from where my crib was positioned. It was covered with a drapery of sorts and I wanted my teddybear. At the mopment that I was at the toy shelve, the night nurse (matron?) at the far end of the room (remember, I was small, lol) suddenly opened and a loud voice was heard and I scampered back to bed. I don't remember if I got the teddybear or not.
C) This is the only memory that I can say for sure was at the age of 3. I remember lying on a flat table and there was a big bank of dials, etc. on my left. A green cloth was placed over my face and something was funny smelling (ether). Now remember, I didn't know what the dials were, just round things on a flat panel, it was only as I grew older that I realized what they were. It was the day my tonsils were taken out.

In A) and B), I think that the reasion I remember them is because of the state of mind, the frustration with the top and the fear when the faraway door suddenly opened and we were caught in the act, so t speak, lol. As for C), I think that I was just old enough to remember and was maybe a little scared of what was happening, something new was happening and maybe I was frightened.

Question 2)

"Prepare for the worst, but enjoy the good"

Because that is pretty much the way that I have lived my own life. Plan and prepare for the worst that can happen and if it happens you're prepared to deal with it. If anything lesser happens, it's gravy and easier to deal with and in some cases, could even be enjoyable.

I had to do some thinking on this one...


Posted by husky51 on 06.11.2015, 11:25 AM:


This is a picture that I found while online earlier this year. It fits almost identically with the memory that I have carried around in my head all these years. The only real difference is that the gray would have been more of a black... The size of the door (distant), the lighting and the light on the floor... It was freaky when I first saw the picture.


Posted by arren18 on 06.11.2015, 03:50 PM:


Question 3 - where (house, etc) have you been resident for the longest time?


Posted by husky51 on 06.11.2015, 04:09 PM:


Question 3)
Again, at this time, there are two answers.
over on XXX Cottonwood Rd with the wife and kids. We were there for 11 years in a house I was buying.

at XXX Wesley St, where I am now, and I have been here for abt 11 yrs.

Most of my life has been constantly one move after another, from childhood on up. I've said before that the longest I ever went to a school was from 4th-6th and even then we moved from one house to another on adjacent streets.

I hate to move, for obvious reasons, but when you are renting and the landlord decides they want to move back in or they sell the house, sometimes without even telling you they are doing so, you have to move and hope for the best.


Posted by arren18 on 06.13.2015, 09:34 AM:


Since nobody else is coming up with anything yet...

4 - What do you consider the strangest thing you've eaten?


Posted by husky51 on 06.13.2015, 10:24 AM:


Question 4)

Rough question in that what I eat, I may not consider strange while others might think that...

I've have the normal Asian cuisine, raw squid, octopus, fish. I ate out with my mother once and had raw sea snail, didn't particularly like it. Ate raw beef steak while cooking for a time in the Navy.

Sounds strange, but I've always wanted to try horse, cat, dog, rat, monkey, seal and whale, just to see what they tasted like. Surprisingly, I could never find these items while I was in the Orient, even though you read about them being consumed there all the time.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for conservation and all that, but if the opportunity arose where I could at least sample these items, I would, just out of curiousity.

Some people might think this strange, but sweetbreads I've eaten, which is the pancreas of a cow or pig, forget which; baby pigeon (Squab); beef tongue; cow stomach (in Mexican Menudo). All tasted good, but the IDEA of what I was eating might be a turn-off for some.

I just remembered: while driving with the family as a kid, we ran over a Pheasant. I was in the front seat and just before we ran over it, it stuck its head up and lost it. We pulled over and picked it up and later that evening ate it. Haha, I guess you could say that I've eaten 'roadkill', lol.

When my daughter was nine, we went fishing on a pier in the San Diego area and while we were cleaning our catch for the day, we had one fish set aside. When ever we got a new group of passers-by stopping to watch, we cut off a piece of the fish and eat it raw just to shock the 'guests', lol... Freaked people to see a young girl doing this on her own! We still laugh about it.

Well, a bit lengthy, but I hope I've answered your question.


BTW, thank you for the memories these questions are bringing up...


Posted by husky51 on 06.14.2015, 04:48 PM:


Did I scare everybody off with my lengthy answers?

Sorry, but I felt that it was the only way to answer the questions truthfully...

When ever you're ready...


Posted by arren18 on 06.14.2015, 04:59 PM:


I've enjoyed your long answers! Actually, in response to your last one, it's interesting that you chose such a big selection of foods. There are ones there that I would agree aren't all that out-there, but others I might be put off by. And I've had horse a few times! You should give it a shot if you get the chance.


Posted by husky51 on 06.14.2015, 05:16 PM:


I love horses for riding, used to do a lot of it, but I haven't had the opportunity to taste horsemeat, yet. I have to go to a state where it is legal...


Posted by arren18 on 06.14.2015, 05:25 PM:


It's illegal there? I think it is here as well, but I'm not sure. I know that in some other European countries it's not particularly odd, but a few years back I remember there was an uproar here about some supermarket beefburgers that turned out to have got horse in them.


Posted by husky51 on 06.14.2015, 05:34 PM:


Same here in the States, except that it also included Ostrich, or so we were told... In some area foie de gras is illegal as well. If you want lion or bear and some other meats, you have to find it in specialty stores in other States. by lion, I'm referring to mountain lion or cougar as it is sometimes called.


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 06.14.2015, 07:11 PM:


Question 5:

This one might be a little tricky so I will happily accept a couple of options, but what would you say the most romantic day of your life has been?

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