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Posted by Kanta on 06.17.2006, 02:35 AM:

  Born in TOTORO

Hello everyone!! Please let me introduce myself.
I'm Kanta.I found this forum last month and registered.

Believe it or not, I was born in TOTORO!!! And also born in MIYAZAKI.
It's not joke but true.
Look at this picture. It's my driving license.

[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]

If you read Japanese kanji, you can understand it.
The red line shows MIYAZAKI and green line shows TOTORO.
You can't read kanji??? Then I'll show you another evidence.

Posted by Kanta on 06.17.2006, 03:08 AM:

TOTORO station

Look at this picture.
This is small station in TOTORO town.
Here comes a red train bound for Miyazaki.
Sign of MIYAZAKI can be seen on the train??

[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]

There are 47 prefectures in Japan.
MIYAZAKI locates southern part of Japan.
In Miyazaki, there is a small town TOTORO.

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.17.2006, 03:17 PM:


I actually bought a t-shirt today that has Miyazaki written on the front, and Nagasaki on the back, are they near eachother? Didn't know Miyazaki was actually a place!! With your post and my t-shirt, isn't it a small world!?!


Posted by Phyrra on 06.17.2006, 04:47 PM:


That's so cool! I wish I could go to Totoro town. I especially like the train

Does anyone else have a real-life Ghibli 'cameo'?. We have a train service, a town and a T-shirt so far 8]. That was really interesting, Kanta, thank you!


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by dballred on 06.17.2006, 09:19 PM:


Very interesting town name. I found it on the map. For those who are interested, it is on the East coast of Kyuushuu Island. If you have Google Earth installed, it's at 32 degrees, 30 minutes, and 37.65 seconds N and 131 degrees, 40 minutes, 41.67 seconds East.

Posted by Kanta on 06.17.2006, 11:58 PM:


Thanks for replies.

To Sprited Sen
Nagasaki is not so far from here Miyazaki.
Nagasaki is famous for atomic bomb in World War 2.
You can find both of them with Google earth, as dballred said.
BUT, to tell the truth, though TOTORO is a charming placename, it's the second dullest place on the earth.
Because, on another thread, Spirited Sen said Kent is the dullest place.
But I doubt it. Kent sounds like very fantastic place...

This is TOTORO view. I was born here.
When I was a kid, I used to swim in TOTORO bay all day in summer. It was long time ago.
[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]

Posted by nanashi on 06.18.2006, 01:07 AM:


Konnichiwa Kanta. Yoroshikune.
and for all, Nagasaki, Miyazaki, and Tokyo are here.

Studio Ghibli: Kajino-cho Koganei-shi, Tokyo
Miyazaki's house: Kamiyasumatsu Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama-ken

Posted by shiawase on 06.18.2006, 03:40 AM:


That's awesome. My friend came over from Japan and gave me a Totoro keychain, but that's the movie totoro. I don't really have anything cool to say about Japan. I have a t-shirt that has a warning sign on it saying "No Peeing Outdoors". It's an actual sign in Japan too. And another shirt saying "Baka Gaijin"= Stupid foreigner. lol and a hoodie that says in Kanji "Looking for a japanese girlfriend". They are all so funny. Here is the website you can order them from.. J-List


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Kanta on 06.18.2006, 04:38 AM:


To Nanasi
Thank you for nice map. You are very clever!!
Fluent English, Great knowledge about Ghibli and other films, Skilled in PC and browsing......etc.

To Shiawase
I am much amazed at such stupid Japanese goods...
I don't want to believe they are really made in Japan...

Btw I'll show you other pictures about TOTORO.
This is TOTORO harbor. It's a little fishing village.
[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]
[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]
This is a traffic sign. You can see an elecric pole for railway.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.18.2006, 09:02 AM:


lol i can't read kanji. never will sry, but i believed u without looking at the map & trainstation & drivers license (ill post my school id card if you post your uncencored drivers license) & all that other stuff.
lucky bugger, i live in Kingaroy. nothing special here except we're the peanut capital of Australia, lol


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.18.2006, 09:55 AM:


Originally posted by Kanta

BUT, to tell the truth, though TOTORO is a charming placename, it's the second dullest place on the earth.
Because, on another thread, Spirited Sen said Kent is the dullest place.
But I doubt it. Kent sounds like very fantastic place...

Kanta, any time you want to do a swap, you just let me know! We could be like foreign exchange students, but without the boring student bit!!

Originally posted by Kanta
To Sprited Sen
Nagasaki is not so far from here Miyazaki.
Nagasaki is famous for atomic bomb in World War 2.

Thanks for the info dude, and the map. I know all about Nagasaki's tragic history, my birthday unfortunately falls on August 6th, a sad, sad day in history


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.18.2006, 10:05 AM:


wats so sad about it?

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.18.2006, 10:15 AM:


Originally posted by I-B4-E THUG
wats so sad about it?

It's the date that the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. How can you not know that??? It's one of the most significant moments in history.
I don't know, what are they teaching you kids in school nowadays?
How will future generations ever learn from the mistakes of the past if they aren't taught about them?


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.18.2006, 11:05 AM:



It's the date that the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. How can you not know that??? It's one of the most significant moments in history.
I don't know, what are they teaching you kids in school nowadays?
How will future generations ever learn from the mistakes of the past if they aren't taught about them?

lol i know about hiroshima, just not the date, the only dates i no are christmas, my date of birth & world war one went from 1914 to 1918., & 2pac died in 1996

Posted by Kanta on 06.19.2006, 10:12 PM:


If you Ghibli fans come to TOTORO , you'll surely be disappointed.
You'll find no fantastic sceney, no Ghibli like things, but only fishy smell.
Perhaps there live 3000 people in TOTORO but Most of them have no interest in Ghibli.
There is no relation between place name TOTORO and Hayao's TOTORO.

