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Posted by arren18 on 02.28.2007, 12:17 PM:


Doesn't ctrl+s do exactly the same?


Posted by Saddletank on 02.28.2007, 06:18 PM:


Possibly, that's the trouble with Windows, too many duplicated short cuts.

Half an hour ago the lightening had begun to change. It was coming closer, walking up the hill of the horizon, it became visible inside the clouds. Then as it marched upon me it changed to those distinctive forks, joining earth to sky. The worrying thing was they didn’t stride across the sky, they just got brighter and louder. Which meant the storm was coming straight for us. The clouds above were dense, a dark steel purple grey with a solid base, as impenetrable as the side of a battleship. The thunder grew louder until I flinched with each lightning flash, knowing what was to follow. What was the old kids game? Count the seconds and for every five it’s a mile away? Once you learn that on your father’s knee you never forget it, and you always do it, you can’t not do it. Lightning, and count, and one- two- three- four- five- and so on. And rumble. Louder than the last rumble. Wait, apprehensive, a child again. Lightning, and count, and one- two- three- and so on. And RUMBLE. Much louder. Hm, still five miles away. What will it be like when it’s overhead? But as it came closer I could begin to feel it and smell it. The temperature dropped sharply. My legs were suddenly cold. I don’t wear trousers, I never have. I hate them. I have only one old pair I do the painting in and one warm pair I wear for winter when it’s really cold. And now it was cold, so I took off the skirt and put these on. Back at the balcony I smelled it. The rain. The rain was coming.

(note - that's a woman talking, not me talking about wearing skirts )

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 03.01.2007, 06:34 AM:


dre is gay
game aint tight
they can both go
have gay sex all night

vanila ice
gammin raps
kick his lil arse
till it hurts to crap

snoop dog
is a rappin gay
all his new songs
sounds like beyonce

english rap
everyone hates
theyd sound better
if they didnt masterbate

will postcard send you a retard
you try hard gammin lil rappers with to much lard
go get a body guard and get rhymes sliced with a glass shard

Posted by mpw3d on 03.01.2007, 07:20 AM:


OHMY I-B4-E THUG! thats ummmm quite graphic lol ^_^;

but nice work.... alot better then the stuff i can come up with... lol


Posted by arren18 on 03.01.2007, 12:19 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
that's a woman talking, not me talking about wearing skirts

I understand if you don't want to admit it, but it's perfectly normal to have skirt fantasies.


Posted by Seiji on 03.01.2007, 02:02 PM:


Saddletank, that's the woman in YOU talking. She talks a lot I've noticed.

I also find it intriguing that you measure things in miles.

Posted by arren18 on 03.01.2007, 02:07 PM:


For the distance of lightning, that's how you do it. He(she)'s not going to use feet and inches for that kind of distance.


Posted by Seiji on 03.01.2007, 02:35 PM:


no, I meant miles as opposed to Kilometers.

Posted by arren18 on 03.01.2007, 02:41 PM:



Measuring things in kilometres!

Good one.


Posted by Seiji on 03.01.2007, 02:48 PM:


lol... guys spell Kilometer different than we do...

Also, why is that funny?? Don't you measure things in Kilometers?

Posted by arren18 on 03.01.2007, 02:51 PM:


We use miles here. Supposedly, we are meant to use the metric system, but on any road sign, it's always miles.
I use centimetres and metres for some things though. And I use feet and inches for others! lol

The difference in spelling is just like centre and center.


Posted by Saddletank on 03.01.2007, 07:31 PM:


It's miles for us Brits still, most other measurements are metric but the road sign system and car distance recording is in miles. Not sure what Japanese do? Miles or Klicks? In Italy it's Klicks so having lived there 7 years the two Japanese characters would probably think in Klicks I should think.

"that's the woman in YOU talking. She talks a lot I've noticed"

Hmm, got me thinking now. I never considered the use of the feminine first person in my stories as a sign that I have a strong feminine side. I really just talk as 'her' so as to convey a certain feel in the narrative. I switch between several first person perspectives in "Other Side", but its mostly set in the third person with Shizuku as first person secondly and Seiji speaking as first person as the third most common device.

Did that make sense?

But yes, you may be right.

That's kind of disturbing isn't it?

