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captain george

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i think a woman could answer that best.

Why do you have such a problem with what women wear if you say women can wear what they feel like wearing?

03.16.2012, 08:57 AM captain george is offline   Profile for captain george Add captain george to your buddy list Send an Email to captain george

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Originally posted by captain george
i think a woman could answer that best.

Why do you have such a problem with what women wear if you say women can wear what they feel like wearing?

It is because women do not feel like wearing that kind of clothes at all. They are just following trends and cultures that are implemented by evil money hungry businessmen.

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03.16.2012, 09:00 AM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012
captain george

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Originally posted by saviour2012
It is because women do not feel like wearing that kind of clothes at all. They are just following trends and cultures that are implemented by evil money hungry businessmen.

Again, as a man, i cant answer in full confidence, but i think they wear those clothes because they are comfortable and they give them confidence. There's plenty of styles and fashions available for women in the western world at least to wear clothes that can be more or less revealing. Its their own choice whether they wear what's in fashion or not.

03.16.2012, 09:08 AM captain george is offline   Profile for captain george Add captain george to your buddy list Send an Email to captain george
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saviour quote:
"Husky is right. Do you respect a thief or a gangster or a thug. If you do not then why are you saying us that we should respect a prostitute. We do not know who you are in public now if you dress like a whore then you should not expect respect."

Whoa, wait a minute here. I think that you are mis-interputing my statement. I never mentioned that these women that I do not respect are thieves, gangsters or prostitutes! I was referring to the demeanor of these women, not their profession or attire. I personally like seeing a woman dressed in a good-looking outfit, whether it be a skimpy (to some people) dress or jeans and a shirt, it matters not.

Some cultures have the feeling that if a woman wears a dress showing her legs and a man rapes her, then it is HER fault for tempting the man. What rot!!! If a man cannot control his urges then HE should be the one locked up.

To tell a woman WHAT she must wear in order to not offend or unintentionally attract, sexually, a man is not equality-of-the-sexes to me. It is a male dominated society. If a woman wants to dress in a way that makes HER feel good, then why not? I feel that is her right.


Post last edited by husky51 on 03.16.2012, 03:26 PM.

03.16.2012, 12:49 PM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51
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Saviour, you say you don't want people to use opinions to argue with you, well, too bad. This entire topic is a matter of opinion. You think one thing, other people think other things, there isn't a fact in sight. That's why it's up for debate.

I just find my self asking what in the world clothing has got to do with equal rights.

Nothing, that's what.

A woman who goes about with every inch of skin covered has no more right to equality than one who goes about butt-naked.


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03.16.2012, 01:14 PM Kazegami is offline   Profile for Kazegami Add Kazegami to your buddy list
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1am, not the timeto be writing a discussion, but meh.

Originally posted by captain george
Again, as a man, i cant answer in full confidence, but i think they wear those clothes because they are comfortable and they give them confidence. There's plenty of styles and fashions available for women in the western world at least to wear clothes that can be more or less revealing. Its their own choice whether they wear what's in fashion or not.

You know, this pretty much hits the nail on the head.

Who decides fashion?

Who decides what is good or bad fashion?

Here's a good example of the strangest contradiction in this argument (see bold):

Whatever happened to free choice? Its not for us to decide what women wear, its for the individual. And really, as long as a woman dresses respectably (i.e. not mini mini skirts or skimpy dresses) in things such as business, formal occasions and politics then there's no reason why what a woman wears should be a barrier to equality.

In the same breath, george, you have stated that it is up to the them to wear whatever they want, and NOT up to them to wear whatever they want.

If freedom is a choice, then formal wear would not exist, nor informal wear for that matter; in fact, there wouldn't even be such a thing as "dressing respectably" at all.

And I often always did wonder about why this is so.

I will be sidetracking a little bit, because considering how virtually none of you come from the East (and DAMN sure know little or nothing about our culture), a little history lesson is in order.

Before and during the Colonial rule period, all non-western countries (namely Europe, and by extension of the forefathers, America) have their own traditional clothing, and fashion. At the turn of the industrial age when travel is made easier by advances of technology, western clothing like suits, frilly dresses and hats became a symbol of modernization, possibly due to the need to place themselves as equals to their former masters, or as a show of power. Now, men's formal wear is generally dictated as a long sleeve shirt, pants and leather shoes, with a tie if the situation calls for it. For women, formal wear is less strict, but generally focus around a similar suit-looking attire for business functions (even the skirt), or else something that can be considered elegant and beautiful.

