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Posted by Orphic Okapi on 01.10.2014, 10:44 PM:


No I pretty much love all the songs. "Love Is an Open Door" might be my personal fave. It's so unbelievably cheesy and fantastic. Plus, Arrested Development reference in the lyrics, whaaat???

Anna is definitely awesome and I love her too, she's just a slightly more conventional character for a protagonist. It would have been cool to see a movie focusing on a character as conflicted and ambiguous as Elsa, as opposed to the typical plucky heroine. But whatever, the movie still rocked.

It's probably not a good thing to assume Elsa's a lesbian just because she doesn't have a love interest or get together with anybody in the end, but if you pair that with her mysterious "powers" that people irrationally fear and her parents force her to conceal for her whole life, plus Hans has a line about how Elsa had a bunch of suitors but "no one was getting anywhere with her," you do start to wonder...

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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.10.2014, 11:20 PM:


I tend to like male characters over female. Yeah, Anna is a bit more conventional. I do like more complex characters, it just took longer for Elsa to rub me the right way. Not sure why (it's like that with other characters like that too, it just takes time for me to really love their characters and when I do, I just see everything as so much more).

The other song I love is Let It Go. The lyrics just stuck with me. Especially since I've been told lately that I have to stop hiding how I feel and be more open. Just let it go and let it all out..

It would have been cool if they could have done more with the story, but it was a kids' movie. Still, at least it lets you wonder what could have been or what more could be added or changed.

I actually really like that theory. haha Maybe it's the English student in me, but when you find stuff like that, it just adds a whole other parallel. hehe I do hope one of the classes here might discuss that.

Other than this movie, I watched Poppy Hill. Ugh, I just love the time setting. I've had friends request to watch it with me. My Japanese friend really loved it because she found it classic and simple.

Posted by carly28 on 01.12.2014, 05:52 PM:


Currently watching 102 dalmations lol

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Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.14.2014, 06:16 PM:


Originally posted by Orphic Okapi
Anna is definitely awesome and I love her too, she's just a slightly more conventional character for a protagonist. It would have been cool to see a movie focusing on a character as conflicted and ambiguous as Elsa, as opposed to the typical plucky heroine. But whatever, the movie still rocked.

I actually have to agree that I'd have been more interested in the film focusing slightly more on Elsa!

As far as her being gay though, I don't know to what degree I'd agree with that. I thought it was fairly refreshing that she had no romantic suitor, and that was okay. She was complete without the love of somebody else, a message which Disney doesn't exactly usually send.

Saw American Hustle recently and thought it was beautifully acted. Slightly confused why it went into the Golden Globes as a comedy though because personally, even though there were amusing moments, it struck me as more of a drama. So, so well acted. The music and costume design was impressive too.

Posted by Kazegami on 01.17.2014, 09:19 PM:


I saw Tangled. It was okay, but... very predictable and cliché. Wouldn't watch again.


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Posted by Saddletank on 01.18.2014, 06:36 AM:


Saw Frozen yesterday and I feel the same as Kaz did about Tangled. Its 100% typical Disney fayre, a cartoon musical with Barbie-cute singing heroines, talking animal sidekicks, the exact same formula they've been pumping out for nigh on 70 years. Yes, the 3D animation is technically very impressive but that is the only significant element; everything else is the same old same old, no originality in story, characters, anything.

It made me realise how many light years of difference there is between western and Japanese animation. Compare the 25 year old Akira to this.

Occasionally the American animation industry will produce something fresh, like Polar Express, but those events are far too rare.

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Posted by Koda on 01.18.2014, 06:01 PM:


Yeah modern Disney films, are pretty shit. I saw Despicable me for the first time today Those Minions haha

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

Posted by Saddletank on 01.18.2014, 06:28 PM:


There's a lot of talent in the technical productions and from time to time a western director or writer will bring in some new style or humour like Madagascar or Shreck or Monsters Inc, but really the Disney format is the same family-with-young-kids stuff that is decades old.

