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Posted by mpw3d on 08.06.2006, 01:18 PM:

  Need help with my PC

everytime i want load up a CD onto my PC the CD DRIVE RW doesn't seem to read and just comes up with this:

can anyone here PLS help me??


Posted by Phyrra on 08.06.2006, 01:27 PM:


I could be really unhelpful and say 'buy a mac'... but that would be mean... completely true, but mean...

Unfortunately I have no idea. I only posted to say hope you solve it soon...

Have you tried restarting? That always solved things back when I used windows

...sorry about your trouble...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by Toolfan1912 on 08.06.2006, 05:00 PM:


Well thats a noggin scratcher, im afraid i aint much use to yah sorry.


Posted by Roarkiller on 08.06.2006, 11:51 PM:


I'm guessing it's a hardware problem, since from what you said, EVERY single CD you try can't be read. And also since it's a problem I got from my previous computer's floppy drive (I think).

I'm not sure if it could be a driver(software) problem, although I seriously doubt it. But if so, go to the manufacturer's website and check if they have the latest driver and install that.

Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel->System, then select Hardware, then Device Manager, and search for the drive in question. Click on properties to check if Windows show anything wrong with it, like a need for updated drivers.

At this step, you can actually click troubleshoot to figure out methods of solving, although usually it's pretty useless to me.

If it shows nothing wrong, then one of the things you can do is to reinstall the driver, or like I said, update from the website. If nothing works, then I can almost guarantee you it's a hardware problem.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by mpw3d on 08.07.2006, 01:17 PM:


cheers dude i'll try that


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