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Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 06.13.2005, 01:01 PM:


Hello!!.. Long time no see

Hello miss Lilly.... looks like you're an angel of love falling from the sky maybe you as beautiful as an angel in On Your Mark as illustrated by Mr. Miyazaki...
and I wonder why the angel become an appeal to the Ghibli Tavern banner above ^o^

btw... I think this forum is supposed to be written mainly in English... I know some german phrases but not able to understand 'em...

(Gutenmorgen, Vielen Dank, Ein-Zwei-Drei) too basic huh!! (Bonjour, Merci, Un-Duo-Trois....) hehe
btw the only language I fairly major beside Indonesian are English and Japanese... though I'm a Indonesian-born Chinese (中華人) but I don't able to speak Mandarin.... but I do able to read kanji since I learned Japanese.... and I know some differences between those asian countries in their use of Kanji...

beside of language of talking.... i do able to read some text written in korean Hangul or Russian Cyrillic... though I can't understand the language... Very convenient to plan a cheating on a test...

"Хелло анд Гоод Морнинг"
it's English word written in Cyrillic... who will recognize such a word??

However... I interested in studying France, German, Mandarin, and Korean... Some indonesian-born chinese people in Indonesia still able to speak mandarin or even HK.... yet I don't think the language is still the same as used in the native country....

For Lilly... if you want to understand Japanese movies
without subtitles... I think you need to learn Japanese way of thinking so you can understand why a dull words (in Japanese) can made Japanese respond differently..... ^^

Don't stop spreading your love, Lilly... This world needs love... ^^

Do anyone here use a Mac OS X? I have a difficulty to PrintScreen the screen... what should I do?

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by LillyKimilly on 06.13.2005, 05:09 PM:


teehee! I wont! I dont look like an angel at all!! teehee.

I want 2 learn loads of Asian languages, at the moment im buying second hand books on chinese and japanese characters so i can try 2 read and recognise them.

At the moment I am desperate to see Howl's Moving Castle!! But its not released here till septemer....I might buy the book and read until then.....
Howl is so pretty and yummy!!! woop twas written in England!!!! yay!

Love you all very much!

Posted by Jiji on 06.13.2005, 06:37 PM:


I am now learning English and Japanese, but I may learn German or France in the distant future. Talking in French likes singing, and knowing German seems to be cool (very very few people can talk in German here 8])

Talking about Chinese, I think it is not that hard as it seems to be. The most troublesome parts are the tones and the characters. After going through these nasty stages, it's a straight road ahead. Many have said that grammar in Chinese is close to non-existence, and I pretty much agree with them. Well, complex characters doom you only at the elementary stages, but ridiculous grammar dooms you for the whole life... (esp English)

DW Jones' novel of Howl's Moving Castle is very well-written, with intriguing plots and interesting characters. I would not hesitate to recommend it. But many claim that having the original story in their mind undermines their experience of enjoying the movie (thinking too much about the plot changes, missing characters, etc). Nevertheless, it's up to you to decide whether to read the book see the movie first.

Pretty and yummy Howl? (@_@) Lily, I wonder in what way do you show your love? **runs before being engulfed by the angel's love/appetite**

To the yellow cat: here is some info that you may find useful :

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 06.14.2005, 04:06 AM:


teehee! I wont! I dont look like an angel at all!! teehee. (LillyKimilly)
Perhaps you are in form of Totoro instead of an angel
btw.... your type of affection are amazing.... maybe I should met you before I met Haru.... It will be more interesting than the original Cat Returns....

I want 2 learn loads of Asian languages, at the moment im buying second hand books on chinese and japanese characters so i can try 2 read and recognise them.(LillyKimilly)
Ganbatte kudasai!! Me too..... please teach me German / France.... and to Jiji... please teach me Mandarin / Hongkong (I still able some yet I need to learn more)... and for Nanashi....please teach me the very native Japanese!!!

I don't have many to offer... but if you want to learn indonesian... i can help you... convenience if you go to Bali..
Language learning is so amusing to me.... I even hybridize France vocabs with German and write 'em on Cyrillic alphabets and created my own Francoise in the end ... and used them on a cheating paper...

To the black cat: Thanks for the links! It's a little tricky... but I managed it... I wondering what system did you use? Linux? or Witch Cat OS??

PS. Maybe this is just my feeling.... but I feel like there's more and more amusing members participated in this forum... a very good news...

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by LillyKimilly on 06.14.2005, 12:32 PM:


teehee I do resemble a big round fluffy cat thing. lol.

