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Posted by Roarkiller on 05.12.2008, 08:39 AM:



I made a low groaning sound I do when I feel like I should say something but was jjst too lazy to actually say anything. I blinked slowly at this contrasting figure opposite me.

"When matter and anti-matter meet, the resulting result is the negation of both entities along with..."

Yeah, like that would work. Nice idea though, she the matter, me the anti-matter.

What's the matter, anyhow?

"Some time past eight," I breathed, paused, then continued, "Too early, anyway."

I sighed heavily, and buried my head in my knees again. But feeling the strain on my back, I stood up and gave myself a nice, long stretch. After moving a little away, I stretched the rest of my limbs.

"I'm gonna go wash up," I said finally, and headed for the tent to dig out my bag.

Posted by natsuba on 05.12.2008, 12:17 PM:


"Some time past eight. Too early, anyway."
“Arigato!” Lots of time, over two hours. Good. I continued to sip tea and keep the blanket from slipping off my shoulders, which wasn’t easy.

"I'm gonna go wash up,"
“Hn! Okay!”

I watched him go then turned back to Chi and Hibiki.

Don’t make up conversations. Right. Right. I kept quiet and just smiled a little spacily, enjoying the morning.

Posted by arren18 on 05.12.2008, 02:36 PM:


As I tried to get my thoughts in order, I had the sensation of being watched. Hmm? I looked around, and started to get a headache. For some reason, I kept picturing doors opening. It was as if there was somebody else in my head at the same time.

"Yay! Hibiki-Smile!"
I laughed in spite of the headache that was still bothering me, and she... sort of held onto my arm in an odd fashion. It was very sudden, quite embarassing and probably looked rather daft, but I thought it would be best not to react much.

I don't want to upset her...

You don't normally worry about that.

"I wish I could be as cute as that."
I could just hear her, though she was speaking very quietly. No comment... I thought.

After a mumbled conversation with Na-chan, Icchan got up and left. I watched him go, and saw Na-chan looking this way instead. "Um... hi." I frowned, and rubbed my head, which was still sore. Was that.... you?

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.12.2008, 02:52 PM:


“Heee! It’s because I’m pleased to be here. My first night camping. My first night ever not with mummy. My first friends! It’s really fun!” Na-chan squeaked.

"Thats great." I grinned "This has been new for me too. I'm not sure why. But it has. New things are great aren't they?"

I felt a vibrating sensation in my pocket, and pulled out my mobile. Flipping it open a little envelope had appeared on the screen: New Message.

"Kyaaaa~ Chi! Its me your dearest, bestest brother Kahei!! Isnt that great?! Shall I come pick you up now? I'll bring bagels! Freshly bought from the local bakery, isnt that the most awesome thing you've ever heard? I think I just saw a bird! Have you seen my socks? I think I lost them. Reply!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx"

I laughed softly at my brothers ridiculously positive and absolutely silly text. Nice to see somethings never change.

I went to reply a quick yes but then paused. Do I need to go just yet?

I tapped the phone against my cheek, thinking it through. I mean there was no reason to go. But what if something bad happens now? Right at the end of all these good things, it would ruin everything. Shall I risk it?

I turned to Hibiki, he was looking at na-chan with a strange expression on his face, so I poked him gently in the ribs to attract his attention. "Dya think I should leave? Or should I stay? I can't decide." I said softly, frowning slightly "You 'kay?"

Posted by natsuba on 05.14.2008, 06:40 PM:


"That’s great," Chi grinned, "This has been new for me too. I'm not sure why. But it has. New things are great aren't they?"
I smiled at her, nodding my head dreamily, “Because you made friends too and, yes, new things are good.” That comment was made mostly to myself.

New things are wonderful. I glanced over at the boys tent but there was no sign of anyone else surfacing.

Wake up, sleepyhead.

