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Posted by HannahSan on 07.20.2006, 07:17 PM:


I'd wish that I could run really fast - I woudn't have to drive, which means that i wouldn't have to fail that driving test i have coming!!!!! stupid test! i've always hated the term "horsepower"


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Posted by Sunchaser on 07.20.2006, 09:02 PM:


Originally posted by HannahSan
I'd wish that I could run really fast - I woudn't have to drive, which means that i wouldn't have to fail that driving test i have coming!!!!! stupid test! i've always hated the term "horsepower"

That's cool...but there would be one problem. If you were going to run that fast, you would need a lot of your running very fast power, would lead us to having a power where you have unlimited energy...or something like that....lolz.


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Posted by Andy Dainty on 07.21.2006, 08:05 AM:

After reading the Comic Watchmen (I have recently become a hugh Alan Moore fan as you can possibly tell from some of my other posts) I would like to have the power to manipulate atoms. I would then be able to make food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, all out of nothing whilst at the same time I would be able to make my body lighter than air so that I would be able to swim through the sky!

Regarding the mind reading, I think a slight level of curiosity is healthy in all of us - that's how we learn - and the fact that you have already set a limit on youself is very responsible. However all I remember is a film called Scanners by David Lynch in which people are able to mindread but before they learn to control their powers they hear everybodies thoughts at the same time and it drives them crazy. That would be my only concern with having that power. How do you control it - what if you ill and you don't have the power to control it? Just when you need the rest you will be gettting all this internal noise preventing you from getting better.

Sorry for being so logical - I realise this is just a hypothetic situation.

Posted by aviator on 07.22.2006, 12:09 AM:


Time travel !!!


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