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  Steins;GatePost Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by saviour2012 Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page

Areen did not started his thread and if i request something it never happens even stops,so posting it before his thread starts. I waited so ...
Before you start i think you should not click the links in between the post before you finish it. It will distract you from the theme.I would not have given those but you guys bug about that a lot.[as if you do not believe me,but thats ok].i gave them. So click them after you have read it. The links i gave later are more important.There is a scientific term incorrect in the article i will be glad if anyone shows it to me. It is in the entropy section.

*********SPOILER ALERT*********

*********SPOILER ALERT*********

It does not give any major plot however it has some elements that might take away or increase[in my case,as i knew many of these things before] enjoyment for some people.
i will skip my usual speech and go straight to the topic
Steins;Gate is a story about a group of people who accidentally discover a time machine. Well everyone knows that . From my point of view what is unique about the story is, this anime was able to address a very important issue of changing time and space. which the writers have addressed as attractor field or more easily said fate. And they also have understood that Death is a very significant factor in time and space continuum. I can explain the reason why i think that; because i have some crazy ideas around these things. but i can not prove it mathematically . so lets just focus on the anime.Many Films and Animations has been made on these terms.But Steins;Gate is actually great in terms of quality and enjoyment.Another important fact is most of the things shown in the anime has been experimented and proved true. Only the story is fictional.
art 7/10 has usual anime style
character 9/10 choice characters is great
story 10/10 story is very compelling
music 10/10 i love music like Steins;Gate. It is because my countries band[like iron maiden Metallica etc etc] song’s music is very much alike these.
fanservice 2/10 very little
concept 8/10 well thought and was actually found in context
idea and facts 8/10 superb specially parallel dimension and paradox Concept was defined vividly.However it had too many holes in the story.and some implementation of facts were totally wrong.
continuity 10/10 the strongest factor of the series you will never feel lost.
many of you will join facts,idea,concept and story together. but i felt they can be differentiated.
I am not going to explain all the points because many of them just carry general anime characteristics.
the spelling of the names may be wrong[edit:well google doc is so awesome that it even knows the names of anime characters but i did not bother to fix it. lol ]
1.characters: I liked all the characters in Steins;Gate. Okabe Rintarou acts childish to escape from the harsh reality of life. Joking about big enterprises or ruling out any possibility of failure or not fearing the consequence of an action are just examples how he thinks about the world. Which another way of telling what he fears. He does not have the ability to lead yet he leads all of them and everyone actually agrees with his decisions. I don't think that is really going to happen in real life,but he is the main character of the series. Second the character comes is Makise Kurisu who is a American scientist 18 years old with published academic research paper and a biology[not exactly biology but neuroscience or similar and i do not feel like searching for that part] major, she is proud and intelligent but still nice and friendly. In the series although the time machine is invented by okabe and his friend hoshida, the practical use and also the rules have been invented by her. Hoshida is a superclass computer hacker. he is portrayed as majority hackers are portrayed in anime fat,lazy and a pervert, at the same time he is also very intelligent and active when the service is needed. the most interesting character in the series i think is Mayuri , she is a very close friend of Okabe [i am not sure about this part] and the nicest person you could ever meet. Although she is portrayed to be a cute girl , i think Mayuri is more likely to be real than Kurisu. Not because she is intelligent as well as nice , i think it is not possible for a intelligent person like her to act like that[i do not want to use girly and other words as it caused fuss]. This characteristic made her the eye-candy[i know this term is used in other sense but take a easy meaning ok] and enabled Kurisu to be most attractive and want-able.Girls don't start on this.May be i am wrong because i almost every-time do not want to see all the human behavior in a person , or think of a specific qualities for a particular kind of person. I will keep this view until i really meet with someone like that.But my belief is correct in this case see the bluray cover here
And Moeka was straightforward annoying. Other character like Suzuha and Feyris were supporting characters. Ruka being a boy wearing girls cloth was utterly disgusting. Mr.Braun and his daughter are minor characters.
2.Concept,facts and ideas:
Accidents are so common in Science that most of the world's biggest discovery was by accident. So discovering a time machine by pure accident seems legitimate to me. The series was actually made from a game. So i suppose production had a vast amount of idea what can be shown. Using a miniature black hole to enable time travel is possible only if the black hole acts as a wormhole in two different dimension. As in quantum mechanics it is recently said that a black holes concept to vanish[yeah there is another vanishing concept called Hawkings radiation] in it's ownness is impossible in quantum level(from what i understood see here http://www.space.com/16867-black-holes-q...ics-theory.html ) it must vomit the things it has inside elsewhere according to third law of newton. also the concept of parallel dimension is also implementable from thermodynamics we know that a isentropic process is not reversible. more easily it creates chaos in the nature by increasing entropy.each action creates a individual system of the universe thus creating parallel worlds.Now although we do know actions are not reversible. but we don't know if time traveling is or is not reversible.Einstein's (where the Steins in the name of the series came and gate theory is relevant to pain as okabe felt tremendous pain, it is a biology related;it is my discovery dont know if its true or false) model says we can only go to future and thus irreversible. wormhole model says it is reversible. Story is so well written that butterfly effect that was said is actually a section of chaos theory.The writers gave a vast amount of time making it the greatest time traveling story i know of.
making SERN(CERN) a culprit is really the biggest conspiracy theory ever written. It is really fun to think of a large organization like that to be doing secret experiments.Know what it was even asked to them see here
The ideas to implement the time machine was very very interesting. It is actually possible to create a particle accelerator by a oven.How? you know megatron(also known as magnetron) . no not the transformer's its a electronic device for particle acceleration (https://www.boundless.com/physics/definition/magnetron/) in case of oven that particle is electron most of the cases for oven.And crts has the ability to Effectively making it an ioncraft or lifter (http://www.ehow.com/how_6595743_build-ionocraft.html) ,ever touched a screen just after swiching it off.awesome feeling. i am not responsible if you get a shock. the writers might be of science background.The experiment of teleportation they did that banana came back to its own place has been done well sort of in atomic scale(http://www.livescience.com/7647-teleport...e-achieved.html)
However i am again saying you have to understand it[the story] is indeed a science fiction so the relations are very remote in scientific terms.And those things can not really made into something like that but there is slight possibility[which is the most beautiful part of science]. Does two of my statements contradict one another,Hmm i also think so. Lets conclude it is a fictional anime based on observed scientific discoveries and scientific attempts.
Some facts and ideas were boring. such as memory transfer by phone. After such a strong backup by science they could have thought of other ideas. the D-mail system was good. there are numerous holes in the story you will get those when you see it.Divergence 1% barrier is another point it suggests a complete different time system. I think i would like to read the manga to know more.
3.Fanservice: There is a kissing scene and some half naked girls in a magazine. little fanservice i think.
Harem Nonsense: if i had a time machine then i would have removed this word from my head somehow. It is not a harem anime at all from my point of view. Although it contains some elements. All the female characters are attracted towards Okabe except Mayuri(not sure). It happened because Okabe IS very friendly and caring towards his friends including Hashida. Those girls did not have close friends like okabe so he was special to them. Kurisu and okabe's relationship i have not understood. They might be lovers or not. the romance feature of the anime has somehow increased its attractiveness as well as its overall attention or demand. It was a reason how viewers could make it close to them.
Romance: Most of the time traveling films and series has this Romance part in it and The problems of butterfly effect is also very evident in these. I watched The Butterfly Effect and The Girl Who leapt through Time to ensure this and i am not wrong. However Steins;gate is more serious about science.
I would not comment about ending as it has a movie i have not seen.
it became a cash cow to the studio, so ending needed to be like that. After all it is not ghibli which does not think about money.
End line: Best Science Fiction i ever watched.No winder why it got 9+ rating from 93000 users from myanimelist. It is the only anime after ghibli that i copied to my phone to watch. No matter if you are a science background or not you are going to enjoy it.
Thanks to my dear friend Roarkiller and Arren for recommending it to me.
if you have read this far some cool links you should browse all of them
whatever you do please watch this video it is fun to watch
this is more fun but stupid
for science loving people this interview from a scientist who works in CERN is awesome
The question in Steins;Gate How could Kerr black holes be used for time travel? Is ANSWERED in DISCOVERY
Now a little bit serious thing
Creating Miniature black hole is easy
Time Travel theories,Possibilities and Paradoxes
this one needs a note this said at the end physical time travel is not possible human can not endure it [Kuriso also said this]
This one is not related to Time Travel

