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Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.16.2006, 09:46 AM:


mpw, how do you make em so quick? i make like one a week in a good month! it takes me about an hour to make one, then another week or 2 or 3 before i make another one lol

hey, mpw, ill hit ya up on a challenge, make one thats just got 2pac in it, i wanna see that. it'd be different from the ones im used to seeing, actaully, all sigs on this forum are different to ones on other forums lol. i think every forum has its own style of sigs or something.


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.16.2006, 04:30 PM:


Originally posted by Sunchaser
Well, I went to the site, and I browsed for the siggy picture, and then I clicked upload...but there weren't any links....??? it's weird...

Did you get the pic off your hard drive? You can only upload pics of a certain size, maybe your one was too big? Try again with a really small pic. Did you click the Host It! button? When you click Host It!, it takes a minute then takes you to another page with the links on it. If it doesn't work, tell me what exactly happens after you press Host It!, where does it take you?


Posted by mpw3d on 06.16.2006, 06:42 PM:


soz shiawase im afrid im can't make the wings more like u want i get to a level of images and then i just can't seem to further :< its strange in a way.......

I-B4-E THUG i'll do a 2pac sig as soon as possible but lately im just preparing for a coll interview thats comin up..

and ive probably said it twice all ready lol but everyone can use them sigs of they like!!!!


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.17.2006, 06:26 PM:


Originally posted by mpw3d
and ive probably said it twice all ready lol but everyone can use them sigs of they like!!!!

Cheers mpw3d! I've used your Spirited Away one on another forum, not 'cos I go on it, (I did once to find out one little bit of info, before I found this place, and they were all b*st*rds!! ), but I thought more people deserved to see your sterling work!! I wrote on my sig that it was made by you, so that's some free publicity for you!!


Posted by shiawase on 06.18.2006, 01:59 AM:


thanks anyways


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by mpw3d on 06.18.2006, 05:46 AM:


there you go I-B4-E THUG i tried a 2pac sig:

i couldn't really think of much colours i could add to go with the pics so i just did 2 kinds of grey and just blend the pictures into the colour.... hope u enjoy


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.18.2006, 08:31 AM:


cheers man, it's pretty good. it is different to the ones i see on 2pac forums, but i like it. & i sed every forums sigs have a different style. it's good tho, ima use it under the other one. It's good enough to replace Kool G Rap's lyrics lol

cheers for this one, got some real talent in it lol

Posted by ting on 06.18.2006, 09:05 AM:


i like your "Grave of the fire flies" so much! the colours match match with the feeling of the sadness and the fire flies very well. i will use it as my sign but i have to wait until i am back to hongkong as i can't go to the website at school. it is a bit sad that i can't upload it immediately!
all your signs are really really good! i could never do anything like that! Well done!

Posted by Sunchaser on 06.18.2006, 03:22 PM:



Okay, this is exactly what I did. I right clicked on one of mpw3d's signatures, and clicked the save pic as button...then i saved it...blah blah. Then I went to the link you provided me, and there was a button on the page that said browse. So I clicked that button and selected the siggy picture. Then I clicked host it. I waited for the page to load and when it did, all that came up was the original page without anything in the "browse" box. So it was the exact same page the link led me to, and there were no links.....

btw, thanks 4 being so helpful..


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by mpw3d on 06.18.2006, 03:54 PM:


did u try uploading the picture again through the browser??


Posted by Phyrra on 06.18.2006, 04:01 PM:


Ok, Sunchaser. I've hosted the mononoke sig, and here's the link to the image shack hotlinks list...

Following that link will take you to a page where you can copy and paste the Monoke sig's hotlink into your signature...

hope it works

EDIT: I have a feeling this isn't going to work...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by mpw3d on 06.18.2006, 05:35 PM:


there u go Sunchaser i made a mononoke sig for ya with the san with blood round her mouth lol


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.18.2006, 07:38 PM:


mpw, would love to see a sig of this pic, obviously with your own inimitable style included! Just like the ones you've been making on this thread would be great!! Ta muchly from all on this forum!! Lovin' your work dude!!
By the end of this thread, everyone will have 20ft long sigs!! LOL!!

