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Posted by Sunchaser on 07.09.2006, 06:55 PM:


So, the World Cup is over....and Italy won. Whaddja think of it?


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Posted by aviator on 07.09.2006, 07:14 PM:


Well, due to the pittiful performance of my homecountry's team Brasil, I stopped watching the cup after they lost. I wish their performance (and the pride of playing the cup) would be a bit more consistent with time, but I guess fame and forture sort of get to some people's head.
Actually I'm not as disappointed as my other countrymates might have been because I was never really a soccer fanatic (not your typical Brazilian stereotype!), so hurreeeehh and congrats for all you italians (actually my grandparents are descendents of italians!)


Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.09.2006, 08:10 PM:


I only watched the matches that Japan played, but not because I like football!!
I'm so happy it's all over!! I can't bear football, or more accurately, I can't bear the way that it effects people in the UK! Every other car has stupid little flags on it, and men with beer bellies roam the streets, pissed and half naked, their paunches on show for all to see, while they shout ridiculous slogans and frankly make everyone, who isn't a drunk moron, annoyed!!
I'm sure it's very different in other countries, but over here, the World Cup is a flippin' nightmare!
I am part Italian however, so I'm pleased they won, even though I didn't know they had until I read this thread!!


Posted by Sunchaser on 07.09.2006, 09:19 PM:


Over here in Washington, a lot of people watched it, but it wasn't a HUGE HUGE deal. I didn't even see most of it. I just watched a little at my friend's house, and watched the final match. My friend is a obsessive soccer person, so yeah, she told me a lot...I like soccer, I'm just not obsessed.

But yeah, the match was pretty cool. Kind of sad for France though...I mean, at the overtime, the French captain just had to headbutt that other guy on the Italian team, and so he was redcarded and disqualified. He was a key part of the team, and the other 2 really good players were suffering from like injuries and when overtime ended and the winner was decided by penalty kicks, all the best players were gone.
And then the Italians won, and when the French went to get their silver medals, the captain wasn't there because he was disqualified. Not to mention that he's retiring, so to end his career on that note is pretty sad....

Okay, sorry for my babbling. I'm not Italian or French, but I wanted the French to win...oh well. ~.~


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Posted by Roarkiller on 07.09.2006, 10:14 PM:


I vaguely remember hearing something about Italy winning for the fourth time or something when I was woken up in the middle of the night.

I don't even watch soccer, let alone play it, so I'm not in the least bit interested. But congrats to Italy anyway for winning. Kinda figured it would turn out that way anyway, meh.

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 07.09.2006, 11:47 PM:


did you know that the Zidane guy, the french guy who missed the ball? he totally went mad at the end


Posted by Toolfan1912 on 07.10.2006, 09:28 AM:


I was hoping france would win but in the end italy did so ahwell.


Posted by Sunchaser on 07.10.2006, 09:29 AM:


yeah, he headbutted that other guy and he was disqualified...not to mention that he's retiring, that game was his last, so it's a pretty crappy way of ending his career


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Posted by UO on 07.10.2006, 01:22 PM:


Posted by Sunchaser on 07.10.2006, 05:16 PM:


yup, that's what happened, just as UO posted...kind of sad that they used it in a commercial huh?.....oh well ._.


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Posted by aviator on 07.13.2006, 01:17 AM:

Oh my God! why did he do that?! Where did he think he was, a wresting match? were they about to get in a fight or something?


Posted by IluvHowl06 on 07.13.2006, 11:57 AM:


no, i t think the italian guy called him a "dirty terrorist," do to the article. So he got mad, but then he apoligized, but did not regret anything.


Posted by Cloud on 07.20.2006, 05:17 AM:


The Italiens did a great job!
I was happy, that they won, also against Germany- I was hit by my friends -they called me a traitor, but I liked the italien boys and the Portuguese (mmhhh....C.Ronaldo^^)

At the end it was a great WorldCup and I was surprised how much people can celebrate sth like that peaceful together (At the beginning I was afraid, cause my home is near to the stadium in Berlin^^)


I luv the susuwatari^^

Posted by Sunchaser on 07.20.2006, 09:04 PM:


I heard that apparently Zidane is now suspended for 3 months...but fat lot of good that does...he's already retiring.

I think Materrazi (sp?) swore at him, so yeah...Zidane got mad...


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