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Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.07.2006, 01:39 AM:


howell, this suicide thing sort of worrying. my poems are violent sometimes but never really suicidal. lol, i mean absalutely no offence here, but your as fucked up as i am lol. cheers though, it was a good short story. i thank you as well, youve suddenly got me into (thinking about) writing short stories. The 1st one i ever write will be posted here & dedicated to you. & also the useage of names in your writing makes the poem seem more personal & emotional.


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 08.07.2006, 05:40 AM:


hey, no offence taken. i am kinda mesed up aren't i. I don't really know why but i find it easier to write about death, breakups and the sort, mainly because i'm down and depressed. Cheers for dedicating one to me nobodies done anything like that before. all of my short stories or poems are all to do with me somehow, they're generally about what will happen in the future but some are what's happened already.

Posted by Feel_the_Light on 08.07.2006, 07:07 AM:


this is my first romantic short story, i think it's to soppy but hey enjoy.
The ocean seems so calm and peaceful as the moon’s pale light is reflected of its shimmering surface. I’ve always had an infatuation with the ocean, I don’t really know why, maybe it’s the colour or the sound, or maybe it’s calm, serene presence helps me forget my worries and sort out my mind, who knows. Tonight’s no different from last night or any other night this week, I’m perched on my terrace roof staring out at the tranquility before me, trying to escape my feelings and emotions. My best friend’s inside sleeping, but I’m not, how can I when I’m in love with him? I’ve got strong feelings for him, stronger than any other emotion I’ve experienced and it scares me to think of what I might do to our friendship if I admit my feelings.
So each night I sit up on my terrace roof and gaze out hypnotically at the ocean, let my worries dissolve with each crash of a wave.
//Since when have I had such strong feeling for him?// I thought silently.
My attention turned to the house, inside there was a soft rustling, he was awake, probably looking for me.
“Dar you here?” he voice was laden with sleep.
“Yeah mate up here.” I called as he padded out to the terrace and climbed the ladder.
“Oh wow, I knew the view was good, but not this good.” He exclaimed looking out to the ocean.
“Yeah it’s beautiful.” I replied as he sat down next to me.
“So what are you dong here?” he asked quirking an eyebrow.
“I come here when I want to be alone, really alone. When I want to think about something, this is the best place for it.”
“Do you want me to leave?” he asked.
“No, I…I want to tell you something.” My stomach lurched as I said this, I was afraid of his reaction, but he had a right to know.
“Okay, shoot.” He turned to face me.
“It’s…ummm…I…” I was finding it hard to speak.
“Come… tell me… I am here for you.”
“Promise me you won’t laugh…or hate me?” I whispered.
“I promise.”
“I don’t know… maybe it is a problem… maybe it is something good…”
“Just tell me, Darren…”
I took a deep breathe “I don’t know how to say it…”
“Just say it. I am here.”
“I fell in love with my best friend…” I closed my eyes as I whispered it.
He stared into the distance. Then he turned his head to me.
“I love you, too…” he said softly.
I looked at him, my dark eyes full of insecurity. “No…”
Daniel smiled. “Yes.”
Daniel took my face between his hands. “Shhh…”
A long, tender kiss. “Yes.”
Another kiss. “I love you.”
I pulled him towards me, hugging him tightly as tears silently caressed my cheek.
Pulling back he looked at me. “I’ve loved you since the moment we met, but never thought you felt the same?”
I wiped some of the tears away. “Me too Dan, me too.”
He pulled me in for another hug the kissed another tear from my face. “Please don’t cry Daz…look.”
The first rays of the sun, crept up past the horizon, sunrise.
“I love you Dan.” I said snuggling closer.
“I love you to Dar.” He replied rapping me in his arms.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.07.2006, 11:27 PM:


Originally posted by Howell
hey, no offence taken. i am kinda mesed up aren't i. I don't really know why but i find it easier to write about death, breakups and the sort, mainly because i'm down and depressed. Cheers for dedicating one to me nobodies done anything like that before. all of my short stories or poems are all to do with me somehow, they're generally about what will happen in the future but some are what's happened already.

i also write when im depressed, or angry. poems written in a happy mood usually come out sounding like those stupid ones you learnt as a kid in primary school lol. & most poems writen ever where about the author or how the author was fealing lol.

