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Posted by kitsunejr on 12.21.2008, 08:28 AM:


Kaze at the other fourm you cant put it in you sig... which is a bit annyoing ..

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Posted by Kazegami on 12.21.2008, 08:30 AM:


What other forum?


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Posted by kitsunejr on 12.21.2008, 08:48 AM:


i mean on the dragon incubators..

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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.21.2008, 10:30 AM:


Oh sh*t, mine won't breed at all. ^^; I don't have the breeding section on most of the females..

I'm picking up abandoned hatchlings. <3 I dunno, then I don't have to go through the process of eggs, but I will do that. I almost got a silver hatchling and a paper one. :/ I shall look for winters~. I only want one.

EDIT: Screw that, wait a week until te winter hype goes down a bit. I found like, ten so there's no reason to go at full speed. XD They're cute looking though. ^^ But I need my current three to grow up.

Eggy needs clickies, pwease. The other two are named Belayreese and Pertranulli.

Posted by Kazegami on 12.21.2008, 11:21 AM:


@ kitsune - yes it does. I've got about ten dragons in my sig there.


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Posted by kitsunejr on 12.21.2008, 11:32 AM:


kaze, it says that you can get banned for doing it...

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Posted by Kazegami on 12.21.2008, 11:38 AM:


It's against the rules to put adult dragons in your sig, but hatchlings and eggs are fine. And they don't enforce those rules anyway...


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Posted by arren18 on 12.21.2008, 11:39 AM:


Ah, I was wondering when the winter eggs would turn up. What about Christmas ones?


Posted by Kazegami on 12.21.2008, 11:42 AM:


No-one's sure. Most people think they'll be dropped only on Christmas day, maybe Boxing day too. That is if they're released at all this year.


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Posted by arren18 on 12.21.2008, 11:44 AM:


Oh, okay. And I think I just missed a silver egg. I have a habit of not realising what a certain egg is until it's too late... Dx

Edit: now I'm seeing lots of silver eggs! But I'm still not quite getting them.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.21.2008, 12:38 PM:


Hunh, can you trade dragons and eggs with people? Instead of abandoning them? ._.

I'm just taking my time with the winters. They'll be around for awhile. XD If they're especially cute I'll get maybe two and breed them. I need more to breed. lol I hope Pertranulli is a boy..

Posted by Kazegami on 12.21.2008, 02:53 PM:


Trading is much the same as abandoning really. The two people that are trading arrange exact times to abandon their eggs/hatchlings, that way they know exactly when to try to grab it from the abandoned page. It's risky though since other people can get them if you aren't fast enough. Any rare dragons that show up on the abandoned page are probably being traded.


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Posted by arren18 on 12.21.2008, 03:34 PM:


I just got another split one. And I keep seeing silver ones! They must be in trades, because they always vanish very quickly.


Posted by ..Ayami.. on 12.21.2008, 03:44 PM:


I thought I'd give this egg thing a go, it looks pretty good.
And I havn't been on here in ages, so hello again

Posted by Kazegami on 12.21.2008, 04:36 PM:


Omg yay! My alt black has grown up.

@ Ayami - hehe, it gets pretty addictive. ^^' Nice to see you back. Still drawing anime or is it just cars now?

OMG double yay! I got a winter egg!!


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Posted by ..Ayami.. on 12.21.2008, 04:40 PM:


Originally posted by Kazegami
@ Ayami - hehe, it gets pretty addictive. ^^' Nice to see you back. Still drawing anime or is it just cars now?

Yeah, it's surprisingly fun

And I've not actually been drawing much at all recently, just not been in the mood for it I suppose

Posted by arren18 on 12.21.2008, 04:41 PM:


That's a winter one??? I thought it was silver... >.<


Posted by Kazegami on 12.21.2008, 04:42 PM:


Nope, winter. Silver eggs don't have pretty sparkles round them. And... they're silver. Not light blue.


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Posted by arren18 on 12.21.2008, 04:43 PM:


Well, as I've never actually seen what a silver one looks like, I just had to assume.


Posted by Kazegami on 12.21.2008, 04:51 PM:


This is what a silver looks like:


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