I wasn’t really paying much attention to the two of them. Chi started fiddling with her phone. Icchan had disturbed my thoughts and I was still thinking about what Ama had said. He had told me off and that bothered me a lot. I hated it when that happened, it meant I’d upset him in some way and that hurt me. I relied on him for so much, he was a lifeline for me and I hated upsetting him, considering everything he did for me it made me seem ungrateful which I wasn’t.

Uh, thoughts, stop whizzing round and round! No use fretting over it.

I finished my tea and sat there bundled up just comfortably unfocused and thinking I really ought to get dressed when my gaze met Hibiki’s.

Oh. Oh, no. That’s what Ama was on about! I didn’t make it up!

Oh dear…

"Um... hi."
I detected a question in his eyes. You’re not saying ‘ohayo’ are you? It’s not that. Still guilt-ridden in case Ama wasn’t the only person I’d upset this morning, I chose to play innocent. I nodded and smiled at him, my chin on my folded arms, “Sleep well?”

Posted by Miyrru on 05.14.2008, 08:18 PM:


I could tell that it was morning, the night was too short. It was pretty quite inside, I assumed that most of the people were already gone, probably in the middle of breakfast. My sleeping bag was damp. I had been sweating. Another nightmare, nothing new there. In the end I died again, one of these days..." I peeled the thing off me and lay for a sec letting the circulation get going. I wasn't a morning person. Low blood pressure. Most of the time if I had to do something early, I would stay up the night so I wouldn't have to fuss with sleep. It was nice to get a night off from dreams sometimes.

I figured I looked like hell, but so do most people in the morning. I sat up and made my way towards the exit, the sun was decently bright, I covered my eyes for a second before blinking rapidly and getting settled. I ruffled my hair and hoped it looked a little better than it was and wandered out. I found some tea and poured a cup. I reached for sugar and cream but held off and stared into the cup for a moment. I shrugged my shoulders to myself and drained the whole cup. It was rather strong, but it was a nice wake-up call. I looked around and wondered who to talk too. I crossed off several names of people already involved in something, and figured that Chi, Na-chan and Hibiki was a pretty safe bet. I got another cup of tea with my amenities and walked sleepily over.

I was behind Na-chan and put a hand on her shoulder and let it drop back, "Ohayo" I sai quickly as to not make too much of an entrance, and tried my best to resettle in.

Posted by NON-PLAYER CHARACTER on 05.15.2008, 05:42 AM:



I woke up to find Momo-chan beside me reading a comic, one hand behind her head propping it up, the comic leaning against her knees which were drawn up. I yawned and stretched.

“How can you read in this light? You’ll do your eyes in.”

Without looking at me she said “Ohayo to you too! In case you’d not noticed you dozy thing, it’s daylight. Has been for over an hour.”

“Mehh!” I stuck my tongue out, “Uhhn, whatever. I’m getting up. Coming?”

We went out of the tent to find the day was grey and mild and damp. We went indoors to wash and dress then came back out. Okayu-san’s mother was busy downstairs and we said our hello’s.

A few people were around the logs in various states of half-sleep-half-awake. Most of the boys seemed to be up already, Tsugara-kun, Masahiko, Otomo, Otsuki, Murakamo, Takasumi. Many hadn’t got dressed but were slumped about in tee shirts and shorts. I wasn’t going to complain. We went over and joined them, various “Ohayos” were exchanged and the conversation began to pick up.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.15.2008, 06:37 AM:


I came up from sleep and a particularly nice dream. The dream faded, I didn’t want it to fade, it had been good. Very good. But it was gone now, I reached out to try and hang onto the last trailing edges of its yukata but like the last sheets of rain of a summer shower they faded away and I couldn’t grasp onto them.

Cycling. I’d been cycling up and down hills, really fast. Laughing, full of energy. She was with me, on her own bike. It was yellow and she wore her yellow skirt, it was a huge skirt, it billowed out behind her like the rays of the sun, impossibly bright. Sometimes she was behind me, sometimes in front laughing back over her shoulder as I tried to pass her. We were going up a hill, a big curved mound with a ring of old trees on the top. Her dad lived up there, she was taking me to meet him. I wanted to.