Fast forward to now, and the only people you can think of wearing traditional garments are the arabs, who are proud of their race and culture by default.

And so I wonder: since when did it become frowned upon, or even unacceptable, to wear traditional garments? Since when did doing so make you the laughing stock of the people around you?

Globalisation. Westernisation. Media. Peer pressure.

I'd even dare say the hammering of white supremacy into our ancestors.

In any study of anthropology, we learn that the clothes of any civilisation is first based on the climate and living conditions. After all, it doesn't make sense for a Kalahari woman to wear a fur coat in the middle of Africa. And so we have the body paint of the Amazon. Likewise, Russian fur hats so synonymous with their race.

And yet now we have girls wearing shorter and shorter skirts in winter countries. And men donning blazers and ties in the blazing equator.

Yes, of course I understand that the purpose of fashion is to make one look good and stand out. But when fashion begins to defy common sense, You really have to wonder whether all this talk about equality even makes sense in the first place.

Especially when you realize that the capitals of fashion, and the business itself, are also notorious for debauchery.

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

03.16.2012, 01:19 PM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
Orphic Okapi

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Originally posted by saviour2012
Thus: the concept of modesty is totally subjective, and clothing reveals nothing about it. Any culture that blames rape (or anything else, as far as I'm concerned) on the way a woman dresses is a rape culture, pure and simple. It's a big problem in the Muslim world but not one remotely limited to it; the United States is a particularly ugly example.

Now i totally agree and disagree. I agree with the fact that the concept of modesty is different in cultures . But i have to disagree with the fact that There are plenty of societies in which nudity is the norm, plenty in which it is not. Because it is the twenty first century we are living and we have seen the fall and rise of different cultures and nations. We know now why those cultures fell. I do not know how many will agree with this, one of the main reasons were nudity and adultery. Do you want to see your society and culture fall.

You are being silly. Dozens of "clothed cultures" (for lack of a better term) have fallen throughout history. Many "nude cultures" still exist in the twenty-first century. If they are disappearing, it is because of, as Roarkiller says, the influence of Western media. The same media you claim is the source of the problem.

If societies fell because of adultery, why is adultery still alive and kicking - especially in some of the wealthiest, most powerful countries in the world? I would even argue there's a positive correlation between a country's wealth and frequency of adultery.


posted by calforsale
People show off their body naturally, psychologist note that many women show off their chest to flirt with men. Its natural, its trying to attract a mate.

posted by Nausicaa_Cat
I know plenty of intelligent, strong-minded girls who sometimes dress in what many would consider 'innappropriate' ways, simply because they enjoy their bodies - and yes it's probably for the attention.It feels good to be found attractive, and it often leads to the beginning of romantic possibilities.

Now will you please tell me, if you think that you are equal to men then why you do need to start to become attractive. Why the boys should not try to be attractive to attract you. As for strong minded girls why do they feel themselves that they lack and they are not attractive enough for their job their reputation that they need to reveal themselves to attract males towards them . it is completely contradictory. From these all of us get the massage that women do not respect themselves.

Uh, boys do try to be attractive to get women's attention. All the time - both physically and in how they behave. Would you look at a guy lifting weights in a gym and think, "Gee, that guy really doesn't respect himself at all"?

You raise some really good points, Roar. I do wonder, though: why did wearing a full-body garment (usually black) become traditional in so many hot climates?

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03.16.2012, 04:26 PM Orphic Okapi is offline   Profile for Orphic Okapi Add Orphic Okapi to your buddy list
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Originally posted by saviour2012
Originally posted by captain george
i think a woman could answer that best.

Why do you have such a problem with what women wear if you say women can wear what they feel like wearing?

It is because women do not feel like wearing that kind of clothes at all. They are just following trends and cultures that are implemented by evil money hungry businessmen.

... Men also wear clothes because they follow trends that are implemented by businesses (sidenote... evil? There are evil people in the world, and I don't think it's really appropriate to use that as a blanket term for people in the fashion industry). Men are just susceptible to being "products"... and just putting this out there, women are not asexual. Men are objectified as well.

