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Posted by husky51 on 02.05.2011, 06:05 PM:



True, I think...??? lol

If what you said is what I think you said, then I agree 100% lol

The person below me likes building model kits...


apparently hopexx5 and I doubled as I was answering Saddles post... just clearing up any confusion...


Posted by hopexx5 on 02.05.2011, 06:08 PM:


(it was meant as a pun on the immensely annoying waffle song )
the person below had a girlfriend/boyfriend in there young teens


Posted by husky51 on 02.07.2011, 11:50 PM:


hahahaha, No way, absolutely, positively False!!!!!!!

Ok, the person below me has/or had a pet named precious....


Posted by ={HSA}= MORO on 02.08.2011, 01:48 AM:


lol husky, false.

The person under has won a fair sum of money from a lottery, casino, etc. at some point in their life.


Posted by fenkashi on 02.08.2011, 02:29 AM:


False...the only one I've ever entered was for one of those charitable orgs and I wasn't expecting to win. xD

The person below has seriously thought about what they'd do if they won a lot of money.


Posted by Kemi on 02.08.2011, 03:18 PM:


True, but I think everyone does in case if 'you will ever win the jackpot'. I would travel at first to Scandinavia +Finland, Spitsbergen, Russia and Faroe Islands...I feel so related to those countries...

After that I would buy my own house/apartment or when I really have become rich my own castle hahahaa! and also my own car, a red Jeep! And some beautiful (historical) gowns.
And maybe, if I have the time, a horse 'cause I miss the horseback riding and horses. I would also save money at the bank and share it with close friends and family.
And visit even more concerts than I do now

Wow...I almost sound greedy lol...but it would be cool *dreaming away...*

The person below is addicted to Twitter

"Go die or rock tonight, no tradeoff, there's just dead or rock!"

Posted by hopexx5 on 02.08.2011, 04:06 PM:


False im addicted to facebook/msn

The person below at this very moment is eating a sandwige.


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 02.09.2011, 03:56 PM:


False. I wish. D:

The person below me is craving something delicious to eat.

Posted by arren18 on 02.09.2011, 04:04 PM:


Not yet, but I plan on making microwave brownies tonight! It's my second attempt, this time with the right ingredients.

The next person has an MP3 player with them at all times.


Posted by Animenewbie on 02.09.2011, 04:27 PM:


If my phone with music player counts, TRUE!

The person below likes to listen to the radio


Posted by husky51 on 02.10.2011, 01:34 AM:


True... I do a lot of listening to XLNC1 out of Baja California when I'm working in San Diego County. Plays all classical and instrumentals... some opera....

The person below me loves watching soaps...


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 02.12.2011, 04:04 PM:


False. But soaps are hilarious. XD

The person below me has a younger sibling who they are best buddies with.

Posted by hopexx5 on 02.12.2011, 04:42 PM:


True at times i guess..

The person below preferes home schooling to being schooled.


Posted by fenkashi on 02.12.2011, 05:43 PM:


Never been homeschooled but I'd have to say false. I love the socialness of school. ^^

The person below would rather go sailing and get their hands dirty than on a cruise.


Posted by arren18 on 02.12.2011, 06:14 PM:


False. I'd rather have the relaxation of a cruise. I'd get bored if it were too long though.

The next person doesn't eat foods containing certain ingredients.


Posted by hopexx5 on 02.12.2011, 06:39 PM:


fenkashi I prefere home schooling cause i had a bad exsperience in school.
the person below me only talks to around 4 out of 30 friends on a chat website.


Posted by husky51 on 02.12.2011, 07:14 PM:


TRue, more or less...

I joined a website to be able to contact my daughter and now I have a ton of old (not necessarily in age) friends that want to chat with me.... sigh.


The person below me would love to own a horse for riding...


Posted by Karawekhime14 on 02.12.2011, 10:55 PM:


False, horses scare me.

The person below me is currently in a good mood


Posted by hopexx5 on 02.13.2011, 11:59 AM:


True i guess, depends what you call a good mood

The person below me watched a studio ghibli film earlier.


Posted by colda on 02.13.2011, 05:15 PM:


False. Last Ghibli film I saw was Whisper of the Heart sometime late last year. I will though probably re-watch Spirited Away soon.

The person below me has decided to go on a vacation abroad this year and can't wait.

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