Do you know Hayao's TOTORO actually is TROLL which appears in European tales?
Mei just mispronounced TROLL for TOTORO. She often mispronounces.
For example, Toumorokoshi(corn) for Toumokoroshi, Otamajakushi(tadpole) for Ojamatakushi.
These mispronouces are so funny and get lol in the theater.
Why funny?? My skill in English is so poor that I can't tell complex expression. Maybe Nanashi will help me again.
By the way, Cat-bus also miswrites kanji on his head sign. It's also very funny.
I guess he would play hookey from school in his childhood.

This is a picture Mrs. Kusakabe is reading a picturebook for her children. (ending roll)
We can see a troll under the bridge. Is this book( The three Billy Goats Gruff) popular in other countries??
In Japan, it is very popular for long time.I also used to read it for my children.
Another picture is the same book published nowadays in Japan known as GARAGARADON.
[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]

Posted by shiawase on 06.20.2006, 02:10 AM:


Yes it is very popluar here.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by ting on 06.20.2006, 11:31 AM:


i only find out what does kanji mean yestarday as i asked one of my french teacher who lived in japan for 2years teaching english about haven't japanese class next year, coz i extremely wanted to learn japanese .

Kanji is the word which is same as chinese,right? i can read the words underline by red clour as it is chinese- this mean Miyazaki,right? And i can read the road sign Tomi Pensninsula and Miyazaki Hyuga. Now, i am glad that i am a chinese.

sorry, just lots of question. i thought Miyazaki was just a surname, and totoro was a name which made up by Mr Miyazaki. i read a book over easter about Mr Miyazakis's film but i didn't get to finish it. The book start to talk about Totoro this movie, Mrs. Kusakabe remind him about his own mother as his mother had been sick for 7 or 9 years. And may i ask is there actually a story about good children will be able to see Totoro or good spirit? becoz from the book i read it talked about where does his film Totoro's idea coming from which is from the story of the village. If i have money, i would definately going to Totoro and visit Ghibli studio if i could

GARAGARADON...i don't know is it popular in hongkong but i am sure i heard about it before, just can't remember what is it about.
Thx Kanta... it is really interesting!! like it lots!!!!

Posted by Kanta on 06.20.2006, 01:44 PM:


To ting
Japanese kanji originated from Chinese characters.
Though the reading is a lot different between Chinese and Japanese, the meaning is almost same.
So, if you come to Japan , you can easily read every sign or information at airports, stations, highways.
Btw you haven't watched "Neighbor Totoro"????
That's too bad!! Watch it at once!!! It's the Miyazaki's BEST anime.
I'm appearing on it, as Satsuki's boyfriend Kanta.
[IMG]" border=0>[/IMG]

Posted by ting on 06.20.2006, 05:06 PM:


After what you said i even more wanted to go to japan now!

i had watch Totoro, but i just read from the book that the children who live in totoro actually think good children will be able to see good spirit which is the same as the film....i just wanted to ask you for a definate answer.
sorry i really don't know how to explain, probably becoz of my english is just so crap,,,, i am really really sorry!
may i ask some more question, is nothing to do with Totoro but japanese, so whenever you write a paragrah do you mixed kanji and japanese together? i just wanted to know more about japan as i might go to japan for university.

by the way, from the book i also read about the reason for totoro is the sign for Ghibli Studio, it is becoz totoro and grave of the fire flies were out at the same time which the Ghibli doesn't have any money left so they made totoro dolls for sale to earn the money back for the studio. After the totoro dolls out, every single child likes it and so it become the sign for Ghibli Studio.
And the word Ghibli had a meaning , it is an italian word which means storm if i got this right.

i am totally sorry for my bad english but i just want to tell people more about the things i know. hope you will be able to understand my crapy english.

Kanta...i think your english is so much better than mine!! so jealous....

Posted by dballred on 06.20.2006, 07:16 PM:


Originally posted by ting
After what you said i even more wanted to go to japan now!

i had watch Totoro, but i just read from the book that the children who live in totoro actually think good children will be able to see good spirit which is the same as the film....i just wanted to ask you for a definate answer.
sorry i really don't know how to explain, probably becoz of my english is just so crap,,,, i am really really sorry!
may i ask some more question, is nothing to do with Totoro but japanese, so whenever you write a paragrah do you mixed kanji and japanese together? i just wanted to know more about japan as i might go to japan for university.

by the way, from the book i also read about the reason for totoro is the sign for Ghibli Studio, it is becoz totoro and grave of the fire flies were out at the same time which the Ghibli doesn't have any money left so they made totoro dolls for sale to earn the money back for the studio. After the totoro dolls out, every single child likes it and so it become the sign for Ghibli Studio.
And the word Ghibli had a meaning , it is an italian word which means storm if i got this right.

i am totally sorry for my bad english but i just want to tell people more about the things i know. hope you will be able to understand my crapy english.

Kanta...i think your english is so much better than mine!! so jealous....

I understand your English. It is not crappy at all.

Japanese mix Chinese with Japanese writing. Let me try to explain.

Long ago, Japan used only Chinese characters when writing. Chinese characters were not completely useful with Japanese grammar.

Example: The Chinese word for 'forgot' is 'wangle' (in one of the dialects, if it's not yours, my apologies) it consists of two Chinese characters: 忘了 The Japanese polite form of the word is 'wasuremashita.' It is now written 忘れました. Long ago, the -remashita ending would have been written purely in Kanji. It was very difficult to do that, so the Japanese invented 'kana.' It is a system of characters which are used for sounds.

As for your question about children in Totoro town, I do not think there is any connection between the people of the town and the totoro creature in Miyazaki's movie. The names have the same sound, but not the same meaning.

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