Anyway, well adjusted women wear what they like and if you think a skirt is too short or a neckline too plunging, that is fine. You can comment on it, you can be offended by it. But that doesn't change her right to dress as she wishes. The same thing applies, of course, to women who cover themselves from head to toe because of modesty or religion. Their reasons are their own and it is insulting when someone feels they "know better and are trying to protect the woman". Do you honestly not think she is aware of the consequences of her dress? It is like going into an interview in sweats. You can do that, I will think you are silly for doing that but it is up to you. Because you KNOW there are consequences for it.

Roar: Formal vs informal wear IS a choice. But like I said, your choices have consequences based on social norms.


Women's equality to me is not about what you think about my dress or what my role should be. Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^. It is about being within my rights to live my life as I want (dress, schooling, occupation, roles in the household). It is unfortunate that gender roles have been ingrained in society and people have certain opinions of how male and female individuals should act, BUT as long as there is no law forcing one to act this way, I believe women can (and already have) make leaps and bounds in changing these opinions.


Roar: I'm from the east xP the Arabs are not the only ones who wear traditional clothing. And I don't know if it's different in other places but here traditional garbs of different countries are generally admired, not laughed at. Of course school kids are different... mostly anything out of the usual is picked on but get rid of the clothes, they'd find another difference.

And generally clothes are worn with seasons in mind. Wear skirts with leggings and it's warm. If you're going from your garage to your office, it doesn't much matter?

Also what Kaz what does that^ have to do with equality? Talk of equality always makes sense. ^^


Zachary, here's the thing. When talking about equality of rights, you can't say things like WITH EXCEPTION OF. It's not equality then... why should a woman defer to a man when it comes to households? Even if you consider traditional households (man working, woman staying at home with kids)... it is strange that the one away from home most would hold the power in the family. People have their strengths and weaknesses and these are not inherent to their sex. Imo, they should reach an agreement that plays up both of their strengths and compensates for their weakness regardless of being male or female.


There is probably more but that is all I have time for. Interesting thread as always. ^^


03.16.2012, 04:32 PM fenkashi is offline   Profile for fenkashi Add fenkashi to your buddy list
captain george

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Originally posted by Roarkiller

Here's a good example of the strangest contradiction in this argument (see bold):

Whatever happened to free choice? Its not for us to decide what women wear, its for the individual. And really, as long as a woman dresses respectably (i.e. not mini mini skirts or skimpy dresses) in things such as business, formal occasions and politics then there's no reason why what a woman wears should be a barrier to equality.

In the same breath, george, you have stated that it is up to the them to wear whatever they want, and NOT up to them to wear whatever they want.

Lets be serious here. A man accused of robbery turns up for court wearing a tracksuit and a hoody with white sporty runners. Straight away his defence is compromised, and why? Because he hasn't dressed for the occasion.
Look at Andrea Merkel. She pretty much runs most of Europe now. How seriously would people take her if she wore a mini skirt or a boob tube? She dresses for politics and formal meetings, like you would expect any politician to, be they male or female. There was no contradiction in that statement, its just the way society rightly expects someone to be dressed for the occasion.

Is clothing really going to solve the equality problem?

Orignally posted by fenkashi
Women's equality to me is not about what you think about my dress or what my role should be. Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^. It is about being within my rights to live my life as I want (dress, schooling, occupation, roles in the household). It is unfortunate that gender roles have been ingrained in society and people have certain opinions of how male and female individuals should act, BUT as long as there is no law forcing one to act this way, I believe women can (and already have) make leaps and bounds in changing these opinions.

This wins. Gender roles will probably never change, but as long as men and women have the freedom to live their lives as they wish then equality will hopefully come along sooner rather than later

03.16.2012, 06:21 PM captain george is offline   Profile for captain george Add captain george to your buddy list Send an Email to captain george

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I also would like to state that this is my own personal opinion and it will probably make someones blood boil but hey thats life!

IMO, it is a shame that inequality between the sexes still exists, even in rich countries. But if women want equality and most expect it, at least in the western world, then a man should expect the same back. Like it was said earlier, if woman want equality then whilst on a date the man should not be automatically looked upon as the one who should pay. I know most would say it is them being a gentleman, but I believe that being a gentlemen cannot exist towards women if they are not gentlemen like back to the men. Equality cannot exist between sexes if being a gentlemen is what is expected of men. As well if a man is a stay at home husband and the woman works there is nothing wrong with that, women have been doing it for decades. If women want equality they cannot just pick and choose when they want it.