I only know swome German and it is very elementry!! And I dont know any French appart from Bonjour, oui and.merci. maybe more.....

btw.... your type of affection are amazing.... maybe I should met you before I met Haru.... It will be more interesting than the original Cat Returns....(Neko Danshaku....... huh???
lol i havnt seen the Cat Returns. Only Spirited Away and Mononoke Hime. But love the look of Howl, Grave of the Fireflies and Whisper of the Heart.....any romance i imma girl!!!

loads and loads of love

Posted by nanashi on 06.14.2005, 01:40 PM:


hehe, i seem that the cat which are crowded here has loved romance.

Howl is cool and shy. dont miss it.

Posted by Jiji on 06.15.2005, 01:44 AM:


Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^=
to Jiji... please teach me Mandarin / Hongkong (I still able some yet I need to learn more)...

I don't have many to offer... but if you want to learn indonesian... i can help you... convenience if you go to Bali..
Language learning is so amusing to me.... I even hybridize France vocabs with German and write 'em on Cyrillic alphabets and created my own Francoise in the end ... and used them on a cheating paper...
Wow that's freaky ! I swear that I will never be a teacher of a class of yellow cats unless I know at least 10 languages...
(my classmates use the Morse code instead . They kick the keyrings hang on their bags to make signals.)

To the black cat: Thanks for the links! It's a little tricky... but I managed it... I wondering what system did you use? Linux? or Witch Cat OS??
I'd love to create a Witch Cat OS myself . But at the meantime here is conquered by Bill Gates... ( =_= )

PS. Maybe this is just my feeling.... but I feel like there's more and more amusing members participated in this forum... a very good news...
Yea, and hope that there will continue to be more Ghibli fans joining us to make here a better place.

Originally posted by LillyKimilly
teehee I do resemble a big round fluffy cat thing. lol.
Maybe you are the Catbus instead? Or are you the twin sister of Muta?

lol i havnt seen the Cat Returns. Only Spirited Away and Mononoke Hime. But love the look of Howl, Grave of the Fireflies and Whisper of the Heart.....any romance i imma girl!!!
Umm... I am afraid Grave of the Fireflies is nowhere near romance, not even near any other Ghibli movies. It is indeed a very emotional film about the tragedy of a pair of miserable siblings during the WW2. Many consider it as both the best work of Ghibli and the best film of all times. I do not like tear-jerking stories (Zzzzz...), but I still recommend it. (maybe you can even spare a portion of your infinite loads of love and bring it to those poor kids )

Originally posted by nanashi
hehe, i seem that the cat which are crowded here has loved romance.
Hehe! Probably. But also probably not. Who knows?

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by LillyKimilly on 06.15.2005, 10:19 AM:


teehee maybe......catbus......hhhmmmmm

I know Grave of the Fireflies isnt romantic..teehee...i meant with Whisper of the Heart about the romance thing but my grammer and punctuation is bad, teehee. I also like things about spiritual growth which I think is a main theme in Ghibli from what i have seen............

Mononoke Hime was soooo cute...appart from the demons they were abit scary..but when Asitaka said that San is beautiful I was nearly in tears... awwwwwwww they are so cute!!!........tho the voice of San in the english dub was too american for me......but Maro was amazing!!!! The japanese Maro kinda scared me as it was a guy being a woman but wen i read about the actors and so on I felt that he really suited the part...awwws

Neway Howl...will see it!!! Looks cool but I might wait for it 2 come out on DVD so i can see it in Japanese...I saw trailers for the english dub and it did sound abit false and cardboardy.....but anyway...woop!!!! Go Miyazaki and Ghibli for making amazing movies......

DVDs are being released quicker arnt they??? Howl might be out by near yet so far....

teehee mad ramblings!!!!

love and warm cuddles and wishes

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 06.15.2005, 01:11 PM:


hehe, i seem that the cat which are crowded here has loved romance (nanashi)
Then why don't you become a cat?
or pretending to be a cat....
It will be more fun if all of us are cat, don't we?
btw.... I haven't find Muta or Neko Bus here..... hhehe so why don't you be one

Wow that's freaky ! I swear that I will never be a teacher of a class of yellow cats unless I know at least 10 languages...
(my classmates use the Morse code instead . They kick the keyrings hang on their bags to make signals.) (Jiji)
I haven't tried Meeooww language...
btw.. the morse code seems to be not enough a camouflage for me to cheating... maybe it's a little effective for the multiple choice type test..... not for essay...
why don't you try some insuspicious body language??

