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Posted by arren18 on 08.31.2019, 08:05 PM:


I don't really understand this idea that the opposite of clear genetic programming is "choice". There are plenty of things about our personalities that we don't have control over, even if there isn't a particular gene making it happen.

Also, I'd say it's pretty naive to suggest that the idea of "choice" is somehow helpful by letting people decide for themselves whether to be gay or not. After all, a lot of the people who view it as a matter of choice are religious fundamentalists seeking to force people to be heterosexual by any means necessary. It gives legitimacy to those people when somebody suggests that a person can simply stop being gay.


Posted by Kazegami on 09.04.2019, 08:50 PM:


HL: just finished the 15,000-word translation project I've been working on since June. It's DONE. Going to submit it tomorrow, and then I can graduate with my master's degree!

LL: pretty annoyed with one of my best friends. I asked him to help me proofread this thing the other night (we often look over each other's work) and he was just incredibly childish and disrespectful about it. Thankfully there was someone else I could ask, because I wasn't showing it to him again.

What makes it more difficult is I don't think he even realises he's done anything wrong. Because I couldn't, or didn't, properly show at the time how I felt.


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Posted by husky51 on 09.05.2019, 01:22 AM:


Fantastic on your project, !!!

Sorry your friend let you down...


Posted by husky51 on 09.09.2019, 01:45 PM:


I turned 73 yesterday...

I went to a little Mexican restaurant named 'Consuelos' this morning for breakfast and when I walked up to the order window to order my Chorizo Plate, I was greeted with a nice 'Happy Birthday!' Then when I went to pay for my order, I was told again, 'Happy Birthday!'... They refused my payment!!!

Quite nice of them...


Posted by Kazegami on 09.09.2019, 08:46 PM:


Belated happy birthday, Husky! Hope you had a good day. ^^

HL: went to a nice little get-together at a friend's house tonight. Plenty of food, a few drinks, games. It was good.


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Posted by husky51 on 09.10.2019, 01:59 AM:


I had a good day, thank you...


Posted by arren18 on 09.10.2019, 05:31 AM:


Happy birthday!


Posted by husky51 on 09.10.2019, 10:52 AM:


Thank you...


Posted by arren18 on 11.04.2019, 06:13 AM:


Highlight: I won the second prize in a Japanese speech contest today!


Posted by husky51 on 11.04.2019, 08:05 AM:


Originally posted by arren18
Highlight: I won the second prize in a Japanese speech contest today!



Posted by Kazegami on 11.16.2019, 10:11 PM:


I'm late but congratulations, arren! That's a great achievement. What did you speak about?

HL: finally sent away my application for the JET Programme today. Also looking at a paid internship on Awaji Island that looks really cool, definitely going to put in an application there.

LL: it's only two weeks until the JLPT exam. D: I feel unprepared. Just have to keep studying and reading as much as I can.


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Posted by husky51 on 11.16.2019, 10:42 PM:


Good luck, Kaz, and do your best...


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 11.26.2019, 08:29 AM:


Originally posted by Kazegami
I'm late but congratulations, arren! That's a great achievement. What did you speak about?

HL: finally sent away my application for the JET Programme today. Also looking at a paid internship on Awaji Island that looks really cool, definitely going to put in an application there.

LL: it's only two weeks until the JLPT exam. D: I feel unprepared. Just have to keep studying and reading as much as I can.

Oh yay! Good luck. If you get in and aren't placed in Hokkaido you should come visit! I'm staying at least three years at this job but I might stay the full five.

I'm planning now to stay in Japan after JET.

Posted by Kazegami on 11.26.2019, 09:29 AM:


I requested Sapporo for one of my choices, so you never know! It would be really nice to meet up.

LL: five days until JLPT aaaaaah


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Posted by husky51 on 11.26.2019, 04:07 PM:


HL: Good to see you again, FFF. Come by more often, we miss hearing from you...

The lady who was a great help to me back in 2016 when I was in the VA Hospital for 6 months had an operation a couple of weeks ago and she asked if she could spent the night on my recliner to keep her cats from jumping up on her lower abdomen and also to have someone near if she needed help. I said sure, as I felt that it was the least that I could do, y'know... I thought that it would be a day or two and now, 2 weeks later, she has gone home to her own bed... She is a very active woman, but just couldn't deal with her cats...

I am somewhat of a loner and enjoy my alone time and am glad that she is both werll enough to be on her own and that I am by myself again... One morning, I came out of my bedroom, knowing that she was scheduled to be gone by then and she was standing standing at the bathroom sink, just recently out of the shower. So I am glad that I can just be by myself again, lol

She lives across the street from me and we each have a key to the other's house in case of forgetfulness or an emergency. When her sister passed a couple of years ago, she called me early in the morn and was upset because she thought that her ill sister had 'passed'. So I went over and verified it and called the PD and local mortuary and helped her through the day...

Anyway, HL, single batchlorhood is back again...


Posted by arren18 on 11.27.2019, 09:16 AM:


FFF, long time no see! I hope things are going well.

Good luck on the JLPT, Kaz!


Posted by husky51 on 11.30.2019, 02:49 PM:




Highlight... Had a nice Turkey dinner with my friend...
Meh-light... Had some pumpkin pie at another restaurant... Not a real good pie, but adequate...
Lowlight... My car had an electrical problem that shut down all power... Started up again and was able to continue taking my friend home... On the way to my house, it quit again... was able to coast into a parking lot... Tow truck arrived and he accidently got the car going again... followed me home. 100 ft from my house again, it quit again... He got it going and found the problem...
Highlight... Got the car home and he preformed a temporary repair... gave him $20 tip(If I had more, I would have given it to him)...

Oh, yeah... It was cold and raining...

But, all things considered, I had a good evening and was thankful that the breakdown happened within town and not far away from home...


Posted by Kazegami on 12.03.2019, 09:11 PM:


???light: the JLPT wasn't great, wasn't terrible. I'm hoping hoping hoping that I've squeaked by with 60% or something. That's what it feels like, I think it'll be really close. Won't know until March though, bah.

HL: got offered the chance to translate some anime and manga-related articles and such today, so that's cool. Isn't going to pay much, apparently, but I'll take it.


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Posted by husky51 on 12.04.2019, 12:45 AM:


We're all hoping hoping hoping for you, Kaz... good luck and much future work on the translating work...

The repair for my car cost me a whole $22... sigh, outrageous auto repair prices... lol


Posted by arren18 on 12.06.2019, 09:57 AM:


Highlight: on my second attempt, I passed the trial (basically a test) that followed my subtitle translation course! That means I'll get to do some actual work in this field soon. After the first time, I'd kinda set my expectations low, so I'm relieved that I made it!


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