Also I have noticed alot that while women have tried to become empowered and more equal, and step up from the second class citizen, it is the men that have been pushed back and the men struggle to gain the equality now. At least that is what I think. For example in england when men become ill we get tagged with having 'Man Flu' and women are painted as the almighty who can push through anything and no illness gets them down, and yet men are painted as if at the slightest sign of a runny nose we are tucked up in bed drugged up to the eyeballs not able to function.

It just really annoys me that in some cases women want equality but they still want the choice of as and when they want it given to them!

Post last edited by Wikidkid101 on 03.16.2012, 07:16 PM.

03.16.2012, 07:12 PM Wikidkid101 is offline   Profile for Wikidkid101 Add Wikidkid101 to your buddy list
captain george

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To a degree, i agree with wiki. There are a lot of women who have double standards when it comes to equality, like they want equality but all the perks that they have at the moment. i also feel that in an attempt to look more equal and fair, some company's or groups fast track women into positions of power. Equality should be equal, not swapping male and female superiority.

But really, man flu is a serious issue wiki

03.16.2012, 09:33 PM captain george is offline   Profile for captain george Add captain george to your buddy list Send an Email to captain george
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fenkashi quote:

"Women's equality to me is not about what you think about my dress or what my role should be. Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^. It is about being within my rights to live my life as I want (dress, schooling, occupation, roles in the household). It is unfortunate that gender roles have been ingrained in society and people have certain opinions of how male and female individuals should act, BUT as long as there is no law forcing one to act this way, I believe women can (and already have) make leaps and bounds in changing these opinions. "

I agree with this...


03.16.2012, 10:06 PM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51
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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.


Originally posted by captain george
Lets be serious here. A man accused of robbery turns up for court wearing a tracksuit and a hoody with white sporty runners. Straight away his defence is compromised, and why? Because he hasn't dressed for the occasion.
Look at Andrea Merkel. She pretty much runs most of Europe now. How seriously would people take her if she wore a mini skirt or a boob tube? She dresses for politics and formal meetings, like you would expect any politician to, be they male or female. There was no contradiction in that statement, its just the way society rightly expects someone to be dressed for the occasion.

Is clothing really going to solve the equality problem?

If there is pressure to dress in a certain way, it is no longer freedom of choice, now is it? It's called FREEDOM for a reason, lol.


Because it's just impossible.

Women do womenly acts, want womenly things, think womenly thoughts.

Men do manly acts, want manly things, think manly thoughts.

There is just no way in heaven or hell that both will ever have perfect harmony. Hence there is just no way in heaven or hell for equality to happen.

You won't find a man complaining about not being able to have periods.

You won't find a woman complaining about not having a stand-up pee station.

There are things only for women, and there are things only for men. And until this changes (i.e. never), there won't be such a thing as total equality.

What SHOULD happen is SELECT equality. Equality in areas where sex should not matter.

A man opening a door for a woman is not being sexist; it's called chivalry. A woman who refuses to walk through that door is called an idiot; it's just a door, one that doesn't affect your shot at the manager position at all.

Also, any woman who claims they are always emotionally stable are liars. Your mood swings during your period. It's biological. It's chemical. It's scientifically proven. They're called hormones, you can't help it.

Likewise, a man expecting a woman to not work is just a egoist. There's no reason why women can't work. There's no reason why she can't be your boss. It just means you're a lousier worker than her. Deal with it.

And likewise, any man who claims they are not affected by a woman's outer beauty is a liar. It's biological. It's chemical. It's scientifically proven. It's how you find a suitable mate to spawn your offsprings.

On topic, if society can decide what is suitable or not suitable for one's clothing at certain events, they don't have a right to complain about a religion's clothing guidelines, not when both are doing the same thing: clothing restriction.

Yeah I know I suggested opening this thread discussion. But it doesn't mean I don't find it silly and pointless, and full of contradictary and hypocritical excuses disguised as arguments.