talking bout lang. the only HK lang. I know is "ngo ngoi nei" and "ngo pat ngoi nei"

I'd love to create a Witch Cat OS myself . But at the meantime here is conquered by Bill Gates... ( =_= ) (Jiji)
Same here.... I have those three (Win, Mac, and Linux)
but I only have Windows XP as my main OS.... (WinME to play VGS, Mac OS to design, and Linux just 4 tryout hehe) Hopes Bill Gates considers to create Cat OS that we cat could easily use... mmmeeeeooowww.... (it's not my habit to say meow but still I'm a cattt )
I've tried Windows XP Trad Chinese and got me confused I wonder if you use a Chinese WinXP....
btw... My copy of Japanese Windows XP HE was from HK...

I also like things about spiritual growth which I think is a main theme in Ghibli from what i have seen............ (LillyKimilly)
Yes you got their main point!! However the story seems to be developed over that theme.... so it's no more simple than its look...
Btw you said you only watched Mononoke and Spirited... why don't you try "On Your Mark" that provided here in OG.... I've watched it and it sure the best animated V-clip I've ever seen though it was done in 1995....

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by LillyKimilly on 06.15.2005, 01:44 PM:


Is it.....hhhmmmm *scratches head* i will hunt for it ..............mine wont play it damnit!!!!!!!!!!!! damned computer altho u bring me much joy and helpfulness u are most annoying 2!!!

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 06.15.2005, 02:08 PM:


It uses DivX Codec.... you should download it 1st b4 playing....

or try in and search it

the codec name : DivX
the player name: DivX Player

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by LillyKimilly on 06.15.2005, 02:20 PM:


Ok am doing so now!! Woop!! I wanna see angels!!!!
thank you


Posted by Jiji on 06.15.2005, 09:18 PM:


Originally posted by LillyKimilly
teehee maybe......catbus......hhhmmmmm

I know Grave of the Fireflies isnt romantic..teehee...i meant with Whisper of the Heart about the romance thing but my grammer and punctuation is bad, teehee. I also like things about spiritual growth which I think is a main theme in Ghibli from what i have seen............
Aww sorry for having gotten the wrong end of the stick. (^_^;; )

Spiritual growth is one of the recurring elements in the Miyazaki canon, and I also like it a lot. Actually two (Kiki, Spirited Away) out of my top three favourite Ghibli movies have very strong emphases on this theme. You would probably like Kiki a lot if you are interested in stories about self-actualization and personal development like Spirited Away.

Mononoke Hime was soooo cute...appart from the demons they were abit scary..but when Asitaka said that San is beautiful I was nearly in tears... awwwwwwww they are so cute!!!........tho the voice of San in the english dub was too american for me......but Maro was amazing!!!! The japanese Maro kinda scared me as it was a guy being a woman but wen i read about the actors and so on I felt that he really suited the part...awwws
Hehe I'd say Totoro is cuter . But generally the character designs in the Ghibli movies follow the family-friendly manner with slight saccharine elements they make them look a bit cutesy. It seems that Nausicaa, Sheeta, Kiki, Satsuki, Fio and San are essentially the same girl at different ages, or at least they have close ties of blood .

Talking about the male/female voice-actors in Mononoke, do you know that the theme song with a mature lady voice was also sung by a man? He is called Yoshikazu Mera (米良美一) and is a famous countertenor. I think he sung better than Youmi Kimura (木村弓) of Spirited Away and Chieko Baisho (倍賞千恵子) of Howl.

Neway Howl...will see it!!! Looks cool but I might wait for it 2 come out on DVD so i can see it in Japanese...I saw trailers for the english dub and it did sound abit false and cardboardy.....but anyway...woop!!!! Go Miyazaki and Ghibli for making amazing movies......
According to YesAsia the R3 will be released on 31/7, and normally before the R3 release the R2(JP) should be out. However I have no guarantee on the reliability of the YesAsia date, and I still cannot see any news about the R2(JP). The movie is probably still being shown in Japan.

Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^=
Then why don't you become a cat?
or pretending to be a cat....
It will be more fun if all of us are cat, don't we?
btw.... I haven't find Muta or Neko Bus here..... hhehe so why don't you be one
Hehe seems like the head of the Neko no Jimusho is now recruiting more cats (or more creatures that are willing to be cats). Anyway a single trip to the Cat Kingdom can already turn one into a cat.

