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Posted by Little Tanuki on 05.04.2007, 03:24 AM:


I managed to cut 15,000 words from my novel!!! It's much tighter now.

Asobou ja nai ka?

Itsudemo dareka ga
Kitto soba ni iru
Omoi dashite wo kure
Suteki na sono na no

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 05.04.2007, 09:50 AM:


Eheh, I have like three books I promised to finish, and now I've got a few fans of each, and they're killing me, lol.
GAH!! I have a life ya know!

Posted by Ray15 on 05.04.2007, 10:04 AM:


Originally posted by foreignfilmfreak
Eheh, I have like three books I promised to finish, and now I've got a few fans of each, and they're killing me, lol.
GAH!! I have a life ya know!

Don't worry I'm not rushing you at all, well at least i don't think i am, tell me if i am

take your time but not to much time i want to read the next chapter

Thanks for the Sig #1 Sanfan

Posted by Miyaka on 05.04.2007, 07:11 PM:


I found a book on how to teach myself the art of drawing manga. I love it! I am planning to change my novel into a mix between manga and american novel. the story is of my childhood in Tennessee.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 05.05.2007, 05:09 PM:


No, you're fine.*pats you on head*Yup, yup, but I'll only put up a few chapters. Probably five. I've finished three. It's pretty long.*shrugs*But I could finish it in less than a month if I didn't have school or homework or my gramps funeral.
And I have to finish another story I've layed off for quite some time. Eheh he...
Miyaka-That sounds cool.^^
Me, right now I'm listening to music and singing along. My voice sorta matches the singer of the first ending of FMA. Or Mitsuki's..That's creepy.(I can only sing without music)
I need a nice screen saver. I'll ask my dad to put micro soft office on, and my mom to put her CD's I need to make a nice screen saver.

Posted by Miyaka on 05.07.2007, 11:20 PM:


Cassy! She is drowning! Why can’t I help her!!!

My name is Tasha, I am seven years old and a tomboy. I just moved to Tennessee from North Carolina. We are living in a very old barn until my parents build a home. Cassy and I had been looking around and she wanted to look at some fish in our new neighbors pond. Suddenly she fell into the pond and couldn’t get out. I was so scared that I couldn’t do anything I remember starting to run for help then I hear Cassy’s scream, and I freeze. I froze in the middle of the road between our property and our neighbors. If a car had come I wouldn’t have been able to move for my life, I tried to scream I tried to run I tried to breath, but I could not.

Then our new neighbor Mrs. Nancy came out and ran to Cassy and pulled her out. She was safe, though very scared. Later Cassy told me there was a big bubble that was pulling her down and she couldn’t get away.

well that is a taste of one book it is a true book on my own life.

Posted by Tea Master Tall on 05.21.2007, 06:08 PM:


The Dumbest Story You've Ever Heard

By Mr. Tall

The End!!!LOLLOLOLLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I'm just a stupid head.


Check out my music:

Posted by Loscil on 05.22.2007, 02:51 AM:


youre going over the top.
Scale it down. Its not really that funny.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.22.2007, 03:49 PM:


Actually I thought the 9th and 10th exclamation marks were pretty boring and it got just a bit political around the 15th to 22nd but those last four had me reaching for the kleenex, such a moving ending.

Have you ever considered dropping dead professionally?

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by OnYourMark on 05.31.2007, 11:24 PM:


I befriended you
When you were left so lonely.
Now I am disowned:
You’ve deserted me so harshly
And have left me so alone.

I weep for you now.
But why? You’ve withheld the truth,
You’ve never thanked me,
You weren’t there when I sought you,
When I needed you, you'd flee.

I wish you’d say that
You’ll remove your fallacy.
I wish that you would
Love me truly, honestly,
Only as a brother could.

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 06.02.2007, 09:23 AM:


I think I'll ask Man-chan if I can put up some of her poetry. She's really good at it. She wants to be a writer though but is having trouble. So, I'll help her out with writing, she helps me with song writing and poetry.^^
(she's a friend of mine. She's a year older than me. I probably won't get to see her too much next year.)

Posted by Ray15 on 06.02.2007, 10:03 AM:


Originally posted by foreignfilmfreak
I think I'll ask Man-chan if I can put up some of her poetry. She's really good at it. She wants to be a writer though but is having trouble. So, I'll help her out with writing, she helps me with song writing and poetry.^^
(she's a friend of mine. She's a year older than me. I probably won't get to see her too much next year.)

lol, your almost older than she is

Thanks for the Sig #1 Sanfan

Posted by Moroko on 06.02.2007, 03:25 PM:


I don't usually share my writing, so I'm even surprising myself.

The Unsanctioned Keep
The Unsanctioned Keep
Is where I keep
All the little things my heart bears no ill-will
But my life would put to new scrutiny
Unbearable secrets
Made more unbearable in the light
And among them
An unusual Irony
Like Iron
A pagan tendency
And a dream of Alchemy.
What magic?
No love
A dark insanity
A quiet empathy.


Once you accept that all the matter in the universe can be compressed to the size of a push pin, it isn't hard to wear stripes with plad.
Albert Einstine

A distraction

Posted by Saddletank on 06.02.2007, 03:31 PM:


A chapter from something I'm writing now. This chapter is a fair way into the story and it's called The Spirits In Her Eyes.


It’s funny isn’t it?

