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Posted by Calcifer619 on 05.09.2008, 04:58 AM:


Hi everyone, Im an avid horror movie fan and i was just wondering if anyone new any really good ones?

Any suggestions?

Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.09.2008, 07:28 AM:


OK, I'm way into Asian horror, so here are some of my recommendations, and please note that although a number of these films have been remade by idea stealing american pig-dogs, I am ALWAYS refering to the Asian original!

The Ring Trilogy, obviously! Esp. Ring and Ring 0, Ring 2 is good, but not great.

Ju-On The Grudge - I swear that this is the single scariest film I have ever seen in my life, seriously, it took me like a year to completely get over the sheer terror incited by this film, so you have been warned!

Premonition - not strictly a horror, but great none the less.

The Eye - amazing!

Audition - a film from the ever fabulous and ever twisted Takashi Miike, the ending will make you squirm!

Versus - a comedy horror about Japanese zombies...brilliant!

Phone - a solid Korean horror.

A Tale of Two Sisters - some truly creepy moments.

R-Point - a Korean horror set during the war, quality!

Ichi The Killer - again not strictly a horror, but so full of much blood, guts and weirdness, you won't even notice!

Hope this helps dude! (^-^)


Posted by Toolfan1912 on 05.09.2008, 09:37 AM:


Originally posted by SpiritedSen
OK, I'm way into Asian horror, so here are some of my recommendations, and please note that although a number of these films have been remade by idea stealing american pig-dogs, I am ALWAYS refering to the Asian original!

The Ring Trilogy, obviously! Esp. Ring and Ring 0, Ring 2 is good, but not great.

Ju-On The Grudge - I swear that this is the single scariest film I have ever seen in my life, seriously, it took me like a year to completely get over the sheer terror incited by this film, so you have been warned!

Premonition - not strictly a horror, but great none the less.

The Eye - amazing!

Audition - a film from the ever fabulous and ever twisted Takashi Miike, the ending will make you squirm!

Versus - a comedy horror about Japanese zombies...brilliant!

Phone - a solid Korean horror.

A Tale of Two Sisters - some truly creepy moments.

R-Point - a Korean horror set during the war, quality!

Ichi The Killer - again not strictly a horror, but so full of much blood, guts and weirdness, you won't even notice!

Hope this helps dude! (^-^)

OMG SpiritedSen when did you come back onto the forum?

I haven't seen you around here in ages...


Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.12.2008, 04:49 AM:


Originally posted by Toolfan1912

OMG SpiritedSen when did you come back onto the forum?

I haven't seen you around here in ages...

Hey toolfan1912, long time no chat, lol! Came back on Friday, I just missed all the Ghibli chat and the good peeps on this forum I guess! It's good to be back! (^-^)


Posted by Calcifer619 on 05.12.2008, 02:16 PM:


Some of those sound good Spirited sen thanks for the info

Posted by Super Dollfie on 05.16.2008, 09:52 PM:


I like the "Japanese Classic Horror"-style films of Shindô Kaneto (Onibaba, Kuroneko) and Kawamoto Kihachirô (Oni, Dôjôji) but I'm defiantly not a horror fan in general – real life is more than scary enough for me! I suppose that I must like this specific genre of it so much because it allows me to experience the "fun" of horror (if you can call it that ) but the setting is so distanced from reality that it what happens in it can only be scary, not disturbing.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 05.17.2008, 03:25 AM:


Agh... I hate horror... why do you want that stuff in your head anyway?

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