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Posted by fenkashi on 08.14.2012, 06:30 PM:


Hey! You're as tall me, Husky xD

Cute, NC ^^


Posted by Roarkiller on 08.14.2012, 06:38 PM:


Almost sounds like everyone here has the same height, give or take 1-2 inches

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by husky51 on 08.14.2012, 09:13 PM:


My ex wife was abt 3-1/2 to 4 inches taller than I and her father was over 6 feet. My children got their height from them. My dau is abt 5'10" (178cm) and my sons 6' (185cm) and 6'3" (190cm)... Me? I'm the shorty in the family except for one dau in law, she's abt 3 inches shorter than I...


Posted by Orphic Okapi on 08.15.2012, 02:52 AM:


I'm 6'4".

I like tea!

Posted by Calforsale on 08.15.2012, 03:34 AM:


Originally posted by Orphic Okapi
I'm 6'4".

I guess your what they call an outlier (for our forums)


Posted by Saddletank on 08.15.2012, 08:27 AM:


5' 7"

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 08.15.2012, 08:30 AM:


5"4 ^^

Posted by husky51 on 08.23.2012, 09:13 AM:


Talk about decadence, lol... Now this is a bento...

$229,000: The Oscheriyori Lunch Box
Only three of these were for sale at the Takashimaya Department store in New York, where the typical cost is $97 for a meal and whose Bundle score is a whopping 97 out of 100. The haute Japanese lunch box has three layers, and is meant to hold Osechiryori food delicacies such as root vegetables, sushi rolls, sashimi, and other rice and meat dishes. The boxes were made in celebration of the department store's 180th anniversary this year.

What makes it so expensive: Famed Japanese goldsmith Koichi Ishikawa and the legendary Japanese sculptor Hoseki Okuyama were responsible for creating this lunch box. Its 18K gold-plated case is 20cm x 20cm and weighs 3.35 kilograms.


And as long as we're talking about food here... How about this 'Meals on Wheels'... lol

Kitties going nom-nom-nom...

and the guy leaning on the railing in the dark blue ballcap and jacket appears to be having a 'stare-down' with the one cat on the ground...


And how about this pinata for cats...

And more on cats...


And then there's all those inbred cats running around...


Posted by husky51 on 08.23.2012, 09:59 AM:


Now that the Olympics are done, I was thnking of a few little changes in some of the competitions to make them a bit more interesting...

for instance in the winter games:


Or this little change in the diving competitions... Might be a bit of a tight fit on the syncronized diving, tho... But, WTH, they'll figure it out...

Uh, did I mention the pirahnas???

And then, of course, there's the Quidditch event inspired by the Harry Potter movies..


some flying ability required, that's not water in the pool... This IS dangerous, note the alert lifeguard standi... uhh, lying by...

Is that a kegger by the doorway???

Here's hoping that all of you feeling down in the dumps have gotten a chuckle or two from these last two posts...


Posted by Baroness on 08.25.2012, 07:51 AM:


Just done doing a studio ghibli moviethon.
and all i have to say is that my feels were thoroughly and utterly destroyed by the movies.
Seriously. At first, I started our fine. Then I was crying from god-knows-why, and then I started having this weird moment of regretting every thing I've not done in my life. Then I realized what useless crap my life has been so far. Not having magic in the world is just crap. Then I started to feel.... nothing. Like my emotions were erased when I thought of all these.



Posted by husky51 on 08.25.2012, 12:14 PM:


Welcome to the world of Ghibli, Baroness...

Oh yeah, and to the Tavern as well... lol

Some of the Ghiblis will affect you that way, which is one of the reasons they are so popular worldwide, literally... Assuming everyone that has shown a country that they are at is truthful (and I have no reason to doubt them), we ARE worldwide. From Russia eastward to Finland, from Iceland to Brazil and Argentina, Australia and New Zealand and pretty much, most points in between...

We are a BIG family...

Enjoy! and again, Welcome!!!


Posted by Wikidkid101 on 08.25.2012, 01:34 PM:


Originally posted by husky51
Welcome to the world of Ghibli, Baroness...

Oh yeah, and to the Tavern as well... lol

Some of the Ghiblis will affect you that way, which is one of the reasons they are so popular worldwide, literally... Assuming everyone that has shown a country that they are at is truthful (and I have no reason to doubt them), we ARE worldwide. From Russia eastward to Finland, from Iceland to Brazil and Argentina, Australia and New Zealand and pretty much, most points in between...

We are a BIG family...

Enjoy! and again, Welcome!!!