Also, if you're bored, or have a bit of spare time, could you make me one of The Joker? Dunno if the style ur using at the mo will work with Joker, but I'll leave the artistic decisions up to you!! His colours are purple, bright green and black, the 'Ha Ha Ha' pic is my FAVE, and as there are SO many pics of him on the net, I thought I'd give you my faves to save you some time!! I'm sure you can't possibly use them all, just make sure the Ha Ha Ha one and the bottom portrait style one are in there, the rest is up to you!! Don't bother putting my user name in it though!! I'm sure you'll do The Clown Prince Of Crime justice!! THANKS DUDE!!


Posted by Sunchaser on 06.18.2006, 10:52 PM:


Okay...thank you sooo much mpw3d!!! I love the sig you made's really awesome! Thank you!!!!

Phyrra, the link did work, and I thank you soo much! Can ask you for one more favor? So mpw3d made another sig for me, it's posted on the thread, you'll see it, could you maybe host that one and give me the link? Then you can just delete the picture off your hard drive if you don't want it...

Thanks soooo much both of you..and SpiritedSen too of course!


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by Sunchaser on 06.18.2006, 10:56 PM:


Hee Hee! Double post! Sry!

So yeah, Phyrra, I actually managed to make it work this time...Apparently I forgot to resize the image so it got a little retarded..Thank you for all your help!!

Thank you mpw3d for the wonderful signatures..and thank you SpiritedSen for helping me before!!!

Basically, thank you guys all!!! hee hee okay i'm done.


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by mpw3d on 06.19.2006, 07:00 AM:


there you go SpiritedSen since u gave me so many joker pics i managed to create more then 1 for u so u have more to choose from lol:

joker 1:

joker 2:

joker 3:

lol the 3rd joker one is my fav but hope u like them


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 06.19.2006, 07:16 AM:


yo man, u gotta tell us yo secret. i wanna no how ya do em so quick & so good! & another qusetion: do you do any other kind of art? (drawing, oainting, photography, sculpture, poetry, songs, stories etc) ?
I see you as a fellow artist, full of talent waiting to be released into the world, so when I get hailed as the next 2pac, best writer since Roald Dahl, best poet of all time, best painter since Van Gogh & best scetch artist ever, I"ll mention your name lol. but nah, from one artist to another, how o you do them so quick & skilfully?

cheers man

Posted by mpw3d on 06.19.2006, 07:37 AM:


well.... i've been doin multimedia ofr about 3-4 years now and i use adobe photoshop everyday just about so i get loads of paractise in and most of the time u can get all new brushes for photoshop so it's mostly all about selecting the right brush and adding it to the signiture and and adding the right colour.

I also draw Anime/Manga. Ive been drawing for about 6 years now. I also do digital art on photoshop:

latest work:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>

but i dont draw or paint really or do anything like van gogh cause it's just not muy style of art but i'm able to do webdesign and all sorts on a pc so im pretty contempted with it.

one other thing about doing art on paper and pc is "time" and being able to to just sit there and consentrate on what your doin and how long it'll going to take....

my photography on the other hand as well is pretty basic stuff but i go for simple images and then edit them but i can other shots of other places but i like to edit pictures so i just photograph whatever i can... lol

soz can't really think of anymore that i do at the moment but this is afew of what i do so far and when i can think of more stuff i'll carry on the message thing lol XDDDD


Posted by mpw3d on 06.19.2006, 07:38 AM:


soz i added the wrong link earlier lol


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.19.2006, 07:45 AM: are a freaking genius!!
They are so good, don't know how I'm gonna choose which one to use!! Thugs right, you really are a prolific little sig maker...and we all love ya for it dude!!


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