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Posted by saviour2012 on 04.04.2020, 11:33 AM:


Originally posted by husky51
Hang in there, my friend... I understand about the walking, but look at it in this light... we are all in this problem together... and together, we can beat it...

Thanks Husky, Hopefully we will be able to overcome this soon

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by husky51 on 04.10.2020, 12:29 AM:


LL: Had to go to the ER two nights ago... Thankfully, not for the flu... I had a severe internal infection in my right calf and foot. They administered an IV antibiotic and watched me for a bit.. It is starting to feel a bit better...

Thankfully, it wasn't the Co-vid flu...

Stay safe, everyone...


Posted by saviour2012 on 04.10.2020, 02:24 AM:


Originally posted by husky51
LL: Had to go to the ER two nights ago... Thankfully, not for the flu... I had a severe internal infection in my right calf and foot. They administered an IV antibiotic and watched me for a bit.. It is starting to feel a bit better...

Thankfully, it wasn't the Co-vid flu...

Stay safe, everyone...

good to hear it was not that, stay safe

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by rompglide on 04.15.2020, 05:18 AM:


lockdown but it's a good time to learn more about medical informations regarding the current crisis. Stay at home and watch your health.

Posted by poncholumps on 04.15.2020, 08:38 AM:


Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.

Posted by husky51 on 04.20.2020, 01:00 PM:


Some of which is tightly restricted at the moment, but unless we all continue with this unwanted restriction, the pandemic will take much longer before it is over...

Be Safe Everyone...


Posted by Kazegami on 05.01.2020, 04:02 PM:


Maybe HL: might have a shot at some actual paid manga translation work. Just finished the test the company sent me and I think I did pretty well, so, fingers crossed.

LL: my departure date for Japan's now been moved to September, but I'm not too disappointed, I knew the initial postponement date was too optimistic.


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Posted by Kazegami on 05.07.2020, 10:58 AM:


HL: had a Zoom call with several others on the internship program I'll be starting in September. It was nice to meet them and have a chat, they and the staff were all very friendly. And this kind of contact made things feel a bit more real. We'll be having more meetings like this throughout May and working on a couple of small assignments together. I'm looking forward to it. Everyone's from such diverse backgrounds.

*I couldn't remember the word 'internship' for about a minute, all that was coming to mind was 'internment'. I've been inside too long.


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Posted by arren18 on 05.08.2020, 08:00 PM:


Does the delay otherwise affect how your internship is going to work, or it is just put off until September?


Posted by Kazegami on 05.08.2020, 08:46 PM:


I don't think it will affect things too much; that was my initial concern, that the delay would eat into the actual duration of the program. But when they initially delayed it to June 1st, they assured us it would still run for a full year, so hopefully that'll still be the case... We're getting some things out of the way now that we would have done at the start of the program (meeting each other, group assignments, intro to Japanese culture, business etc), so the content will be a bit different when we get there. But yeah, no major alterations, I think.


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Posted by arren18 on 05.08.2020, 10:55 PM:


That sounds good then. I hope it goes smoothly from here!


Posted by husky51 on 05.09.2020, 12:17 PM:


Hoping things keep going well for you, Kaz... Hang in there!


Posted by Kazegami on 05.10.2020, 09:43 AM:


Thanks guys, staying optimistic that there'll be no more hitches from here on. 'w'

HL: I passed the test for that manga translation company! Just signed the contract, so hopefully I'll get some work from them soon!


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Posted by Kazegami on 05.13.2020, 07:33 AM:


HL: ended up watching Spirited Away with my group from the internship last night. We used it as the basis for a little assignment we had to do this week, watching the film together and then recording a short group discussion afterwards. Seems like everyone was familiar with Ghibli to some degree, so I think I'm in good company!


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Posted by husky51 on 05.13.2020, 04:34 PM:


Good to hear that, Kaz...


Posted by arren18 on 05.22.2020, 06:46 AM:


Highlight: I finally got some subtitling work! It doesn't actually require translation (just rewriting and arranging something already in English), but it's a relief to get a starting point.


Posted by husky51 on 05.22.2020, 02:02 PM:


Good for you... Perhaps it will lead to more work ....


Posted by fenkashi on 05.26.2020, 09:49 AM:


Congrats arren and Kaz! Exciting news for both of you

Meanwhile I'm back home due to temp corona related layoffs. Kinda sucky but also fun to be back with my babe?


Posted by husky51 on 05.26.2020, 01:05 PM:


Good to see you again, fen...

All things considered, enjoy this time with your 'babe'...



Posted by Kazegami on 05.28.2020, 11:08 AM:


Cool to see you, Fen! It's been a while. Glad you're doing okay under the circumstances.


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