To be picky you forgot the UK!! Haha, just messing with ya!!

Posted by husky51 on 08.25.2012, 11:13 PM:


Uh, isn't the UK somewhare between Iceland and Argemtina, more or less...

Surprised that I didn't get fussed at by the Asian countries and Canada... lol


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 08.26.2012, 02:31 AM:


Canada represent. :'D

Heeey, can anyone help me calm down about school? I feel lonely going and everyone mostly has friends prior. :B I also need to find ways to make my boyfriend and best friend not get depressed. My best friend was crying the other night..

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 08.26.2012, 08:21 AM:


Ah FFF, I know it's scary thinking of going away from all your friends and family and living independently! I'm in the same boat.

Something that has made me feel better though is joining facebook social groups related to my uni and particularly my college, so I've had the opportunity to chat to a few people I'll be living with already. You'll make friends really quickly I'm sure!

Posted by husky51 on 08.26.2012, 11:13 AM:


All big shanges in life are stressful and moving out on your own for the first time IS a big change... I know that it sounds like I'm treating your situation lightly, but I have been through a few in my lifetime... Just try to relax and treat it as a lo-o-o-ng week at camp... As NC says, get involved in things around you. You will weather this, I know...

Hahaha, and don't be afraid of being homesick... When I was in boot camp in the Navy, I was standing a night watch by myself and humming different tunes to myself. I made the mistake of humming some lullabies that I used to put my sister asleep when younger and it brought tears to my eyes. I really missed her and home, but I was where I was and that was through my own decision, not anyone else's. So I got thru it, just remembering the sweet times with my family...

I have only one regret in my life and that is that my daughter is so far away from me. It is hard for me to see her and her family. I don't regret her marrying Hasan, just the distance... But, that was not something that I had any control over, nor would I have wanted to be that controlling. It was her decision and she is happy, that is what counts.

Just relax as much as possible, take time to walk around and SEE your town and your home and go out bravely into the world. It awaits...

And the this applies to you and NC and anyone else going through this tough time of your lives ...

Love and good thoughts to you all...



Posted by Roarkiller on 08.26.2012, 02:49 PM:


Can't believe I actually applied for a job at the mortuary

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by husky51 on 08.26.2012, 11:29 PM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller
Can't believe I actually applied for a job at the mortuary

Why not? I had thought about it in the past... A needed service, no shortage of work, reasonable pay, etc. You just gotta get over your squeamishness of working with the dead. I backed out of it because, like ambulance work, there would come a time when I would have to tend to children bodies and THAT I would have trouble with...

I've been around dead adult bodies before and that didn't bother me much, but I was never around the body of a child... And don't particularly want to be either

My mothers father was the town undertaker in the little town in Saskatchewan where she grew up and as the oldest child she would help clean and prepare the bodies of the deceased to ready them for burial. She used to say that if a person died in a vehicle accident, it ws more likely to be a horse and buggy accident rather than a car accident... Not many of them in town when she was young. Oh, BTW, she was doing this at the age of 12... That would have been around 1939. In the back room of her fathers furniture store was where the undertaking parlor was...

She wondered if that had something to do with her outlook on life as she grew up. She was the blacksheep of the family, more or less. Handling the bodies, dressing them, etc. She took her youngest sister (8 at the time) into the parlor where a lady was laid out for viewing and as she looked over the side of the casket, the coin (a copper penny) beneath the eyelid to keep it closed, slipped and the eye opened. Sister screamed and ran out and mom got a paddling...


Posted by Saddletank on 08.27.2012, 02:41 AM:


Originally posted by husky51

Things would get awkward if the one on top wanted a pee.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 08.27.2012, 03:24 AM:


Aww, thanks NC and Husky. Actually, I'm a part of the social groups so far, there's one I haven't added yet because I wasn't sure if I was a part of it.

I haven't found anyone similar to me yet though in my dorm, but they're all nice people. :B But then again, I don't know any of those with rooms around me because very few of them introduced themselves compared to other floors. So they're most likely older students or internationals. I will probably make quite a few friends because of the courses I have, and the fact I'd like to practice the languages I'm learning. XD

I'm a bit scared though for when the classes start, because I'm afraid I won't be able to do well... which is stupid of me, because I know I'll be fine. I'm not a slacker and I'm actually looking forward to trying to do work. Apparently my English professor is wonderful.

Since it is a small campus and everything can be reached in a matter of minutes or less, as well as all buildings are distinctive and have signs, I shouldn't get lost. :B

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