We’d just reached the top and I could see three people in the clearing standing in the long grass among the trees. Our bikes vanished and we were walking towards them.

At which point I woke up.

Hmm… I lay for a time in the warmth of my bed but outside I could hear voices. I reached for my watch and lifted it up. Half past eight. Shoot! Some host you are!

Reluctantly putting aside bikes and hills and skirts and fathers I rolled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My sandals were just at the tent flap, pushing my feet into them I went out wearing my black baggy tee shirt and even baggier black shorts.

I went past people and lifted a hand here and there, making the appropriate noises. My eyes cast about but she wasn’t up yet, it was mostly boys awake so far which didn’t really surprise me.

I went inside only to bump into Icchan coming out the washroom.

“Ohi,” was about my limit at this point. I went in past him and had a quick wash and brush up but gave up with my hair. It always needs washing in the morning to get yesterday’s gunk out of it. It remained impossible to tame and stuck out in all directions, so after a few half-assed attempts with my fingers I didn’t bother.

Thinking that I should check in with base camp I went to the kitchen and found mom in a good mood, so good she didn’t kill me when I picked up a warm fresh pastry off the side and scoffed it in one mouthful.

“Oh there you are, thought you’d died. Half your guests have been up for hours.”


“It’s going to rain, 72% probability the radio said.”


“So get them indoors when it does. Quickly. I don’t want mud in the house. You can eat buffet-style in the dining room. Sit on the floor. Get the rest of the paper plates and things. I’ll cover the table. Make a mark on that and the recoating bill will come out of your allowance.”


“As well as your funeral bill! Are you listening to me, Sadoru?!”

“Har, har…”
(still chewing, hand waves dismissively)

She called me Sadoru. I only get called Sadoru when things are serious. I swallowed the pastry fast, thumped my chest to get it down, “Mm, hai, hai, don’t kill me before the crime.”

“Well I ought to, it’s inevitable anyway. It saves time later.”

“Sure, whatever. Hm, nice pastries.”
I popped another in my mouth, “Need to bake a couple more though, looks like you’re two short.” (muffled through chewing).

“Get out of my kitchen you cheeky little…! And take this out, make yourself useful!”

(more chewing).

I picked up a tray with a huge carton of orange juice and a stack of the ubiquitous Office Supplies paper cups and made myself scarce, grinning at her as she swatted at my backside with a tea-towel.

Back outside I put the tray on the grass near the logs and announced it’s presence and made help-yourself noises. I found an empty log and sat, stretching my arms up and my legs out and making “Nyaaaaarh!” sounds like a dying Tanuki.

Posted by arren18 on 05.15.2008, 11:44 AM:


Na-chan looked back, at first seeming... well, before I could tell exactly how she seemed, she smiled.

“Sleep well?”
"Er... okay, I guess. I've got a bit of a headache though..." I replied. Do I get to know what you're thinking?

Nobody said anything for a moment. I considered saying something subtle about thoughts, to see how she would react, but then I got a nudge in the ribs before I could open my mouth. I didn't really want to just stop talking to Na-chan, but at that moment Seisaku came along and spoke to her, which was convenient. So I turned to Kashikoi.

"Dya think I should leave? Or should I stay? I can't decide."
I was surprised. "Do you want to go?" I asked, unfortunately sounding sadder than I'd intended. I cleared my throat pointedly. "Um... well, I guess I'd like you to stay. It's nice to have company..."

"You 'kay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, I think... I've just developed a bit of a headache..." I couldn't help but feel like I was repeating myself...

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.15.2008, 12:27 PM:


"Do you want to go?" "Um... well, I guess I'd like you to stay. It's nice to have company..."

In answer to his first question I gave a little shrug and smile "I'm not quite sure, I don't think I want too but i'm afraid i'll do something to ruin my good memory of this party. I'd hate that, I can tell this is going to be something I want to remember."

