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Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 07.14.2006, 10:21 PM:


allright, who likes rap? i can never ask that question enough times

random stuff i feal like saying:
i hate school
my dogs getting old
2pac rulez
i gotta new sig
happy christmas
i havnt been here for to long so cheers yall

im happy 8] i let out all the random in me

Posted by IluvHowl06 on 07.19.2006, 06:25 PM:


I' have heard rap, and thought it is not my type of music, it is a unique type of music.


Posted by IluvHowl06 on 07.20.2006, 06:49 PM:


When I am bored, I just daydream (that was pretty dumb) duh! i like to play volley ball too


Posted by Sunchaser on 07.20.2006, 08:37 PM:


ooooh! i luv's so fun!


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by aviator on 07.22.2006, 01:05 AM:


I have a very hard time standing still so I don't get bored very often, but when I do it's interesting to take time out and just let the toughts run in front of you, seems like you have more time to make sense of things during those times.

By the way Sunchaser, what'd you think of my boring jokes?!!! When I read Spiritedsen's, my first reaction was , but then I went , but then a little bit more of (I just love these funny faces!)


Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.22.2006, 11:22 AM:


Originally posted by aviator
By the way Sunchaser, what'd you think of my boring jokes?!!! When I read Spiritedsen's, my first reaction was , but then I went , but then a little bit more of (I just love these funny faces!)

Dude, do you mean the one I put on the jokes thread? I know it's gross, but it does grow on you!! And to be honest, that's one of the cleanest jokes that I know!! When you tell it to people, they always says it's nasty, but it is while they're laughing!!

I have one about a aeroplane (kinda)...

A plane has losts it's engines and is hurtling towards the earth. Knowing that certain death is immenent, the air hostess runs into the cockpit, straddles the pilot, rips open her shirt, and says "Make me feel like a woman one last time!" At this, the pilot rips off his shirt, throws it at the stewardess and says "OK then...iron this for me!!"

Funny huh??


Posted by nanafan on 07.22.2006, 11:39 AM:


lol that's an interesting joke.. when i am bored i usually stare off into space if i am at


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.01.2006, 08:00 AM:


Originally posted by SpiritedSen

I have one about a aeroplane (kinda)...

A plane has losts it's engines and is hurtling towards the earth. Knowing that certain death is immenent, the air hostess runs into the cockpit, straddles the pilot, rips open her shirt, and says "Make me feel like a woman one last time!" At this, the pilot rips off his shirt, throws it at the stewardess and says "OK then...iron this for me!!"

Funny huh??


hey, does any1 know where Fadooka is? i was just wondering cuz Fadooka students came to our school & are hear for 10 days


Posted by kittycatjess on 08.01.2006, 08:05 AM:


no idea sorry


Posted by Pendragon on 08.01.2006, 09:38 AM:


While I'm bored, I usually think of Howl's Moving Castle, Totoro, Spirited Away and Tales from Earthsea(oh I do want to watch it so much )


Howl avatar made by ushitora Thanks!

Posted by nanafan on 08.01.2006, 06:59 PM:


when i am bored i read or i want my lappy back makes me more bored than before.


Posted by Phyrra on 08.03.2006, 02:03 PM:


Originally posted by I-B4-E THUG
hey, does any1 know where Fadooka is? i was just wondering cuz Fadooka students came to our school & are hear for 10 days


Fadooka? There's no such word... search for it in google, and there are no results!!

I've just got back from holiday, and if I was ever bored there, I would look into the sea... it was so beautiful


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by SpiritedSen on 08.03.2006, 03:14 PM:


Originally posted by I-B4-E THUG
hey, does any1 know where Fadooka is? i was just wondering cuz Fadooka students came to our school & are hear for 10 days

As Phyrra says, it doesn't exist! I tried lots of different spellings too, and no joy! If they are there for 10 days, why don't you ask them? Please ask them, I dying to know were they're from!


Posted by nanafan on 08.03.2006, 04:33 PM:


yeah that's an interesting place i don't think i could say hi i am from fadooka with a straight face


Posted by Roarkiller on 08.03.2006, 10:18 PM:


Originally posted by nanafan
yeah that's an interesting place i don't think i could say hi i am from fadooka with a straight face

Personally, don't see what's wrong with it.

And I think you got the spelling or the place wrong. Search gave me naught.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Phyrra on 08.04.2006, 06:21 AM:


hehe, actually, I don't think I could convince someone I was from fadooka without laughing... it just sounds completely ridiculous...

...are you being serious Thug? Or are you having a laugh?

I'm bored after spending ages on the phone to NTL and talktalk customer support... Only to find it was their fault all along...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by nanafan on 08.04.2006, 11:44 AM:


dumb question where did the save a horse ride a cowboy phrase come from??


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.07.2006, 11:17 PM:


2 argument/discussions to start here:

1. i feal the dropping of hiroshima was essential to stopping the war but they didnt have to drop on Japan, all they had to do was prove they could drop it

2. 1st person shooters are better thasn RPG's lol
Role playing games - you see the character.
1st person shooters - you are the character. **** role playing, do it yourself lol. & 1st person shooters also feal more intense, i mean you can really get into the game, especially id software games cuz they always have good story lines & even often have twists!


Posted by Sunchaser on 10.07.2006, 12:02 AM:


Ok, I am reviving this long lost thread...LOL

So what's going on with everybody? I haven't been on for quite a while ssince school started and I feel so out of the loop. Hehe..

Anyways, I am bored, really bored. I should be getting to sleep now, but I dont feel like it...So has everybody started school yet? I know, it's Autumn over here, but maybe it's Spring somewhere else? Hmm...equinoxes...I got a bad grade on my big Science test today...78% and I studied too. Oh well...too late to change anything now. Math class sucks too...You can probably tell I dont like school that much huh? Oh I have swimming tomorrow. I swim every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday...for an hour and a half...I get so tired...but it's fun! LOL, I'm really bored...I feel lonely too. La la la la la...

Well, I'd better go now! Sry for taking up space and blabbing...I noticed that I use ellipsises a lot, or however you spell that...see? There's another one. For those of you who dont know, and ellipsis is the three dots at the end of a sentence...I think...LOL

Luvs, Sunny!


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by Loscil on 10.07.2006, 05:06 AM:


RPGs are just as good as FIrst Person shooters...
especially online RPGS!!

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