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Posted by Miyrru on 05.29.2008, 07:46 PM:


Andrew McMahon is the singer of both Something Corporate and Jack's Mannequin. Its is projects and both are just awesome.

Broken Lungs by Thrice.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by fenkashi on 05.29.2008, 07:48 PM:


Ooh that's why the vocalist sounds the same! I was like wow...dejavu xD

The Runaway - Something Corporate


Posted by Miyrru on 05.29.2008, 07:53 PM:


I know eh? I was looking hard for something similar to Jack's Mannequin and found his old stuff and was like: gold mine.

After Today by Sanctus Real


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by husky51 on 05.29.2008, 09:09 PM:


Shilo - Neil Diamond


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 05.29.2008, 09:10 PM:


Tapping- Shoes!

Posted by fenkashi on 05.29.2008, 09:25 PM:


Hehe, I found a friend who listens to Something Corporate xP

Miss America - see above.

And wow, this song totally screams Jack's Mannequin...well, technically, vice versa. xD


Posted by Miyrru on 05.29.2008, 09:43 PM:


Hehe we need a club. I maintain that I have a man crush on the lead singer. Music is just to good.

Miss America is an awesome song, North is such a good album. So listenable, just goes right on by being awesome.

You're Such An Only Child by Attack in Black 8]


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by fenkashi on 05.29.2008, 09:50 PM:


And I totally respect your man-crush ^_^

Into Your Hideout - Pilate


Posted by Miyrru on 05.29.2008, 09:51 PM:


Its a well founded man crush, its perfectly healthy based on a guy who does piano rock at its best and a listener who enjoys the genre very much

Cicada's Song by Autopilot Off.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by fenkashi on 05.29.2008, 10:11 PM:


Exactly xD

La Sirena - Feist


Posted by Miyrru on 05.29.2008, 10:13 PM:


So much music, 6 days worth on iTunes and it still doesnt feel like enough. Hmm.

Venice Queen by The Peppers That Happen To Be Quite Hot and Quite Possibly From The Chili Variety


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 05.29.2008, 10:15 PM:


The echoes of a conversation... I just talked to my friend and we were planning something... the schedule has been hard to put together... yeah... and when she said something, actually, I am unsure of if she did or not, but she may have... I heard her dad saying "What?!" very loudly in the background- I can not imagine him to be pleasant while angry at all.

Posted by fenkashi on 05.29.2008, 10:20 PM:


Originally posted by Miyrru

So much music, 6 days worth on iTunes and it still doesnt feel like enough. Hmm.

Venice Queen by The Peppers That Happen To Be Quite Hot and Quite Possibly From The Chili Variety took me way longer than it should have to figure out that band name xP

Hehe, fun stuff...haven't heard anything new by them in a while...should fix that.

Konstantine - Something Corporate


Posted by Miyrru on 05.29.2008, 10:25 PM:


Hehe, i figured since their name is so long to begin with I might as well exaggerate it a little more.

Konstantine is an awesome song, its a little long though.

Midnight by The Pepper followed by Ever Bright, Ever Blue by Attack in Black.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by fenkashi on 05.29.2008, 10:26 PM:


Haha, I quite like it. The more I listen to them, I think I might like them a teensy bit more than Jack's Mannequin...can't really pinpoint why though...

Me and the Moon - guess who?


Posted by Miyrru on 05.29.2008, 10:28 PM:


I think I have to listen to that one after this. It might be my second fav song by them after Watch the Sky. Their music is a little heavier only a smidge but still has great writing and great songwriting. Man-crush->Justified

Ever Bright, Ever Blue by Attack in Black ->Great song, way to short.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by fenkashi on 05.29.2008, 10:31 PM:


Hehe, I bought the Uk version of that album...I'll listen to it when it gets here! xD

I really liked Me and the Moon.

And yeah, that might be it...the heavier sound and not so electronic sounding.

Lol...yes, totally justified ^_^


Posted by husky51 on 05.29.2008, 11:33 PM:


You Don't Bring Me Flowers Any More - Neil Diamond with Barbra Streisand


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 05.29.2008, 11:35 PM:


Of course i don't bring you flowers anymore! Was I supposed to??

Posted by husky51 on 05.29.2008, 11:55 PM:


Originally posted by gigantic_red_bow {Kiki}
Of course i don't bring you flowers anymore! Was I supposed to??

a pretty song by them, but said...

Now listening to "The Streak" - Ray Stevens


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