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Posted by ..Ayami.. on 12.07.2007, 06:47 PM:


I went shopping today and saw a book called 'Do ants have ar*eholes?' which I wanted to buy but unfortunately, I didn't have enough money . Anyway, when I got home I was talking to Arren18 on msn and it turned out that he had also found that book on amazon today.

Posted by Kazegami on 12.07.2007, 07:20 PM:


Freakier still, my Mum was just telling us last night how she'd seen that book on Amazon too.

Posted by Lupin on 01.06.2008, 12:41 PM:


i was listening to conquest by the white strips which the music video involves jack white doing some bull fighting - my mum (who had never seen this video) said "this is the kinda song that'd go with a a bull fight" freaky - just like the music vid

Posted by Maho_Fushida on 01.06.2008, 06:28 PM:


Discovering today that someone on the forum goes to university about 10 miles from where my mum lives and while he was away from uni at home I was away from home at his university town.

It would be even stranger if his house was within 10 miles of mine but I don't think it is!


Posted by Chihiros-Dream-Boy on 01.17.2008, 04:44 PM:


I may be crazy, but sometimes I feel that Maho and Saddles are the same person, their posting style and content can be so similar sometimes! Hmmmmmm???


Posted by Kazegami on 01.17.2008, 05:00 PM:


True, but I seriously, seriously doubt they are one and the same.


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Posted by Saddletank on 01.17.2008, 05:25 PM:


Yeah, me too! 8]

Or maybe you're Lilyzhang?

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"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Kazegami on 01.17.2008, 06:29 PM:


Lilyzhang? Hmm... I know that name... I think...


My Anime List

Posted by fenkashi on 01.17.2008, 09:21 PM:


Originally posted by Kazegami
True, but I seriously, seriously doubt they are one and the same.

Seconded. Besides, it'd be ubsurdly creepy if that were so and I like to have faith in human beings thus thinking of them doing ubsurdly creepy things seems a bit ubsurd to me xP

Lilyzhang? Sounds familiar...too lazy to search.


Posted by Kazegami on 01.18.2008, 03:36 AM:


It would definitely be very creepy. Although quite clever. And absurd starts with an 'a'. Gomen.


My Anime List

Posted by Mush on 01.18.2008, 03:41 AM:


Oh, in the Ghibli forum Lily publicly accused Saddles of being just the kind of person you described.


Posted by Roarkiller on 01.18.2008, 11:38 AM:


Actually, she accused him of being a gender-bender doubling as Natsuba. And accussed me of not knowing enough about IPs (yeah right, I took computer science in college).

I do know who Natsuba is though, heh heh. Yay for IP checks

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by fenkashi on 01.18.2008, 04:14 PM:


Originally posted by Kazegami
It would definitely be very creepy. Although quite clever. And absurd starts with an 'a'. Gomen.

Lol...yeah, my brain no longer works sorry xD I was wondering why it looked so weird ^_^


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.18.2008, 04:21 PM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller
Actually, she accused him of being a gender-bender doubling as Natsuba. And accussed me of not knowing enough about IPs (yeah right, I took computer science in college).

I do know who Natsuba is though, heh heh. Yay for IP checks

Who? Who? I'll love you if you tell me?

Posted by fenkashi on 01.18.2008, 04:40 PM:


Ah, that girl (?)...Lilyzhang.

I haven't seen Lily around for a while though.


Posted by arren18 on 01.18.2008, 05:00 PM:


She left, didn't she?


Posted by Maho_Fushida on 01.18.2008, 05:19 PM:


I'll really miss her...

I'm sure she's lurking away, making notes or something. Hi Lily! *waves*


Posted by fenkashi on 01.18.2008, 06:52 PM:


Originally posted by Maho_Fushida
I'll really miss her...

I'm sure she's lurking away, making notes or something. Hi Lily! *waves*

Oh Maho. You do make me laugh so.


Posted by Miyrru on 01.18.2008, 07:10 PM:


Kinda odd today, I was at curling, and i thought about a friend of mine that i hadnt seen in a while, and she decided to show up to throw some rocks. we had good fun, and she gave me several stories of my sisters drunk escapades, so those are always interesting.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Chihiros-Dream-Boy on 01.30.2008, 05:35 PM:


Hmm, This looks pretty familiar!

It's from the second Chronicles of Narnia film - The Water Horse.

Its near identical to the Earthsea poster, ain't it!


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