"But i'll stay since you'd like me too, its always nice to be wanted y'know?" I grinned at him before tapping a quick reply to Kahei on my mobile, a short 'no thank you' and 'see you later' kind of thing. I felt a little lurch in my stomach at the idea of Kahei's face when he got my message, he always tended to get stupidly dissapointed about these kind of things.

He's used to being the centre of your world thats why.

He still is.

Maybe not for much longer though eh?

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think... I've just developed a bit of a headache..."

"Thats too bad." I said, lowering my voice slightly so as not to cause him any pain "When I have headaches I try to think of the thing I want to do most at that second and then it seems to go away...that may just be me though, perhaps my brain finds it too hard to think and hurt at the same time!"

I smiled, then hearing the clouds rumble a little looked up cautiously. Thunder is as bad as the dark. The sky murmured again and I couldn't help but flinch, in case Hibiki had noticed I forced him a weak smile "I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat, the dark, thunder..." People. "You name it and i'm terrified of it. I hope it doesn't rain." I looked up again at the sky, my eyes squeezing shut when another wave of thunder came. I placed one hand over my ear in an attempt to quieten it a little.

If it was up to me i'd have dashed inside and been hidden under a piece of furniture by now, but there was no reason to point out furthur my silly fears.

Posted by natsuba on 05.15.2008, 03:23 PM:


My eyes caught movement at the boys tent. Out of the corner of my eye I watched him come out. I tried not to look like I was looking but even so I couldn’t suppress a smile. His hair was all over the place sticky-uppy and spiky, and… oh, so that’s what you wear to sleep. I put the blanket edge up to my nose to hide my smile which had grown wider.

I’m lucky. Such a privilege seeing you like this.

I wonder if you can guess what I wear to sleep…

Oooh! Heee!

I made myself blush.

What did happen last night? Did I dream it or did it really happen like I remember?

He went out of my line of vision. Behind me I heard him getting a cup of tea. I was aware he was close by. I could feel him. I continued to look at Hibiki and Chi. Hibiki answered me.

"Er... okay, I guess. I've got a bit of a headache though..."
I blinked my eyes a couple of times. You feel guilty, like you do when mummy catches you tasting too much cake mixture. I was distracted by more than one thing and didn’t know how to respond to that.

“Oh, gomen.” I felt like I should say more but ended rather lamely with another, “Ano… hm. Gomen.” But I was saved by Chi speaking to which he replied and she covered that subject better than I could so I kept quiet.

Suddenly a hand rested on my shoulder and lifted again. I turned my head.

Mmm, put it back.

“Ohayo,” said sleepyhead
I glanced up at him, “Konn-eee-chi-waah!” I drawled in exaggeration, making the point that he was up late. I patted the log beside me, “Have a seat.” Magic-dog-man sit! Good magic-dog-man! “Did you have a good sleep?” I asked, tucking my bare arm back under my blanket.

No sooner had I spoken than there was a rumble of thunder and at once I began to count quietly and slowly under my breath, “Inazuma ichi, inazuma ni, inazuma san, inazuma shi, inazuma...” I stopped and suddenly felt stupid.

Baka! You count after the lightning...! That's why you say lightning! I avoided people's gaze and felt foolish, hoping no-one had seen me.

[inazuma = lightning. Na-chan is spacing out the numbers with this word to slow the rate at which she counts to once a second. Her mother might have taught her this, a way to determine how far away a thunderstorm is]

Posted by arren18 on 05.15.2008, 03:57 PM:


She explained why she was condering going home soon. I could just about understand. Hmm... it's not been that amazing, has it...?

"But i'll stay since you'd like me too, its always nice to be wanted y'know?"
I smiled. Yep, I get that feeling too. Then after she was done messing about with her phone, I mentioned my sudden headache.

"Thats too bad. When I have headaches I try to think of the thing I want to do most at that second and then it seems to go away..."
"Good idea. Hmm... I can't decide what I ought to think of though!" What, no idea at all...?