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

03.16.2012, 11:09 PM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller

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@Saviour. I can understand a couple of your points, regarding mens interests in womens fashion, but i think today womens fashion is mainly in womens interests. The media sometimes does certainly put an emphasise on beauty and sexiness but other factors certainlydo the opposite. Such as religons saying how women should dress. I believe people should dress as they wish. I don't even like seeing women and men dress in a skimpy way but that is just my belief which should not affect peoples rights.
What is the difference between a women wearing a mini skirt because of fashion trends and the media and a woman wearing a burqa because of her religon.


03.16.2012, 11:41 PM Calforsale is offline   Profile for Calforsale Add Calforsale to your buddy list
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Post last edited by Saddletank on 03.17.2012, 01:47 AM.

03.17.2012, 12:24 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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Originally posted by saviour2012
Now almost everyone who argued with me or said i am wrong, are trying to convince me or make me understand their personal opinion, because that is what they want.
A good deal of what we say here is our personal view, on whether we think equality for women is a good or bad thing, so yes, opinions are at work here. I don't think people are trying to get you to change yours, just expressing theirs by way of disagreeing with you.

you got your beauties you want to show me. i have a big Gatling gun or a mighty lion or a crocodile to show you . does that sound very good?
You will need to take care with your examples, since waving a gun at people or bringing out a dangerous animal in pubic are all acts outside the law. If a person wears a minidress or a man goes without his shirt, those are both quite legal, therefore your examples need to include acts which are legal, and at that point your argument collapses as your point is lost.

Now i totally agree and disagree. I agree with the fact that the concept of modesty is different in cultures . But i have to disagree with the fact that There are plenty of societies in which nudity is the norm, plenty in which it is not. Because it is the twenty first century we are living and we have seen the fall and rise of different cultures and nations. We know now why those cultures fell. I do not know how many will agree with this, one of the main reasons were nudity and adultery. Do you want to see your society and culture fall.
All the cultures that habitually go unclothed are very ancient cultures - some African tribes, some Amazonian tribes, some Polynesians... Cultures that would be far more widespread on the earth if Christian missionaries and Christian colonial powers had not exploited and destroyed them. The majority of people on this planet live in the medium to high northern latitudes where textile coverings are simply useful in order to keep warm; it is also these cultures who, a few hundred years ago, took their Christian values to the simpler cultures in the tropics and... destroyed them, or implanted their own beliefs and practices.

Had this not happened a far larger percentage of the earth's population would practice nudity as a simple fact of social normality.

But those disproportionate numbers aside, the proportions of clothed to unclothed societies is not at all relevant in this argument; the issue is that humans can and do live in soicieties fully naked, and without shame or guilt. The presence of shame and embarrasment appears to be a construct of those societies that stem from strong religious backgrounds - Christian and Moslem - where it is a teaching that clothing the body is correct and going unclothed is shameful.

That is all, we live purely by a burden of our religion, or we cover ourselves in textiles due to extreme climates. If neither of those instances prevailed, humans today, across the globe might well be a society of unclothed people.

Now this thread is about gender equality. But how can be it possible if the women do not respect themselves.
A lot of individuals do not respect themselves but it is rarely because of their gender. A very large number of males have little to no self-respect as well. I'm therefore not sure what your point is.

Now will you please tell me, if you think that you are equal to men then why you do need to start to become attractive. Why the boys should not try to be attractive to attract you.
Boys do the same, wearing stylish and fashionable clothes. Women may dress revealingly because ingrained deep within us are mechanisms within the male of the species that respond to the female form. Heterosexual males are hard-wired to respond positively towards breasts, wide hips, long legs, small waists, large eyes, full lips, and so on.

These facts though do not make women unequal, they merely make them women. Its part of the driving force of our genetics to further the species. You can have equality and sensual women, just the same way as you can have equality and sensual men; the presence of sexual or sensual display on its own does not make a person weak, dirty, of low morals or lacking in self-respect.

If a person does think a woman who dresses in a sexual or sensual way is weak, dirty, of low morals or lacking in self-respect (or should not be paid the same wage as a man for doing the same job), that is when you get inequality of the sexes.

Now try to understand it from a experienced person
I hope you did not mean to imply that everyone you quoted above this remark was not experienced, as in mature.

posted by husky51
I love and cherish all my women friends, lovers and acquaintances with few exceptions. I have met many women that do not deserve my respect for anything other than the fact that they are women. I have met these women usually in the course of my working as a security officer for over 40 years, both full and part time. These gals would give a guy a run for his money in meanness, crudity, cruelty and deadliness. I have actuality met these women, not just read about them.