& i gotta get the short story written first lol, im just experimenting with a couple if ideas 1st.

& nice story,lol it was a soppy for me but im a hard edged bastard lol


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.07.2006, 11:33 PM:


Thinking Lots of Things

Lately I been thinking bout quite a lot of things it seams
Happy only half the time, while I’m getting fucked up dreams
Can’t stop inner thoughts of my subconscious getting out
So I’ve been thinking about them, & wondering what there about
Some are thoughts of darkness, sadness, depression of a kind
I wonder what I’m sad about, what I have regret for in my mind
I wonder why I’m also happy, cheerful but only for so long
Maybe because nothing lasts, or maybe because happiness is wrong?
Why am I so mad at people, especially the ones I love?
Perhaps it’s because they hurt they most, when they push & shove
Or those people I dream about have fantasies to no end
Will not admit any feelings for others, first there are mental scars to mend
I wonder why there are so many people I don’t trust
Perhaps that’s why I hate other people, untrustworthy & unjust
I wonder why my thoughts do vary on a minute to minute scale
From happy, to sad, to regretful until my anger come hitting like hail
Why are my dreams so fucked up I ask every morning
Maybe because in them the reality of my thinking is daunting
I need dreams to unlock my own secrets & repressions
That is why I hate dreams; I must confront myself, my own confessions
Why do certain things affect me certain ways? Like the music I can’t turn down
The book I can’t stop reading & the movie in which I’ve memorized every sound
I often think along the lines of “I hate him/her so much”
I wonder why these people shudder at my voice & touch
I wonder too many things to explain them in great detail
Although overall I feel like a train, long ago went off the rails
& I often wonder where I took the wrong road & where it’s taking me
I think I want to be sinless, but that is but thinking hopefully

a poem i didnt write while drunk, angry or depressed! lol


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 08.08.2006, 03:58 AM:


Thug that's an excellent poem, you've just summed up my life, in a scary sort of way and i'm actually really greatul, i needed something to relate to and bingo, you've done that for me. So cheers mate.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.08.2006, 08:15 AM:


Dedicated to Howell (thats the stories actuall name)

She sat with her hand in her pocket, & the smell of burnt cloth & flesh around her. On her other hand the skin just under her thumb was scared from molten skin & her palm showed more recent burns, the scar tissue still pink & fleshy. Broken glass covered the floor in front of her, as she lay down in the charcoal & ash covered corner. The house was nothing but burnt wood when I arrived; it had had an arson attack on it 2 weeks ago. The girl was the most beautiful I had ever seen, even with her burnt & scared fingers and arms, and the long scar running from her wrist to the inside of her elbow. Her black hair tangled its way down to her waste, not being brushed for years. She was dirty, ash covered her from head to toe, the result of sleeping in a burnt down house. I had walked in to see what it looked like, before I saw her. She looked at me for a while & then took her hand out of her pocket & stood up. Her hand was burnt beneath the thumb, just like on the other palm but this had only just happened. I watched her in amazement before asking “Are you all right?” She just looked at me, for a while, & said nothing. Eventually she walked over to me & said in a quiet, calming voice “go.”
“Why? What’s wrong?” I wanted to know her, but she was elusive. Even her eyes didn’t reveal anything. She eventually sighed & sat down, rubbing ash on her arms. “I need this place to myself” She said as she pulled out a lighter, & held it under her thumb. I was horrified, “You’ll burn yourself!” I yelled & was about to pull the lighter off of her but her smile stopped me. “You burnt down this house didn’t you!” I gasped, but I wanted to laugh. She just kept smiling, as if reliving a happy memory. “Yes” she whispered, pulling the lighter away from her thumb & blowing softly on it. “Why?” I asked, thinking. “We’ve all considered doing it, but just because the place has been abondanned for 50 years doesn’t mean you should!” She was astonished, & looked at me. “I know you” she said, as if accusing me. “You laughed & cried as you watched this place burn. You stole petrol & threw it on to keep it alight for just that longer. You love the fire just as much as me”
“How do you know that?” I whispered, admiring her, her beauty & wisdom, knowledge & ability stunning me. “How do I know you?” I whispered even lower, afraid of killing the delicacy being shared.
“We’re two of a kind” She whispered, drawing her face closer to mine, & kissed me. I have had girlfriends before but that kiss we shared was more beautiful & fulfilling than anything I’d ever done with a girl. “Stay with me tonight, we can share the ash, & the charcoal, & the fire. But we can have each other” She whispered in my ear, kissed me some more. We did have each other that night. It was the most amazing thin I’d ever experienced, I’ll never love another like her.
I meet her again, sometimes. When a house in my neighborhood burns down, or a house I wanted to die & rot burnt down, I knew she was there for me. We only met on subsequent occasions, but she knew me better than I did. I will never love another. I spend all my days looking for her. I always keep a lighter next to my bed & hope I can catch her, but she takes it. If anything just to show she’s still with me. Everyone thinks I am strange & wonder why I buy a new lighter everyday, but that doesn’t matter, as long as she takes them. I miss her, & she misses me, but she will never love me as much as I love her, or as much as she loves the fire.

