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Posted by Yay! Kiki on 05.11.2008, 09:12 PM:


Woah, what's up with this page? It's here and yet nobody has posted...

Posted by husky51 on 05.11.2008, 10:06 PM:


OK, here I am after two days, more or less...

My oldest son got married yesterday, lo-o-o-ng day...
Then today, wifi went out so just got to go online....
tried to read all the posts here since I posted on the 9th... too many, lol

highlight: weekends over...yay..


hey, if I am not too old to use 'yay' then you aren't either... yay... so glare HARDER at that someone... lol


Posted by Farren on 05.12.2008, 05:37 AM:


hl: the chai latte i just had while listening to ff7 music.
i'm living the dream lol

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 05.12.2008, 05:52 AM:


highlight: rove live is funny as always.
lowlight: my boyfriend is moving to the otherside of australia.


Posted by arren18 on 05.12.2008, 06:17 AM:


I dont have a highlight yet, but I seem to be in a very good mood. I did have a pretty good day yesterday.


Posted by Loscil on 05.12.2008, 06:36 AM:


Getting a mail from Megumi.
A very nice one at that.

Posted by Kazegami on 05.12.2008, 11:01 AM:


WeirdHighlight: You know on Veoh, when you're posting a comment on a video you have to type in two random words shown in a box to... sort... verify it? Well, I was just commenting on a D Gray-man episode and one of the words I had to type in was... "Allen"! How totally freaky is that?!

In case any of you don't know, Allen is the name of the main character of D Gray-man.


My Anime List

Posted by frigidchill on 05.12.2008, 12:48 PM:


Lowlight: My sociology exam has probably gone very badly and it's near the end of the year and everyone is leaving in a few weeks. Everyone was on the fields having fun and I really should of perked up the guts to have gone and spoken to a few people. If not to just to make me feel better. <sigh>

Still feeling kinda low.

Nevermind... Highlight: Last exam tomorrow and whatever happens, I am going to be drunk at night.

Posted by Seiji on 05.12.2008, 12:54 PM:


going back to school today to start summer semester. It's quite the mixedlight actually. Don't want to have to do work and go to class, but don't want to lay around at my parents' house anymore.

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.12.2008, 12:55 PM:


Highlight: Lovely weather Quite nice lessons.

Lowlight: I cried ^^' I always cry when anything upsets me, like it doesnt even have to be a big thing but since bad things never seem to happen to me I never cry. But I did today. But I always get embarassed when I cry in front of people so just try to smile lots and laugh, I must look fairly ridiculous.

Posted by Miyrru on 05.12.2008, 01:00 PM:


Highlight: sleeping till 10 after 12, and staying up late finishing off the first season of House, second one is downloading

lowlight: its kinda grey outside, like yesterday cept it got sunny right before 7pm, I have lost all faith in the weather.


Click for Gallery^^
The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Kazegami on 05.12.2008, 01:39 PM:


Highlight: Aforementioned weirdlight and... 6 episodes of D Gray-man in a row. 6 in a row makes me very, very happy. And hyper. 'Cause it means I can go get new screencaps. So Kaz is happy today.

Lowlight: ... What's a lowlight?


My Anime List

Posted by frigidchill on 05.12.2008, 03:02 PM:


Highlight: So sad. One of my flatmate's hugged me and whispered that she would miss me most of all. (Out of all our flat mates) 'Cause I'm her best mate here.

*holds back tears*

Posted by Farren on 05.12.2008, 06:35 PM:


HL: circus workshop i reckon it will be or , graphic design ... i really like that class

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by fenkashi on 05.12.2008, 06:37 PM:


Highlight: English papers...not that I enjoyed writing them or anything but I finished in 3 hours instead of 4 and got to leave early. I was pretty happy with them...

And that's it for English this year!!! Other than a couple more assignments to hand in...

Real highlight: Lunch with everyone after exams...hehe, a bunch of teens on the train right after exams...we were loud and obnoxious probably xP


Posted by filter on 05.12.2008, 08:15 PM:


well i just worked all weekend cementing with my father and at the hardware store that i work at, after that i just sat back and watched I Am Legend. Easily Will Smiths Best

Filter's Flash

Posted by Loscil on 05.12.2008, 09:19 PM:


Weather: Cold and rainy. Like... 12degrees!
= lowlight

Posted by harmony-of-mar on 05.13.2008, 02:36 AM:


highlight: i talked to my boyfriend harms is happy!


Posted by husky51 on 05.13.2008, 07:37 AM:


yay for harms...

my highlight: oldest son is married, and the work load at work is finally easing, only have one truck down ATM, and it is mechanically done, just gotta put the bed back on... little drama there, the "A" rack pulled loose from the decking and it dropped about 6 inches. No damage, but a little more work, no problem...


Posted by Loscil on 05.13.2008, 10:50 AM:


Probably going to the gym and swimming a 1km over an hour or so.
Just nice to exercise a little. And then walk back home at 11:00pm.

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