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Posted by husky51 on 11.01.2011, 12:28 AM:


OK, the orange one is a Halloween 2009 Pygmy Pumpkin egg, the next two are 2011 Halloween Shadow eggs. As they mature to hatching, they seem to fade into their shadows. At least that is what I have been tols. The next two are 2010 Halloween Harrow eggs that I was able to get this year, having missed them last year because of work. And the last is an Ember egg, gotten by error. I was trying for a Black, which is what I thought it was.

disregard any description in this post as the Dragons have been replaced long ago by other breeds of Dragon.


Posted by hopexx5 on 11.02.2011, 03:56 PM:


I've got some strange silver egg.


Posted by husky51 on 11.02.2011, 10:17 PM:



You are lucky, you got a rare Silver... I have been trying for two and more years to get a Gold or a Silver...


Posted by hopexx5 on 11.03.2011, 03:46 PM:


Ahh that explains it, it did look quite rare at a first glance.


Posted by husky51 on 11.20.2011, 11:47 AM:


My Gold Dragon, Inu-Kin, has matured...YAY!


Posted by husky51 on 11.24.2011, 01:37 AM:


YAY, I've got my second Gold, which I've influenced to be a female so that I can have a breeding pair, and I also tried for another Two-finned Bluna that I have been trying for ages to get and it came thru just now... Double YAY!!!


Posted by captain george on 11.24.2011, 08:01 PM:


How do these yokes work?

(cheesy pun intended)

Posted by husky51 on 11.26.2011, 05:30 PM:


Click on one of my Dragons or eggs and it will take you to my scroll, my list of over 300 Dragons. Click on 'Forums' at the top and it will take you to the DragonCave Forum and it will explain it. To actually obtain a Dragon egg, simply go to the Cave, also at the top, and click on an egg, either from one of the biomes or the abandoned pile... You then have 7 days to collect enough clicks to hatch you egg and another 7 days to mature. As you see, I post mine in my signature to obtain the most lookie-lou's, thus helping my eggs and hatchlings to grow... A number of the members used to raise Dragons, but now I'm pretty much the most active here in the Tavern... It is something that I enjoy playing around with...

YAYNESS, my latest Gold Dragon egg hatched and I named her 'KinAnneth' after the "Dragonriders of Pern" author, Anne McCaffery, who died recently...


Posted by captain george on 11.27.2011, 04:02 PM:


Thankin you, i dont think iv got the patience for the eggs but they look coola boola

Posted by husky51 on 11.27.2011, 09:54 PM:


YAY, Finnish Dawn has hatched...

Her and her mate were named 'finnish' because it is more accurate to call them Two-Finned Bluny's rather than Blue-Finned Tuna's....

Bred three male Bright-breasted Wyverns to go with my four females and one female Flamingo Wyvern to join the flock of 2males and one female...


Posted by husky51 on 12.14.2011, 01:39 AM:




Posted by hopexx5 on 12.19.2011, 04:19 PM:

I think i've got 3 of the Seasonal eggs.


Posted by husky51 on 12.25.2011, 02:42 PM:


YAY! I was able to get two Christmas Dragon eggs for this year...


Posted by husky51 on 01.01.2012, 08:28 PM:


My 2011 Christmas Dragons have matured.... YAY!

I just found out that they have been christened "Winter Magi Dragons"...


Posted by husky51 on 01.12.2012, 04:39 PM:



for help in hatching your Dragon eggs and hatchlings, go to your scroll, click 'accounts then click "accepting help from others". This will alow others to click on your eggs/hatchlings and add click toward their rearing...


Posted by PrettyKittyMeowMeow on 01.13.2012, 01:46 AM:


You talking about my eggies....I don't want them to get any bigger though....They are soooooooooo cute.....awww.....but if I don't they'll me fish....I think I forgot to feed him a few times.....I'm horrible....Now I hear a cat going kitty kitty....

Mew! Mew?Mew...

Posted by husky51 on 01.13.2012, 03:24 AM:


PK, you can freeze them, you know... They won't grow anymore from the point you freeze them...


Posted by husky51 on 01.16.2012, 01:34 PM:


PK... If you don't freeze them within 23 hrs you will end up with tombstones...


Posted by husky51 on 01.23.2012, 03:52 PM:


Yay, I finally got another Red-Stripe egg... I was trying for a Black-Stripe but ended up with a Black egg. It will either be a Black or a Black-Alt. I won't know which until it matures...


Posted by PrettyKittyMeowMeow on 01.23.2012, 03:59 PM:


How do you choose a different egg?

Mew! Mew?Mew...

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