Is it wrong for a male writer to write in the female first person?

I assumed Shizuku hated trousers because we never see her wear them in the movie (other than shorts) and I just assumed that was through choice, a choice that would remain with her in later life.

The fact that I much prefer girls in skirts has nothing to do with it. Um, probably.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by arren18 on 03.02.2007, 12:40 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Is it wrong for a male writer to write in the female first person?


Originally posted by Saddletank
The fact that I much prefer girls in skirts has nothing to do with it. Um, probably.



Posted by Saddletank on 03.02.2007, 05:05 PM:


Phew. Thanks. I thought I was in danger of turning odd.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.19.2007, 06:57 PM:


Hey, Saddle, but I'm always writing through a male first person, never a female. i hate making female main characters. I can't make a girl. Only good with male characters.
My new story is about a man named Thyme who is cursed with the most desired wish; To be Immortal. But he hates it.
He's lived, and seen many people during the centuries. The gods believed him very powerful, that he'd be the world's ballance if he stayed alive. He thought it great until his parents died when he turned 14. He started to try to wish it back, but the gods wouldn't allow. Instead they gave him anything in the world, except he grew cold.
He refers to people as footsteps. And himself as the devil.
Whoever he loves an protects always die, and he'll live on.
He's seen everything. He's trapped in the body of a 14 year old. And forever to stay that way.
One winter, he finds himself in the 21st century(another rare thing, I actually made the story in out world), wishing to die.
People who learned were always out to kill him, so he kept running from place to place. Until he sees his only true love; the snow. He's in a daze when he's tripped and sent back to the real world. There he finds footsteps made by Edna, his first friend in many years. But soon she finds him too troublesome and moves back to France.
On his search for Edna he runs into his enemies. So he runs again, only to find one person who cares, a librarian named Clarice. Now him and Clarice are on their way running from the other immortal. To find a way to kill Thyme.

Hm, so Saddle likes being a girl and I like being the male. Weird to me, but I find it normal. I love all my male characters very much. And only one girl character.

Posted by Lilgreenpea on 03.20.2007, 08:35 AM:


My friend did me this for christmas this year, she does me paintings every birthday and christmas so understandably my walls are pretty full, well should i say were. Ive redecorated my room so now i've only been able to put a few of my favourites up. This one is by far my favourite, its amamzing i hope you'll agree. The artist's name is India Bird, shes an amamzing painter shes just gotta be famous one day... Cant wait till May for my next birthday


ooO Sig by me, The little green pea Ooo

Posted by arren18 on 03.20.2007, 12:33 PM:


That sounds brilliant fff. I wish I'd thought of it.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.20.2007, 03:40 PM:


It does? Cool.^^My cuz is gonna kill me though..First book I publish, she's dedicated to it..
So, she's in charge of making sure I keep writing and quit procrastinating(damn!), and finish what I start.
La la la..*not listening to her..he he..*
And I'm in charge making sure she keeps it at it at drawing. She's doing good.*why am I the one who's supposed to be famous?*
LGP:Cool. The name sounds really familiar..That's scary.
Sadly, me and paints don't mix. I just can't use paint!*wait..*
It's pretty good.^^

Posted by Saddletank on 03.20.2007, 04:41 PM:


Originally posted by Lilgreenpea
My friend did me this for christmas this year, ... The artist's name is India Bird,
Fantastic, she has the face of Sophie perfectly. Has she done much original work too? Has she a web page? You're very lucky to have such a talented friend who likes giving gifts such as that.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.20.2007, 08:18 PM:


Yeah, what Saddle said; does she have any original work?
*sweat drop*I feel pathetic thanks to a certain deorderent
stick and my drawing book and gym class..and throwing..
I have this one girl who's my friend but it always feels like she wants to be better than me at everything I'm good at, like drawing and writing. I'm not sure how original my stories are(But apparently it's true because my cuz started running around the bookstore and started complaining she couldn't find any stories like mine), i know she's very talented at that and is the only person who's made fun of my singing, which isn't something I do much.(I'm too shy to sing in front of people but sing better in different languages than English)
But I think she still didn't beat me at drawing. I'm still teaching myself to draw, heck, I CAN'T EVEN TIE MY SHOE!!

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