this is a 1st, named after howell cuz she got me to realize the potential for expression short stories have.
& since its a 1st, i hope it's good enough, im not really sure i know what im doing.


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 08.08.2006, 08:23 AM:


For a first Thug that was really good. might i ask what you were feeling when you wrote, if you don't want to say in the thread then pm me kay'. For short stories i tend to write what ever feelings i have and put them into sentances or phrases that make sense. Congats again Thug.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.09.2006, 02:28 AM:


i was fealing this wied sort of depression that i 1st felt when i got into speed, even though ive quit that fealing still stays with me, & occurs regularly: everynight in between 9:30 & 10:30. im still trying to figure out what it means, but so far alls i figured out is alcohol dosnt get rid of it lol


Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.12.2006, 12:54 AM:


^^^^^^^^^^^^that sez BGbad if ya cant see it

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.13.2006, 09:41 AM:


^^and i dunno where all the pink on the picture came from, i think it was from the scanne doin a shitty scan or something


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 08.14.2006, 09:56 AM:


Thug those are pretty cool drawings mate should keep it up.
here's one i drew about our or so months ago.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.14.2006, 10:08 AM:


thanks Howell

& nice pic, i like the shading


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 08.14.2006, 10:13 AM:


No probs mae here's another, personally i don't really like my drawings but that's just me.

Posted by SpiritedSen on 08.14.2006, 10:15 AM:


Originally posted by Howell
Thug those are pretty cool drawings mate should keep it up.
here's one i drew about our or so months ago.

Who is Daniel Jones?? I only ask because that is nearly my name...but with Danielle instead of Daniel!! What are the chances, eh??


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 08.14.2006, 10:16 AM:


member of Savage Garden took a fancy for drawing him so i drew. how are you today SS?

Posted by SpiritedSen on 08.14.2006, 10:22 AM:


Originally posted by Howell
how are you today SS?

Cheers for asking Howell!! I'm pretty cool...been buying loads of sweet Jenson Button stuff off eBay!! Just got a DVD-Rewriter, so I'm having loads of fun with that, and am generally a pretty happy bunny!!
And you?


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 08.14.2006, 10:34 AM:


You're really happy that he won aren't you.
I'm alright being a lazy bugger, just sittin' at the computer surfin' the net while listenin' to ColdPlay. probably should tidy me room soon though, countin' the days till my b-day.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 08.14.2006, 10:36 AM:


Jensen Button is like for you what 2pac is to me lol


Posted by SpiritedSen on 08.14.2006, 10:40 AM:


Originally posted by Howell
You're really happy that he won aren't you.
I'm alright being a lazy bugger, just sittin' at the

countin' the days till my b-day.

Dude, I am SOOOOO happy that he won!! I've supported him for nearly 3 years, and he drove 113 races before this first win! Plus (and this is really girly!), I am totally in love with him!!*blushes*!!!! He so deserved the's been a long time coming, and when he won, I screamed so much that I got a sore throat!! GO JENSON!!

When's your birthday dude?


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