Husky is right. Do you respect a thief or a gangster or a thug. If you do not then why are you saying us that we should respect a prostitute. We do not know who you are in public now if you dress like a whore then you should not expect respect.
WHOA! Just wait a minute! So now you are making the huge and insulting leap that because a woman dresses sexily that makes her as bad as a whore? Holy crap, you do have problems!

Sure, a prostitute is a person who is in trouble and probably has many issues, fears and hardships, but at least she is NOT a thief or gangster or thug, those are people who hurt and commit crimes against others; a prostitute merely hurts her(or him)self. Yes, male prostitues. This is not just about women remember? Its about equality of the sexes.

Then please tell me when a girl works for the enjoyment of boys, now can she enjoy a boy doing the same? will she be able to enjoy watching a boy the same that she did ? Answer is no ,no and no. She can not see that because there is no boy to do that for her.[in most cases, special cases are not acceptable]
The answer in yes, yes and yes. You've never been in many male strip bars have you? Seen male stripograms do their thing in pubs to crowds of office girls? All over the planet lots of males behave sexually and sensually and use their bodies and looks to make money, not "special cases" whatever that is, but in their millions, from American male porn stars to Thai femboys, males all over the world make a living from being overtly sexual.

I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it exists. Males and females both make a living from their sexualities.

I agree that fewer males do compared to females, but the male industry is still a vast business.

Now if a girl thinks that she got no merit and no strength and no ability to work that she has to sell her beauty then that girl is not qualified for our respect.
You seem to be heading seriously off track here. We are talking about the equality of the sexes, not about the possible reasons that cause females to become pornstars or prostitutes and who are terrible people whom we should pour scorn on (the one does not follow from the other anyway).

Can we get back on topic please?

Now to all girls i want to say is. Beauty is only for reproductive purpose. Flowers are given their colors so that it can be pollinated. Frogs can sing so that he can attract someone . Men and women are given their beauties for the same reason so that our kind human-kind do not perish from earth. It has nothing to do with equality. So these things should be kept inside bedrooms . The fast the girls understands that the faster they will get equality. Girls You have to respect yourself.
How does one attract a mate from inside a bedroom? A flower won't be pollenated if it covers itself with a cardboard box and frogs won't attract mates if they never sing.

As I said above, males are attracted to the female form and its a valid means to display that form for that purpose. A girl might not even be seeking a mate, but the act of putting on a sensual appearance in order to, say, go out clubbing, gives a girl a happy buzz, a high and a fun mood. I've met dozens of girls in such situations both in my youth and later life and both the female and male enjoy it. Why? Because its a hard-wired part of our genes.

A female doing this is not to be despised for it and she must not be treated unequally for it.

Originally posted by saviour2012
tell me how many rules of your religion you follow. if everybody just follows their religion then two third of the worlds problems will be gone.
This both made me smile and made me rather sad.

The problem with religion is that humans interpret it. Both the Bible and the Qu'ran have beautiful teachings, which if everyone exactly understood them and universally followed them, would, I agree, do a great deal of good in the world. Perhaps even give us heaven on earth.

However, people do not. They misinterpret, they misunderstand, they wilfuly twist things to their own evil ends.

Two thousand years of Christianity and 1400 years of Moslem faith have resulted in more humans dying than for any other cause.

Religion doesn't work. Except for a small minority, or rather, several small minorities who each interpret things different ways. Moslems frequently argue that the Bible's teachings can't be pure because it has been questionably translated so many times, and its original meaning must have become corrupted, yet if purity of original language were a guarantee of exact obedience to faith, why are there as many corrupt Muslim factions as there are Christian?

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"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Post last edited by Saddletank on 03.17.2012, 01:29 AM.

03.17.2012, 01:03 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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Originally posted by Roarkiller There is just no way in heaven or hell that both will ever have perfect harmony. Hence there is just no way in heaven or hell for equality to happen.

You won't find a man complaining about not being able to have periods.

You won't find a woman complaining about not having a stand-up pee station.

There are things only for women, and there are things only for men. And until this changes (i.e. never), there won't be such a thing as total equality.
You are missing the point, equality does not mean urinals for women and tampons for men, or penises for women and breasts for men. You're being silly.