I heard a rumble of thunder, but didn't take a lot of notice. On the other hand, Kashikoi seemed to shrink back a little (shrinking really can't be good for her...) but tried to cover it up and then explained.

"I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat, the dark, thunder... You name it and i'm terrified of it. I hope it doesn't rain."
I looked up at the sky. It didn't look too promising. The sound of thunder came back again for a moment, and I heard some indistinct whispering. Na-chan...? What is wrong with that girl?

Posted by Kazegami on 05.15.2008, 05:07 PM:


It had still been dark when I'd woken. Even after realising how early it was I didn't try to get back to sleep... the first thing I'd seen when I'd opened my eyes was him. And now he was in my head, there wasn't a chance I'd be getting back to sleep. That's irony... I planned that and now it's the last thing I want... Partly due to the time of day, my mood turned sour quickly. I turned over and scowled at the canvas wall for a while, before closing my eyes again.

After an hour, or maybe two, there was a rustling on the other side of tent; finally someone was up. I heard the flap of the tent being unzipped, and for a few moments things brightened... then it closed again, and the dimness returned. After the fourth time this happened, it began to annoy me. Can't they just leave it open? Two, three more people left. And still he wasn't stirring. Eventually I gave up on the hope that he was going to go first, and dragged myself out of my warm sleeping bag. Geh... why's it cold...?

You're only in a tent... baka.

I made my way slightly haphazardly across the tent. It was a good thing there were only a few people left, it was certain I'd have tripped over somebody otherwise.

There was already a small congregation sat around yesterday's ashes. I wandered over, and sat on the ground in front of the one remaining empty log, leaning back against it and sighing deeply. I still wasn't in the mood for people, still only barely awake. " 'Hayo." I said to anyone who was listening, raising a hand unenthusiastically in greeting. I rested my head on the rough wood behind it, staring into space through half-closed eyes. A couple of minutes later someone came over with a tray. Sadoru... must be... I blinked, bringing the world into focus. Orange juice? At this time in the morning? You serious? Yeesh.

Aaaand... I'm awake.

. . .

God, I must look a mess.

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.15.2008, 05:51 PM:


"Good idea. Hmm... I can't decide what I ought to think of though!"

"Uhuh." I murmured unethusiastically, my mind too occupied by the drum-like rolls of thunder that seemed to be coming with less space in between. I could just about hear na-chan counting the seconds between and it raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

I looked up at the branches of the tree. I'm under a tree. Isnt that exactly where your not meant to be in a thunderstorm? A ice cold shiver ran down the back of my spine as the sky gave another volatile burble.

"I-I''m sorry." I stuttered, jumping to my feet, my arms and legs shaking like crazy. "I'll...i'll...umm be right back."

Without a seconds thought I bounded away from that tree, across the garden to the little summerhouse, I pulled open the door and stepped inside, slamming it behind me. There was another peal of thunder and I stifled a squeak.

Your such a baby. Are you going to let that one night influence you for the rest of your life?

One night of darkness. Of thunder and tight spaces. Of quick breaths and unanswered shouts.

How can I forget?

I knelt on the floor at first then, leant forwards leaning my cheek against the floor, tracing the knots in the wood with my fingertips.. Come on, end, end, end. I wished like crazy that I hadn't stayed, that I hadn't turned down Kahei's offer of picking me up and was at this moment snuggled up close beside him were even the thunder couldnt reach me.

"Its just thunder, it's just thunder, it's just thunder..." I whispered to myself.

Your being ridiculous, just go back and join the party.


Posted by Roarkiller on 05.16.2008, 10:40 AM:


I greeted Sadoru as I came out of the bathroom, taking in the nice scent of breakfast... and salty air.

As I walked towards the tent, I looked up to study the sky. Judging from the thunder, state of the sky, temperature of the air and the smell of salt...

"It's gonna rain within two hours, maybe one. We should get inside soon," I said to Hissori and the gang, the first group I met.

"Thinking maybe we ought to wake the rest as well, wouldn't want them stuck in the rain-"


I felt the tiniest of raindrops hit my hand.

