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Posted by Roarkiller on 07.13.2010, 10:47 AM:


Just my own

Well no, because I don't believe in playing Follow The Leader, and just because there's a huge group doing what you yourself believe is right doesn't mean I have to join it. Like the Go Green movement, I'm already doing my part in reducing waste and what not, but I won't join a group that would actively try and reach out to people. I'd much prefer doing things my own way, you know, telling off-handedly about what I believe, have a little discussion, and if either party leaves with a better mindset or opinion, so much the better. If not, well, we all have our own opinions.

In fact, that last part is the main reason why you will never catch me in a demonstration or whatnot.

How would you design your dream bedroom, using your current bedroom's space?

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by jakey on 07.13.2010, 11:03 AM:


LOL i used to live in a pub. i had one room, it had a sink in it, and a mirror. its not my current bedroom, but still my faverite. Inside i had a quee sized bed, a 32" tv and an X-box, bed and console in the cetntre, the sink to te left of the tv, the door on the wall 90 degrees from the sink, a mini clothes rack further from the door, and my wardrobe (aka my "bgb" (big green bag of basics) next to the tv/on my mini clothesline. i had a HUGE balcony, and i had to share the shower with 1 other person (which was cool becuase when i had my own apartment i had 3 roomates to share it with).
It was AWESOME (in hinsight only though lol the noise was the downpoint. I suppose, thats what i get for living above a pub). The other benefit, to get to work, meant running downstairs. I was only terribly late once, and the manager came up to wake me (he wanted to knock on my door but it was always open becuase of the heat) and he ended up having to help me stand once i got out of bed.

MAJOR downpoint:

possums (im not joking) used to creep around my room when i was asleep (or they though i was asleep)

who has sympathy for kangaroos?

Posted by jakey on 07.13.2010, 11:06 AM:


lol i gave one of those possums a broken leg (it was on my bed and scared the bee-jesus out of me so i hit it with my little miny toy axe i got at haloween a few years back)

Posted by Kemi on 07.15.2010, 07:31 AM:


I have! You gotta have sympathy for a kangaroo like this:

What are you going to do in your holiday?

"Go die or rock tonight, no tradeoff, there's just dead or rock!"

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.16.2010, 09:54 PM:


I have holidays?!

Lol, sorry, workload too heavy. But when I do have one (aka weekends) I just like to stay at homemostly, or just walk around town alone, or hang out with friends.

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 07.16.2010, 11:06 PM:


My legs wouldn't be disproportionately short-ish and fat-ish.

What do you value most in a friend?

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 07.17.2010, 08:33 AM:


Enthusiasm. That might sound like a weird choice, so let me explain. I like somebody who when you offer an idea of going out or doing something to, no matter how mundane the idea is, they are up for doing it and having as much fun as possible. The kind of people who ring you up just for a chat and keep in touch with the odd amusing, even if unnecessary, text. People who are just as enthusiastic about spending a day just crashed on your sofa watching the telly as they are about going to a party. Happy just to be in your company.

Pretty much the opposite of my best friend at the moment, ironically enough :|

If you could tame any wild animal and have it as your pet, what would you have? Also, as a condition, you must take this pet everywhere with you including work or to the shops.

Posted by Kemi on 07.17.2010, 01:07 PM:


A raven or crow. I like their mysterious appereances and I would love to have this kind of bird as a pet. A pet that sticks with me and helps me around I should bring it with me everywhere I go, haha..scaring people xD
Must be fun...nice question by the way

What is your favourite clothing piece?

"Go die or rock tonight, no tradeoff, there's just dead or rock!"

Posted by blackice10 on 07.18.2010, 08:32 AM:


my blue and white anime inspired dc pixie fairy's.

What did you want to be when you were younger ?


1. I am never wrong.

2. If I'm ever wrong, refer to rule 1.

Be excellent to each other

Posted by Sigy on 07.19.2010, 01:11 PM:


Lets see.. when i was very young i wanted to become sailor moon xD but yeah then i understand its impossible

then animator, then somebody who is involved with enviroment or geography; physical therapist and lastly nurse

Right now i´m in collage studying nursing ...Will be a nurse yeiiii

Whats you biggest dream?


Keep smiling!!!!

