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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 06.07.2009, 10:31 AM:


Wait, Roar, by stating there's others here who are fit for the circus... You're pointing the finger at me, aren't you? -__-;;

Posted by bmn on 06.07.2009, 10:50 AM:


Posted by oldwrench on 06.07.2009, 12:00 PM:


Everyone in the world is crazy, except you and me........ and sometimes I wonder about you. (Old saying my grandma taught me. )

Well, goodbye then bmn, hope you have fun, cause it'll be your last chance to.

Where was it you said I was going? And what am I doing in this hand basket??

Posted by Roarkiller on 06.08.2009, 09:44 AM:


Originally posted by foreignfilmfreak
Wait, Roar, by stating there's others here who are fit for the circus... You're pointing the finger at me, aren't you? -__-;;

Frankly, dear, I can't even imagine you enjoying the circus, much less be in it. Except Circus Del Sol, because they're cool No, you're not it.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by husky51 on 06.08.2009, 11:12 AM:


hmmmm, Miyrru, Miyrru ....sounds familiar, somehow ....must have read some stuff of his long, lo-o-o-o-ng ago.... (he he he)

What! Asylum! ME!.... No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!
Just for hanging out in here? That's why I'm nuts...or you're all nuts... or something is nuts....hmm, nutty!

Aha, Nestle's Crunch... nutty AND nutritional... chocolate...yeah.

sigh, young people... lol


Posted by Orphic Okapi on 06.09.2009, 11:21 AM:


I think you all were taking him a tad too seriously.

I like tea!

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 06.09.2009, 11:38 AM:


This whole thread is crazy :')

bmn either:
a) You are seriously thinking about comitting suicide and if so you should be talking to a councillor not asking for tips on a anime forum?
b) You're trying to be funny. Haha, nice joke :|
c) You're taking the piss.

If its b or c just leave the forum to be honest because I don't find pretending to be suicidal big or clever. Or even vaguely funny.

Same goes for your thread asking where babies come from. Any person who can find, sign up for and find their way around an anime forum (espescially an obscure one such as this) cleaaarly knows where babies come from. So please stop creating these threads so you can take advantage of and insult the lovely and kind members we have on here.

I'm sorry i'm probably putting this bluntly, and who knows you may truly not know where babies come from (SEX.) or are suicidal but I just find it very hard to believe. So stop taking the piss. Thanks.

Have a lovely day

Posted by husky51 on 06.09.2009, 01:48 PM:


hahaha, jus' funning with the Roar, Orphic

well said, NC...


Posted by DreamSequencer on 06.09.2009, 05:40 PM:


Originally posted by bmn
I'm looking for suggestions on quick and painless ways to commit suicide? OK?

Here's one!


Posted by arren18 on 06.09.2009, 05:57 PM:


Can we have this thread locked? It's safe to say it's become pretty ridiculous.


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