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Post last edited by saviour2012 on 08.16.2013, 04:57 AM.

08.14.2013, 01:28 PM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012

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It is very very long and boring sorry

but could not resist myself. I know it is not very good to read but i think the mysterious nature of science will not bore you guys thanks

read/watch the links i gave later they are interesting

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its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Post last edited by saviour2012 on 08.14.2013, 02:28 PM.

08.14.2013, 01:37 PM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012
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Thats too long a review. Most people won't be prepared to wade through walls of text like that. They need crisp one liners.

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08.15.2013, 01:59 PM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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Originally posted by Saddletank
Thats too long a review. Most people won't be prepared to wade through walls of text like that. They need crisp one liners.

well it is not a review.it is more like a discussion or personal opinion.

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

08.15.2013, 11:37 PM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012

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I'm not sure why you're having a go at me in your completely separate post about Steins;Gate. You're always free to make any thread you choose to make.

Anyway, I've mentioned before how I have mixed feelings about Steins;Gate. Early on I liked it a lot because it didn't try to be too serious and just had fun with the sci-fi ideas, but then when it became very dark I found it had lost part of what I liked about it.


08.16.2013, 03:23 AM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18

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Originally posted by arren18
I'm not sure why you're having a go at me in your completely separate post about Steins;Gate. You're always free to make any thread you choose to make.

Anyway, I've mentioned before how I have mixed feelings about Steins;Gate. Early on I liked it a lot because it didn't try to be too serious and just had fun with the sci-fi ideas, but then when it became very dark I found it had lost part of what I liked about it.

I know but i actually do not understand when you guys are going to react as you are very reactive

So i just cleared myself about the point that this does not mean i do not like the anime suggestion thread idea.Although i do not need to but later if you guys reacted i had to write even more characters than i need now.

about Steins;Gate, everybody has different opinions to many those early episodes were boring, i liked it as a whole. But i was amazed because of the story; it had such a great impact that i actually needed to study to find out if its possible or not . What i found is in there. It is hard to make such a story where all the strings are attached. It got many many holes but i can oversee them and enjoy the idea. The romance part i did not understand , i am not sure if i liked that part or not.

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Post last edited by saviour2012 on 08.16.2013, 07:34 AM.

08.16.2013, 07:30 AM saviour2012 is offline   Profile for saviour2012 Add saviour2012 to your buddy list Send an Email to saviour2012 Homepage of saviour2012
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