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Posted by IluvHowl06 on 05.31.2006, 08:30 PM:

  Princess Mononoke - any comments for this movie?

So are there any fans out there of Mononoke? (of course) so show yourselves! here's a cool vid:


Posted by mpw3d on 06.01.2006, 06:24 AM:

yea i love that mononoke film but not sure if its better then nausicaa valley of the wind................. both sooooo gd


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.01.2006, 10:29 AM:


It's a great, great movie!! Love the way that all the women in it are so strong; Laby Eboshi, San, and all the women who work in the forge...basically, nothing would get done in this movie if it wasn't for the girls!!
Love the way those things are animated on Nago when he turns into a demon, and when Ashitaka's arm goes mental and cuts someone's head off with an arrow! Also, the ending when grass grows over the forge is really lovely!
Ultimately, love it!!
Some cool Mononoke pics just for you ;
[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]
[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]


Posted by mpw3d on 06.01.2006, 12:01 PM:


totally agree spiritedsen!!

heres a mononoke vid i did ages ago

Vid: Princess mononoke
Song: Spiderman

i tried to lipsync the song and all that lol but its pretty hard...
it messes up in 1 or 2 parts though and it was too late to change it but what the heck i did my best lol


Posted by Phyrra on 06.01.2006, 01:42 PM:


*laughs nervously*

I've only seen four Ghiblies, but out of those four, I'd put Mononoke last. I'd describe it as a wonderful idea, but too jittery. What I mean by this is that there's a period of slow moving action, followed by an adrenaline rush, then another peroid of slow, rather pointless animantion where nothing really happens, and we don't learn much about the characters... and in general... nothing happens. It's these bits that let the whole thing down.

I should give you an example. When the spirit of the forest is looking for its head. For the first few minutes, it's slightly emotional... then it gets slightly tedious, and after a while, I was eager for the film to move on and do something else... unfortuantely, that spirit keeps on looking for its head...

I know that 'slow bits' are the lifeblood of any film, because they allow the audience to bond with the characters, but I didn't bond with anyone. Usually, I feel for the characters Ghibli creates, worry for Sophie or skip a heart beat for the safety of nausicaa; but not in Mononoke...

Don't get me wrong, it's a fine film... but not one of my favourites.


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.01.2006, 02:23 PM:


Originally posted by Phyrra
I've only seen four Ghiblies

What ones are they dude? They've just re-released all 13 main titles over here, I have them all now (yay!! ), and I'd have to say that my faves in order are

1)Spirited Away
2)My Neighbour Totoro
3)The Cat Returns
4)Howl's Moving Castle
5)Laputa Castle In The Sky

As you can see, I do tend to favour the newer/cuter ones!! Gotta say my least favourites are Porco Rosso and My Neighbours The Yamadas (not 'cos of the different style, just wasn't keen on the characters or story!!). Pom Poko's quite hard to watch 'cos there's soo many subtitles, and Grave Of The Fireflies always makes me cry! But I do like Mononoke, it was the second Ghibli I saw, and so different to the first one I'd seen, which was Spirited Away. The action sequences are really thrilling, and it's beautifully animated (the forest looks awesome). Also, I don't think that you're really meant to relate to San, she personifies the forces of nature. I think we're meant to look up, and relate more, to Ashitaka, he realises that violence is never the answer, and always stays neutral between Eboshi and San. He sees arguments from both sides, and is a caring and considererate individual.


Posted by Phyrra on 06.01.2006, 02:43 PM:


Hehe, here's the four, in order of preference...

1. Nausicaa of the valley of the wind
2. Howl's moving castle
3. Spirited away
4. Princess Mononoke

They're so expensive... so I can't buy them often. I know, I could download them all illegally. But I'm strongly opposed to piracy (partially 'cos I'm Christian, but also because it cheats people of their hard work).

Why isn't Nausicaa up there in your top five, SpiritedSen? It's the best film I've seen! Such a wonderful metaphor...

You do have a point about bonding with Mononoke. Trouble is, it wasn't just her, but everyone, who I failed to bond with. They weren't human enough. Okay, so half of the main characters are animals, but what was the point of Ashitaka travelling to the irontown? To see with eyes unblinded by hate, wasn't it? I realise that Ghibli wasn't trying to build an Animé that went into depth about the reasons behind Ashitaka travelling; their aim was to describe the relationship between humanity and nature. Even so, I feel as though they could have come up with a better reason for him leaving home...

Meh, perhaps it's just me... probably...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by dballred on 06.01.2006, 05:34 PM:


I'm a fan of anything Miyazaki has ever done--except maybe Panda Kopanda (definitely kiddie stuff). Mononoke Hime, however, is not at the top of my favorite Miyazakis--nor even close.

As everyone seems to be doing lists, here's mine (limited to Miyazaki as director)

1. Spirited Away - by far my favorite
2. Totoro
2a (TV Series doesn't count) Future Boy Conan
3. Porco Rosso
4. Lupin: Cagliostro (non-Ghibli)
5. Howl (it has climbing higher on my list recently)
6. Kiki
7. Laputa
8. Nausicaa
9. Mononoke
9a (TV Series) Detective Holmes
9b (TV Series) Panda Kopanda

My problem with Mononoke Hime is that it follows the Japanese anime paridigm of being a complicated, convoluted tale. It's not a failing, because it is a viable approach to a story and there are many fans of that style. This, in my estimation, is why there are so many people who have extremely disparate views of Spirited Away and Mononoke.