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 07.19.2010, 03:06 PM:


My biggest dream is to live abroad, Japan naturally, with an apartment in the city but a place out in the countryside near the sea also. I want to make my money and earn respect as a foreign correspondant at first, then write a novel which people will read for decades to come - something children will study at school, and will be referred to as a 'classic'.

So basically a life revolving round literature

Perhaps I dream a little big, but that's what dreams are for I suppose.

If you could be a character from ancient greek mythology who would you choose to be?

EDIT: Ohhhh, and the ultimate ultimate dream is to have something i've written to be turned into a Studio Ghibli animation. Of course

Posted by Kemi on 07.20.2010, 06:58 AM:



Because she is the godess of love and beauty.
I think *cliche I know* that beauty comes from the inside, so I would like to give everyone his beauty and to watch over the people. And I'm not gonna would be great to be a stunning beauty xD

I also think you cannot live without love, it would be a nice role if I would be the everything of all this, the godess of love and beauty.

What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

"Go die or rock tonight, no tradeoff, there's just dead or rock!"

Posted by fenkashi on 07.20.2010, 10:31 PM:


Read or make, food, a list. Anything. Lol, I don't like not doing anything. At least not until I don't have a choice about it.

Do you have a bucket list? What's on it?


Posted by blackice10 on 07.24.2010, 12:09 PM:


VERY good question but also a hard one .... Well, I have to see MaSu live. In their own country !! Go to Japan, preferably for a year, see the SG animation process for myself . . . . Meet the Queen. Marry Ken'ichi Matsuyama , erm , hi Dan I mean of course marry my boyfriend !! Make my little girl proud and lastly to leave my mark on the world by having done something amazing, with no bad blood between me and anyone

You can take 3 things onto a desert island, only one of which can be another person. What do you take ?


1. I am never wrong.

2. If I'm ever wrong, refer to rule 1.

Be excellent to each other

Posted by husky51 on 07.26.2010, 02:17 AM:


making an assumption that I am already clothed, I would like a swim mask, fins and an electronic book (forget what they are called) with about 1500 downloads with a built-in solar power panel...

What are you planning on doing with your life? goals, etc.


Posted by Kemi on 07.26.2010, 06:33 AM:


Wow, I always find this hard to answer...

My goal is to get married or live together happily. I hope it´s with my current boyfriend but you never know.

So the main goal is to get happy..

Then I would also like to have a nice parttime job in a store (cd-store would be cool!) or, my dream job...working as a journalist/reporter everywhere and know everything about the latest news...I like writing, so there might be a chance I even become an author one day, watch me!

The first steps are being made, I am going to do an education this year, in two months already, in order to become that journalist

So...that´s about it...

What is the worst song in the world? (listening to Geil by Bruce and Bongo...such a baaaad song!!)

"Go die or rock tonight, no tradeoff, there's just dead or rock!"

Posted by arren18 on 07.26.2010, 06:51 AM:


The worst song in the world is probably this: (warning: it really is terrible... and also it contains bad language )

Is there anything you intend to buy soon but don't quite have money for yet? What is it?


Posted by Orphic Okapi on 07.26.2010, 08:27 AM:


I'm sure I have enough money now, especially due to the price drop, but for a while I was saving up for a Kindle. I figure it's a good investment if I plan to do a lot of traveling, since I can carry a few years worth of reading material with me and it takes up very little space. A Kindle makes more sense for me than a Nook, because with a Nook you can't download new books internationally.

Uh . . . Do you have a favorite love song?

I like tea!

Posted by jakey on 07.28.2010, 07:40 AM:


At the moment its a toss between Slipknot - The Nameless and Pantera - Cemetary Gates

have you ever been banned from an establishment?

Posted by blackice10 on 07.28.2010, 04:31 PM:


erm, yes . . .
Both when I was very young and very stupid . . .
My brother, his friend and I got banned from the local BHS for repeatedly running in and up the 'down' escalator . . .

Also, I got banned from the crap-op in my old village for working there and letting my mates have everything at low, low prices

Both I'm not proud of, but boy did I make the most of my youth

What do you think is more important, looks or personality ?


1. I am never wrong.

2. If I'm ever wrong, refer to rule 1.

Be excellent to each other

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