I haven't tried Meeooww language...
btw.. the morse code seems to be not enough a camouflage for me to cheating... maybe it's a little effective for the multiple choice type test..... not for essay...
why don't you try some insuspicious body language??
You are talking like an expert of cheating (0_o). Maybe you should publish a book on this field of art. I am sure it will easily be a bestseller.

talking bout lang. the only HK lang. I know is "ngo ngoi nei" and "ngo pat ngoi nei"
Cantonese is really an interesting language. But thanks to the 9 tones the only way to speak it totally correctly is to be native-born and grow up in Hong Kong. Besides, the speech is significantly different from the writing (which is based on Mandarin). There are hundreds of spoken words, expressions and phrases that no one on earth knows how to write them (thus you can never consult your Chinese dictionary for those words). Your examples are the written words that would be spoken in Mandarin instead . For "I don't love you," the proper written form is "Ngo baat ngoi nei (我不愛你)," but the spoken form can be "Ngo ng ngoi nei (我唔愛你)" or "Ngo ng chung yi nei (我唔鍾意你)." It is highly informal and inappropriate to write in the spoken form.

One of my mum and Grandma's favourite slang is "New loo smells good for three days." Wonder what it means?

And btw someone did some researches on the Cantonese foul language and put his findings on the web. There is a page that lists all the common dirty words and provide the English translations. PM me if you want the link.

Same here.... I have those three (Win, Mac, and Linux)
but I only have Windows XP as my main OS.... (WinME to play VGS, Mac OS to design, and Linux just 4 tryout hehe) Hopes Bill Gates considers to create Cat OS that we cat could easily use... mmmeeeeooowww.... (it's not my habit to say meow but still I'm a cattt )
I've tried Windows XP Trad Chinese and got me confused I wonder if you use a Chinese WinXP....
btw... My copy of Japanese Windows XP HE was from HK...
Yup, nice guess. It is a preinstalled version that comes with my Compaq laptop. Mac OS is much better, but its greatest shortcoming is the lack of supporting software (and among those few, most have a high price). Know why I use a laptop with a touchpad instead? Kiki loathes to see me tearing the mouse into pieces every time (^_^;; ). I wonder how you handle the mouse issue. (you didn't swallow yours, did you? ). Anyway hope that whoever in the industry can release some feline-friendly models.

P.S. Lily can you play the video now? The Cat Baron is always so helpful to girls.

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by nanashi on 06.16.2005, 10:45 AM:



The japanese Maro kinda scared me as it was a guy being a woman but wen i read about the actors and so on I felt that he really suited the part...awwws
yah, he is a woman for a long time. he was very beautiful at young time. hehe. and he is singer too.


New loo smells good for three days.
->the beef of the rotting applying is tasty. (^_^)
->the good fortune comes to you, if you wait for it. ???

Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 06.16.2005, 02:20 PM:


Ok am doing so now!! Woop!! I wanna see angels!!!!
thank you (LillyKimilly)
Your welcome and how is your impression? please share it with us..

Hehe seems like the head of the Neko no Jimusho is now recruiting more cats (or more creatures that are willing to be cats). Anyway a single trip to the Cat Kingdom can already turn one into a cat. (Jiji)
Oh yes! Muta is bored with everyday life here so he try to pick some female cats in Korico i believe (watch out for U'r girl Jiji) since he bored in Juujigai too...
I've asked Toto is he would consider living as a cat... and he just simply answer that cat don't fly
Asking ev'ry1 to go to Cat Kingdom might not a bad idea hehe

You are talking like an expert of cheating (0_o). Maybe you should publish a book on this field of art. I am sure it will easily be a bestseller. (Jiji)
Then it should be an underground bestseller since I don't want any teacher to recognize this method

Cantonese is really an interesting language. But thanks to the 9 tones the only way to speak it totally correctly is to be native-born and grow up in Hong Kong. Besides, the speech is significantly different from the writing (which is based on Mandarin). There are hundreds of spoken words, expressions and phrases that no one on earth knows how to write them (thus you can never consult your Chinese dictionary for those words). Your examples are the written words that would be spoken in Mandarin instead . For "I don't love you," the proper written form is "Ngo baat ngoi nei (我不愛你)," but the spoken form can be "Ngo ng ngoi nei (我唔愛你)" or "Ngo ng chung yi nei (我唔鍾意你)." It is highly informal and inappropriate to write in the spoken form.

One of my mum and Grandma's favourite slang is "New loo smells good for three days." Wonder what it means?
ooohhh... Cantonese is very interesting (〇o〇; )
btw... Indonesian are too much adopted American such as "No food for no work...." but there's also a counter-word such as "Working or not working, eating is number one!!" strange country here....