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 06.01.2006, 06:56 PM:


Originally posted by mpw3d
totally agree spiritedsen!!

heres a mononoke vid i did ages ago

Vid: Princess mononoke
Song: Spiderman

i tried to lipsync the song and all that lol but its pretty hard...
it messes up in 1 or 2 parts though and it was too late to change it but what the heck i did my best lol

o man, that vid cracked me up


Posted by kimmi513 on 06.01.2006, 10:10 PM:

  c..i mean ilovhowl

wassup girlfriend hows it going long time no c

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 06.01.2006, 10:12 PM:


what? Kimmi, you've seen me many times. teehee why don't you comment on Princess Mononoke


Posted by micg huz on 06.02.2006, 09:12 AM:


simply a staggering and beuatifull art work.
such classic ghibli. i think it was one of my first ones (then your hooked!) and i just couldnt beleive it. the forest spirit is sooooooo cool - though best in deer form i think. ashitakas a bit annoying but the rest is perfect.
i love all the scenes that center around the pool in the forest and the close ups of the thriving and decaying flowers at the feet of the deer headed forest spirit. or the bit where he leaves home at the begiining with all the landscapes.
ahhhhh so good.
cripes i just might have to go watch it!

laputa is a
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Posted by Phyrra on 06.03.2006, 03:15 PM:


Yeah, I've been thinking about it. Perhaps I was a bit harsh. I especially enjoyed how the music stopped, and everything was silent when the forest spirit came into view. That was evocotive.

I also thought it was quite like Nausicaa. There are humans who are damaging the environment, and a protagonist who is there to moderate and unite the humans and animals/ insects (nausicaa or ashitaka). There's a war between the insects/ animals and the humans. There's an underlying tone of how anger affects the animals/ insects. The protagonist has their own unique method of transport (the elk or the cool glider). Guns feature in both, but aren't ultimate weapons without drawbacks. In fact, the two share far too many similarities to mention in a single post...

Has anyone else noticed this ?

EDIT: I've just thought of another similarity. Both have a group of humans who abuse the environment (irontown and the two civilisations in nausicca) and these groups of humans are lead by a woman. Yet another similarity...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.03.2006, 08:47 PM:


Phyrra, what copy of Mononoke have you got? The old Miramax release had really bad dubbing, which does spoil the film a bit, but the new one that's part of the Studio Ghibli Collection is much better. It's so hard though, when you have two copies of the same film...but the subtitles are different! Who knows what to believe??!! Glad to see you've given the film another chance though...if I'm ever not sure, or slightly dissapointed, with a film, I make sure I watch it again, and I usually prefer it better the second time around!


Posted by Phyrra on 06.04.2006, 02:16 AM:


I have got the Studio Ghibli collection one, SpiritedSen. And I watched it twice, and it was much better the second time . I do the same thing; whenever I watch a film I don't really bond with, then I watch it over again. Of course, sometimes I don't bond with it the second time either !

Mononoke was definately better the second time though


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 06.04.2006, 11:49 AM:


so does anyone play piano? because i found a really good website for piano sheet music for ghibli films:


Posted by Phyrra on 06.04.2006, 12:37 PM:


Originally posted by IluvHowl06
so does anyone play piano? because i found a really good website for piano sheet music for ghibli films:

Thank you soooo much! I downloaded the merry-go-round of life (Howl's moving castle theme) from this site, and now i can play it on the piano!

*beaming smile* I can't wait! Thank you so much IluvHowl!

EDIT: If anyone else was thinking of downloading the 'merry-go-round of life' sheet music, I'd say it's about Grade Four standard...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by anumalik on 06.04.2006, 01:45 PM:

Princess Mononoke rocks!

I remember seeing this movie for the first time and being entraced by it. As stated earlier all the women in this movie are strong, very unlike how most women are potrayed in other modern films (not anime). Anyways I loved this movie so much because it deals with important issue such as nature vs. humans which is a concurrent issue today. Humans have a way to exploit everything, from each other to very earth which bears life. This movie shows the different perspectives of the the exploiter and the conservationist. I loved this movie so much I recommended it to my biology II teacher who teaches wildlife biology. Not only is this movie fun and exiting, but it deals with a lot of issues that the world is facing today, like deforestation, and mineral mining which can destroy the earth with all the chemicals.


...when I look at him
I can see a boy hidden in the depth of his piercing blue eyes,
a boy who is longing his freedom......

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 06.07.2006, 07:30 PM:


o i just wanted to share this news with you - i'm a bit lazy to open a new thread. new dinosaur species found


Posted by Kanaeda on 06.09.2006, 05:37 PM:


i think its also one of ghibli's most violent too, i dont remember many other films where peoples limbs where flying off.

"country roads, take me home"

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