"Scratch that, it's starting to rain already. I'll get the boys. Na-chan, sorry, but can you get the girls?

I turned my attention to the tent to wake the rest of them.

Posted by Miyrru on 05.16.2008, 12:06 PM:


She seemed rather happy to see me, and did so with a loud hello. I returned it and took a seat next to her.

“Did you have a good sleep?”

"well, it was as good as my regular sleeps, which aren't great. Too many uh... moving parts to really be able to get decent rest anymore." I said, knowing that she should be able to connect those dots while most of the other people would be a little out of the loop.

The sky seemed to have clouded up rather quickly. I was wondering if the storm clouds were my personal ones. They would always seem to hang over me. I liked the rain so I hardly gave it a thought anymore.

There were some light rumbling and Na-chan started counting, I had good ears and picked up her counting something. Sounded like it was counting for lighting, but it confused me.

I turned to her "Hey, aren't you supposed to count after lighting instead of after thunder?" No sooner than I said that, a bolt shot down in the distance. I wondered if she had just mixed it up, which was quite possible, or if she actually knew it when it was going to strike. I didn't add anything and awaited an answer.

Icchan came over and interrupted us, he designated Na-chan to wake up the rest of the people in the girls tent, so I headed off inside as she went.

Posted by natsuba on 05.16.2008, 03:35 PM:


I saw Kazuo come and sit behind us. I turned my head to smile at him and wiggled some fingers out at him from under the blanket.

Opposite me Chi began to get restless and didn’t properly answer Hibiki. The conversation tailed off. I stopped whispering my confused count when I saw her glance at me nervously.

. . .{{ kio-chi is afraid of me }}

. . .“why?”

"I-I’m sorry." she jumped up, "I'll...I'll...umm be right back."
She left quickly, panic dripping from her. I watched her go.

. . .{{ she will not }}

Another peal of thunder. “ohayo, ikazuchi-san. kibun wa dou desu ka?” Rakuin sat down.

. . .“mmm?”

. . .{{ be right back }}

. . .“why?”

"Well, it was as good as my regular sleeps, which aren't great. Too many uh... moving parts to really be able to get decent rest anymore,"
I turned back from my finger-wave at Kazuo.

. . .{{ before. something happened before }}

. . .“what shall i do?”

“We must work on those moving parts,” I said, looking up at him, “Which is best, discard them altogether or tighten the bolts so they don’t rattle any more?” I wiggled on the bench a little. Something really good was about to happen.

“I can tighten or loosen, I’m good at both I think, so whichever you want!”

"Hey, aren't you supposed to count after lightning instead of after thunder?"
“Aha! Yeah! You are I guess… but I… ano…” Fortunately I was interrupted when Inazuma arrived in style, like he always does.

“Whoo-hoo! See that one? Ah, you big show-off! Sugoi!” A bolt of lightning speared the land. “oh yeah, i love you guys! you’re so cool”

Rakuin got up again to go towards the house, “Why go in?” I asked him, It’s fine.

. . .{{ go to her. talk }}

I stayed sitting and called to Rakuin’s back, “Don’t go in!” The birds in formation can go in. Be Kodo-Ra, be different.

Another rumble, deep and droning, the smell of ozone came. His smell. I breathed in deep. Wow. The sky took on that purple bruised look, so beautiful. Icchan was there.

"It's gonna rain within two hours, maybe one. We should get inside soon."
Sooner than that.

People began to get up and move. A few spots of rain came. spik, spik, spikky. The casual move towards the house became a little more urgent. Most of the boys behind us on the logs went in. Ama came. The different Ama, the powerful elemental Ama.

“ohayo…” I smiled at him, I even bowed a little in respect. He was so beautiful in this form. Pure energy. Icchan said something else.