How really important things happen in your life but you can never put your finger on when they started. Like trying to chase down a dream that fades in the morning.

The more you try to think about it the harder it becomes.

The more it slips away.

Just out of reach.

I cannot remember when I first noticed her.

Or why.

I think I vaguely remember a person sitting at that desk, day after day.

Just another student.

Working. Talking. Lunching. Laughing.

Exactly like everyone else.

But one day (I can’t remember when, it must have been May or early June, at least the sakura blossom had all fallen so maybe May. Certainly it was before Eguchi introduced us).

But one day, it was a geography test and the room was quiet and we were working (geography is one of the few things I’m good at, mainly because you don’t need to be clever) and I was thinking.

Dreaming maybe?

No. Thinking. I know I was. What was it I was worrying about?

Hm, I remember now. Ox bow lakes. That was it.

And for inspiration I looked up.

Two desks over to my left she was, pen in hand working away. Busy, confident, the answers flowing out of her mind onto the paper in a perfect uninterrupted stream. No meandering there. No ox bow lakes.

Yes, it must have been toward summer because the sun was shining. Hot rays of it came in the window and made the boys sweaty and the girls glow. One slice of it lay across her desk. And her white hand moved through it. A slender hand with long fingers. But she bit her nails. I could see them ragged and blunt.

Don’t bite your nails.

Mom said to me.

They won’t grow straight.

Don’t bite your nails, woman with black hair, grow them long and straight.

And scrape them across my skin.

Cut me with them.

As you cry out.

(Can you blush, just by thinking about fingernails? I did, the day I first looked, really looked at her).

I looked up from her hand to her face. I couldn’t see her face.

Her long black hair hung down in a curtain between me and her. She hid behind the curtain. An actress not yet ready to come on stage.


…my life began.

My short life began again facing a direction I’d never expected…

…she came out from behind the curtain. She put her pen down and rubbed her wrist and then with the first two fingers (…bitten nails…) of her hand she pushed the long hair back behind her ear.

The sun sparkled on that hair, every strand had a tiny rainbow go dancing down it and off the end. Clean shiny straight black hair does that in the sunlight. Blonde or red or brown hair never has quite that sheen, quite that kind of rainbow dance. I wonder why?

Her ear was perfect. I don’t think I’d ever seen such a pretty ear. I could have sat and looked at that ear all day...

...if it wasn’t for the fact that something much more captivating was revealed from behind the curtain.

Her face.

You, who have never seen this face, cannot comprehend how beautiful the human face can be.

White skin, clear and smooth. A broad flat Japanese nose with its wide end and separated nostrils. It’s curve was ski-jump perfect with a little button end. Every curve of it was exquisite, smooth and cute. It looked like it was made of soft wax.

And her eyes. I seem to be fixated on eyes. Miyazawa’s eyes, red-hazel and clever. Arima’s eyes, darkest grey-blue and burning cold. John Lennon wannabe’s eyes, brown, languid and teasing. But her eyes stopped me dead.

I looked down after just an instant. Back to ox bow lakes and meanders, undercutting and deposition. Sediments. Deltas.

She had seen me looking.

She had caught me and exposed me.

In only an instant I was dead, like a bug pinned on a board, wriggling and helpless.

I glanced back. She was still looking. She raised one eyebrow very slightly, held me squirming for a long, long moment...

(long enough for me to live my entire life, a life of years, and die)

...then turned back to her work.

Those eyes, they weren’t the eyes of a woman not yet sixteen, they were like the weary eyes of a person twice that age. They knew things. They had seen things, experienced things I only dreamed of.

Her expression? How can you describe the one who breaks you open and pours your blood out onto the sand?

How can a wriggling bug, pinned through its centre describe its feelings?

I cannot say how her eyes looked or made me feel but I’ll try.

So if you ever see eyes like these, you’ll know.

Know to avoid them. Turn your back and walk away. And have nothing to do with a person whose soul looks at the world through windows like that.

Just walk away.

They were clear and dark, very dark. The irises were so dark they were almost black. I couldn’t tell if they were blue or green or a colour that was both. And not round, or narrow. In fact physically they were completely unremarkable eyes.

Apart from the fact that they slanted so exquisitely.

But the spirit in them...

Most Japanese stopped believing in spirits a long time ago. Today they are just stories for children and lovers. But the parents who tell their children are wrong. The spirits are real. Too real for me to bear. I’ve seen them.

They took away my mind.

What was in those eyes?

Calm. Intelligent. Cool. Detached. Aloof. Superior. Determined. Quiet. Sneering. Relaxed. Hard. Knowing. Gentle. Troubled.

That was what was in those eyes.

All the spirits of those emotions were in those eyes.

Izawa Maho was in those eyes.

And I was in Izawa Maho. I went into her and was lost. I could never come back.

It took only a second for my life to begin...

...and end.

- - - oOo - - -

What is this feeling?

Who are you?

Do I know you?

Have I felt like this before?

Has mother or father or any boy or girl made me feel this way?

The way your eyes do?

That white curving perfect ear. That long black rainbow dancing hair. Those slim fingers. That beautiful nose. Even those badly bitten nails.

And that raised eyebrow.

It said...

“Who. Are you?”

I don’t know. I have no idea any more.

I used to be a person.

- - - oOo - - -


...I'm just a hope.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

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