Yup, nice guess. It is a preinstalled version that comes with my Compaq laptop. Mac OS is much better, but its greatest shortcoming is the lack of supporting software (and among those few, most have a high price). Know why I use a laptop with a touchpad instead? Kiki loathes to see me tearing the mouse into pieces every time (^_^;; ). I wonder how you handle the mouse issue. (you didn't swallow yours, did you? ). Anyway hope that whoever in the industry can release some feline-friendly models. (Jiji)
Wow... the only thing I ever hard to do is to understand the input method used in Chinese WinXP.... I don't understand bopomofo nor std-romanization....
I don't swallow my mouse although it did sometimes tempted me with its IR blinking
My notebook uses an AcuePoint instead of TouchPad coz i'm afraid my nail can scratch 'em

Mac OS is a secondary system here, the same goes for Linux.... they are still minority.... but the softwares for Mac OS is already easier to be found here since there's an increase in interest to Mac... however... all the softwares are no good than Win..... Mac OS X GUI is nice but its not that customizable as Win....

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by LillyKimilly on 06.16.2005, 04:00 PM:


it is still not working. i downloaded everything...oh well.

I think Japan get films before us even tho we are the same region. We got Spirited Away way later than other countries...but if i get a multi regional that wont be a problem...

lol i keep trying to understand the computer stuff but it goes right over my head, quite very short....

cantonese sounds cool...tho the bit about only being able 2 speak it totally correct if ur native-born isnt encouraging, lol i will persist anyway and also learn the language of kittie while i am at it...i need 2 understand my willow, she is most strange

love and warm wishes


Posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= on 06.16.2005, 11:10 PM:


it is still not working. i downloaded everything...oh well. (LillyKimilly)
Strange.... perhaps you need to restart your PC b4 playing.... lately many player software support DivX... try download the latest RealPlayer

保証はできないね。 F(^^)

Posted by Jiji on 06.17.2005, 10:21 PM:


Originally posted by Neko Danshaku =^^= Then it should be an underground bestseller since I don't want any teacher to recognize this method

So you are really gonna publish a book on cheating? I am very much looking forward to it. (^_^)

ooohhh... Cantonese is very interesting (〇o〇; )
btw... Indonesian are too much adopted American such as "No food for no work...." but there's also a counter-word such as "Working or not working, eating is number one!!" strange country here....

We also have "no money no talk," an apparent Chinglish phrase.

Wow... the only thing I ever hard to do is to understand the input method used in Chinese WinXP.... I don't understand bopomofo nor std-romanization....
I don't swallow my mouse although it did sometimes tempted me with its IR blinking
My notebook uses an AcuePoint instead of TouchPad coz i'm afraid my nail can scratch 'em

The AcuePoint is too tiny for paws ... But anyway yours seem to be more effective than mine .

And no, it is not common (for HKers) to enter roman pronunciations for inputting traditional Chinese as there are too many homophones. For Cantonese, you can easily get over 20 words for the same romanization. So we use Changjei, a highly troublesome method instead. People have to take special courses to learn to split the Chinese characters into parts, and each of them is connected to a key. Say, the word "炎" is consisted of two "火." As "火" is connected to "F" (don't ask me why...), you have to enter two Fs [火火] to get the word. Of course, 99% of the words aren't that simple (eg you have to enter HLJBV [竹中十月女] to get 齉, the word of "stuffy nose that makes funny sound". In short typing Chinese is essentially a nightmare. I think one of the reasons that can account for the better English standard of the HKers is that they are too reluctant to type in Chinese and use English instead (^_^;; ).

In Mainland China, however, their Mandarin input system is effective enough to eliminate the trouble of homophones (with a built-in AI and a self-learning dictionary, it can give out correct words most of the time). No special training is required. Therefore it is less of a hassle for them to type in Chinese.

Mac OS is a secondary system here, the same goes for Linux.... they are still minority.... but the softwares for Mac OS is already easier to be found here since there's an increase in interest to Mac... however... all the softwares are no good than Win..... Mac OS X GUI is nice but its not that customizable as Win....

For me, there are just too few freewares and sharewares for the Mac OS. Windows is good for its high flexibility in customization, but its system resource consumption is terribly great.

Originally posted by LillyKimilly
it is still not working. i downloaded everything...oh well.