"Thinking maybe we ought to wake the rest as well, wouldn't want them stuck in the rain-"

spik, spik, spik-spik-spik-


"Scratch that, it's starting to rain already. I'll get the boys. Na-chan, sorry, but can you get the girls?"
I could. But why disturb them? Ama and Ikazuchi and Inazuma won’t. You’ll see.

People went in. I turned back from Rakuin, Go, or stay. As you please. I clutched the blanket round me and tilted my head back. Most people had run inside. I didn’t see what Hibiki did. Ama was falling faster, more and more. I closed my eyes as he caressed my eyelids.

. . .{{ go to her. talk }}

. . .“hai. one minute, i want to enjoy you”



The rain became a steady roar, not quite a torrent but heavy enough. Eyes shut I stayed looking up, mouth open, he poured in and I tasted him, counted each part of him.

Within seconds I was unaware of anyone around me, they had either all gone inside or they ceased to matter. It was just me and Ama, angry Ikazuchi and the ridiculously flamboyant Inazuma, the silly show-off. My blanket was wet through in seconds and the water reached my skin. Ama almost never touches me, normally he cannot. This morning he did, he was here, his hands were on me, stroking my face, tickling through my hair, kissing my eyelids.

I stood up.

. . .{{ the summerhouse. she is afraid }}

. . .“hai”

I walked through the downpour around the hedge and across the lawn, my hair plastered to my face. It must have been cold though I didn’t feel it. It was beautifully warm now, like being back by the fire, hot almost.

I stopped at the bridge. The surface of the pond danced and bubbled and spat like a living thing, a pan of boiling water. It was wonderfully warm and since the blanket was soaked through there seemed little point in holding it around me, so I let it drop and stepped onto the bridge wearing only what I had slept in.


I looked up at the sky, the clouds boiled and swam. Another bolt of lightning ripped the world and struck a half mile away. Inazuma danced, Ikazuchi applauded him. I laughed, the world was so beautiful when they were happy. I lifted my arms out from my sides, palms up and let Ama caress me, he struck and poured off me and I laughed. Each of my cupped palms instantly became a little pond and I became the bridge between them.

. . .“I love your cuddles, do it more often!”

“Chi!” I shouted, at the glass doors of the summerhouse, “Chi! Chi! CHI! Come out! Don’t be afraid! They won’t hurt you!” On the little wooden bridge, suspended between water and sky, the perfect place to be, arms out, I began to dance like I had last night, spinning slowly around, head back, laughing more and more. “Come outside Chi! Come and meet them!”

[Ohayo, Ikazuchi-san. Kibun wa dou desu ka? = good morning thunder. How is your mood?
Inazuma = lightning
Ikazuchi = thunder
Ama = rain. Ama’s full name is Ama Mizu = rain water

This is a confusing post and meant to be. Please see my tech thread comments.]

Posted by arren18 on 05.16.2008, 04:52 PM:


Kashikoi seemed to be quite worried about the thunder. She looked upwards, then stood up suddenly, shaking all over.

"I-I''m sorry. I'll...i'll...umm be right back."
...and then she was gone.

That was fast...

Hmmmm... I'm not sure it's the thunder she was running from.

You're probably right.

A little dejected, I glanced up at Icchan who had just returned. I didn't really listen to what he said, but got the gist of it anyway: it was about to start raining. And right on cue, a few spurts came down here and there, just enough to be noticeable. I'd better go in before it gets any heavier.

Without speaking to anybody, I stood up, and looked at the clouds overhead. The thick rug of grey stretched out a long way, so the rain obviously wasn't going to stop any time soon. Directly above me it was black. Just for me... Then it began to come down faster. There was no point staying out here. I looked around me, and saw Na-chan, who seemed to be very much enjoying the rain. Well, she would.

Then I turned away, and headed towards the house. I stopped for a moment, realising that I hadn't seen where Kashikoi had gone... She'll be inside, I tried to reassure myself, and hurried indoors myself.

Posted by Saddletank on 05.16.2008, 05:07 PM:


Icchan came out and stated the blindingly obvious, that the heavens might soon open when right on cue they did. I got up, grabbed the tray with the fruit juice on and went quickly inside, asking Jun to pick up the teapot and stuff for me as he went by.

