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Posted by mpw3d on 12.02.2006, 01:42 PM:

  Nintendo WII

hi everybody! has any one here got a nintendo wii yet or getting one on December 7th UK launch date??

if got one whats it like and is it worth getting?

P.s i played on a ps3 today 2/12/06 !!! yay...


Posted by Loscil on 12.02.2006, 02:11 PM:


im getting Wii for Xmas..

Posted by Seiji on 12.02.2006, 03:21 PM:


I haven't gotten one, or even seen one, but some of my friends have played them. And from what I've heard, yeah it is totally worth getting one. The new zelda game is supposed to be one of the best launch titles ever too.

Posted by mpw3d on 12.02.2006, 03:38 PM:


yea apparently nearly every wii console been sold has been sold with the zelda game... but its been released in the uk next thurs on the 7th of december


Posted by Endless Twilight on 12.02.2006, 04:36 PM:


The wii in the uk will sell out in 2 days

grr my Ellie. Not yours!!

Posted by mpw3d on 12.02.2006, 07:17 PM:


thx god i preorded mine lol and im going to the midnight openning to my local gamestation shop


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 12.02.2006, 08:17 PM:


Australia has become to americanised to care about nintendo, outside of the GBA. apart from game boys, nobody here has wanted a nintendo or even talked about nintendo for almost 4 years ive noticed


Posted by Miyrru on 12.02.2006, 08:18 PM:


wow i love being in norht america, one of my friends got a wii and its affecting his curling game, he his tired cause he plays it so much, you will probably have a blast with it, im sad cause i havent tried it yet.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by kk-on-keys on 12.03.2006, 06:01 AM:


I went to see the Wii! It looks great. Didn't get a chance to play though because the queue was too long

Posted by Loscil on 12.03.2006, 06:33 AM:


post your experiences once you have ´em..
Cant wait to play Zelda...

Posted by arren18 on 12.03.2006, 06:40 AM:


I'm gonna try and get my bro to buy me one for Xmas. He always spoils me rotten, so I might as well drop some hints.


Posted by Loscil on 12.03.2006, 07:12 AM:


how old is your bro?

Posted by arren18 on 12.03.2006, 07:13 AM:




Posted by Roarkiller on 12.03.2006, 09:18 AM:


Personally, a console's only as good as the games that come with it.

You compare between the playstation and the Xbox, i'm just happy to play my Fatal Frame.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Loscil on 12.03.2006, 09:47 AM:


if were talking about game qulity (as in gameplay, not visuals) then Nintend wins hands down anyway..

Posted by Phyrra on 12.03.2006, 11:50 AM:


I was thinking about getting a Wii for Christmas... I've always favoured Nintendo over Sony and Microsoft. I love the idea of downloading old games to play on from consoles like the NES and N64...

Nintendo has always liked the 'virtual' side of gaming... like the "Virtual Boy" console... apparently, it gave people headaches when they played on it


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by Loscil on 12.03.2006, 12:21 PM:


how did the virtual boy work..?
never actually saw one.

Posted by arren18 on 12.03.2006, 01:11 PM:


Apparently the Virtual Boy sucked.

But the Wii sounds really good. I've been reading about it in Games Master magazine, and the highest scoring review was of a Wii game (Zelda, DUH)


Posted by Roarkiller on 12.04.2006, 08:01 AM:


I have a question: when you compare consoles, do you or do you not take into considerations the games released for the console?

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Howmany on 12.04.2006, 12:26 PM:


Originally posted by mpw3d
hi everybody! has any one here got a nintendo wii yet or getting one on December 7th UK launch date??

if got one whats it like and is it worth getting?

P.s i played on a ps3 today 2/12/06 !!! yay...

yo hows that as the PS3 is not released untill march 2007

Roarkiller of course you take that into consideration what are you gonna do with out any games look at the box ?

Howmany ?

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