Umm... that's weird. Are you using Win2K or XP? And can you find something called DivX player in "Start>Program files"? If not, try to download the program and install again. You can get it through the first link. The "DivX Play Bundle only (Windows 2K/XP)" is okay enough. After you have finished the installation, get to the the second link. Do not left click on "Download On_Your_Mark_(OG_DivX5).avi." Instead, right click on it and select "Save target as..." When the download have finished, open the file with DivX player, and voila! (^_^)

I think Japan get films before us even tho we are the same region. We got Spirited Away way later than other countries...but if i get a multi regional that wont be a problem...

Yup, after all Ghibli is a Japanese studio. All the movies are released in Japan first, so are their DVDs. Usually, HK and Taiwan are the next, then the US, and finally Europe and Australia.

cantonese sounds cool...tho the bit about only being able 2 speak it totally correct if ur native-born isnt encouraging, lol i will persist anyway and also learn the language of kittie while i am at it...i need 2 understand my willow, she is most strange

Well, even youngsters at my age are being criticized by the so-called experts for not speaking Cantonese correctly enough (for having the so-called "lazy pronunciations." ). To me, the underlying meaning of learning a language is to be able to communicate with the others, instead of showing off yourself as a grammarian or a linguist. So as long as people can understand what you say, you need not concern too much about being 100% correct (^_^). Anyway as you probably know, HK is a former commonwealth. Quite a few British ministers stayed even after the hand-over. They use English in all their official speeches, but their Cantonese is pretty good even if the tones are not 100% correct.

Originally posted by nanashi
New loo smells good for three days
->the beef of the rotting applying is tasty. (^_^)
->the good fortune comes to you, if you wait for it. ???

Hehe interesting guesses. Actually it means the sheer interest and affection towards new stuff, that can easily fade away in a very short period of time. Like all other Cantonese slang, its origin can be dated back to hundreds or even thousands of years. During the ancient times there are only a few loos in a village, and their designs are very primitive, just a large big hole with a little hut on it. People "did their work" in the hut and the droppings would fall into the hole. The droppings were not removed until the bacteria do their work to turn them (or part of them) into organic fertilizers. So loos were very smelly at that time. When a new loo was built, there were no droppings in the big hole underneath, thus no awful smell, and everyone in the village would rush to it to do their daily business. But in a few days, with sufficient amount of "stuff," the new loo would be as smelly as the old ones.

An example of "new loo smells good for three days":

Lazy Father is becoming fatter and fatter, and Fatty Mother forces him to get out and do some exercises. Eventually Lazy Father buys an indoor magnetic bike so that he can exercise at home. As soon as he has finished assembling the bike, Fatty Mother claims that she needs to exercise to make her slimmer, and fight with Lazy Father for trying the bike. At the same time, naughty son returns home from school, claiming that the sports teacher has urged him to do more exercises, and joins the fight.

After three days, the whole family lies on a sofa, watching TV and eating peanuts. Fatty Mother pesters Lazy Father again for exercises, but he says he is too tired from work. Naughty son asks his mother about her slimming exercises, and gets a reply of "do your homework or exercise now!" Having no interest in trying the bike again, he gets out of the house and "do homework" with his fellow friends in the street.

In a few months, the bike is already covered in a thick layer of dust. Grandma visits the family. Upon seeing the dusty bike, she sighs, "new loo smells good for three days."

Wanna try another slang? How about "Pull down your pants to break wind"?

My light novel review blog: ラノなの!@

Posted by nanashi on 06.18.2005, 01:40 AM:


wow! i thought that "new loo" is "牛肉".
such as "青椒牛肉絲'.

Posted by LillyKimilly on 06.19.2005, 04:46 PM:


Wanna try another slang? How about "Pull down your pants to break wind"? (jiji) oooook......*looks around scared*

yay i got it working!! the video is cute!!! sweet angel with cute wings which i want!!!!!!

Well, even youngsters at my age are being criticized by the so-called experts for not speaking Cantonese correctly enough (for having the so-called "lazy pronunciations." ). To me, the underlying meaning of learning a language is to be able to communicate with the others, instead of showing off yourself as a grammarian or a linguist. So as long as people can understand what you say, you need not concern too much about being 100% correct (^_^). Anyway as you probably know, HK is a former commonwealth. Quite a few British ministers stayed even after the hand-over. They use English in all their official speeches, but their Cantonese is pretty good even if the tones are not 100% correct (jiji)

teehee my friends are always correcting me on my grammer and pronounciation for english!! It gets strange when you travel to a different part of england and you cant understand someone talking english just because of thier accent.....
ive ordered grave of the fireflies and howls moving castle ( book) from amazon woop! very cheep 2!!!

love you all
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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