Pretty soon a cluster of people were running towards and gathering inside the back hallway by the downstairs shower room door. A few kicked off shoes and such and went through turning left after the shower room into the dining room which had a large window overlooking the lawn towards the pond.

Mom was in there laying out breakfast things.

I did a quick headcount and realised a good few girls must still be in the tent.

Surely not asleep in all this?

Then Hibiki came in shaking his wet hair, "Hey," I said to him, "Did you see Kashikoi-san and Na-chan on your way in? They're not here."

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.16.2008, 06:31 PM:


As I lay, close against the floor, my mind battling against the sound of the thunder another sound began.

Drip. Drip. Drip.


I could hear the sound of the rain beating against the summerhouse, at first it was seperate drops then it seemed to come down all at once. One hugh wave after another, splashing against the now the thin roof. I sat up, my eyes open and a small smile on the face.

I wasn't afraid of the rain. The rain shut out the thunder, it wrapped around you like a blanket, stopping anything else from reaching you. Or thats how it seems.

I winced as through the sound of the rain I heard the crack of lightening and a soft, rustle of thunder. I raised a hand to my eyes, covering them in an effort to calm down.

Suddenly I heard shouting from outside.

“Chi! Chi! CHI! Come out! Don’t be afraid! They won’t hurt you!

Na-chan? What are you doing here?

"I'm not afraid." I whimpered quietly. I'm not, i'm not, i'm NOT.

I stood up, my eyes a little blurry with confused tears.

"I'm not." I said a little louder, clambering to my feet with my hands curled into fists at my side.

"I'm not afraid of the thunder i'm afraid of the memories!" I shouted at the door, I could see the vague outline of her through the door.

“Come outside Chi! Come and meet them!”

I frowned, who does she mean? Swallowing my fear I opened the glass doors, Na-chan stood dancing on the little wooden bridge. She was wearing very little except a huge beaming smile, she looked like some sort of rain sprite dancing about happy int he thunder.

Another flash of lightening whipped across the sky and I shrank back inside, my fear overcoming me for a few seconds.

Na-chan...its not safe out there, with the lightening. Plus in the rain, she might become ill!

My limbs shaking like crazy, barely supporting me, I dashed out from under the safety of the summerhouse towards Na-chan. All I could seem to hear was my heartbeat, Ba-doom. Ba-doom. Ba-doom. Ba-doom!

I pulled off my cardigan as I ran, the rain instantly seeping to my very bones. My thick hair lay plastered to my cheeks, my dress suddenly heavier then seemed possible. I reached Na-chan, threw the cardigan around her and pulled her back towards the summerhouse. I dragged her just inside the entrance, the door still wide open in front of us and my knees suddenly gave out. I sank to the floor, bringing Na-chan down with me so she lay against me. Her back leant on my stomach, the back of my head resting on the front of my shoulder, my cheek pressed to the side of her face.

I waited a few seconds, catching my breath and trying to calm my raging nerves. In front of us I could see the eerie, purple rainclouds gathering above us. Now and then a bolt of lightening would flash down between them, lighting the entire scene up for a few seconds in which time seemed to stand still everything either black or white no middle.

"I'm not afraid." I whispered, my head still next to hers "I just dont want to remember."

My before blurry eyes now let lose their tears, my frightened pathetic tears which trailed down my face mixing with the thick raindrops.

"I just want to forget, and yet everything wants to remind me." I murmured, I knew I should move away but for just that while longer I sat with her, my eyes looking out on the forces of nature whilst inside my mind another storm seemed to rage.

{"What do I do with her?"}

{"How should I know? Ask Boss."}

{"Oh just shove her in there for the time being."}

{"But the bulbs broken, its pitch-black in there boss! And theres a storm going on, its all you can hear in there."}

{"Just do it."}

Dark....No, forget it. Think of the light. Just think of the light.

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