Equality means being treated equally in societal matters such as salaries, job opportunities, and all other areas where men and women can and should be treated equally.

In those areas equality can and should happen.

Oh, BTW Roar, internet etiquette - too many upper case words and people can get the idea you're shouting and being overly aggressive

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

03.17.2012, 01:46 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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@fewer male entertainers...good point Saddles. ^^

Why do you suppose that is? For the longest time women did not have the freedom or the capital to enjoy this if they pleased.

and @Orphic, full garments in hot countries were to protect the skin against the sun. Not sure about the black bit though.


03.17.2012, 01:55 AM fenkashi is offline   Profile for fenkashi Add fenkashi to your buddy list

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Well put Saddletank.


03.17.2012, 04:45 AM Calforsale is offline   Profile for Calforsale Add Calforsale to your buddy list

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All right everyone. Let us get to the point.

We are talking about gender equality here. Now almost everybody here specially me want that women get their rights. What are those rights? They are equal treatment in terms of occupation,salary,opportunity and social security. I think all the talk should be about how to do those.

Then why are we talking about dress sense?

Because it causes confusion. Now almost everybody fails to get the point of freedom . Freedom does not mean that you can do anything. It means that you can think anything and you can share those opinions with others . And if others think that they are good for your country or society then you can implement those. If everyone thinks that what you think will not bring good then you can not implement those , no matter how much you want.The dress sense certainly is a thing of that area.

So when we are talking about these we have to see the interrelation between each things in society. Society is a complex web of relation among the humans those live in the society. And in a society everything one does has a positive or negative impact on the society.

Now when we say something wrong or right, our sense works as a balance. We judge how will that particular thing effect us in positive sense and in negative sense. If the positive thing is heavier then we say that is right and vice-versa. Now try to think about what negative things that strip clubs or xxx contents, bring in the society. And try to think about what are the bad things that comes with when you dance in a club or flirt with different persons.

The thing those things bring is not very pleasing. Yes you can have fun for some time but ultimately you will suffer.

First if i ask you why do you need to meet different persons?[ this is a point because almost everyone is saying that dress is for romantic possibilities] You will probably say that you want to find your perfect mate . So you want to try out if the person is good enough. Now tell me there are 6 billion peoples in the world. how many of them can you meet in your life . Try to Imagine, you thought that the person you are married are the perfect match for you but after a long time, you just met another person who is somuch better than the one you are currently living with in every-sense. you and the new guy also are interested in each other. What will you do? compromise to live with current one? Cheat? or divorce?
Although there are three option i do not think they are options at all. So you will go into depression. If you compromise you will think that the person you are living with have so many problems and often fight. If you cheat you will not be able to forgive yourself. And if you divorce the person then try to think what will happen to your children. No matter how you try your children will never be the same as they were before. Step-father and mother can never be real father and mother.

Now tell me does the scenario i described up sound very good?

This things happen because of us. If we did not know how the other person feels like then we would be happy with our current one. Sometimes ignorance is good for society for the peace and balance. What do you want peace or pleasure?

Now when we talk about women equality. Women often say that they do not want to be harassed. I really want that to happen. It makes me sick when i hear something like that. But it is the women who makes this difficult for us .

I want to beg to the women please will you stop posing nakedly in front of camera ? Will you please join forces and fight to shut down the xxx industry and fight with some most powerful peoples? Will you please stop the broadcast of sexy songs in televisions ? Will you please stop the directors and producer to use women only for pleasure ?

If the answer is yes . then hip hip hurray! we are with you girls please move forward in the fight we are right behind you

If the answer is no. if the women thinks it can stay at where it is then how can we help. Now to make us come to the right path[i mean not harass them, respect them equally] women do have some responsibility, don't they? Do they not need to be out of any debate or questions? Because when you are trying to make other understand something then firstly you have to be better in those ways so that i can follow you.

You show you beauty in the television and media , make us excited then when we get close to you or think bad things about you. You say us pervert minded. That is not fair at all. First you have to make sure that we do not see anything that makes us exited about your dress then you can wear those.

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
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Post last edited by saviour2012 on 03.17.2012, 07:34 AM.

03.17.2012, 07:27 AM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012
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