I suppose the fact that western audiences lap this stuff up says it all. Disney's giving people what they want. It seems a little depressing.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Orphic Okapi on 01.18.2014, 06:47 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
Saw Frozen yesterday and I feel the same as Kaz did about Tangled. Its 100% typical Disney fayre, a cartoon musical with Barbie-cute singing heroines, talking animal sidekicks, the exact same formula they've been pumping out for nigh on 70 years. Yes, the 3D animation is technically very impressive but that is the only significant element; everything else is the same old same old, no originality in story, characters, anything.

It doesn't sound like you paid very close attention to the movie. Yeah, there's a lot of familiarity in the set up, but almost every Disney cliche you can think of is subverted by the end. SPOILERS: The prince character is a dick. The witch character isn't evil. The princess heroine saves herself through her own actions. True love at first sight doesn't exist. True love, however, can be something that exists between siblings; it doesn't have to be romantic in nature. What previous Disney movie does this resemble again? How many Disney movies can you name with a character who hurts the protagonist and does bad things out of fear, but is not the primary adversary?

If you were talking about Tangled, I'd be with you 100%. Because that truly was cliched, throwaway entertainment. But it sounds to me like you walked into Frozen expecting the same thing, and that's all you chose to take from it.

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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.18.2014, 10:42 PM:


Personally, I don't usually walk in to watch a Disney movie expecting it to be something fantastic or different. It's fun sometimes just to watch something with a lot of cliches and whatnot (I liked Tangled for the most part, but it was because it was fun to watch). But even I found Frozen to be different than the regular fare...

Wait, I thought it was the point of Disney films to be aimed at family with children to begin with...? o.O What's wrong with that? Because they've chosen to stick with it? I don't really see anything wrong with that format.

Posted by husky51 on 01.25.2014, 12:15 PM:


Was flipping channels last night and came across "Blazing Saddles". I have the DVD, but hadn't thought about it in a while...

Still funny as ever to me...


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.25.2014, 12:26 PM:


Aw Saddles, it's a pity it wasn't your thing, I have to say I'm with the others and found it refreshing on the most part. I mean there were the occasional tropes (talking non-human sidekick) but the music/animation was gorgeous and the emphasis on sibling love was touching.

It's also interesting that you rate Polar Express which I found to be extremely dull.

Posted by Koda on 01.25.2014, 06:53 PM:


Saw the Despicable me films, they were pretty good the minions made me giggle rather a lot.

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

Posted by Tea Master Tall on 02.09.2014, 07:04 PM:


Watched Perfect Blue. I was a bit confused with what was reality/dream. The ending seemed a bit abrupt to me, but whatever. It was cool. lol


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Posted by fenkashi on 02.20.2014, 10:05 AM:


Whisper of the Heart. For the 34th time, I think. It's amazing how it never gets old. ^_^


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 02.20.2014, 07:40 PM:


Saw Her, directed by Spike Jonze and starring Joaquin Phoenix. Very beautiful and touching. A slow view perhaps, but I think on the whole rewarding. It also shies away from a lot of the clichés I think as a viewer you find yourself expecting.

Posted by Buffy on 02.23.2014, 03:27 AM:


I watched Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind today for the first time. Absolutely LOVED it. Such a good movie!

Posted by Kazegami on 04.17.2014, 01:49 PM:


So I just saw Frozen. Late to the party, I know. Honestly... I was underwhelmed. They did do some things differently like pushing sibling love over romantic love, and the revealing of Prince Hans' character did come as a genuine surprise to me. But that still didn't make it a great film for me. I do think they did something new with this but new doesn't necessarily mean good. I came out of it thinking 'huh, well that was a little different', rather than 'wow, that was great'. I liked Let It Go. I might well listen to that again, but I don't think I'll be watching the film again any time soon.


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Posted by Roarkiller on 04.17.2014, 11:28 PM:


Don't worry Kaz, I haven't even seen it myself. But I'll be catching Captain America sometime this week hopefully, since all my friends already saw it... without me

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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by husky51 on 04.20.2014, 09:30 PM:


I saw the "Last Samurai" again for the 4th or so time.... and now I'm watching "The Wizard of Oz", the original 1939 version. Which I have probably seen at least a dozen times in my life... lol


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